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ALL About London VI (England)

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Post time 23-7-2013 12:54 PM | Show all posts
hermione_twin posted on 23-7-2013 10:04 AM
Rush  Pink..boleh tak twin pun guna agen yg sama. Twin nak gi London bln 11 ni. Twin dah msg dgn e ...

Hi twin!
Tak adalah sebarang "exclusivity" untuk sesiapa pulak email tu! Saya letak posting tu supaya sapa2 pun boleh guna someting yg boleh membawa faedah kpd semua. Dulu dah pernah kena bomb dek moderator kita Lela "the cannon" rentaka pasal suka pakai pm! Anyway its really nice of you to ask.... terbukti masih ramai org Melayu yg bersopan & santun......


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Post time 23-7-2013 04:21 PM | Show all posts
nak tanya skit...
betul ke dah dikenakan visa ke england?

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Post time 23-7-2013 04:25 PM | Show all posts
Rushrush posted on 23-7-2013 12:54 PM
Hi twin!
Tak adalah sebarang "exclusivity" untuk sesiapa pulak email tu! Saya letak posting tu su ...

twin kena mintak izin dulu sebab asalnya pun Rush bagi kat Pinkberry. Tak nak lah potong jalan orang lain. kalau date dia tak sama dgn twin tak per. kalau tersama nanti mesti dia marah2. tak pasal2 nanti Rush kena marah sama. tak ke naya. twin in pun cuma berusaha gak ni. pening kepala sebab apartment yg kita org mula2 berhajat tu masih tak reply2. bukan jer email anak sedara twin pun dia org tak reply lagi.

Rush..tumpang tanya..apartment yg rush bagi ni ada allocated parking space ke? Twin nanti gi London dari Sheffield. Kita org decide nak sewa kereta sebab lebih dari dua orang sambil tu nak stop2 kat tempat2 cam Bath. Tapi masa dalam London kita org naik tube dgn jln kaki jer. Ramai dah warning parking kat London mahal.


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Post time 24-7-2013 02:54 PM | Show all posts
hermione_twin posted on 23-7-2013 04:25 PM
twin kena mintak izin dulu sebab asalnya pun Rush bagi kat Pinkberry. Tak nak lah potong jalan ora ...

Hi Twin,
Mai akak bg clue sikit... akak nak book week terakhir Dec... So kalau tak kena waktu tu tak perlulah berebut dengan akak ...  After all Rush pun dah bagi green light, sesapa pun boleh guna contact dia tu... Thanks Rush!! You're the best!!
Tapi just to pre warn u, Carrie not takes full payment in advance... Akak try nego 50% in advance, 50% one month before arrival tetapi telah di reject ... so akak tgh dok berkira-kira cemana nak convince hubby utk prepay tu 5 months in advance nie...  tapi location of the apartment is perfect for us...

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Post time 24-7-2013 05:08 PM | Show all posts
pinkyberry posted on 24-7-2013 02:54 PM
Hi Twin,
Mai akak bg clue sikit... akak nak book week terakhir Dec... So kalau tak kena waktu t ...

ok lah tu kak Pink (err betul ke kena panggil akak..karang tup tup sebaya..huhuhu)..twin gi London tgh bln Nov.

Utk otai-otai bod England, twin nak tanya...kalau kita gi UK tapi kita tido rumah sedara camna ye? takut tak lepas kat immigresen jer nanti. dah lah ada org cakap single ladies dah susah nak travel sana..dia org takut org asian pompuan ni kawin ngan org sana terus tak nak balik negara masing2 Kat sana twin tido rmh anak buah twin dgn cousin twin. Kalau tido hotel pun masa jalan2 balik ke London.


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Post time 26-7-2013 07:35 AM | Show all posts
hermione_twin posted on 23-7-2013 04:25 PM
twin kena mintak izin dulu sebab asalnya pun Rush bagi kat Pinkberry. Tak nak lah potong jalan ora ...

Biar saya bagi sikit info on this Carrie Xian: she manages some 17 properties in London, (hence chances of "clashing" with others are quite slim - diifferent dates, tenure & group sizes) to broaden her marketing efforts she uses, etc. The properties can be seen here: or; the properties are the same but since she has used much earlier compred to roomorama, the customer reviews are mostly in airbnb. Please go thru the individual property websites for details on amneties, general locations, customer reviews, streetview, T&C etc. The premises at 18 Cosway St, NW1 5NR (6 apartment units from basement to 4th floor) do not come with allocated parking space - please bear in mind these are 80-100-year old buildings - constructed when car parking is not an issue! But there are public parking spaces around the area - please use Google map's "streetview" to really view the place and surrounding areas.

Saya recommended Carrie because by contacting directly with her:
(1) you save the agency fees - 12% charged by airbnb and 11.5% by roomorama (booking via these sites will require full payment immediately and only then they will revealed the exact address of the property and email addresss of the owner/agent)
(2) she has received good reviews from previous tenants
(3) you can negotiate directly with her on payment terms (maybe as a repeat customer I could negotiate better terms than new customers)
(4) most of her managed properties are well located in central London and competitively priced - these are not luxurious units but adequate for the average budget traveller. Maybe Kak @pinkyberry can testify to this having seen the properties online.

