Originally posted by kikilalat at 11-7-2007 11:38 AM
tak sure la pulak braper lama cyst amik masa nak tumbuh... sebab detect masa aku pi scan jer...
btw, naik bukan kat tempat yang sama... ari tuh ovari kiri, la nih kanan pulak...
masa 1 ...
uish..ko kine time pregnen eh? |
Originally posted by zlingerz at 11-7-2007 08:12 AM
kalau masa buang air besar (meneran) ada rasa sakit.. tu kira sintom jugak ke?..
takleh nak kata walaupun mmg antara tandanya..kene gi check dulu bior confirm..kalopun cyst..nak ngk gak type haper.. |
Originally posted by kancil_comel at 11-7-2007 12:21 PM
sya pun confuse tp itu semua kuasa ALLAH..2/7./2007 check dr kata ada cyst sblh kiri ovari 2.9cm(asal masa bulan JAN 07 3.4cm)so kira reduce kan...
then belah knn ada endo tp NOTHING serius ...
huh haku nih rsnyer hormon tak baper stabilll...nih hah jerawat pinuh...tp aku tak pakai danazol..dr kasik lucrin..dr kata side effect da hot flshes mood swing..ada gak le kot skit tempias...danazol tuh jenih mkn ke cucuk jek?ada member tuh dia amik yg mkn tetiap hari..tp tatau le nama apa...ada gaks naik jer..tp ok la..takde le truk sgt aku ngk..leh maintain ayu lgk.. |
Originally posted by honeybee1802 at 11-7-2007 12:26 PM
uish..ko kine time pregnen eh?
yup. operate masa 16weeks, bukan sebab sakit ker haper... takut cyst tuh grow bigger & jejaskan tumbesaran baby... Alhamdulillah, baby okay lepas surgery... |
Originally posted by honeybee1802 at 11-7-2007 12:32 PM
huh haku nih rsnyer hormon tak baper stabilll...nih hah jerawat pinuh...tp aku tak pakai danazol..dr kasik lucrin..dr kata side effect da hot flshes mood swing..ada gak le kot skit tempias...da ...
sorry bukan danazoll..salah hafal...ladogal...kena makan tetiap hari...tp ada missed gk...lupa...arini mcm ada stain brownish...ckp ngn hubby...hubby i ckp..."laaaa..kata mkn ubat tu tk period..heheeh.." i ckp..ini stain.bukan darah....yelah...i pun tk tau ape jd...dr cuma kata kalo ada stain ok...tp kalo tkde darah lgsung better,,,kalo ada darah maknanya tk cukup dos dan i kena tmbh dos utk stopkan hormon tu...i tawakal je..ikut je nasiht dr..harap2 i pulih dr endo ni...nk normal mcm org lain |
Nak tanya apa beza cyst ngan endo?
tq... |
kengkawan boleh bgtahu gynae hospital kerajaan yg mana bagus? hukm ok? kena buat appointment dulu ke sebelum gi...kalau ada no tel..boleh bg kat lady...tq... |
Originally posted by lady_in_red at 19-7-2007 11:07 AM
kengkawan boleh bgtahu gynae hospital kerajaan yg mana bagus? hukm ok? kena buat appointment dulu ke sebelum gi...kalau ada no tel..boleh bg kat lady...tq...
Hahahhaaa lady, naper tak tanya kat board kat bawa htu?..hhehehee....
General hospital kot baik.. |
uikss apa nk tanya pasal ni kat board bawah...takde kaitanlah...org nk tanya pasal cyst... |
Originally posted by lady_in_red at 19-7-2007 11:07 AM
kengkawan boleh bgtahu gynae hospital kerajaan yg mana bagus? hukm ok? kena buat appointment dulu ke sebelum gi...kalau ada no tel..boleh bg kat lady...tq...
hukm..rasanya u nak cpt skit juper pakar kene gi yg private wing level 7 kot...cuba search hukmsc...ader no dia kot..kalo idak kene ikut line bese start dr juper mo dulu kot..gomen hospital yg saya penah gi putrajaya..kene ada reference letter bwk tuh utk aturkan for appt..maybe hospital lain pun lebih kurang kot...bese dr klinik tuh tanya nak gi gomen ke private..kalo gomen dia buat kot ayat2 serius skit.. |
ok honey..thanks..kebetulan lady pun kat putrajaya nih..lady try gi kat sini jelah... |
Originally posted by cemut77 at 18-7-2007 03:17 PM
Nak tanya apa beza cyst ngan endo?
ini sya paste dr thread sebelah..tq aisida..
