cat plak suka......
sbb tot pon tau
cat kt admin, tapi bebas tak hingta
dtg lmbt
rehat flexi
balik cm biasa klo dtg lwat pon
siap soping menyoping bagai
best ehehehehe
catstitch Post at 11-11-2009 15:17
jom cari rezeki yang halal(cat janganmarah) gurau jer
cat plak suka......
sbb tot pon tau
cat kt admin, tapi bebas tak hingta
dtg lmbt
rehat flexi
balik cm biasa klo dtg lwat pon
siap soping menyoping bagai
best ehehehehe
catstitch Post at 11-11-2009 15:17
jom cari rezeki yang halal(cat janganmarah) gurau jer
ismiulammraja Post at 11-11-2009 15:18
boss kata...
use la enternet if u free...
then, time is flexi for u. if u need to go to the bank , jz said n no need to recover the time...
not everybody can get the special flexibality. only certain staff expecially critical position yg dapat that special flexi.
bcoz for them, i mean boss think that as long as u can do the job very well, i dont border the other thing.