Rest assured saya tak dapat komisyen apa2 dari Carrie ni! Just want to share something that is beneficial to everyone. Mohon maaf sebab tulis di atas dalam English sebab tengah naik sheikh ni! Baru je habis buat a lengthy report for work.

Last edited by Rushrush on 22-8-2013 11:12 AM


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Post time 27-7-2013 12:59 PM | Show all posts
Rushrush posted on 26-7-2013 07:35 AM
Biar saya bagi sikit info on this Carrie Xian: she manages some 17 properties in London,  ...

Hi Rush...

Hah... tu dia... bila Rush dah dpt feel nak tulis, dah mcm buat essay SPM ye bro ... Sori, jgn marah... akak gurau je ok...
Akak ada view some of the properties yg advertised by Carrie kat (those yg boleh muat my group la) and indeed they are located at unbeatable areas and mmg rates pun reasonable.  Properties kat Zone 1 and with that kind of rate payah sikit nak cari.  Trust me sbb akak pun dah berbulan2 dok try to find something yg tak lah terlalu mahal.  Well... more cash must be allocated for shopping kan ... In fact, mostly kat Zone 2 pun agak mahal..
Ye la Rush... she's very firm to ask for a full payment in advance.  My negotiation to pay 50% upfront, fail habis ... Furthermore, my nego skill mmg hampeh... So takpe lar... hubby kata can pay, so am now waiting for her to send me the payment request through paypal.  Her terms - no refund for cancellation less than 2 weeks, 50% within a month & full refund before.
Betul, we save byk jugak bila tak perlu bayar fee tu... in my case, around RM550 jugak tu... shopping money kan... hehehehe...
So thankful ada forumer yg baik hati mcm Rush, Lela & Minahsaudi yang always willingly bagi info when needed.  Thanks so much....

Selamat meneruskan puasa dan berbuka Bro ... take care...


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Post time 27-7-2013 05:20 PM | Show all posts
Travel pass London ni sama fungsi dgn MyMulti Pass kat Sydney ke? means bole ade unlimited ride naik bas/train/ferry utk tempoh masa tertentu. bezanya Travel pass London include admission ticket utk tempat2 attractions?

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Post time 28-7-2013 12:58 AM | Show all posts
hermione_twin posted on 17-7-2013 02:53 PM
Salam. Ni first time twin nak bertanya kat sini. Baca thread ni masih lum khatam lagi. Dah masuk 4 h ...

Wsalam.. Wah, journey kte hampir sama!

Sy skrg dah sminggu kat Sheffield. Dr KL-Heathrow-Sheffield sorg2. Stay sini dlm 2months, visit my sis. So end of Sept balik Msia. So far mmg xjln2 lg coz tgh puasa kan.. 2 weeks before blk Msia nnt ada sorang kwn nak datang sini. Plannye nak jalan2 Sheffield, then around 3 days before balik, ktorang nak jalan2 London. Tapi belum survey tempat-tempat nak pegi, tambang, dll.

Aim nak pergi tempat-tempat yg nice utk bergambar. Yang penting free or murah2. Kalau ade tmpt shopping murah-murah pun mehla share..

#Lupa nak bagitau, ke London nnt just two of us (me & my fren). Mesti berdua macam rusa masuk kampung nnt. Hehehe.
Last edited by mynameisyat on 28-7-2013 01:00 AM


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Post time 30-7-2013 07:15 AM | Show all posts
apang posted on 27-7-2013 05:20 PM
Travel pass London ni sama fungsi dgn MyMulti Pass kat Sydney ke? means bole ade unlimited ride naik ...

London's Travel Pass khusus untuk nak pergi tempat2 tourist attractions; walaupun ada jugak option untuk beli yg di bundle sekali dgn Travelcard.
London's Travelcard = Mymulti (Sydney) - fungsi sama; di London boleh naik/turun tanpa had semua Tube, Overground, Train, DLR, Bas & dapat 30% discount naik KPMG Thames Clippers (bukan dah masuk dlm Mymulti macam ferry di Sydney). Sama jugak dgn Mymulti (zones 1-3) dari segi had untuk zones.
Oyster (London) = Opal (Sydney)
Travelcard yg dibeli dekat Train Stations (bukan Tube stations) boleh pakai untuk 2-4-1 offers.


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Post time 30-7-2013 07:19 AM | Show all posts
pinkyberry posted on 27-7-2013 12:59 PM
Hi Rush...

Hah... tu dia... bila Rush dah dpt feel nak tulis, dah mcm buat essay SPM ye bro : ...

No problemos sis, saja nak tolong kalau boleh. Esei SPM? hehehehe


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Post time 30-7-2013 09:15 AM | Show all posts
mynameisyat posted on 28-7-2013 12:58 AM
Wsalam.. Wah, journey kte hampir sama!

