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Author: sue_cinta

[MANGA] ONE PIECE - Ver: 4.0 - Two Years Later (New Chapter!)

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Post time 29-8-2013 03:43 PM | Show all posts
neil_48 posted on 29-8-2013 11:31 AM
hahaha lawak la pasal kpale Don Qinjao tu tertanam sbb Garp pastu timbul balik sbb Luffy..hahahaha.. ...

Yup! ini sangat jelas dan nyata dia akan jadi allies kepada Luffy.

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Post time 3-9-2013 03:06 PM | Show all posts
Spoilers Ch.720

    - Cavendish keeps attacking Luffy.
    - Chinjao thanks Luffy with a headbutt but destroys floor accidentally. Chinjao wants his grandchildren's generation to join Mugiwara crew.
    - Bartolomeo became Luffy's super fan after he saw Luffy survive a lightning strike in Loguetown.
    - Rebecca helps Luffy to escape from Cavendish and Chinjao.
    - Burgess and Blackbeard talks to each other by Den Den Mushi. Burgess tells Blackbeard that he dones't trust Aokiji. And then Luffy passes. Luffy says he won't give Ace's power to Blackbeard.
    - In the End. Rebecca tries to kill Luffy but fails. Rebecca wants to get more opportunities to eat Mera Mera no Mi because she wants to beat Doflamingo and protect Toy Soldier.

    End of chapter.


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 Author| Post time 4-9-2013 05:03 AM | Show all posts

Source: Apforum
Credit: Aohige
Chap 720: Prisoner Gladiator
Kehihi: Caribou and his men attack Scotch to free the old women and the revolutionaries.
Scotch counter attacks with his machinegun, but they all go through the swamp body of Caribou
The announcer of the Colosseum says start of D block will be extended by 15 due to repairing of the broken stadium.
Cavendish attacks Lucy, but Lucy stops Durandal with his hands. (shiraha-dori style, look it up)
Some nameless fodder gladiators hears the name “Straw Hat” and gossips.
The gladiator – apparently a noble from the kingdom of Doereena (literally means “really prestigious” in slang) laughs at Straw Hat,
saying you mean the pirate who failed rescuing his brother? Lol anyone can do that! hahaha
Bartolomeo overhears them, and gets pissed. He squashes the gladiator against the wall with his barriers, and says Luffy sempai is the future Pirate King! He’s going to carry this entire generation on his shoulders, how dare you laugh at him!
He cries as he recalls seeing Luffy for the first time in Logue Town, seeing the miracle there.
Ever since then he’s been following Luffy’s footsteps in newspapers, through Alabasta, Enies Lobby, Impel Down…
But it’s when he saw Luffy in the Marineford War that he decided to set sail.
He was nothing but a small time crook (lol not really) who was in charge of the underworld of 150 towns, but decided to take up the life of a pirate and follow Luffy. He then yells at the gladiator once again, and stabs him with a knife.
Caven tells Luffy to let go of the sword, but Luffy complains he’s freakin’ tired and has no wish to fight.
The nameless gladiators around cannot stop their fight, and Barto is hiding behind a wall and staring at Luffy.
(lol shy school girl stereotype)
He’s too nervous to get close to Luffy, and can’t even raise his voice to tell off Caven.
Chinajo appears, supported by his two grandsons. He has something to tell Luffy, but he’s too tired to speak out loud.
Instead, he bows and tries express his thanks, but his long head splits the floor in half.
Thinking he’s being attacked, Luffy runs away.
The three (Caven, Barto, Chinjao) all wants to chase after Luffy for different reasons lol
Chinjao wants to have his grandson’s Happou Navy join under the wing of the Straw Hat pirates as a follower (like Whitebeard had his)
Rebecca comes to help Luffy out, and pulls him away to somewhere.
They run and come across Burgess, who’s talking on the Den Den mushi with his boss.
Burgess complains that he can’t trust Aokiji, but Blackbeard tells him it’s no different than with Shiryuu.
Burgess notices Luffy, and lets his boss talk with him.
Teach greets Luffy the tells him his man Burgess will take the Mera Mera fruit.
He says it’s like as if Ace is joining me. He asked him before, but was rejected.
Luffy swears they will not get his brother’s fruit, especially not you!
Rebecca and Luffy moves along, and Rebecca buys him a lunch at the food court.
She brings him to the cell where the gladiators live. He offers her the food, but she rejects.
A gladiator’s arm comes out of the cell and grabs Luffy, then tells Rebecca this is the chance, isn’t this why you brought him here?
She hesitates a split second, but draws her sword and attempt to stab Luffy.
Luffy takes down the thug behind him, and dodge her sword. He then easily takes her down on the floor.
Luffy looms over Rebecca as he continues to eat. He says he’ll forgive her, since she bought him food. And it’s not like I died.
The gladiators in the cell are all battle-beaten, some missing limbs, and wrapped in bandages.
They are Prisoner Gladiators. They opposed the Family for minor disobedience and was thrown into this cell.
They have to win 1000 battles to be freed, but by the time any warrior reach a hundred battle, he/she is dead.
Some have attempted to escape, but were killed as well. They say before 10 years ago when Dofla took over the throne, the Colosseum gladiator fights were not fights to death.
Rebecca knows about the one-legged solder’s plan to revolt today.
She tearfully tells Luffy she wants to slay Dofla herself before that, as she wants to be the one protecting the soldier – and no longer relying on his protection.
End of chapter.
Last edited by sue_cinta on 4-9-2013 03:19 PM


