[V27] ALL ABOUT FATTAH AMIN **Fattah hadir di malam KLFW untuk memberi sokongan
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shaynina replied at 20-8-2017 10:21 PM
yg aku heran sampai skang IDOLAT tu tak pernah lak suruh lobenak stop kacau fans lain atau cakap ben ...
Wujud lg ke neelofateam tu? Igt dah tenggelam |
Yeah CP. Jue dok sebaris dgn my favs hahaha
Ada rizman, fathia, nely, tiz
Cr. Ig nazreem
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suzy_2912 replied at 20-8-2017 10:41 PM
Apooo bamtah esok nk exam boleh pulak gi dating...
Ambk vit f la sblm exam... bkn e5 ye...btl ke nm pil tu? |
berusgigiaku replied at 20-8-2017 10:27 PM
Abam tgh study...
Cute pencilbox abam..
Goodluck fattah! |
Aduradura replied at 20-8-2017 10:31 PM
Maap la kalau ade yg tak selesa hal hajah ade dlm ni, sbb tiap kali iolls nmpk pasal dlm ni hal lowb ...
Iols suke je chuols drop bomb kaka.. Biar bukak sikit otak lobenak.. Eh lobenak ade otak ke?? Yg iols tahu theyols ade pale lutut jah
Hebat bukan |
melnanzz replied at 20-8-2017 10:35 PM
repost from @thefa_team
Good luck Fattah Amin for your exam tomorrow!
Amin.. Gud luck bamtah.. Esok jwap exam jgn salah tulis jawapan plk.. Takot plk tulis congratulations sayang,
Proud of u
Lots of love
Hehehehe |
berusgigiaku replied at 20-8-2017 10:39 PM
Pz ckp bamtah on d way
Dlm gmbr tu 9.20pm kan..padan bamtah gigih sgt study sbb nak cepat2 pi dating |
nmi replied at 20-8-2017 02:19 PM
Gmbr2 and video Nazreem musa clear Gila..g thanks Kat dier..Nmpk mama faz senyum kemain, suka Bila ...
kan... sgt clear ... suka tgk mama |
Babalooba replied at 20-8-2017 09:09 PM
bukan family lopak ke yang kutuk kutuk and perli fattah faz and people around him? Suddenly takde p ...
Bodoh aku tgk hat sana Yg kutuk x sudah..ig pro fattzura xde sentuh pon psl hjh depa |
suzy_2912 replied at 20-8-2017 10:41 PM
Apooo bamtah esok nk exam boleh pulak gi dating...
Dating buat bekal nk jawap esok kaka.. Kikiki |
Shazfa replied at 20-8-2017 10:45 PM
Amin.. Gud luck bamtah.. Esok jwap exam jgn salah tulis jawapan plk.. Takot plk tulis congratulati ...
Hahahahaha!!! |
rama2samar replied at 20-8-2017 10:43 PM
alaa..scorer...nk dpt azimat dr chenta hatii chuols..biar tenang2 jwp exam esok..hihi
Jangan terbabas tulis semua jawapan fazura sudah.... |
Nope. Neelofa Team tak sama dgn Lofattah Fan.
Neelofa Team is genuine. Support "L" and vote her for ABPBH 2015 (wpun ade cite sheolls beli surat kahbar byk). In fact, Neelofa fans ade jugak yg tak suke Fattah tp derang tak over.
Yang Lofattah (Lobenak) ni over. Walhal baru setahun wujud. Tak abis2 nk "play god".
Masa PZ off IGlive, Faz ada mentioned kat FA about date clash, pastu dengar dia sebut Europe. Lepas live tu end, I pg dengar/tengok balik (I baru tau IGlive kalau dia off masih jugak recording for maybe 10 - 15 seconds)...so ada kesinambungan perbualan FA & Faz about clash schedule. Sapa yg telinga jenis tajam boleh try dengar dorang discuss tu. |
rama2samar replied at 20-8-2017 10:39 PM
fattzuratilljannah deting malam ni ditemani pz.... oohhhhhh...
Hahahahha!!! Bombbbb.. |
Sekali mama D up quote memang on point habis.
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Cekla replied at 20-8-2017 09:25 PM
Oh..tq2..budak tu ideology apa sekarang? Pro abam ke idolat?
Idolat sajok poreber n eber gitewwwww |
Ke Europe tu maybe Faz pegi utk shooting AAC2 kot.
hkakahkhak..kenala jumpa pendorong
Drama Alhijrah ni tiba tiba ada nasihat pulak.kepada hero amar baharin, janganlah kamu menikahi perempuan kerana kecantikannya kelak ditakuti itu yg memburukkannya....jangan kerana hartanya kelak dikhuatiri ia derhaka. Why la meols terus teringat Fa dan L..eh..takleh move on la..kekekeke |
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