Pasangan pensyarah dituduh rasuah, subahat
Oleh Izlaily Nurul Ain Hussein
[email protected]
JOHOR BAHRU: Pasangan suami isteri yang juga pensyarah kanan sebuah universiti awam di negeri ini dihadapkan ke Mahkamah Sesyen di sini, hari ini, atas pertuduhan bersubahat dan salah guna kuasa untuk mendapatkan suapan, antara Mac 2017 hingga Ogos 2018.
Mohd Zul Azmi Ishak, 43, dan Mazlyda Abd Rahman, 41, mengaku tidak bersalah selepas pertuduhan dibacakan di hadapan Hakim Wan Mohd Norisham Wan Yaakob.
Bagi pertuduhan pertama hingga ketiga, Mazlyda selaku Pensyarah Kanan Fakulti Sains Komputer dan Matematik di cawangan sebuah universiti di kampus Segamat, didakwa menggunakan jawatannya untuk mendapatkan suapan apabila mencadangkan lantikan syarikat milik adik iparnya.
Cadangan itu bagi melaksanakan kerja membekal dan menghantar set medal, set medal tambahan dan kit cenderahati serta piala bagi sebuah pertandingan di universiti itu dengan harga kerja keseluruhan RM18,813.
Bagi semua kesalahan yang dilakukan di universiti berkenaan antara 7 Mac 2017 hingga 30 Ogos 2018, tertuduh didakwa mengikut Seksyen 23(1) Akta Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) 2009 dan boleh dihukum mengikut Seksyen 24(1) akta sama.
Dia berdepan hukuman penjara maksimum 20 tahun dan denda sehingga lima kali ganda jumlah suapan atau RM10,000, mana yang lebih tinggi, jika sabit kesalahan.
Di mahkamah sama, Mohd Zul Azmi didakwa secara berasingan, bagi tiga pertuduhan bersubahat dengan isterinya itu dalam melakukan semua kesalahan terbabit di tempat dan tarikh sama.
Bagi semua pertuduhan, dia didakwa mengikut Seksyen 28(1)(c) Akta SPRM 2009 dan dibaca bersama Seksyen 23(1) serta Seksyen 24(1) akta sama dengan peruntukan hukuman yang sama, jika sabit kesalahan.
Pendakwaan dilakukan Pegawai Pendakwa SPRM, Norsyarina Raizan, manakala kedua-dua tertuduh tidak diwakili peguam.
Mahkamah kemudian membenarkan setiap tertuduh diikat jamin RM20,000 dengan masing-masing seorang penjamin.
Kes ditetapkan untuk sebutan semula pada 13 Oktober ini bagi lantikan peguam dan serahan dokumen. |
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47 pelajar Malaysia selamat tiba dari Riau
Bernama | Diterbitkan pada September 25, 2019 15:30 MYT
Seramai 47 pelajar Malaysia di Riau selamat tiba di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur 2 (klia2) tengah hari tadi. - Foto Bernama
KUALA LUMPUR: Seramai 47 pelajar Malaysia di Riau selamat tiba di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur 2 (klia2) tengah hari tadi.
Wisma Putra dalam kenyataan hari ini, memaklumkan kumpulan pertama pelajar itu dibawa pulang melalui penerbangan dari Pekanbaru ekoran pengumuman darurat jerebu di daerah berkenaan dua hari lepas (23 Sept).
Ketibaan kumpulan pelajar itu disambut Menteri Pendidikan Dr Maszlee Malik dan Timbalan Menteri Luar Datuk Marzuki Yahya.
Sementara, kumpulan kedua seramai 31 lagi pelajar Malaysia dijangka tiba di klia2 pada 6.10 petang ini.
Dalam pada itu, Kementerian Luar dengan kerjasama kementerian dan agensi berkaitan sedang menguruskan pemindahan 35 pelajar dari Pekanbaru ke Jakarta untuk ditempatkan sementara di Malaysia Hall, Jakarta.
Menurut kenyataan itu, pemindahan pelajar tersebut dibantu perwakilan diplomatik Malaysia di Indonesia iaitu Kedutaan Besar Malaysia di Jakarta dan Konsulat Malaysia di Pekanbaru bersama wakil agensi kedua-dua perwakilan berkenaan.
Mengikut perancangan pemindahan pelajar yang ditetapkan, setakat ini seramai 113 pelajar dapat dipindahkan dari Riau.
"Kerajaan Malaysia telah membuat keputusan untuk melaksanakan proses evakuasi pelajar Malaysia dari kawasan-kawasan yang terjejas teruk ekoran bencana jerebu di wilayah Riau dan Jambi, Indonesia," kata kenyataan itu.
Customers paying the price for cashless transactions
Thursday, 26 Sep 2019
By Ashley Tang and Mei Mei Chu
PETALING JAYA: Several banks have come under fire for charging fees when customers make loan and credit card payments with cash or cheques over the counter or through deposit machines. At least two other banks have announced they would do the same from next month.
The Association of Banks in Malaysia (ABM) says the fees are imposed to “encourage customers to move from cash to electronic payments” but consumer groups argue that this practice is unfair to those who do not do their banking via digital channels.
The fee for making credit card and loan payments over the counter with cash or cheques is RM2 per transaction.
A customer who pays his loan or credit card bill by using cash or cheque deposit machines is charged 50 sen each time.
Federation of Malaysian Consumers Associations (Fomca) chief executive officer Datuk Paul Selvaraj said banks should not penalise consumers who do not know how to perform Internet banking or who do not trust it.
“We are shocked that Bank Negara is allowing this to happen.
“People are already suffering from the high cost of living and it is the role of the government to reduce the burden and not increase it, ” he told The Star yesterday.
Paul noted that the poor and the disadvantaged will be the ones who will be burdened.
National Union of Bank Employees (NUBE) secretary J. Solomon agreed that the fees would affect the lower-income group and people with special needs.
“We are not against introducing technology in the banking sector.
“We are only concerned that there is an imbalance now at the expense of consumers, people with special needs and bank workers, ” he said.
Solomon noted that banks have shifted from being a service-based industry to fee-based one.