Cyst tu maksud nya ketubuhan dalam badan yang belum di identify olehdoctor. Bila Dr belum confirm specific ketumbuhan tu contahnyaendometriosis dia akan panggil cyst. Macam tumor tak semestinya tumortu canser lepas buat operation dan dr dah uji cell tu baru lah dr akanconfirm samada ia cancer or endo. |
emm lama dah thread ni diam ye...
Anyway tinaz ni baru lepas buat laporoscopy surgery 4/12 hr tu kat SJMC dgn doc Delaila. Dah rasa sihat ni tu yg bz cr info pasal ovarian cyst ni.
Cyst type is ruptured cyst left ovari, size 5.5cm....
Symptoms, lower abdomal pain, sakit yg amat sgt sampai tak blh jln, sakit dlm dubur skali when d time pass wind/ motion...
Actually kes tinaz sakit ni dah lama.....sebelum kawin pun mmg slalu sakit perut + urine infection history...4 mths after married concived n dah ada sorang ank.
Lepas bersalin 1 yr after, kerap sakit perut...
Bulan 6 lepas admitted kat SMC sebab mlm kul 3 pg emergency sakit perut....mmg sakit sgt sampai guling2 nangis.
Buat check up dgn dr siti esah n dr shanker, ultrasound utk bladder, rahim, kidney semua ok. tp doc kata takde apa2 cuma ade pelvic infection. Time tu tinaz pakai IUD, doc suruh buang je....lepas bukak iud terus amik injection. Since then sakit perut berulang2 n menjadi2 sakit dia sampai rasa mcm cramp kat dlm dubur tu..pass wind/ mortion pun tak blh...teran2 lg sakit...
3/12 yg lepas, sakit lg kat office terus pergi SJMC since dekat, buat appoinment jumpa surgeon, then he referred me to gynea jugak sebab sakit tu kat bwh area pelvik. Jumpa dr delaila, buat scan ultrasound dia nmpk lain mcm je, terus buat vaginal scope....terus nampak cyst sebelah kiri 5.5cm, belah kanan about 2cm...time doc ckp ade cyst menggigil satu bdn , time tu mcm2 rasa...nape dr siti tak dp detect, nape dr siti tak buat vaginal scope...semua tu questionmark dlm pala ni...sedih sgt..kalau dr detect awl2 agknya tak pyh la kena buat operate....
Lepas dr delaila expalin skit...terus admitted buat emergency procedure...operate kul 11 mlm, puasa satu hr dr kul 1tgh hr, patutnya msk ot kul 7pm tp ntah apa hal terpaksa extend kul 11...thn je la lapar tak msk drip pun...lepas operate kul 2am br sedar, sebab rs pedih...doc bg tau cyst tinaz dah pecah n melekat dgn usus...so dah buang dia kata n jarak kan usus tu...yg cyst kanan dia cucuk je bg pecah sebab kecik...
Lagi bertambah pelik masa kat SMC dulu msk je ward terus nurse cucuk tgn ni msk drip....bukan buat operation pun..setakat mkn pain killer dah lega dah sakit tu...tp asyik la di sumbat berbotol2 air, sampai tinaz yg minta stop sebab sakit sgt tgn tu...
kat SJMC ni takde pulak, msk drip ms nk operate je, rs nye ade la dlm 2 btl je....pastu kat SMC asyik la duk injection kat tiub drip msk ubat...sakit sgt..tp SJMC takde pun...ish pelik sgt la ....lepas ni mmg rs mcm tak nk dah gi SMC....
