Originally posted by haszyoe at 4-4-2008 10:51 AM 
nak tanya skit..if lets asy kita pi dlm 7 hari like that..sempat ker kover both and south island...by the way january tu musim apa?fall ek?
menarik tak?
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Reply #176 marisa_anuar's post
kat foodcourt 'Food Alley' kat albert street, level 1.. kampung delight..comfirm halal.. or.. kat k'rd.. makanan thai.. kat lim chour.name kedai Ayuthaya... 100% owner indian muslim.. |
Reply #174 amsterdam's post
i kat auckland..u nk tau pasal pa kt auckland nie.. kalau i tau blh la share... kalau tak tau kena tanye org yg lebih master in auckland i kerja pun tak study pun tak.. lepak rumah je.. |
Reply #175 haszyoe's post
apa soalan nye? kalau tau blh la bantu..  |
Originally posted by <i>haszyoe</i> at 7-4-2008 16:09 <a href="http://forum6.cari.com.my/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=21932836&ptid=242484" target="_blank"><img src="http://forum6.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif" border="0" onload="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor='hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {window.open(this.src);}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" /></a><br />
<img src="images/smilies/cry.gif" smilieid="29" border="0" alt="" /> ..tak der ker org yang sudi nak jawab soklan aku............<br />
any one? zba bleh tolong?<img src="images/smilies/tongue.gif" smilieid="8" border="0" alt="" /> <br />
apo soalannue??kalau tau boleh la bantu iye tak.. |
Originally posted by zba_planet at 6-4-2008 12:07 PM 
oh ye ke kt chc ada kfc halal every 2 week?kat auckland city dah takde lg kfc halal.. dah pun di beritau di masjid posonby...tapi makanan halAl byk kat auckland.. tak perlu risau lo kot. sbb kt a ...
Dh takde ke... time alang belajar dulu ada lagi.... |
Reply #171 haszyoe's post
depends pada ko ler... tp kalau aku tak larat woooo nak cover semua tempat both south and north dlm masa 7 hari, unless ko very selective mana yg ko nak pegi la.... |
Reply #183 alangGIRL's post
oooo..thanks...kalu cam tu cover south island jr la dulu....more interesting dengar katanya.... |
Reply #186 zba_planet's post
whittakers.... i love this choc very much.... aku jumpa kat cold storage (bukan bar yg besar, ada la besar kit kat yg kecik... mmg harga cekik darah, kalau tak salah aku 7-8 hinggit, itupun aku beli sbb choc tu teramat la sedap... itu pun berapa tahun lepas... skrg dh lama aku tak jumpa choc tu.... paling sedap yg roasted almond tu... so sesapa yg pegi nz jgn lupa coklat ni.... dulu time aku kat sana, bilik aku mestia ada beberapa bar coklat ni.... |
Reply #187 alangGIRL's post
dulu blja kt chc ke auckland? thn bile? |
Reply #189 marisa_anuar's post
ohh kalau buku.. mmg byk..berapa lama nak holiday?byk jugak tmpt menarik kt sini north island pun ok.. kalo lamo blh la sampai south.. |
Reply #190 zba_planet's post
ic...tula books lover cam i nih memang berbaloi la
kalu soping buku2 kat cna kannn...cam last time i ke
london pon sama gak...first list item in soping list mesti buku la...
ala zba...i pegi kejap jer...nak jejalan auckland city jer kot...
may be next time plak ke south island... |
Reply #186 zba_planet's post
tu ler zba.....ingat kalu dapt nak cover selected places jer...north and south...tapi tu ler masa plak tak der...
bukan apa ..nak dapat pi pun bukan senang....so ingat nak skali harung ler..
BUT kalu wat cam tu sure tak best kan...rushing.... |
Reply #191 marisa_anuar's post
ohhok auckland pun ok kot..blh pg rotorua ..n late taupo.(still in north island). kalau setakat 1 minggu tuh cukup....  |
Reply #192 haszyoe's post
ishk mmg tak cukup kalau nak pg.. jauh .. kalau nak drive.. n byk guna duit ... batter kalau tak sempat pi south .. north pun oke apa?tapi kalau nak sekali harung kena la tambah hari lagi
kena buat program leklok .. karang menyosal.. |
Reply #188 zba_planet post
aku belajar kt chc... balik tahun 2002... huhuhu dh lama rupanya aku meninggalkan bumi kiwi ni.... satu hari nnt aku akan pegi balik sana, tempat jatuh lagi dikenang, inikan pula tempat belajar dulu....
[ Last edited by alangGIRL at 8-4-2008 06:07 PM ] |
kalau kat aukland tu itself takde ke tempat2 yang menarik??? yang rasanya tourist akan pergi... |
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