He pointed out that with these fees, people have to fork out extra to pay their loan instalments or credit card bills with cash or cheques.
Solomon said banking services should be for everyone and not just those who are comfortable with online banking.
He added that efforts to encourage the public to use online banking were perhaps a way for the banks to eventually reduce their workforce.
“In the last five years, the intake of recruits in the banking sector is minimal and that is one of the reasons for unemployment among the youth, ” he said.
Among the banks that are charging these fees are Affin Bank, CIMB Bank, Public Bank and Standard Chartered.
AmBank and Maybank have told customers that they will start charging these fees on Oct 1.
However, Maybank appears to have removed the announcement from its website.
When announcing the introduction of the fees, the banks have urged customers to make their loan and credit card payments through other channels such as Internet banking and automated teller machines (ATMs).
The banks have also said that they would waive the fees for over-the-counter transactions made by senior citizens and the disabled.
Muslim Consumers Association of Malaysia chief activist Datuk Nadzim Johan described the imposition of the fees as an “unethical way of squeezing money from consumers”.
“There is no reason for them to do this. If they install a new machine to provide services, then they can go ahead and charge consumers.
“But there is nothing like that in this case, ” he said.
He called on Bank Negara and the Finance Ministry to look into the fees as the public is affected by the practice.
ABM posted a statement on its website yesterday to explain the reason for the fees.
However, it was taken down in the evening.
In the statement, the association said the shift to electronic payments improves the overall efficiency of the payment system and provides meaningful cost savings and efficiency to the Malaysian economy.
It added that electronic payments also increase financial inclusion by extending financial services to a larger segment of the population, enabling them to enjoy lower cost of financial services and better means of savings.
To encourage customers to move from cash to e-payments, ABM said some of its member banks currently impose fees for cheque and cash payments for credit card and financing payments performed over the counter (via teller at bank branch) and via cash deposit machines.
ABM said these fees may be debited from a customer’s credit card or financing account.
“We reiterate that senior citizens (aged 65 and above) and the disabled will not be charged the fees for over-the-counter transactions, ” it said.
On its website, CIMB Bank said it was charging these fees to encourage its customers to make payments via electronic platforms.
“Payments via digital channels are faster, easy and convenient for our customers as they can be made from anywhere without the need of having to visit a branch, ” it said.
Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/news/ ... WG4sGejhuoEP4PCW.99 |
Pertahankan Rumah Hingga Hujung Nyawa, Ini Kisah Sebenar Rumah ‘Degil’ Jalan Chow Kit
September 25th, 2019 | by Athirah
Media pada hari ini hangat memperkatakan tentang isu pemilikan tanah di Kampung Baru yang mahu dibeli oleh kerajaan untuk dibangunkan. Rentetan daripada itu pelbagai spekulasi timbul seperti pemilik tanah enggan menjualkan tanah mereka meskipun ditawarkan pada nilai yang tinggi.
Susulan daripada itu, pengguna Facebook Herman Plani Syafrudin sempat memuat naik perkongsian mengenai kisah sebuah Rumah Degil yang boleh dikaitkan dengan situasi Kampung Baru pada hari ini.
Rumah ini milik Nenek Norma
Siapa tahu ini rumah siapa? Jika tidak tahu, inilah Rumah Degil yang berada di Chow Kit di tengah-tengah pusat tumpuan ibu kota Kuala Lumpur. Nenek Norma adalah tuan Rumah Degil ini.
Banyak versi cerita berkenaan rumah ini yang tuan rumahnya ‘degil’ tidak mahu menjual rumahnya kepada pihak pemaju di kawasan tersebut sehinggakan naik bangunan-bangunan tinggi disekelilingnya dan hanya rumah dia sahaja yang masih kayu dan utuh.
Pelbagai usaha dilakukan untuk memujuk Nenek Norma menjual rumah itu bertahun-tahun lamanya sehingga beliau meninggal dunia. Pada tahun 2013 akhirnya rumah ini terpaksa juga dilepaskan.
Sudah dipindahkan ke Balai Seni Negara
Tapi ramai orang yang mungkin tidak tahu, struktur asli rumah itu telah dipindahkan ke Balai Seni Negara terletak di Jalan Tun Razak, Kuala Lumpur untuk menjadi tatapan umum sejarah tentang Rumah Degil ini.
Untuk pengetahuan kalian, walaupun tanah itu telah dijual kepada pemaju, namun Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz yang ketika itu memegang jawatan Menteri Pelancongan telah mengambil inisiatif untuk membeli rangka rumah tersebut dan diletakkan di Balai Seni Negara di Jalan Tun Razak.
Rasa-rasa untuk apa?
Ye, DS Nazri Aziz yang ramai orang tak suka tu. Korang rasa untuk apa? Aku rasa dulu lagi dia dah boleh nampak, apa yang akan terjadi di Kampung Baru. Sebab itu dia sanggup halang kontraktor dari musnahkan rumah tu dan letakkan rumah tu seketul di sana.
Untuk apa? Untuk dijadikan iktibar kepada kita semua. Semoga Rumah Melayu No. 41 Jalan Chow Kit yang lebih dikenali sebagai Rumah Degil ini memberi inspirasi kepada pewaris Kampung Baru untuk mempertahankan tanah pusaka mereka sama seperti Nenek Norma yang bertahan selama 70 tahun itu.
Rumah Degil di Balai Seni dijangka siap pada November
Sementara itu, portal Berita Harian pernah melaporkan Rumah Degil yang sedang dibina di perkarangan Balai Seni Negara Jalan Tun Abdul Razak dijangka akan siap sepenuhnya pada November ini.
Rumah itu bercirikan tradisional Melayu dan dibina pada 1926 di Jalan Chow Kit. Ia adalah kediaman yang dibina oleh Jaafar Sutan Sinomba juga dikenali dengan nama Sutan Mengatas Sutan Sinomba, iaitu keturunan Sutan Puasa, saudagar dari Mandailing, Sumatera dan kawasan tersebut adalah penempatan mereka.
