akhirnya cair gak miguel ngan belaian debby |
Reply #1979 rosabella's post
ahhaaa.....pompuan jahat pobre diabla |
mlm tadi tak tengok sgt sebab tak sihat... jap lagik nak pi jumpa doktor nacho:love: |
sapa tengok mlm tadi tolong citer sket:tq;
cuma tau kisah vicky vs sole...
dan apa kisah miguel & deborah |
Originally posted by rosabella at 2-2-2007 11:26 AM
sapa tengok mlm tadi tolong citer sket:tq;
cuma tau kisah vicky vs sole...
dan apa kisah miguel & deborah
aha..sapa tengok boleh cite sket..tak tengok le.. |
suspen betul ending semalam. sole tipon suara perempuan dia dengar. mesti ingat miguel ada affair dgn perempuan lain. muka macam nak menangis. salah faham lah semua ni. now macam mana miguel nak explain? mesti sole tak percaya coz of history. miguel cheating on vic dgn dia, and now miguel cheating on her dgn orang lain.
kelakar betul fico semalam. minum sampai mabuk. menyanyi sampai terjatuh.  |
Originally posted by marissa_jc at 2-2-2007 12:33 PM
suspen betul ending semalam. sole tipon suara perempuan dia dengar. mesti ingat miguel ada affair dgn perempuan lain. muka macam nak menangis. salah faham lah semua ni. now macam mana miguel ...
marissa tengok ke..buat le sinopsis..pls..pls.. |
Originally posted by amoy257 at 2-2-2007 03:14 PM
marissa tengok ke..buat le sinopsis..pls..pls..
a'ah marissa.. citer sket yg penting jer... apa lagi vicky wat kat sole masa kat opis??? |
Reply #1987 amoy257's post
amoy .. kalu nak synopsis ke lewat sikit. busy coz month end. sorry
[ Last edited by marissa_jc at 2-2-2007 05:19 PM ] |
Originally posted by marissa_jc at 2-2-2007 05:18 PM
amoy .. kalu nak synopsis ke lewat sikit. busy coz month end. sorry
alaaa... tak yah full syp marissa.. cuma nak tau apa lagik serangan vicky ke atas sole... dan apa yg berlaku di antara miguel & deborah... tang ending marissa dah citer kan... miguel dah tul2 syiok kat deborah ke??? |
Originally posted by rosabella at 2-2-2007 05:54 PM
alaaa... tak yah full syp marissa.. cuma nak tau apa lagik serangan vicky ke atas sole... dan apa yg berlaku di antara miguel & deborah... tang ending marissa dah citer kan... miguel dah ...
ok now apa yg marissa ingat :hmm:
pasal vicky ke atas sole ... marissa tak tgk sorry.
what happen between miguel dan deborah ... deborah beritahu miguel yg dia nak cium miguel. miguel kata ni bukan masa dan tempat. but then he didn't say that he didn't want. so deborah didn't push dia lah. fico pulak mabuk tgh dancing. deborah dan miguel both tolong dukung fico sbb nak bawak ke bilik. fico tak nak. dia nak berparty lagi. at the end fico manage to pull away from miguel dan deborah and jln sendiri mabuk. miguel dan deborah gelakan fico, letak tangan atas bahu masing2 then lepas tu terus facing each other. dekat pulak. itu saja yg berlaku.
sole pulak nak telepon miguel. masa yg sama fatima on the line dgn leo. so cut short lah conversation dia orang. sole telepon hotel mintak bilik miguel. lama jugak dia tunggu then deborah yg angkat. sole in shock terus senyap tak cakap apa2 bila deborah kata helo helo .. lepas tu, deborah pun panggil miguel kata tak ada orang nak cakap. so miguel pun ambil phone kata helo helo .. sole terkejut. muka macam nak menangis.
bersambungan ....
sorry amoy, kak rose .... marissa cuma tgk the last 15 min jee. :tq: |
Originally posted by marissa_jc at 2-2-2007 06:36 PM
ok now apa yg marissa ingat :hmm:
pasal vicky ke atas sole ... marissa tak tgk sorry.
what happen between miguel dan deborah ... deborah beritahu miguel yg dia nak cium miguel. miguel ...
thx marissa :tq:
something than nothing..... |
Originally posted by marissa_jc at 2-2-2007 06:36 PM
ok now apa yg marissa ingat :hmm:
pasal vicky ke atas sole ... marissa tak tgk sorry.
what happen between miguel dan deborah ... deborah beritahu miguel yg dia nak cium miguel. miguel ...
:tq:muchas graciass marissa.... |
Reply #1999 rosabella's post
senora alma a.k.a hitler  |
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