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 Author| Post time 4-9-2013 07:24 PM | Show all posts
NEW!!! ONE PIECE, Chapter 720 - Convict Gladiators

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Post time 6-9-2013 05:15 PM | Show all posts
free2 je Luffy dpt geng Happou Navy, Bartho Crew ngan Gladiators tu..mmg hebat la alliance Luffy ni nanti..

tergelak aku tgkpengakuan centa Bartho kt Luffy..xsangke2 die ni big fan Luffy rupenye

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 Author| Post time 10-9-2013 04:17 PM | Show all posts
Picture spoiler!!!

One Piece, Chapter 721: Rebecca and Toy Soldiers

Credit: Kaze
One Piece 721: Rebecca and Toy Soldier
Rebecca’s flashback
the last page


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 Author| Post time 10-9-2013 06:20 PM | Show all posts
NEW!!! ONE PIECE, Chapter 721: Rebecca and Toy Soldier

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Post time 11-9-2013 10:13 AM | Show all posts
next week OP on break plak..

ade yg kate sbb Rebecca ade flashback mse die kanak2 maka die akan jd new nakama SHP.

tapi mcm xbest je kalo die join..maybe watak die mcm ViVi je yg akan join nnt someone else, tp dari arch ni gak..mgkn Cavendish ke, fairy ke..Bartho mcm x la..jadi ally boleh la..

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Post time 11-9-2013 02:52 PM | Show all posts
neil_48 posted on 11-9-2013 10:13 AM
next week OP on break plak..

ade yg kate sbb Rebecca ade flashback mse die kanak2 maka die akan j ...

aku nak dwarf jadi nakama!!!

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 Author| Post time 12-9-2013 01:20 PM | Show all posts
munkyG posted on 11-9-2013 02:52 PM
aku nak dwarf jadi nakama!!!

Usopland armies.... pirate captain who rules thousand of men (skali gnome dah)....kekeke

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Post time 12-9-2013 04:43 PM | Show all posts
tercapai impian Usoland..amek sempena name Membrane Norland rupenye..

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Post time 18-9-2013 05:36 PM | Show all posts
bila nk kuar chapter722

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Post time 19-9-2013 12:28 PM | Show all posts
nx week..OP break mggu ni



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 Author| Post time 24-9-2013 04:50 PM | Show all posts
Spoiler: One Piece 722

Credit: Redon

- Cavendish blames audiences for helping Rebecca but now audiences love him so much. D Block starts.

- ​Zoro runs with Wicca. Wicca talks about Trebol, Diamante and Pica the 3 Doflamingo′s subordinates. And then they meet Sanji and ​Kinnemon. ​Violet shows up and says that Thousand Sunny has been seized by Jora and it’s heading for Green Bit.

- Brook cheats Jora as he is her friend. ​Jora gives back to Brook his cane and violin. At this moment Brook beats Jora. Finally they recover to normal ​appearance.

- ​In Green Bit. Law is defeated on the ground. ​Doflamingo gets Caesar’s heart.

- ​800 years ago 19 nations’ royal families moved to Mariejois and created the World Government except Nefertari family. Now those 19 royal families’ descendants are the Celestial Dragons.

- The 19 nations chose their new king and new royal family. Dressrosa’s new royal family is Riku king’s family and its original royal family is Donquixote Family.

End of chapter.

[Thanks Riley and everyone else whos sent this in] Last edited by sue_cinta on 25-9-2013 02:57 PM


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Post time 25-9-2013 12:52 PM | Show all posts
Quote Originally Posted by Aohige_AP  View Post
20 Kings created the World Government.
19 of those kings and their royal families moved into MarieJois and continues to rule the world as the Celestial Dragons.
The Nefetari King was the only one that didn't join them.

Since 19 royal families left their kingdom to become the CD, those kingdoms were left without their kings.
Hence they chose new kings to rule. Riku Royalty is one of them.
Donquioxte royal family was one of those that left for Mariejois to become CDs.

From the original text, it does not seem like the new kings of each nation was chosen by the CDs, but rather, the people of the nations themselves.

As for how this pertains to the current situation...
Where Doflamingo stands is still rather mysterious.

