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Susun Atur Taman Perumahan Di Amerika Syarikat (5pics)

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Post time 4-12-2012 11:59 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Deadlock - the American dream
On the planning of suburban neighborhoods in the U.S.

There is another feature of the device of U.S. suburbs, I faced myself. This feature is called the French word cul-de-sac, which literally means "bottom of the bag." In the U.S. many decades called street with no through passage, in other words, dead ends. Many parts of the country as a result of such a building reminiscent of the crown of the tree: there is the barrel (the freeway), branching off from large branches (main street), which runs a number of small branches, most intricate configuration of streets, and they all blind

Reasons for the planning of the plot was a little.
First, it helps to significantly reduce the amount of traffic on the road dead-end streets - by your house passes the minimum number of machines, in fact, going just your neighbors.
Second, planners and architects can make better use of space, there is more supply of houses, cut more sites that will benefit not only them, but also to consumers, for increasing supply.
Third, on that street, as a rule, no four-intersections and the number of accidents there is minimal. (On the other studies in the area of ​​the accident is really blind less, but fatalities in accidents involving cyclists, for example, more)

At some point, Americans understand the benefits of living in a deadlock, and the cost of property on that street came up. According to various surveys, 85% of Americans who own their homes, they want to live in a cul-de-sac'ah. Therefore, the average price of a home there is 25-30% higher than the price of this house on the main street or through

There are a number of features of life to a standstill. There's a much higher social activity neighbors who feel complete masters street and not only do its landscaping and cleaning, but also communicate with each other more than anywhere else in the suburbs. Obviously, these streets are much safer in terms of street crime, there is much lower number of reported police burglary and theft of homes on private land. Accordingly, the setting is less security, and the system itself can be easier.

However, life in the cul-de-sac'e has its disadvantages. They, too, are many - from a long journey, which have to travel a yellow school bus that morning gathers the children to school, and at night goes round from house to house, to the obvious difficulties faced by the machine "Ambulance" or firefighters. Their way into the average is 10%.

Area at the end of dead end diameter of at least 90 feet - that could turn a fire truck

Some Americans fear the dead-end streets, explaining that if something happens to you uncomfortable, such as you become a victim of street crime, the chances that someone will see it, you have a small. No one will see the body lying in the bushes or some other evidence of a crime, because the people on the street a bit, and after dark, no one at all. There are even some amazing studies showing that residents of homes located on that street, weigh an average of 3 kg more than the residents through the streets or in towns. One can only wonder why.

That's a possible explanation - the distance that a pedestrian can cover a 5 minute walk in the cul-de-sac in the traditional urban planning, and people from the dead ends just a little walk on foot

Huge minus these places - they are incredibly boring. The distinguishing feature of these sites is not only the absence of an active social life, but also the conspicuous absence of people in the streets, or rather, the lack of pedestrians. Moreover, in many good and expensive areas, in principle there is no such thing as a sidewalk

In good residential areas tend to hang signs, reports that the security on the streets of mutually observed by neighbors and their special teams to help the police. Any stranger on that street can be seen immediately. If he goes on foot, and at the same time he does not have a dog and he is not in a tracksuit, or just looks suspicious, and sometimes even pass by the house for the third time - the owners of property immediately call the police, and a passer-check. The same thing happens when someone notices a strange car in front of the home of a neighbor, and the neighbor itself is not visible.

In these areas, people are going to bed early and get up early. At ten in the evening restaurants, including the best, have been closed. In part because of this or that place is perfect for living with children - they have practically no temptations.

Be that as it may, sociologists, architects and designers argue, but while Americans prefer to live confidently in the streets leading to nowhere.




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Post time 4-12-2012 12:02 PM | Show all posts
kalau la aku dapat satu yg macam nieee....

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Post time 4-12-2012 12:04 PM | Show all posts
aku suke....tengok cite2 kat tv tu..bestnye la

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Post time 4-12-2012 12:15 PM | Show all posts
mesia ni ntah bila nak kne cam US
balik blik price sure go up Hwaanggggggg

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Post time 4-12-2012 12:43 PM | Show all posts
jalan perumahan di sini...adui la... sempit mau mampus...

