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washere2 replied at 19-5-2017 10:16 PM
I concern more about lofa. Maybe the impact of 1 Mei statement & perilaku2 seterusnya melukakan. Eve ...
I feeeeeel u acik.. Kawan lofa schayaya pon dah follow ig miller ( i baru noticed) maybe dah lama or baru kot. Ig followers pon makin naik. Miller this is the time for u to shine in malaysia market! Aura Lofa..perghh! cant deny it.. |
aku perati je farfar duk mengata adik aku 
aku perati je kaknessa duk jadi mcm jiran kita 
boikot boikot ni keje you-know-who je. takda apa yang boleh melawan kehebatan shmp so kenapa nak boikot2? shmp mendoniaaaaa
korang nak jadi negatif ke dekat sini? |
xrrs replied at 19-5-2017 10:49 PM
I feeeeeel u acik.. Kawan lofa schayaya pon dah follow ig miller ( i baru noticed) maybe dah lama ...
Having said that I still doa yg baik2 utk fattah. But bila kita rasa redha dan tak harap apa2 kita rasa lega & free. As lofa's caption in one of her posts event nhtruelove tu....you will feel the freedom when you don't have to impress anybody |
kalau korang takleh baca kat depan tu aku ada tulis
seronok nya cakap teruk2 pasal orang ya?
thespice replied at 19-5-2017 10:56 PM
aku perati je farfar duk mengata adik aku
aku perati je kaknessa duk jadi mcm jiran kita : ...
Aiyok tuan tanah dah marah
Ok dah dah. Jangan cakap yg buruk2 pasal sesiapa dan apaa2 saja |
macam tau je sapa ada dlm iklan F&N heaven & earth...
F&N = fattah & neelofa ....ahaaa...mcm kena lah pulak.
cantik gambar ni
masa confession - i love you...
aiyokk ampun acik rempah..
keep repeating #nhtruelove..dh 498k
keep chanting lofattah   |
white.pillow replied at 19-5-2017 11:17 PM
Fuhhh...lamaaa gila dah den xmasuk epot think tipu la if yg mmg tegar ship lofattah xbitte ...
Kau bitter. Aku dah happy2, tenang tgk lofa and fattah boleh buat kerja masing2. Tgk bts hsc pun dgn hati yg gembira |
NHtruelove campaign

yg ni?
thespice replied at 19-5-2017 11:08 PM
kalau korang takleh baca kat depan tu aku ada tulis
terima kasih spice atas reminder.. no no no I dont want to be busuk like jiran sebelah..
nak p layan satu hari jap pasal miller..
tadi shawn kata, kalau hit 1mil nhtruelove views, shawn nak propose sequel true love dengan lofa..
so guys, sequel nanti mahu apa miller atau fattah?
poll yaaa
1. farfar
2. inessa
1. kinkey |
Nah belanja korang. Pilihlah yg mana satu idaman kalbu. Masing2 masa zaman BBNU
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so guys, sequel nanti mahu apa miller atau fattah?
poll yaaa
1. farfar
2. inessa
1. kinkey
2. spice
3. lyaani
4. muni
5. ratubliss
jap ada tambahan
so guys, sequel nanti mahu apa miller atau fattah?
poll yaaa
1. farfar
2. inessa
1. kinkey
2. spice
3. lyaani
4. muni
5. ratubliss
1. bella |
Inessa replied at 19-5-2017 03:22 PM
terima kasih spice atas reminder.. no no no I dont want to be busuk like jiran sebelah..
nak p ...
Weh kak nessa hahahahahaha selamba je jawabkan. Nasib baik betul kahkahkah |
it is soooo true..
thespice replied at 19-5-2017 11:27 PM
jap ada tambahan
so guys, sequel nanti mahu apa miller atau fattah?
Hoi apa hal masuk Alepppp |
thespice replied at 19-5-2017 11:27 PM
so guys, sequel nanti mahu apa miller atau fattah?
poll yaaa
I boleh undi jugak ke? Hahaha |
| |