Menurut laporan tersebut, rumah berusia 92 tahun itu telah menyaksikan pelbagai perubahan di negara ini dari zaman British, Jepun, kemerdekaan negara hingga ke 13 Mei 1969. Namun malangnya ia terpaksa dijual pada tahun 2013 kerana keluarga Jaafar tidak lagi mampu menampung kos penjagaan rumah tersebut.
Sumber: Facebook Herman Plani Syafrudin, Berita Harian
https://ohbulan.com/pertahankan- ... gil-jalan-chow-kit/ |
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Kematian 12 Orang Asli disebabkan demam campak, bukan keracunan logam berat - KKM
Isabelle Leong, Astro Awani | Diterbitkan pada September 25, 2019 23:50 MYT
DZULKEFLY: Berdasarkan keputusan analisa sampel persekitaran dan laporan forensik, kematian tidak berpunca dari keracunan logam berat. - Astro AWANI
KUALA LUMPUR: Kementerian Kesihatan mengesahakan kematian 12 Orang Asli di Kuala Koh, Gua Musang, Kelantan pada Jun lalu adalah disebabkan demam campak.
Menterinya, Datuk Seri Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad berkata berdasarkan keputusan analisa sampel persekitaran dan laporan forensik, kematian mereka bukannya disebabkan keracunan logam berat.
“Daripada 16 kematian tersebut, empat kematian disahkan demam campak, lapan kematian mempunyai kaitan epidemiologi dengan wabak demam campak, manakala empat kematian lagi tidak dapat ditentukan punca kematian kerana tahap pereputan yang teruk.
”Berdasarkan keputusan analisa sampel persekitaran dan laporan forensik, kematian tidak berpunca dari keracunan logam berat,” kata Dzulkefly pada sidang media di sidang media di pejabatnya di Putrajaya pada petang Rabu.
Beliau berkata kementeriannya terpaksa mengambil masa yang agak lama untuk mengenal pasti punca kematian 12 Orang Asli suku Batek kerana keadaan mayat yang sudah reput sehingga menyukarkan proses bedah siasat.
Tambahnya, beberapa sampel persekitaran seperti sumber air minum, tanah dan makanan (ikan masin kering) juga diambil untuk diuji kehadiran logam berat, mikroorganisma dan racun perosak.
”Hasil pemeriksaan mendapati sumber air minum Orang Asli iaitu air tandak, air sungai dan air telaga mematuhi nilai piawai kualiti air mentah untuk minuman dan bebas racun makhluk perosak, namun sumber air minum tersebut tercemar dengan beberapa bakteria patogenik.
”Analisa mikrobiologi sampel tanah kubur dan sekitar tempat tinggal satu kes kematian adalah negatif untuk dua bakteria patogenik yang diuji (meliodosis dan leptospirosis).
”Analisa yang dijalankan terhadap ikan masin kering juga mendapati tiada logam berat, histamin dan mikroorganisma,” tambahnya.
Pada 17 Jun lalu, beliau mengesahkan komuniti Orang Asli suku Batek di Kampung Kuala Koh dijangkiti wabak demam campak yang melibatkan kematian.
Banks axe transaction fees
Friday, 27 Sep 2019
PETALING JAYA: All 26 commercial banks in Malaysia have decided to drop the charges for certain cash and cheque transactions for credit card and financing repayments, just two days after widespread public uproar.
The charges were initially RM2 per transaction over the counter, and 50 sen for payments made using cash deposit machines and cheque deposit machines.
In a statement yesterday, the Association of Banks in Malaysia (ABM) said its member banks would stop charging the fees.
Some had already begun imposing the charges while others planned to implement them soon.
“Currently, certain customer segments are already waived these charges, which are disabled persons and senior citizens.
“For walk-in customers, there are available free and convenient alternatives to conduct banking transactions and obtain services as provided via automated teller machines (ATMs),” it said.
ABM added that its member banks would be communicating with their customers via their respective communication touch points, including their websites, and were ready to assist their customers to familiarise themselves with these alternative channels or on any queries they might have in relation to this matter.
Non-government organisations and consumer groups previously said this would have forced consumers to fork out extra to pay their loan instalments and credit card bills and would only profit the banks.
Since 2015, cheques in general already have a 50 sen processing fee imposed and Bank Negara had said in 2017 that this would be increased to RM1 from January 2021 and gradually thereafter, to reflect the actual cost of cheque processing.
Back in 2016, the cost incurred by banks to process a single cheque is RM4 and this is estimated to be about RM6 by next year.
In 2018, the volume of cheque payments declined 14.79% to 101.4 million from 2017.
Bank Negara requires commercial banks to channel cheque fees collected to the e-Payment Incentive Fund (ePIF), which serves to incentivise the adoption of e-payment, in line with the central bank’s aim to move towards a cashless society.
The rate at which the fees are to be put into ePIF depends on the banks’ fulfilment of a set of e-payment prerequisites.
The fees collected are channelled back to customers mainly through the introduction of fee waiver for e-payments.
This led to the waiver of the 50 sen charge for Instant Interbank Fund Transfer (IBFT) beginning July last year.
Coupled with the charges incurred by banks to process the cheques, most would barely break even with the cheque fees imposed.
There are banks, such as Standard Chartered, that do not impose charges for credit card and financing repayments, be it over the counter or through deposit machines.
Commenting on the latest development, National Union of Bank Employees secretary J. Solomon said it was welcomed and banks must stop any form of fees charged for deposits or any transactions made over the counter.
“It’s the fundamental right of the customers to use the services of the bank employees for counter services and the banks cannot impose a fee on the customers for that.
“It’s also the duty and obligation of the bank as custodian of the customers’ funds to give the best service to customers with no charge over the counter,” he said.
Federation of Malaysian Consumers Associations (Fomca) chief executive officer Datuk Paul Selvaraj said the move would alleviate the burden on consumers.
He said focus should be placed on financial education and literacy to help consumers move towards the digital age rather than punishing them.
“Consumers should be vigilant to fight when they feel injustice has been done.
“We will monitor this continuously,” he said.
Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/news/ ... DuusYBM9q4AAboJR.99 |
Man slashes and robs dentist after getting tooth fixed
Thursday, 26 Sep 2019
7:07 PM MYT
PETALING JAYA: A man sat patiently for an hour and a half getting his tooth fixed before slashing and robbing his dentist.
Petaling Jaya OCPD Asst Comm Mohd Zani Che Din said the dentist suffered a near-fatal gash to her neck in the 10.56am incident on Thursday (Sept 26).
"We received a call about the incident at a dental clinic on Jalan 14/22, Section 14, Sea Park.
"Based on investigations, the suspect came in for a root canal treatment at 9.30am and used another man's MyKad to register.
"The treatment took about one and a half hours. Once completed, the suspect slashed the dentist and robbed her of her handbag," he said when contacted on Thursday (Sept 26).
He added that the nurse present at the time told police that the suspect did not look like the person pictured on the MyKad.
"Checks with the National Registration Department revealed the MyKad belonged to a man named Murali.
"We analysed CCTV footage from a nearby restaurant, which shows a skinny man with dark complexion running away while carrying a black bag belonging to the victim," he said
He said that the victim, a 57-year-old woman, suffered a five-centimetre gash to her neck which barely missed an artery.
ACP Mohd Zani said the victim is in stable condition and receiving treatment at Assunta Hospital.
"Our forensic team found a knife at the scene of the crime which was used to slash the victim.
"The suspect managed to flee with at least RM2,000 cash and important documents belonging to the victim," he said, adding that the police were now tracing the whereabouts of the suspect.
Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/news/ ... 1zzLoGt9bBktfxu7.99 |
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Alami jangkitan dalam usus, Fakhrul UNIC masuk hospital
Gempak | Diterbitkan pada September 30, 2019 14:06 MYT
Peminat serta rakan artis meninggalkan komen serta mendoakan supaya Fakhrul kembali pulih selepas menerima rawatan. - Astro GEMPAK
PENYANYI kumpulan UNIC, Fakhrul dimasukkan ke hospital selepas dilaporkan mengalami jangkitan dalam usus.
Jangkitan tersebut menyebabkan Fakhrul sakit perut yang teruk dan demam sejak Jumaat lalu.
Menerusi entri di Instagram (IG), pentadbir akaun rasmi UNIC berkongsi gambar ketika dia sedang terlantar di sebuah hospital dan menerima rawatan susulan akibat masalah kesihatan yang dialaminya itu.
"Semoga Allah memberikan kesembuhan kepadanya.
"Mohon semua doakan kesihatan Krol. Sakit perut ditahan di hospital," tulisnya.
Rata-rata peminat serta rakan artis terkejut dan risau dengan keadaannya. Mereka meninggalkan komen serta mendoakan supaya Fakhrul kembali pulih selepas menerima rawatan.
Kami di Gempak mendoakan agar Fakhrul kembali sihat seperti biasa selepas menerima rawatan di hospital. |
Forever 21 files for bankruptcy: Founders borrowed daughters' trust funds as sales soured
Tuesday, 01 Oct 2019
9:20 AM MYT
NEW YORK (Bloomberg): As Forever 21's botched international expansion morphed into a money-loser, its owners turned to a funding source less likely to say no: their own children.
Founders Jin Sook and Do Won Chang borrowed US$5 million (S$6.9 million) in 2015 from the trusts for each of their adult daughters, Linda and Esther Chang, paying them 2 per cent interest.
Now the offspring are named as unsecured creditors of their parents' company in filings Monday with Forever 21's bankruptcy.
Details of the family loans provide a glimpse into the workings of a company that, despite its size and profile, has operated in near-total privacy in its business dealings, even as its sales by 2014 topped US$4 billion.
The documents didn't specify how large the trust funds were or how big a portion of the funds were drained by the loans.
Representatives for Los Angeles-based Forever 21 didn't immediately respond to a request for comment.
The loans coincide with an ill-fated global expansion that featured the launch of more than 200 stores globally between 2005 and 2015.
The project had been championed by Do Won Chang, Forever 21's chief executive officer.
But the new stores were too expensive and too big to stock, with many exceeding 35,000 sq ft, according to court papers. That strained Forever 21's supply chain, and the brand's skimpy Southern California aesthetic failed to resonate abroad, especially in Asia.
By the tail end of the expansion, the new stores were reporting earnings down 137 per cent, according to the court documents.
They "undermined Forever 21's ability to nimbly bring inventory to market, and, by extension, hurt its worldwide profitability while distracting the management team," the company said.
It was under this strain that Forever 21 tapped its founding family for a lifeline.
Chang drew up loan agreements in January 2015 that included US$10 million from his own accounts and US$5 million from each of his daughters, the filings show.
The loans weren't the daughters' first foray into the family business. They grew up spending summers and holidays "wielding price tag guns in warehouses" and both took roles at the company after attending Ivy League universities, according to court documents.
Esther graduated from Cornell University with a degree in fashion and merchandising, and at 24 in 2011 was the head of the company's visual display team.
Linda got an undergraduate business degree from the University of Pennsylvania, and started leading the marketing department at age 27 a decade ago.
Today, Linda sits on Forever 21's board and is an executive vice-president, while Esther is the vice-president of merchandising.
Together, the sisters in 2017 launched the lifestyle brand Riley Rose, to serve as a beauty and wellness complement to Forever 21's fashion offerings.
As part of the bankruptcy, the company will curtail a planned expansion of the brand by seeking to cancel leases on nine unopened Riley Rose shops. - Bloomberg
Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/news/ ... MyfG9cxrlFgd3iYq.99 |
1MDB trial: Former CEO says he earned RM99k monthly salary, 18-month bonus at one time
Tuesday, 01 Oct 2019
1:17 PM MYT
By Qishin Tariq
KUALA LUMPUR: The former 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) chief executive officer earned RM99,000 a month as his last drawn salary, the High Court here has been told.
Datuk Shahrol Azral Ibrahim Halmi said his starting salary when appointed to 1MDB's precursor Terengganu Investment Authority Bhd (TIA) back in March 2009 was around RM80,000.
