erm apapa lah..pd aku a movie is a movie
aku suka je tgk 300 ni..
sbb aku mmg suka citer2 epik gini..
plg suka tgk si (ape nama tu??) rejam lembing kat rhino tu
huiyo gagah nye |
a'ah kan..gagah.. lps tu kpala kena tebas...  |
betul kita diskus pasal filem, tapi kita kena jugak pikir pengaruh filem. at least dalam forum ni ada yang tak terfikir agenda barat dalam filem sekarang bila dah terbaca dalam forum - baru terfikir. itu je tujuannya.
jangan sempit fikiran sangat |
propaganda tu boleh dikatakan sesuatu yg perlu bila menghasilkan filem.
ini disebabkan filem merupakan antara medium penyebaran paling popular dan berpengaruh so dari sini la para penghasil filem mengeksploitasi sumber hiburan ni sebagai satu alat propaganda mereka.
tapi biasala tu kan...filem merupakan salah satu saluran ekspressi...orang barat buat filem dengan agenda nak menangkan bangsa dia apa semua...sama juga dengan negara2 lain termasuk malaysia..buat filem dengan agenda masing2..ade yg think global dan ada jugak yg bersifat personal..tu semua adalah agenda...just terpulanglah kepada kita macamane nak perceive maklumat yg datang kat kita tu...
orang yang berfikiran sempit adalah orang yang pandai2 menghukum orang lain cuma kerana dia rasa dia sorang jer la betul, tak hormat pendapat orang, tak hormat peribadi orang dan bila dikritik bukannya nak pertahankan diri secara professional, tapi mula provokasi dengan isu2 yg tak relevan...ha tu bagi aku orang yg berfikiran sempit. |
Originally posted by ladydolph at 14-3-2007 09:08 AM
i think they still mention 300 gak despite ader yg dah mati cuz they are together as one, angka 300 as a symbol of their team work, they are all considered as heroes no matter dead or alive.. ...
aha .. penjelasan yg bernas ..
btw aku pun suka scene diorg gelak masa berlindung bawah perisai tu .. kinda funny .. tgh2 perang pun ada joke jugak .. |
Originally posted by mahathirGX at 14-3-2007 10:07 PM
Download dari torrent aje .... tunggu aXXo wat ....baru clear
wah .. nampaknya tersohor amat sudah nama aXXo ni ..  |
Originally posted by artgeex at 15-3-2007 08:01 PM
aku baru lepas tengok 300. Bagi aku citer ni intelligent sikit dari Troy; sebab Troy tu hero yang terer perang sorang-sorang kalah sebab pompuan, apa punya cipan betul. Aku bagi 6 out of 5
hehe .. kan ada ayat famous .. for every rise or fall of a great man lies a woman behind it (something like that lar aku pun tak ingat sgt) ..  |
Was it really 300 Spartans against a million Persians?
According to ancient historian Herodotus, there were 5 million Persians at Thermopyl |
What is the historical significance of the battle shown in ''300''?
Thermopyl |
Did Spartans actually fight with virtually no armor?
No. In fact, it was the Spartans' heavy armor and perfect phalanx that helped give them such staying power versus the lightly armored Persians. Spartan and other Greek troops wore a breastplate, a bronze helmet with cheekplates, greaves, and a bronze-plated shield approximately 3 feet in diameter, called a hoplon (from which the word "hoplite" derives). All total, their armor weighed about sixty pounds (27 kilograms). Their primary weapon was a spear around 2.7 meters in length called a dory. Since this tended to break in battle, they also carried a 60 cm thrusting sword called a xiphos. Less commonly used was the Greek sabre called a kopis. |
Why didn't Sparta send its full army north to support King Leonidas?
Spartan policy was not set by the king, but by the Ephors, a five-man executive council that was elected annually. (In ''300'', the Ephors are lecherous mystics who live on a mountaintop.) The Ephors concluded that Sparta could afford to wait until after the city celebrated the Carneian Festival, according to Herodotus. Xerxes had been delaying his invasion for months, so the Greeks did not realize that the main Persian thrust was imminent. Advised of the religious festival by exiled Spartan King Demaratus, Xerxes planned his attack so as to take advantage of it. Other Greek states withheld troops because they were celebrating the Olympics. This left the defense of Thermopyl |
What was the result of the war between Greece and Persia?
About a month after defeating King Leonidas at Thermopyl |
What was the end of Sparta?