Sy skrg dah sminggu kat Sheffield. Dr KL-Heath ...

@mynameisyat .. wah 2 bln..lama tu. Twin gi sana lebih kurang 2 minggu je. twin travel berdua..sampai sheffield baru lah ramai sikit.

mula2 ingat nak gi London lagi 2-3 hari sebelum balik mesia tapi tak jadi. pergi masa tgh2 holiday tu sebab anak sedara yg sorang lagi tak leh nak join ikut travel yg asal sbb ada kelas. heheh selagi belum masuk bulan 8 (sebab tiket train murah2 jual 3 bln sblm date yg kita nak)..selagi tu asyik tukar2 plan. kejap nak naik train. kejap nak drive kalau tiket train yg murah tu keluar, mungkin naik train sheffield ke london. drive mungkin bila nak gi notts ke hulls ke.

@Rushrush kalau dlm address tu letak address rmh sedara, boleh ke?
twin nengok rumah2 under Carrie tu memang ok. Kita org tak ramai sangat..berempat je. twin masih nengok harga kat travelodge. Nak ambik hostel takut dia org tak allow baby.


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Post time 31-7-2013 01:09 PM | Show all posts

nak tanya kat mana nak makan FISH & CHEAP kat london town, price x mahal sgt.. area yg senang  cari
saya check kat internet certain KFC kat sana Halal betul ? its mean dia ada logo halal kan kat depan kedai KFC tu macam subway.

kita mmg boleh oder pizza onion cheesa kat mana2 kedai piza kat sana kan ?


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Post time 1-8-2013 02:48 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ellelinda posted on 31-7-2013 01:09 PM

G kdi pak arab pon ada. Cnfrm halal. Smp  london bridge station, kt entrance  keluar je ada belah kanan. Klu nk sng masak sndri, beli kat tesco smoked salmon, masak makan ngn nasi panas...nyam

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Post time 2-8-2013 09:39 AM | Show all posts
Salam semua...setelah mengkaji & mentelaah semua posts kt dlm benang ni...maka terciptalah itenary yang tak berapa nak lengkap ni...

Saya akan bertolak ke London 21/8 ni & arrive kat heatrow at 22/8 morning..minta tolong forumers kat sini tokok tambah & komen whether itenary ni ok ke tak pleaseeeeee...

I'll be staying at Studios2let...

Day 1 (Thursday)
7.30 am Arrive at Heathrow
9.00 am Pegi apartment (Studios2let) simpan beg
10 am Keluar balik gi makan kat Malaysian Hall
11 am Buckingham palace / St. james park / st. james palace
1 pm Lunch at Bayswater area & shopping for groceries
3 pm back to aprtment to check in & rest
4.30 pm Keluar balik ke Hyde park/serpentine lake/covent garden/piccadilly circus/oxford street
8 pm Back to apartment

Day 2 (Friday)
Pagi - round2 area central london je kot
5 pm Harry Potter Studio
Day 3 (Saturday)
9 am Carboot sale/market
Spend the whole day in London jer kot...madame tussaud, natural history museum, london cruise etc. any other suggestion?
makan2 dekat malaysian restaurant in London (Tukdin etc.)

Day 4 (Sunday)
Spend time in cotswold. Plan nak jalan2 sendiri je...nak nikmati pemandangan...pegi sendiri naik train
Or lagi ok kalau ambik tour?

Day 5 (Monday)
Morning - Oxford
Afternoon - Bicester Village

Day 6 (tuesday)
Another sight seeing & final shopping around central london

Nak ke oxford ni saya tak pasti la cemana...any idea tak? better ambik bus or train? kalau dari oxford nak ke bicester village, bus tu ambik kat mana?

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Post time 2-8-2013 10:38 AM | Show all posts
another thing....saya masih tak pasti sama ada nak beli oyster card or travel card...
any advise?

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Post time 2-8-2013 12:33 PM | Show all posts
princesse_lune posted on 2-8-2013 10:38 AM
another thing....saya masih tak pasti sama ada nak beli oyster card or travel card...
any advise?

You pergi berapa org? Nak bagi advice kena tau berapa org....


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Post time 2-8-2013 06:11 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
September ni ada promo saudi airline ke lhr. Ok ke saudi airline ni??

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Post time 12-8-2013 03:55 PM | Show all posts
salam semua...
Ella tgh tabah study thread ni...
Cadang nk menyesakkan london msa boxing day tahun ni...Insyallah.
Trip lama lagi... tp dah kena mula pelan2... takut last minute.
Ingat nak cover London- Paris - Amsterdam for 10 to 14 days in December. (22 to 2 Jan 2014)

Nak tanya mana yg paling ok...
London - Paris - Amsterdam OR
Paris - London - Amsterdam


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Post time 13-8-2013 08:07 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Salam rushrush....sorry lambat reply...balik kg tak nyempat ler nak buka forum ni...hihihi
saya pegi 4 beranak, hubby, anak umur 4thn & 2thn Last edited by princesse_lune on 13-8-2013 08:54 AM


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