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Author: ciksurie


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Post time 15-11-2014 09:08 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
novelloverzz posted on 15-11-2014 09:01 AM
Mulut abg j jenis masin x? Klu masin kot2 nov leh jadi tauke nnt. Dah lama jd kuli ni..

Harap2 masin la nov...nnt boleh reen dpt bunga free selalu..

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Post time 15-11-2014 09:11 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mrJOKERfromHELL posted on 14-11-2014 11:11 PM
nak ngadu kat bos abg ehhh..nak kene nov nihhh

Nk bg lagi cpt aduan nov sampai..nov wassap je trs..

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Post time 15-11-2014 09:12 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ada hari penyampaian hadiah esok..



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Post time 15-11-2014 09:14 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
novelloverzz posted on 15-11-2014 09:11 AM
Nk bg lagi cpt aduan nov sampai..nov wassap je trs..

Slmt pagi nov...dh sarapan?

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Post time 15-11-2014 09:21 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mrJOKERfromHELL posted on 14-11-2014 11:18 PM
kene siasat nihhhh

Klu abg j byk ms terluang nk buat siasatan nov bole bg info..

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Post time 15-11-2014 09:22 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
reeny posted on 15-11-2014 09:08 AM
Harap2 masin la nov...nnt boleh reen dpt bunga free selalu..

Insyaallah..mcm mustahil tp klu ada rezeki durian runtuh ke? Tuhan bg rezeki dlm byk cara kan reen..

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Post time 15-11-2014 09:23 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
reeny posted on 15-11-2014 09:12 AM
Ada hari penyampaian hadiah esok..

Anak reen no bape yg dpt hadiah sok?

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Post time 15-11-2014 09:24 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
reeny posted on 15-11-2014 09:14 AM
Slmt pagi nov...dh sarapan?

Morning reen..blm br nk sarap ni..reen dah sarap?

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Post time 15-11-2014 09:25 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mrJOKERfromHELL posted on 14-11-2014 11:19 PM
ade lagi selain diorg ;)

Iyer? Mst mak abg j..btl x?

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Post time 15-11-2014 09:30 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mrJOKERfromHELL posted on 14-11-2014 11:22 PM
mlm ni kita g colik tauke bunga nak x nov??

Abg j tau ke tauke bunga tu ddk mana? Sbbnya klu dah lewat sgt mst tauke kedai bunga tu dah blk rmh dia..

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Post time 15-11-2014 09:33 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mrJOKERfromHELL posted on 14-11-2014 11:24 PM
abg kene 80k lagi...huhuhuhu sedihmyerrrrrrrr

Sila rajin memajukan eh memoyankan diri...sbb kredit x dtg bergolek..

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Post time 15-11-2014 09:34 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mrJOKERfromHELL posted on 14-11-2014 11:30 PM
bz ngan keje la nov...

Oo ye ke? Ye la nk sara twins kan..

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Post time 15-11-2014 09:37 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mrJOKERfromHELL posted on 14-11-2014 11:34 PM
ingat nov lari mcm tu haahaha

Klu lari mcm tu mgkn ternampak hantu atau kena kaco ngan org gila...sekarang pun dah tkt2 nk kuar rmh sbb ramai btl org yg luaran nampak normal tp gila sbnrnya..

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Post time 15-11-2014 09:38 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
reeny posted on 15-11-2014 09:05 AM
Reen pun berkenan...cantik kan...

Yup cantik..kreatif OG..simple but nice..

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Post time 15-11-2014 09:38 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
novelloverzz posted on 15-11-2014 09:22 AM
Insyaallah..mcm mustahil tp klu ada rezeki durian runtuh ke? Tuhan bg rezeki dlm byk cara kan reen ...

Insha Allah...doakan yg baik2 aje.. rezeki Allah bagi dlm pelbagai cara dn kdg2 tak dijangka...

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Post time 15-11-2014 09:39 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
reeny posted on 15-11-2014 09:06 AM
Mana yg lain..tido lg ker?

Ada je diorg tp x msk porem.lg tu..

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Post time 15-11-2014 09:39 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
novelloverzz posted on 15-11-2014 09:23 AM
Anak reen no bape yg dpt hadiah sok?

Esok reen yg terlibat dgn acara... anak tk dpt hadiah pun..

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Post time 15-11-2014 09:40 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
reeny posted on 15-11-2014 09:38 AM
Insha Allah...doakan yg baik2 aje.. rezeki Allah bagi dlm pelbagai cara dn kdg2 tak dijangka...

Aamiin..mudah2an kan reen..kita doakan yg baik2 utk semua kawan2 kita..esk kena keje ke reen?

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Post time 15-11-2014 09:41 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
novelloverzz posted on 15-11-2014 09:24 AM
Morning reen..blm br nk sarap ni..reen dah sarap?

Pagi nie sarapan roti sardin aje nov...

Nov sarap ape?

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Post time 15-11-2014 09:42 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mrJOKERfromHELL posted on 14-11-2014 11:42 PM
aikkk..bkn ehh..abis tu sape?

La abg j x sihat ni..kena pegi buat medical check up..

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