Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (July 2009)
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Reply #184 hermione_twin's post
hahhahahaha...mesti ade sebab musabab....
tapi Dan really improving dlm bab kiss mengekiss ni..dlm cite December boys, teknik dia dh OK dr ms OoTP... |
Reply #179 hermione_twin's post
btw, gmbr Tom ni kiut laaa....mcm nk culik je die...pastu buat tebusan kt WB...minta DH kuar awal sikit...... |
Reply #185 maxxwu's post
ak rasa sbb diorang close mcm adik bradik, yelah dr kecik blakon sama2...takkan nak kiss ur own sister, mesti rasa semacam.. |
Reply #187 penggwin's post
nak keluar dah yer movie dia nih .. sblm ni punye memang aku frust .. sbb aku suk a giler tgk Goblet of Fire movie yg sebelumnya ..
harap2 kali ni punye tak mengecewakan ler ..  |
Reply #189 hermione_twin's post
tu aaa...mmg akan kuar awal....hahahha |
Originally posted by MrBriteSide at 20-5-2008 08:29 AM 
menci tol...watak tonks tuh mcam tak berfungsi pon..dlm ootp aku kalau ulang pon tgk part yang ada tonks n bella...masih lagi pissed part lawan kat ministry of magic tuh simple..takde part bella ...
samalah..twin pun tak puas hati gak..part lawan2 kat MoM tu nak katakan dr mula sampai abis twin tak puas hati.Twin risau jer ngan HBP & Dh sebab WB guna director yg sama
btw, twin dah nengok tom felton nyanyi...not bad. |
Reply #194 nyibuk_jerr's post
poster kt website GSC ni kut yg one of the official....sbb slalunye WB buat byk version kan?? |
Originally posted by maxxwu at 22-5-2008 10:06 PM 
poster kt website GSC ni kut yg one of the official....sbb slalunye WB buat byk version kan??
biasalah tu..dia org suka buat at least 3-4 poster..satu poster main utk panggung lepas tu postr utk setiap main character..teringat masa CoS dulu ada 4..warna merah, biru, hijau, kuning/oren..kira ikut warna rumah (gryffindor, ravenclaw, hufflepuff & slytherin)
twin baru try tanya mugglenet kot2 dia org leh confirmkan poster tu betul ke tak..paling2 pun cari kan poster tu size besar sikit  |
Reply #196 hermione_twin's post
Tragedy befalls young Half-Blood Prince actor
We are saddened to report that BBC News announced earlier this morning that the actor who plays the role of Marcus Belby in Half-Blood Prince was tragically killed late last night in London. Robert Knox was stabbed to death while intervening on behalf of his younger brother just outside Metro Bar on Station Road in Sidcup.
Belby is known to Potter fans as the Ravenclaw student who aspires to be a part of the Slug Club. According to The Telegraph, Warner Bros. has released the following statement:
""We are all shocked and saddened by this news and at this time our sympathies are with his family."
tak sabarnye nak tgk HBP............huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...
nk tgk part kissing.. kekekeke  |
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