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 Author| Post time 25-9-2013 05:10 PM | Show all posts
NEW!!! One Piece, Chapter 722 - The Royal Bloodline

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Post time 26-9-2013 12:25 PM | Show all posts
dah gak dah Doflamingo ni mmg Noble family gak..

tp ade speku mngatekan yg penduduk asal Marijoa adalah the Will of D family.

xtau lah benar ke idak..

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 Author| Post time 1-10-2013 02:41 PM | Show all posts
One Piece 723 Spoilers Summaries

Credit: ishuhui
Trans: ismanga

sanji decided to save nami co by himself.

Zoro and kinemon try to contact luffy and they are heading to toy house to rescue kinemon friend_list

zoro try to walk into the corida colosseum quetly but bartolomeo saw himself
bartolomeo recall zoro past deeds and adores him.

One of the spade subordinate tell baby 5 about violet’s betrayal.

Violet use her eyes ability and see sunny ship is recovered.

Joker say he ever was Tennryubito( World Noble)…
he heart he took from Law is just a Navy solder’s heart not Caesar’s!

Law suddently use “room” and escape out and take Caesar again!!
He want to deliver Caesar onto the Sunny ship and fight with Joke again to buy more time.

In the meantime,Joker see the Sunny ship,he is tring destroy The Sunny directly.
Sanji arrive and save the Sunny at the very last minute.

Sanji is shouting “Don’t hurt my friends!! ”

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 Author| Post time 2-10-2013 08:38 PM | Show all posts
One Piece 723 Pictures Spoilers

Credit: Aohige
One Piece Chapter 723 Change of plans
Caribou swallowed the factory whole. The revolutionaries cheers at the “Gaburu the hero”
Sanji says he should be the one to save Nami, I mean I know she’d want me to be the one to save her!
Zoro lets him. Sanji hands Kinemon a map to the Toy’s house where his comrade should be, and denden mushi to contact everyone once they find Luffy.
Kin and Zoro stands at the gate of the Colosseum, wondering how to get in.
Zoro wants to just slice the gate open, which Kin stops.
Bartolomeo watches Zoro, crying in joy to see one of his heroes there.
He calls Zoro the right-hand man of Luffy, and a first mate (at least to him he is)
Meanwhile at the palace…
Gladius is shaking himself in anger over the betrayal of Violet.
The original plan to capture Sanji and gain intel on their plan has been ruined.
Baby 5 tells him to calm down before he explodes, as Gladius’ silk hat expands like a baloon.
The hat bursts, revealing Vegeta…. I mean Super Saiyan 2 Goku…. I mean
Whatever, you know the hair style. Lol.
He wonders if Violet was up to something since the day before, as with her abilities she should have spotted the Straw Hat ship much earlier.
Sanji and Violet rides a toy horse as they rush forward
Violet’s Sennrigan (literally a Japanese/Chinese mythical ability to see a thousand miles) ability allows her to see 4000km in all direction, with no hindrance by obstacles.
(I hope Oda meant 4000m, cause km is freakin OP lol)
He asks her if she plans to stay in the country, but when she was about to reply… she sees a lightning falling on the Sunny
At Sunny…
Jora is toasted from Nami’s lightning.
As the group decides to follow Law’s direction and head to Green Bit, Jora tells them the straw hats should be all taken out by now due to Violet’s scheme.
Law asks Dofla if he’s a Celestial Dragon, but Dofla replies he “used to be”.
He answers cryptically, asking what is a “blood line”? what is “fate”? There can’t be very many people with odd twist of fate as he…
He tells Law he’d tell his life story over a bottle of booze, but alas we don’t have such time.
He needs to go take care of the Straw Hats in Dressrosa. Dofla says he realizes how many have fallen due to underestimating them.
Fujitora tells Dofla he heard a lightning fall out in the ocean. And it sure ain’t cloudy today.
Law realizes from that conversation that it must be Nami, so his ride must be here.
CC asks Dofla to have his heart back, but Law tells him “who told you I gave you Ceasar’s heart?”
Dofla squeezes it, and a random marine screams in pain.
Law creates a ROOM so big it covers half of GB, and tells Fujitora you better keep up that gravity, cuz’ I’m out of here.
He then shambles himself with a boulder, which crumbles under Fujitora’s gravity weight.
Law grabs CC and uses teleport to run. Dofla chases after Law.
Meanwhile Nami and co are swimming through the Fighting Fish territory, and being attacked.
Law runs to the bridge with Ceasar, he plans to teleport Ceaser to the ship, and fight Dofla on the bridge himself.
Dofla realizes Law’s plans, and switches direction to the ship!
He flies through the air to head straight for the ship as Nami & co shudders in fear: We’re dooooooomed!
Sanji flies across the air with Sky Walk, and delivers a kick to Dofla, warning him to stay away from his crew.
Dofla smiles, complimenting that a strong looking adversary has come.
-End Of Chapter-
Last edited by sue_cinta on 2-10-2013 08:47 PM


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 Author| Post time 2-10-2013 10:09 PM | Show all posts
NEW!!! ONE PIECE, Chapter 723 - A Change of Plans

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