“Every year, the HR (human resources) department would engage external consultants to measure the industry benchmark on increments.
“I don't remember the exact yearly increment, but my last drawn salary was RM99,000 before tax, ” he replied during examination-in-chief in the 1MDB trial on Tuesday (Oct 1).
Apart from his salary, he also received an annual fee of RM179,000 as a board member of 1MDB.
Asked if he received any bonuses, Shahrol said the quantum was determined by the 1MDB board of director's remuneration committee, and was dependant on the KPI (key performance indicator) set the year before and tabled to the board.
Lead prosecutor Datuk Seri Gopal Sri Ram asked if then finance minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had shown appreciation for his work, Shahrol recalled a call he received from Najib back in 2011-2012, where the former premier inquired about the corporate social responsibility (CSR) projects conducted for Yayasan 1MDB.
“I was very excited and I recalled during that conversation I impolitely cut off Najib a number of times as he was asking his questions, because I knew what he was asking, I had the answers, and I was very pleased to be speaking to him.” he said.
Asked why he was pleased, Shahrol replied, “He was the PM (laughs), you don't usually get the chance to speak to him”.
He added that several days later fugitive financier Low Taek Jho, better known as Jho Low, mentioned that call to him and said that “boss was pleased” that Shahrol seemed to be on top of things, referring to Najib.
Asked if he received a financial reward after the call, Shahrol confirmed he received an 18-month bonus of his then RM80,000 plus salary (for a total of RM1.44mil).
This prompted Sri Ram to quip, “Now I know I'm in the wrong profession”.
Najib, 66, faces 25 charges in total – four for abuse of power that allegedly brought him a financial benefit to the tune of RM2.3bil; and 21 for money laundering involving the same amount of money.
He faces imprisonment of up to 20 years and a fine of up to five times the sum or value of the gratification if found guilty.
The trial continues before High Court judge Justice Collin Lawrence Sequerah next Monday (Oct 7).
Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/news/ ... oD5xkW8TzBKbs25g.99 |
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Lima projek pembenihan awan bantu kurangkan kesan jerebu - Yeo Bee Yin
Bernama | Diterbitkan pada September 27, 2019 04:37 MYT
Bacaan IPU semakin mencatatkan penurunan susulan operasi pembenihan awan itu selain turut disumbangkan oleh perubahan musim. - Gambar hiasan/Bernama
PUTRAJAYA: Lima projek pembenihan awan berjaya dijalankan ketika negara dilanda jerebu, kata Menteri Tenaga, Sains, Teknologi, Alam Sekitar dan Perubahan Iklim, Yeo Bee Yin.
Beliau berkata bacaan Indeks Pencemaran Udara (IPU) semakin mencatatkan penurunan susulan operasi pembenihan awan itu selain turut disumbangkan oleh perubahan musim.
"Kita juga sedang mengambil beberapa langkah untuk jangka masa panjang," katanya kepada pemberita selepas program galakan pendaftaran Taman Asuhan Kanak-kanak (Taska) dengan pemberian 20 peratus diskaun bil elektrik, di sini pada Khamis.
Yeo berkata beliau juga akan memberi kenyataan dalam masa terdekat mengenai pelan dan langkah yang akan diambil kerajaan untuk mengatasi dan menangani masalah jerebu pada masa depan.
Mengenai pembakaran terbuka di Sarawak, walaupun telah diberi amaran, yang memburukkan lagi kualiti udara di negeri itu, Yeo berkata kementeriannya akan bekerjasama dengan Lembaga Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar Sarawak (NREB) untuk mengambil langkah tambahan bagi membantu mengawal pembakaran terbuka di negeri itu.
"Kebakaran terbuka di Sarawak berada di bawah bidang kuasa NREB, dan kementerian akan bekerjasama dengan mereka untuk memahami masalah dan menyokong kerajaan negeri untuk mengawal pembakaran terbuka di Sarawak," katanya.
Actress pays RM17.5k fine for illegal cosmetic sale, then slaps reporter's phone away
Wednesday, 02 Oct 2019
2:44 PM MYT
PETALING JAYA: Actress Zarina Zainuddin (pic) slapped away a reporter's phone on her way out of court after paying RM17,500 in fines upon pleading guilty to six counts of owning and selling cosmetic products without notifying the National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA) in January.
"Tak suka lah (I don't like it)," she said, as she slapped away a mobile phone belonging to a reporter who was trying to take her photo.
This caused a small commotion.
Earlier, Zarina, 48, had pleaded guilty after all six charges were read to her in front of magistrate M. Bharat at the Magistrate's Court here on Wednesday (Oct 2).
According to the first charge, Zarina, as the director of Addura Marketing (M) Sdn Bhd, sold a cosmetic set made up of one box of Addura Black Soap, one box of Addura Day Cream 7g, and one box of Addura Night Cream 7g, all of which the NPRA had not been given notification beforehand, at a premises in Subang Jaya on Jan 9,2019.
The second to sixth charges said she was found to be in possession of three cosmetic sets made up of one box of Addura Black Soap, one box of Addura Day Cream 7g, and one box of Addura Night Cream 7g; 68 boxes of Addura Black Soap, 279 boxes of Addura Day Cream 7g (white label); 89 boxes of Addura Day Cream 7g (pink label); and 205 boxes of Addura Day Cream 10ml, all of which the NPRA had also not been notified of, at a premises in Subang Jaya on Jan 9,2019.
Her actions violated Regulation 18A (1) of the Control of Drugs and Cosmetics Regulations; and are an offence under Regulation 18A (15) of the same regulation. They are offences liable for punishment under Section 12(2) of the Sale of Drugs Act 1952, which upon conviction carries a maximum fine of RM50,000 for the first offence and a maximum fine of RM100,000 for the second offence.
Clad in a floral-patterned hijab, pink blouse and matching trousers, the actress was seen crying silently as the charges were read out to her.
Zarina, who was unrepresented, asked for a lighter sentence, saying that the company would cease its operations.
"I am planning to shut down the company, and now I have moved on to another business venture," she said.
However, Selangor Pharmacy Enforcement Division prosecuting officer Ong Sally asked for a sentence that was appropriate for the offence.