Sparta eventually overextended itself by occupying both Athens and Thebes and attempting to impose aristocratic government on all of Greece. The Thebans revolted and defeated the Spartans at Leuctra in 371 BC. Theban commander Epaminondas was able to plow through the Spartan right wing by making his left wing 50 ranks deeps. The Spartan phalanx was 12 ranks deep, which was standard for a Greek army up to that point. Sparta's notoriously degraded slaves, called helots, revolted and the Thebans recreated the state of Messenia for them. The Thebans also built a city called Megalopolis so that the Arcadians (who provide the cowardly Greek militia in ''300'') could assert their independence. Hemed in by these two states, Sparta's role in Greek politics was greatly reduced.
Sparta was incorporated into the Macedonian Empire after the battle of Chaeronea (338 BC). The Romans conquered Sparta in 146 BC. The city was pillaged by the Visigoths under Alaric in AD 396 and by the Slavs in the 9th century. {Source: History of Ancient Sparta.} Modern Sparta has a population of about 15,000. |
Were the Persians portrayed accurately?
The visuals in ''300'' are invented -- the real Xerxes had a beard and never went near the front line. (See this image.) Persia, with a population of about 20 million, was the largest empire in history at the time the movie is set. Cyrus the Great, grandfather of Xerxes and founder of the empire, was described as a liberator and an ideal ruler in the Bible and by Greek historian Xenophon. According to the Book of Isaiah, Cyrus was "anointed by God." The Persian Empire extended as far west as Egypt, north into southern Russia and east to modern-day Afghanistan (aside from Egypt, it did not include Africa, so the depiction of African Persians as emissaries or soldiers was not accurate).
Greeks feared the Persians because of their great military and political accomplishments -- they had conquered over a million square miles in a relatively short time, while the Greeks were far from unifying their own lands even in the face of invasion. As a result, the Persians commanded tremendous wealth in the form of tribute. Their success in managing their empire also shook Greek confidence in the superority of their own culture. Many Greek states gave Persia the "earth and water" tribute demanded, and some stayed neutral or fought on the Persian side. A deposed Spartan king, Demaratus, was in the Persian camp at the time of Thermopyl |
Rodrigo Santoro (Xerxes) does not have such a low and mystical voice on ABC's "Lost". Was his voice altered?
Yes, the pitch of Santoro's voice was lowered in editing to better fit the character. Director Zach Snyder stated in an interview, that "when we, because we scaled him as we did, when his normal voice played, it was even stranger to me. He was out of scale of his voice, not that it wasnt commanding. Rodrigo is about 6' 2''. In some ways it was foreign to him because now weve taken him and turned him into a nine-foot-tall guy and his voice is not the voice of a nine-foot-tall guy. It was weird. So we just pitched him down and thats why we did it. It was hard to do. I talked Rodrigo about it and we tried to figure it out. I showed him some things. |
sowi ar momod kalu haku ponya post dh mcm dlm benang sejarah...
saja nak bg info kpd forumer yg ketegaq sgt mempertikaikan cite ni dgn penuh emosi...biasa la cite holiwud..mesti kena nampak gempak bg org ternganga tgk...
skit2 kang merendahkan org timur la..merendahkan org Islam la...bla..bla..bla....relex la sume..jgn emosi kay...bukakan minda anda...jgn berfikiran sempit yg merugikan diri sendiri...  |
br jer pas tgk cite nie
fly bg 8 / 10 jer
ermmm ske part perang
dialog2 cam bosan sket
about the racism ke ape ........
fly tolak ke tepi coz fly just nak tgk cite
bab2 tuh sendiri pk mane betul n idak
neway just for fun ......... |
I like this movie. Tatau laa pada org lain, but for me it's great. Suka part perang2 tuh, main cantas2 jek! Haha.. Teknik bagus. Grafik dia pun cantik. Dialog dia klaka, byk yg jenis sindir2 punye... Hehehe! Overall, aku puas hati laa n tak rugi aku beli tiket. Hihi!  |
bru tgk mlm td cite ni ..
aku bg 9.5/10..
cite ok .. ade gegarsi lg tu ..
n cite like komik pencak nujum .. brutality ..
ehkehkehehkehkekhe ..
sonok tgk style diorg perang ..
siap ade slow motion tu yg tatahan ...
ade sambungan x rase2, kot2 anak die lak jd king pahni ehhehehe .. |
Reply #169 mystiquezone's post
Yang ji aku setuju sangat2... |
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