hrp2 bini2 mj plz jgn meroyan..duk diam2 pas bc new kat bwh..
Spoiler:dr fan account News 1 : DMJ tails behind CSY and seems to be anxiously shouting after her
(perhaps to stop her from leaving?)
They are filming a scene in the Park where Suzy is exercising.
KSH is seen to have intimate moments with Suzy and
both of them look very close (I think this is BTS and not in the drama).
News 2: DMJ and CSY are exercising in the park. Two of them had an argument and CSY left in a huff.
DMJ sits there and Suzy comes along and greets DMJ.
CSY sees it and gets even more upset. DMJ quickly responds to Suzy and runs after CSY.
mak sy ni dlm citer ni mmg lain sgt watak dia sblm ni in kdrama...
tp part jd org kaya ni mmg x leh jauh dr dia..still pgg watak pom
utk citer ni mmg beza sgt2..sukalah kt mak sy ni..Na Young-hee
ayushuhada04 posted on 11-2-2014 01:42 PM
ohh nampak sgt ler mel tk masuk sini ek..
ayu tukar rasanya since last week le...
tk leh tahan t ...
Mel busy sgt2 huhu..x pasan..tengok banyak page dh ke belakang..Mel lepas ni ke serawak minggu depan..busy sgt2...tapi masa yang pandang dalam forum ni heheh
sbb mj punye pasal mel tgh kumpul duit nak g fan meeting dia hahah..running man sanggup mel pergi apath lagi mj ..cuma mel kat serawak..harap de peluang kah..
naqibnasuha posted on 11-2-2014 02:06 PM
sori tlbh sudah...sbnr nas sendiri pn x sbr nak nunggu jd lepas kissu...
pre ...
xpe jgk least leh create apa lepas scene nih...cume makin tak sabar laa kan..
nak edit cite ni mmg btol2 teliti nih...tu sbb review pon lambat klua..ost baru katanya esok jgk kann