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Originally posted by ladydolph at 1-2-2009 01:01 AM 
Fried Green Tomatoes..... very heartwarming chick flick..... about friendship n female bonding..... lakonan Kathy Bates, the late Jessica Tandy, Mary Stuart Masterson n Mary Louis Parker......bri ...
alamak bestnyer.. selama ni asyik baca buku dia je.. kat mana carik dvd dia ye?
last sekali aku tgk movie bride wars.. fun lar.. comel la anne hathaway tu... |
Reply #2122 sweetfrangipani's post
aku nak carik novelnya pulak.. hehehe..... but from what i read in reviews ada a bit changes here n there... but still it's good......
dvd ori aku tak pernah jumpa lak.... dvd aku ni pirate but extended version.... kalau tak silap aku beli RM2 jer! hahaha... but the pic quality mmg superb giler..... nanti aku nak tgk lagi..... best sgt citer ni....... buat aku nangis tgk friendship dorang.....so touching............
The Reader, Vicky Christina Barcelona & The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.
last wiken tgk movie CHANGELING & mlm td tgk dvd GET SMART |
mlm tadi tgk While You Were Sleeping......
last nite...
wow....wow... |
Originally posted by gorgonz at 4-2-2009 10:37 AM 
last nite...
apa yg wow..wow tu..sedap sgt ker citer tuh? story cikit |
smlm tgk citer pride and glory,edward norton and collin ferel...best gile |
biopic Ivanka Trump: For Love alone...
Things is Illuminated...
Mine, Yours and Ours...
to be continued... |
The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas (2008)
Set during World War II, a story seen through the innocent eyes of Bruno, the eight-year-old son of the commandant at a concentration camp, whose forbidden friendship with a Jewish boy on the other side of the camp fence has startling and unexpected consequences.
Source: imdb |
byk aku da tgk
nt aku update |
Balas #2131 lwyl\ catat
Sesuai citer ni tgk pasal Yahudi nie...lebih2 lagi perang skrg |
The Curious Case of Benjamin Butto
best x cita ni? |
Reply #2134 nashrudean's post
Yup. Made me cry like a baby  |
Reply #2127 gorgonz's post
best tak?i read somewhere it sucked so bad sampai nicole takleh menerima hakikat hahaha terus blah tak tunggu premier kat australia.
tell us what u think! worth watching ke |
semalam layan citer THE YEAR OF LIVING DANGEROUSLY (1982) lakonan mel gibson kisah journalist dari australia yang berada di INDONESIA masa zaman pemerintahan presiden sukarno..best larr citer ni... |
aku tgk bedtime stories bosan laaaaaaaaa
mcm hampeh
regards |
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