Ong said that this was not Zarina's first offence, adding that the sentence should take into account the safety of the public.
"When a cosmetic product has not been notified with the NPRA, we don't know what the ingredients are and this could pose a public health risk," she said.
She paid the fines before leaving the court.
Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/news/ ... wOpIxlpbpVpub8KI.99 |
'Perluas sarapan sekolah kepada makanan tengah hari'
Oleh Luqman Arif Abdul Karim
[email protected]
BANGI: Penyediaan makanan tengah hari yang sarat dengan khasiat dan dibekalkan menerusi produk tempatan wajar diperuntukkan di sekolah.
Penasihat Penyelidik Institut Penyelidikan Khazanah (KRI), Profesor Dr Jomo Kwame Sundaram, ketika mengutarakan cadangan itu menyifatkan program penyediaan sarapan diterajui Kementerian Pendidikan mulai Januari tahun depan sebagai tidak mencukupi, selain dibelenggu beberapa kepincangan.
Katanya, pemilihan sajian seperti susu daripada produk import untuk rancangan makanan berkenaan mempunyai kandungan gula tinggi, sekali gus menyumbang kepada isu kekangan kos dan kesihatan murid.
“Rakyat Malaysia tanpa disedari berdepan masalah obesiti atau kegemukan yang semakin meruncing, tetapi kita terus menafikan hakikat ini dengan tidak mengendahkan komponen makanan seharian.
“Sebenarnya, kajian menunjukkan sebilangan besar rakyat Malaysia tidak mendapat zat makanan mencukupi, khususnya mineral dan kalsium yang menjadi penyumbang utama tumbesaran di peringkat awal usia.
“Oleh itu, berbanding hanya bekalkan sarapan, kita harus perluaskan program ini supaya mencakupi penyediaan makanan tengah hari di sekolah dan meliputi semua murid tanpa mengira latar belakang,” katanya pada sesi Syarahan Canselor Tuanku Muhriz Keempat di Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) di sini, hari ini.
Turut berkenan berangkat pada syarahan itu adalah Yang Dipertuan Besar Negeri Sembilan, Tuanku Muhriz Tuanku Munawir dan Tunku Ampuan Besar Negeri Sembilan, Tuanku Aishah Rohani Tengku Besar Mahmud.
Ditanya aspek pengurusan kos, Jomo berkata, Johor dengan kerjasama Kementerian Kesihatan ketika ini melaksanakan program perintis di negeri terbabit dalam membekalkan makanan tengah hari di sekolah.
Beliau berkata, kos penyediaan makanan tengah hari sarat dengan pelbagai khasiat utama mengikut piramid makanan bagi setiap murid hanya sekitar RM2.40, berbanding RM3 untuk sajian sarapan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan.
“Masalah kita ialah kurangnya kerjasama antara kementerian berkaitan dalam melaksanakan program bermanfaat untuk rakyat seperti ini, justeru mereka harus tingkatkan aspek tadbir urus supaya menjana kesan yang lebih jitu.
“Mengenai kekangan kos, kita boleh beralih kepada produk tempatan yang dihasilkan petani dalam negara, berbanding meletakkan kebergantungan kepada produk import.
“Menerusi pendekatan ini, kita bakal memacu perkembangan industri pertanian tempatan, selain meningkatkan produktiviti dan sosioekonomi mereka.
“Kandungan gula dan bahan lain dalam makanan juga berupaya dikawal kerana kaedah penghasilan produk adalah mengikut pertimbangan kita sendiri,” katanya. |
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Edited by LinguaFranca at 2-10-2019 06:10 PM
US blocks import of 'suspected forced labour' goods from M'sia, four othersReuters | Published: Today 10:04 am | Modified: Today 4:35 pm Editor's note: The Malaysian Rubber Gloves Manufacturers Association (Margma) has clarified that the US ban on rubber gloves is only against a specific Malaysian firm.
The United States has blocked the import of goods suspected to have been made with forced labour from five countries. This includes clothing from China and diamonds from Zimbabwe, US officials said yesterday, after a rare crackdown on slave labour abroad. The US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) said it seized five different products this week based on information indicating the goods were made using slave labour overseas. The other items included rubber gloves made in Malaysia, gold mined in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and bone black - charred animal bones - manufactured in Brazil. Under a 2016 law, it is illegal to import goods into the US that are made entirely or in part by forced labour - which includes prison work, bonded labour and child labour. “A major part of CBP’s mission is facilitating legitimate trade and travel,” said Acting CBP Commissioner Mark Morgan. “CBP’s issuing of these five withhold release orders shows that if we suspect a product is made using forced labour, we’ll take that product off US shelves,” Morgan said in a statement. A company hit with a withhold release order can decide to reroute the shipment and try to sell its products elsewhere or persuade CBP to change its decision by providing documents to demonstrate due diligence and argue the goods are slavery-free. More than US$400 billion (RM1.676 trillion) worth of goods, likely to be made by forced labour, enter the US market each year, according to estimates by the Human Trafficking Institute. Yet reporting by the Thomson Reuters Foundation in April found that only US$6.3 million (RM26.4 million) worth of goods had been blocked since the law banning slave-made imports was passed in 2016.Prior to the latest crackdown, the CBP had issued seven detention orders since 2016, including chemical compounds, peeled garlic and toys from China and cotton from Turkmenistan. “It’s exciting to see CBP’s progress toward robust enforcement of this law. “This is a clear signal to companies that they need due diligence procedures in place that prevent forced labour in their supply chain if they want to sell in the US," said Annick Febrey, head of government and corporate relations at the Human Trafficking Institute. Neha Misra, senior specialist in migration and human trafficking for advocacy group Solidarity Center, welcomed the “significant step” and said economic pressure could boost the drive for full labour rights for workers in global supply chains. The US Department of Labour said last year it was boosting its fight against slave-made goods “to safeguard American jobs” for its 325 million citizens and that it was playing a key role in protecting vulnerable workers from abuse worldwide. About 25 million people globally are victims of forced labour, according to the UN International Labour Organisation. - Reuters
Rabu, 2 Oktober 2019 | 4:09pm
Pembunuhan kejam gajah Pygmy: 6 suspek ditahan, 53 kelongsong peluru dirampasOleh Abdul Rahemang Taiming
[email protected]
TAWAU: Polis hari ini menahan enam individu dan merampas 53 kelongsong peluru, 56 peluru hidup serta tiga senjata api dipercayai digunakan suspek kes pembunuhan kejam gajah Pygmy Borneo di Kalabakan, minggu lalu.