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Post time 4-12-2012 12:44 PM | Show all posts
masa aku belajo dulu wat layour lec aku memang suka sgt ngan design cul-de-sac ni...tapi bila dah keje semuanya design mcm bese linear je...payah nak buat cul-de-sac, perlukan ruang yg banyak...lagipon design cul-de-sac ni sesuai untuk rumah banglo atau semi-d..kita takmo bazir space uols...tanah tu mahal nak wat jalan, baik buat rumah....banyak untung

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Post time 4-12-2012 01:31 PM | Show all posts
Kat Malaysia susahlah nak jumpa taman perumahan yang ada susun atur sebegini.  Kebanyakannya lebih mementingkan jumlah rumah yang dapat didirikan berbanding kemudahan lainnya.  Tambah buruk lagi lepas 10 tahun kawasan perumahan tu pun makin kurang dijaga.  

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Post time 4-12-2012 01:36 PM | Show all posts
rumah depa takpayah pagai gril bagai

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Post time 4-12-2012 01:39 PM | Show all posts

kalau kat msia...mau melambung bil cukai pintu atau maintenance dia.

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Post time 4-12-2012 01:47 PM | Show all posts
sebab tu kot kejiranan dorang selamat. tak ada kereta entah sapa-sapa masuk lalu lalang. kat hujung jalan pun senang nak u-turn. acu kat malaysia.. alamatnya kene reverse sampai pangkal jalan. lorong sekangkang kera pun di redah dek lori

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Post time 4-12-2012 02:00 PM | Show all posts
mengingatkan aku perumahan di wisteria lane jer..

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Post time 4-12-2012 02:03 PM | Show all posts
Artemesiaa posted on 4-12-2012 01:31 PM
Kat Malaysia susahlah nak jumpa taman perumahan yang ada susun atur sebegini.  Kebanyakannya lebih m ...

betul tu...bahasa mudahnya >>>>



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Post time 4-12-2012 03:26 PM | Show all posts
Apa la nk compare Malaysia dgn US... US tu kan besauuuuuuu... so byk la tanahnya.

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Post time 4-12-2012 03:59 PM | Show all posts
lau kat mesia ade kan bes..tenang je ht nak dok..

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Post time 4-12-2012 04:10 PM | Show all posts
aku sukeeeee tgk...

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Post time 4-12-2012 05:04 PM | Show all posts
cantiknye.. suka betul la...

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Post time 4-12-2012 06:31 PM | Show all posts
aku mmg paling suka kawasan perumahan kt usa, setiap rumah mesti ada front yard, backyard, side yard, siap garaj, ruang pejalan kaki, jalan lebar nk parking tepi jlan pon xder masalah, basement lagi.... tu pon tahap rumah biasa2 jer, kalau kt sini, dh rege juta2 pon ader yg xder yard2 aperlagi basement, kedekut tanah.                                                                                                                         salah satu sbb kenapa dorng jarang buat rumah teres, adalah byk sgt lawsuit, klau kongsi dinding rumah sebela bocor paip, msuk rumah sebelah, rugi itu ini, termasuk kos tekanan mental, masalah majlis perbandaran bla bla bla tu baru salah satu sbb.......

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Post time 4-12-2012 06:38 PM | Show all posts
mcm dlm gta sanandreas......

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Post time 4-12-2012 06:59 PM | Show all posts
tak macam jalan2 kat taman perumahan di malaysia ni....
jalan 1 dan 3 sebelah menyebelah je... aleh2 jalan 2 nun hujung dunia yang dipisahkan oleh jalan 4 dan 5

aku siyes pening dgn sistem town planning kat malaysia nih

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Post time 4-12-2012 09:09 PM | Show all posts
Kat US.. jarak antara umah jauh jauh.. sebab mereka pentingkan privacy ... my own space kekdahnya...

Kat Msia... jarak antara umah dekat jer... jiran kentut sebelah pun dengar... lepas tu, ahli jawatan kuasa tingkap ada kat mana mana kawasan perumahan

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