Mase ni bleh tgk mata RenZai berair & tahan sebak......sayu jer  |

credit owner of pix
END OF EPISODE 17 ( 26.01.07 ) |
Originally posted by airahthislove at 27-1-2007 12:40 AM
Mase ni bleh tgk mata RenZai berair & tahan sebak......sayu jer
Kang Ji Hwan is even impressive in his latest drama (Title : 90 Days, the time for love ).
He can really make you cry even more...more than what he gave us just now.
Dont take my word for it, you just have to watch in order to believe & to feel his acting.
Aku setuju dgn Airah..... lebih2 aku kesian dekat Nara semua dah jadi tak betul.
Kesian jugak dekat Si Pengemis aka Muka Tembok ~ Seung Woo ..
Mlm nie WA kena 'tembak' teruk dari Pengerusi Pu ... mcm nak halau WA masa mkn mlm.
Dah nak sampai ke penghujungnya...cuma tinggal 3 episode utk minggu depan , Airah.
Going to miss this dumbo INJAE & evil MIRAE....
I wil try to post more on Sunday evening...for monday's spoiler.
Have a nice weekend to all. |
Reply #1987 mypuppyiz's post
3 episod lg...mcm kejap jer tgk cite ni...
Mgkn ramai yg naik darah tinggi tu pasal tak sedar nak abih...
I wonder what is the next series will took place after fireworks? :hmm:
Have a blast weekend 2 you too......

credit:ponnipa |
cerita ni memang lain dari yg lain, sebab selalu watak Raen Zai tu, heroin yg pegang.kali ni lelaki pulak.....
apa lah ending cerita nie ya... |
jade3652 This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Faziraa at 27-1-2007 11:18 AM
Saat ini akak mengalirkan airmata melihatnya Kata-kata Nara sungguh sedih sekali. Sesiapa yang boleh ingat tolong tuliskan di sini. Rupanya di dalam ketabahan Nara menghadapi RZ di depan ...
kalu blh wa nak rakam part ni je....ade kene mengena dgn hidup wa la.... |
jade3652 This user has been deleted
WA xcun la monyok n sedih cam tu.....sker dia dlm citer jewel in the palace (jd lian sheng) cam happy go lucky.....
and dalm cite silence tu....sedih kejap2 ok la.... |
Originally posted by airahthislove at 27-1-2007 12:40 AM
Mase ni bleh tgk mata RenZai berair & tahan sebak......sayu jer
haku sedih giler part ni... memang sayu... |
agak2 lepas citer ni abih, citer korea ganti atau citer cina ek?
2 hari lepas masa kul 5.30ptg camtuh, ada citer korea yg kwon sang wo jadi kapten tentera laut kat ntv7...(sorry, off topic) |
Originally posted by penggwin at 27-1-2007 01:53 PM
agak2 lepas citer ni abih, citer korea ganti atau citer cina ek?
2 hari lepas masa kul 5.30ptg camtuh, ada citer korea yg kwon sang wo jadi kapten tentera laut kat ntv7...(sorry, off topic)
Yie ke??
Is it " Into the Sun " ( If I am not mistaken) ... Kwon Sang Woo dgn aktres Meung Sae Bin (from Wedding) ??? |
Reply #1996 mypuppyiz's post
yup, citer Into the Sun.... |
Reply #1988 airahthislove's post
3 eps lagi je??? cepat le pulak..... |
apalah yg jadi mlm nie, rasanya Cheng Yu dah tahu tu anak dia .. |
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