Untuk Mat Slow : When Atheists are Angry at God
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LOL , jawapan ko bagi adalah jawapan pada soalan
Sejak bila jawapan jadi wajib? Kalo wajib , diwartakan wajib oleh majlis mufti / ulamak sedunia
Mana dia warta tersebut?
In your wet dreams? Ha h a
di reject? pepandai je adik ni.. kat arab saudi sana, benda ni dah jadi fatwa tau tak..
kalau direject pon, memang padan muka mufti tu.. belajar tinggi2, ada ilmu fekah bagai, last2 bagi tafsiran matahari kelilingi bumi.. nampak tak betapa kita akan jadi bodo kalau belajar agama tinggi-tinggi?
baik belajar sains.. kan kan kan??
bukan bangkem kata camtu.. itu maksud fatwa yang diberikan oleh jabatan mufti pulau pinang.. kalau dorang salah, adik betulkan le..
Mana dia dokumen yg kata ulamak dulu berkeras sulb adalah backbone?
Dokumen from your ass or what?
Ko langsung tak ada rujukkan authority yg konfom hujah ko iaitu sulb adalah backbone. Yg aku nampak skg almost semua reputable sources konfom sulb adalah loins. The irony of it .... it is from you. Skg ko dah mula nak setuju dgn aku ..... bagus lah tu
Ko dah kantoi lah tambi. Skg ko hanya nak damage control & cari exit path ko.
Selagi ko tak mampu bagi apa2 dokumen yg ada authority ko dianggap dah kantoi
Ha ha , ko yg klaim mufti saudi tu sebahagian dari majlis mufti / ulamak sedunia
Kalo macam tu pasal apa isu ni tak diketengahkan?
Jawapan dia
- direject
- tak diketengahkan
LOL , ko pulak bagai gila kata wajib ikut kononnya fatwa dari video MEMRI tu
You know just how stupid you appear to be?
Ha ha , ko dah kantoi lah tambi .... baik ko lari aje. Kalo tidak ko akan dimalukan lagi ..... ko betul2 muka tebal
takde sebab zaman dulu islam ni mana la mendunia sangat.. translasi AQ pon hujung kurun 19 dan awal kurun 20 baru ramai yang translatekan ke inggeris..
tapi yang pasti, ilmuan islam bercanggah pendapat tentang maksud sulbi ni.. kalau benar2 sulbi tu loins, takkan berlaku percanggahan tu dik..
kalau benar2 dari dulu sulbi = loins, takkan ada kesilapan sulbi = backbone..
nampak tak?? adik takkan nampak punya sebab syok sendiri..
eh, nape tak jawab soalan tadi? bumi atau langit dicipta terlebih dahulu? 
jadi mufti saudi tu kelentong jela kan?
sian, satu arab saudi kena kelentong kat siaran TV
nasib bangkem tinggal kat malaysia, sekular sikit
Aku tanya lain ko jawab lain pasal apa?
You should be intellectually honest enough to provide the source. Ko takut ke?
Yg ko dok canang wajib ikut fatwa dari video MEMRI tu pasal apa?
Bagai nak rak gila ko canang. Skg ko nk lari pulak.
My advice , baik ko lari aje. Kalo tidak ko akan malu lagi
jawab lain ape ni dik?? kan ke terang2 mufti saudi tu bagi fatwa cenggitu..
ke bangkem tak paham soalan?
LOL , ko hanya bebel tanpa rujukkan yg ada authority.
Ko bebal ke apa? Yg kita cakap ni adalah english translation. Macamana ko tau zaman dulu sulb bermakna backbone. Zaman dulu arabic was the lingua franca pasal geng muslim had the highest civilisation. Tak ada translation sulb adalah backbone.
English translation just came about ~ 100 years ago. Macamana ko ni. Ini pon ko tak mampu paham.
Jadi macamana ko boleh kata ulamak dulu berkeras kata sulb adalah backbone pasal Lane Lexicon adalah authority on arabic with regards to translation to english. Lane Lexicon konfom sulb pada ayat tersebut adalah loins.
Jangan nak jadi bodoh lah tambi. Ko dah tertekan sekarang. You have been exposed to be a bull shitter .... nothing more. Ha ha
susah kan nak terima hakikat.. kalau dari dulu lagi sulbi = loins, takkan berlaku percanggahan camni dik..
- Drs. Maurice Bucaille and A.K. Giraud: Sulb and tara’ib refer to the sexual areas of the man and woman.