Ketua Polis Tawau, Asisten Komisioner Peter Umbuas, berkata enam suspek berkenaan, termasuk seorang warga asing berumur antara 48 hingga 68 tahun, ditahan dalam serbuan di kawasan FELDA Umas, di sini.
Beliau berkata, dalam serbuan itu, polis merampas selaras pump gun buatan Iver Johnson Single Barrel 30’, senapang angin jenis Raifal buatan sendiri jenama Sharp Innova dan selaras bakakuk atau senapang patah buatan sendiri.
Turut dirampas, sembilan butir peluru hidup jenis Gb Buckshot warna putih, 47 kelongsong peluru jenis Mega Oob warna hijau, tiga butir kelongsong peluru jenis Rimba warna biru dan sebutir kelongsong peluru jenis Gb Buckshot warna hitam.
Katanya, kelongsong peluru jenis Winchester Buckshot warna merah (dua), buku lesen memiliki senjata api dan peluru dengan nombor siri 110937 Bil T/L/160, peluru warna hijau pelbagai jenama (23 butir), peluru jenis Rimba (20 butir) dan peluru jenis Rio Royal 00 Buck Lg (empat butir) juga dirampas. “Ada maklumat ditularkan melalui media sosial Facebook, myTawau, pada 25 September lalu kira-kira jam 9.25 malam berhubung penemuan satu bangkai gajah yang berikat tali di leher dan terapung di kawasan hulu Sungai Udin, Dumpas.
“Bertindak atas maklumat itu, kira-kira jam 12.02 tengah malam tadi, sepasukan polis daripada Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) Tawau menjalankan operasi di FELDA Umas 4 dan menahan seorang lelaki kerana disyaki terbabit kes ini.
“Sebanyak tiga serbuan susulan dijalankan di kawasan FELDA Umas. Empat suspek lelaki ditahan disyaki memiliki senjata api buatan sendiri. Dua lagi suspek ditahan pada tengah hari tadi,” katanya pada sidang media, di sini, hari ini.
Beliau berkata, dua daripada enam suspek terbabit dikenal pasti adalah pekerja FELDA Umas yang diberi tanggungjawab mengawasi hidupan liar yang memasuki kawasan ladang.
“Motif pembunuhan gajah itu dipercayai untuk mengambil gading, selain mengikut arahan menjaga kawasan daripada dicerobohi hidupan liar kerana suspek digaji khas bagi menjaga kemasukan haiwan ke kawasan ladang,” katanya.
Beliau berkata, semua suspek akan dibawa ke mahkamah bagi mendapatkan perintah tahanan reman, esok.
Kes disiasat mengikut Seksyen 8(a) Akta Senjata Api 1960.
Rabu, 2 Oktober 2019 -
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Nafi jual hadiah peminat
Georgie Joseph
3 hrs ago
ANNYEONGHASEYO!!! Pelbagai cara dilakukan mereka yang tidak bertanggungjawab untuk menjatuhkan reputasi artis Korea Selatan termasuk penyanyi, Kang Sung Hoon.
Bekas anggota SECHSKIES itu baru-baru ini difitnah menjual hadiah barangan berjenama yang diberikan peminat di platform beli-belah online. Lebih mengeruhkan keadaan, nombor telefon yang digunakan untuk tujuan itu sama dengan nombor teman wanitanya.
Berikutan khabar angin itu, ramai peminat marah dan mengecam Kang Sung Hoon.
Macam-macam kritikan pedas dilemparkan terhadapnya termasuk tidak menghargai pemberian peminat, tak mengenang jasa dan dianggap seperti kacang lupakan kulit.
Bagaimanapun, Kang Sung Hoon tampil mendedahkan kebenaran dan mengakui terkejut dengan tuduhan terbabit. Menurutnya, dia tidak pernah menjual hadiah yang diterimanya dan meminta maaf kepada peminat.
“Saya tidak pernah menjual hadiah daripada peminat. Beberapa bulan lalu, saya sudah tamatkan hubungan dengan individu berkenaan yang dikaitkan dengan saya. Ia termasuk hubungan perniagaan mahupun bantuan peribadi,” katanya.
Kenyataan Kang Sung Hoon itu merujuk kepada bekas teman wanita yang juga penata riasnya sebelum ini. Katanya, peminat mungkin salah faham dan mempercayai tuduhan tidak berasas itu.
“Selepas kami putus, saya menerima kembali semua barangan dalam simpanannya yang diperlukan untuk memudahkan kerja saya. Insiden itu berlaku sewaktu dia dalam proses menjual barangan peribadinya sebelum saya mengetahui berita berkenaan.
“Peminat mungkin salah faham terhadap barang yang dijualnya dan barangan saya,” katanya.
Disebabkan itu, Kang Sung Hoon seboleh-bolehnya tidak mahu mengeruhkan keadaan dan berharap peminat memaafkannya.
“Saya minta maaf kepada peminat yang tidak henti memberikan sokongan selama ini. Saya kini sedang mencari masa untuk berkomunikasi dengan peminat,” katanya.
© New Straits Times Press (M) Bhd |
Outcry over emergency department’s six-hour wait
Thursday, 03 Oct 2019
GEORGE TOWN: A notice warning people to expect a six-hour wait at the Penang Hospital Emergency and Trauma Department (ETD) has not gone down well.
Many people took to social media to express their displeasure with the notice put up at the hospital’s triage counter on Sept 29.
Facebook user Rosma Ismail said she could still see a doctor on time by driving all the way from Kuala Lumpur to the hospital.
