sapa kat sini dpt assessment ctr kat INTAN Sg. Petani..jom car pool dgn aku dr KL/S'GOR..
malas nak drive sensorang... |
kesiannye holla dpt kat Kedah
mujur aku dpt kat KL je...x jauh dr tmpt keje skrg
kalau x memang masak la nk pegi jauh2...neway good luck  |
tu la pasal, diowang ckp kat INTENGAH tak cukup manpower, so mana aweks2 dan mat2 rempit kl/selangor yang dah terover2 tu kena post g INTURA.
dah la setiap kali g pac ni mesti macam mental sikit. |
Salam and Morning all,
Congrats for those yg sit for PAC/interview.
Tips for PAC: dont over do it as it is obvious, and do encourage/give chance to others to participate during discussion, tht will show ur personality yang diplomacy and willing to listen to others opinion. Be rational when giving out your idea and dont just throw silly notes for the sake of to be outspoken/'in' in the crowd. Your input must be content and precise and not just nodded or repeating others.
Plss, dont sink down other comment and do be positive..e.g:
While Mr.58 has remarkable commment, I would like to stress on.....
Altho Ms.99 is correct, I also have my own opinion on this issue which considering.....
Noted on suggestion made by Mr.54, however I do think tht we shud consider subject of....
Stamina side, it is good to have lots of stamina to build up excellent health condition thus affect your ability to think ahead and move fast. So, bagus kalo take a slow jog everyday...so by the day nanti, takdelah pancit .....try to make 2.4km under 15mins for ladies and guys brapa eh...10mins kot...paling lambat 18mins roughly...
Panel normally members of the Suruhanjaya..and might be 1 or 2 not from SPA. Since panel is also human being, the judgement is expected to be very subjective. Altho they have guidelines or competency to met, it is still subjective. So, eventho ur currently a teacher or hold other prof position in corporate level, if u able to convince the panel and answer the competency qs perfectly, YOU insyaAllah will be selected.
You must be firm with your answer...try to minimze those..AAhh...Ermmm...Errr...
If on any certain circumstances, panel rejected your answer and provoke with theirs, wht u need to do is:
1) Listen
2) Pause ( it shows u are understand and processing it to come out with ur brilliant answer, it also shows tht ur not in a rush or respect other ppl while they talk)
3) Throw your answer straight to the panel and not blindly anywhere in the room.
4) Make eye contact to the panel who asked u, it shows ur confident with ur answer and general rules apply; it is impolite to not making eye contact while talking.
Well...thts long enough...Gambate!
Cheers- |
Pegawai Tadbir & Diplomatik M41
Post Last Edit by taukereload at 4-7-2011 10:06
Menurut laman portal SPA Peperiksaan Khas Memasuki Perkhidmatan Awam bagi Jawatan Pegawai Tadbir & Diplomatik M41 akan diadakan pada 16 Julai 2011. Peperiksaan ini selalunya diadakan 2 kali setahun tetapi belum tahu lagi pada tahun 2011 ini. Berkemungkinan sekali sahaja.
Anda ada memohon? Jika YA. Anda boleh dapatkan Contoh Soalan Peperiksaan Khas ini. Sedikit sebanyak dapat membantu anda sebelum 16 Julai nanti. Ianya PERCUMA.
Dapatkan juga Panduan Lulus Temuduga Jawatan Kerajaan
http://www.temudugakerajaan.com/ |
td bapak sy tepon dpt surat utk exam ptd nie..
1st time apply ptd .. saje nk try. tunggu engineer x panggil2.. |
baru dpt surat panggil exam td. nasib baek ade thread nie. dapat jgk tau buku ape nak kne bace.. |
sama saya dapat gak surat tu... tapi di skudai johor... saya di klang... jauh nyaaaa... |
semakan dah leh dibuat di spa website...
dapat test nie kali ke-2.. nak pg ke tak ek? coz now tgh buat KPLI.... tapi kalo nak saje2 pg duduk test tu boleh kan?
btw masa amik test nak pakai baju ape ek utk lelaki n perempuan |
baju rasmi... pejabat... berkasut tutup... |
bestnya dah join kpli... rezeki2 |
baju rasmi... pejabat... berkasut tutup...
merpatibiru83 Post at 5-7-2011 12:58 
thanks... |
bestnya dah join kpli... rezeki2
merpatibiru83 Post at 5-7-2011 12:58 
alhamdulillah.. next week start prektikum |
td bapak sy tepon dpt surat utk exam ptd nie..
1st time apply ptd .. saje nk try. tunggu engineer x ...
wanie84 Post at 4-7-2011 15:49 
exam katne nanti?..i pon dipanggil utk exam ..tatau laa nak pulun ke x exam ni.. |
kalau x nk pegi dan nk tolak bole x..
cemana yer?
kalau menolak...agak2 pasni kena blacklist x dri SPA? |
fitree: tula... ada dgr2 nnt kena blacklist huhu... kauorg dpt mana... nape nak tolak dpt dpli ke |
xpe kan exam x pegi .. x blacklist pon..
kalau yg dah stage 2nd tu x sure lak..
i exam kat kuantan.. br pas buat master nie.. so try jer la..
xpenah lagi pegi mane tau ade rezeki kan..
ingat sementara ada masa ni.. nk pulun studi tuk exam ni..
pengetahuan am iolss sgt cetek..alang2 dpt nie.. anggap jer mcm menambah ilmu..
hehe... if exm kpli tu biasa la pi... ptd ni 1st time... same just study for knowledge...huhu... try jerk... i kat klang exm kat skudai umah mak ayah... huhu... tggl hubby kat klang.. kihkihkih |
pening gak baca soalan2 lepas huhu.... otak berkarat tepu dah... hikhik... godluck nak pi mph cr buku |
| |
Category: Belia & Informasi