So skang ni tinaz dlm recovery period after lapo surgery, pantang jugak la mkn, dr berat 68.3 b4 operate hr tu skang dh turun 64kg...
skang ni nk kumpul info 4 my knowledge about this desease.
So anyone out there pls la sharing2 n update here how to take care the cyst, what food to avoid, anythinh do's and dont's...Semoga kita semua kuat dan tabah utk menghadapi penyakit dan ujian ini.....
[ Last edited by tinaz at 14-12-2007 03:03 AM ] |
aik dah abis ker.. girly abru nak join. jadi syok plak baca... maklumkan girly dah jd ahli cycst.. |
saya baru 2 thn operation FIbroid ni... tp Dr ada kesan ketulan sebesar 13mm hujung tahun lepas dia kata maybe cyst coklat...dia ada beri pil selama 3 bulan tp semasa makan ubat ni period i mcm terhenti...tp alhamdulillah la ketulan tu jadi kecut...bulan ni i kena buat check up sekali lgi selepas DR stop beri kan pil tu 3 bulan lepas ..Dr kata klu ketulan tu masih ada kemungkinan akan kena operation ....
La ni i tengah makan I TREND harap2 ketulan tu hilang terus la ...operation ni tak la i takut sangat...tp i takut bedah2 nanti nak dpt anak payah...kalau dah ada anak tu tak apa la...
Dr pernah suggest i kawen...memandangkan umur i dah nak hampir 40 tahun... |
Dulu Ina pun mengidap PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Cyst Syndrome, but not so severe lah. Sebab tu my period very the irregular. After that gynea buat laparascopy and tembak all the cyst yg keliling my ovaries, masa dia tunjuk video, kebanyakannya keluar air tapi ada yg campur darah sikit. Lagi severe the case boleh mengakibatkan gynea to operate the ovaries out takut cancerous. |
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) also known as Stein-Leventhal syndrome or functional ovarian hyperandrogenism,is a complex endocrine disorder associated with a long-term lack ofovulation (anovulation) and an excess of androgens (male hormones,e.g., testosterone).
The disorder is characterized by theformation of eight or more follicular cysts of 10 mm or smaller in theovaries, a process related to the ovary's failure to release an egg(ovum). PCOS is one of the most frequent causes of infertility.
Symptomsmay include various menstrual problems, hirsutism (excessive body orfacial hair), endocrine abnormalities, acne, obesity, infertility,diabetes with insulin resistance or hyperinsulinemia. Even if specificsymptoms are not causing an immediate problem, PCOS can havesignificant long-term effects, including diabetes, heart disease, andendometrial or breast cancer, so seeking treatment is critical.
PCOStreatment decisions depend on symptoms, age, whether or not the patientwants to become pregnant, and the degree of ovarian, adrenal andandrogen excess. First line management includes diet modification,weight loss and stress reduction since obesity and stress cancontribute to androgen excess. Other management and treatmentapproaches are directed at addressing specific symptoms (i.e. acne,excess hair growth, menstrual problems, infertility) and at preventinglong-term complications, given that PCOS can begin in adolescence orearlier.
Some PCOS symptoms (acne, menstrual irregularity) mayaffect body image and self-esteem, and may be of concern, especially inadolescent girls. Education and support are important in helping youngwomen cope with the physical and psychological aspects of PCOS. |
Treatment for PCOS
Many physicians are not very familiar with polycystic ovarian syndrome and therefore only treat the symptom the woman complains about, without digging any deeper. The most common treatment is the prescription of birth control pills.
However, discerning physicians will notice the above constellation of symptoms and realize there is complex metabolic disorder labeled as 損olycystic ovary syndrome |
Rasanya kalau someone is diagnose as having cyst and at the same time trying to conceive, better to treat the cyst first. B'coz kalau we keep on eating hormon pills to increase the production of eggs, the eggs may get stuck around the walls of the ovaries hence aggaravating the whole situation - This is my personal opinion and I am not a doctor, just someone who has gone thru this. |
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