Another Facebook user Nik Faiz said the Federal Government should enhance its public service delivery and efficiency by reducing the waiting time.
Sabree Kencana said the issue could have stemmed from a shortage of doctors and medical personnel at the hospital.
Penang Health Department director Dr Asmayani Khalib, said the ETD (Red Zone) of Penang Hospital received an average of 400 patients daily, of which more than 50% were non-critical or emergency cases.
She said the notice was actually prepared for the Green Zone (non-critical cases) as there was a sudden surge in the number of patients on Sunday night.
“However, the notice was not taken down after the peak period, hence the confusion among members of the public.
“We wish to apologise for that matter, ” Dr Asmayani said in a statement.
She said the hospital also provided After Office Hours Clinic from 5pm to 10pm on weekdays, and from 9am to 10pm on weekends and public holidays to reduce congestion at the ETD.
Dr Asmayani said the state health department was committed to providing quality care at the hospital and welcomed feedback to improve its service quality.
Penang health committee chairman Dr Afif Bahardin asked those with non-critical needs to visit other government clinics in Penang.
“Patients can seek treatment at other public health clinics instead of crowding the ETD, which is meant for critical and emergency cases, ” he said. |
Smartphone addiction may help identify depression
Thursday, 03 Oct 2019 9:30 AM MYT
Researchers found that a strong dependency on smartphones was linked to an increased risk of feelings of loneliness and depressive symptoms. — AFP Relaxnews
American researchers have attempted to determine if being addicted to one's smartphone can lead to depression or if people who are subject to depressive symptoms are more vulnerable to this type of addiction.
In recent years, studies showing a link between smartphone addiction and depression, especially in adolescents, are legion. But is it our tendency to stare into our phones that contributes to depression or the reverse? Does the connection occur in both directions? Researchers at the University of Arizona have been investigating these questions.
The study's authors define addiction as a constant desire to use the object and discomfort in the event that it is not available. "There's an issue where people are entirely too reliant on the device, in terms of feeling anxious if they don't have it accessible, and they're using it to the detriment of their day-to-day life," said Matthew Lapierre, an assistant professor at the University of Arizona's College of Social and Behavioral Sciences and principal author of the study.
Dr. Lapierre and his team twice surveyed 346 young people over a period of three months. Published in the Journal of Adolescent Health, the study focused on participants aged from 17 to 20. The researchers asked participants to indicate their feelings of dependency on a scale of one to four by responding to a series of statements such as "I panic when I cannot use my smartphone".
Participants also responded to questions intended to gauge their feelings of loneliness, depressive symptoms and frequency of telephone use.
Identifying the causes of addiction to limit smartphone time
In analysing the volunteers' responses, the researchers found that a strong dependence on smartphones was linked to an increased risk of feelings of loneliness and developing depressive symptoms. Their research thus confirmed what has previously been shown by numerous studies: intensive smartphone use can be isolating and lead to anxiety.
In light of these results, the study's authors conclude that it could be useful for those concerned to evaluate their relationship with their devices and impose limits if necessary, especially for those who turn to their phones to relieve stress.
"When people feel stressed, they should use other healthy approaches to cope, like talking to a close friend to get support or doing some exercises or meditation," suggested Pengfei Zhao, a co-author of the study. – AFP Relaxnews
Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/tech/ ... s5sEYOMJspxZ3ki1.99 |
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Edited by LinguaFranca at 3-10-2019 08:25 PM
WhatsApp is working on a self-destructing message feature
Thursday, 03 Oct 2019
1:20 PM MYT
By Qishin Tariq
WhatsApp goes Mission Impossible with a disappearing messages feature that will allow users to set messages to auto-delete in a set time. — AFP
Popular messaging service WhatsApp is working on a disappearing messages feature, which will allow users to set messages to auto-delete in a set time. According to the WhatsApp BetaInfo blog, the feature makes all messages in a chat disappear within either five seconds or one hour of being sent.
To turn on the feature, users have to go to the specific chat’s settings, turn on disappearing messages, then set the timer. “After enabling this option, any message will be automatically removed and there will be no tracks available in the chat about deleted messages,” explains BetaInfo.
However, that feature is only available when a user creates a Secret Chat with another user, and cannot be suddenly turned on in an existing normal chat. BetaInfo says the feature is still under alpha stage development and is not yet available even for WhatsApp beta users. It did not give a release timeline, though it suggested that the feature could be rolled out to beta users in the next update.
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Pelakon watak New Goblin didakwa lakukan gangguan seksual terhadap pelajar
Astro Awani, Agensi | Oktober 04, 2019 05:44 MYT
Franco yang mula dikenali selepas memegang watak New Goblin dalam Spider-Man pernah dicalonkan untuk anugerah Pelakon Terbaik melalui filem 127 Hours. -Gambar Instagram @jfrancolicious78
DUA bekas pelajar kelas lakonan memfailkan saman terhadap pelakon James Franco atas dakwaan melakukan gangguan seksual.
Saman di Mahkamah Los Angeles itu difailkan Sarah Tither-Kaplan dan Toni Gaal yang mendakwa Franco serta rakannya melakukan gangguan seksual terhadap gadis yang menghadiri kelas mereka.
Kedua-dua pelajar itu turut mendakwa Franco dan rakannya menggunakan peranan sebagai guru dan majikan untuk melakukan gangguan seksual dengan menawarkan peluang dalam projek yang dilakukan.
Franco dan rakan kongsinya Vince Jolivette membuka sekolah studio 4 pada 2014 yang mempunyai cawangan di New York dan Los Angeles.
Pelajar itu berkata mereka membayar yuran AS$300 sebulan dan mengharapkan perkembangan karier dan bakat dalam lakonan, namun sebaliknya mereka dipaksa dalam aksi berbaur seksual.
Kata pelajar itu lagi, sesiapa yang bersedia untuk diambil kesempatan di hadapan Franco dan rakannya akan diberi layanan istimewa, malah adegan itu turut dirakam.
Franco yang mula dikenali selepas memegang watak New Goblin dalam Spider-Man pernah dicalonkan untuk anugerah Pelakon Terbaik melalui filem 127 Hours.
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