- Ahmed A. Abd-Allah: Accepts and extends Bucaille’s assumption, and claims that all the acknowledged translations and tafsirs are in error, as sulb and tara’ib does not refer to a man’s backbone and ribs, but to the man’s “hardening” (i.e. penis) and a woman’s erogenous zones (not including the vagina).
- Dr. Zakir Naik: Sulb and tara’ib refers to the backbone and ribs of both sexes, however the verses refer only to the gonads in the embryonic stage, and not to adults in the act of sexual reproduction.
- Dr. Jamal Badawi: The verses refer not to semen production but to the blood of the aorta as the ‘gushing fluid poured forth’.
- Tafsir Ibn Kathir: Sulb refers to the man’s backbone, and tara’ib refers to the woman’s chest.
- Tafsir al-Jalalayn - issuing from between the loins, of the man, and the breast-bones, of the woman.
- Tanwîr al-Miqbas min Tafsîr Ibn ‘Abbas- (That issued from between the loins) of a man (and ribs) the ribs of a woman.
- Muhammad Asad: Sulb refers to the man’s loins and tara’ib refers to the woman’s pelvic arch.
- Moiz Amjad makes three claims; a) Sulb and tara’ib refers to the blood supply of the testes emanating from between the man’s back and ribs, b) The embryonic gonads originate in the area as per Dr Zakir Naik, and c) The sulb and tara’ib region is a euphemism for the male sexual organ.
- Yusuf Ali: Backbone is a symbol of man's strength. Man's seed is a metaphor which flows between the backbone and the ribs.
@sam1528 nape tak jawab lagi.. mana yang Allah cipta dahulu:
A) bumi
B) langit
nak mengelak ke dik? |
LOL , ko percaya ke translation MEMRI tu?
So far aku tengok , reaction is to the video and not to the actual words of the mufti.
Ha ha ....... tetiba ko kaim wajib ikut fatwa video MEMRI tu.
This is idiotic.
Kita jumpa lagi malam ni. Ko dak teruk kena belasah.
My advice to you .... ko baik lari aje. Ko nak tambah malu ko tu ke?? Oh ye ..... ko ni jenis muka tebal
Ha ha ..... kesian ..... hati ko terbakar kan ..... tu lah ... next time make sure you know what you are talking about.
Ini bukan board CI .... kat sini kena bagi bukti & rujukkan ...... padan muka ko
jadi apa translation yang sebenar?? ko tahu bahasa arab ke?
ko pandai tafsir AQ kan, jadi mesti la ko boleh translate apa yang mufti tu cakap
takpon panggil @ibnur atau @mbhcsf tolong translatekan dan buktikan yang translation dari MEMRI tu salah 
@sam1528 kat sini ada sumber dari website pro islam yang mengesahkan fatwa tersebut:
First, anyone familiar with contemporary Islamic writings knows that while this kind of claim is rare among Muslim scholars, there are a number of prominent Saudi clerics (the famous Shaikh Bin Baz, Shaikh Al Tuwaijri, Shaikh Al Fawzan, etc.) who in recent times have insisted that Earth is stationary, and anyone who claims that it rotates around itself or revolves around the sun or wants this to be taught is a heretic. Fatwas have been issued in this regard, but everyone has more or less ignored them, and the rotation and revolution of earth as a planet has been taught to all students everywhere, including in Saudi Arabia.
http://islam-science.net/lessons ... otate-debacle-3375/ |
bukan syeikh al fawzan je cakap camtu.. ramai lagi ulama terkenal Islam kata matahari mengelilingi bumi:
syekh ibn baz:
As former overall president of the Directorships of Scholarly Research, Ifta', Da`wa, and Irshad, Ibn Baz is on record for issuing a fatwa declaring as unislamic the Palestinian people's uprising, whereas he never condemned the practices, in his own country, of gambling, horse-racing, and usury. In the late sixties he declared any and all forms of cooperation with the kuffar prohibited and cast a judgment of apostasy on `Abd al-Nasir for employing a civilian force of a few hundred Russian engineers to build the Aswan dam. In the early nineties he again made it halal for kufr forces to come, under their flag and sovereignty, in hundred of thousands, to occupy Muslim lands and destroy Iraq, because of "necessity." There was also no problem for them to stay after the "necessity" was over.
In his infamous al-Adilla al-Naqliyya wa al-Hissiyya `ala Jarayan al-Shamsi wa Sukuni al-Ard ("The Transmitted and Sensory Proofs of the Rotation of the Sun and Stillness of the Earth"), he asserted that the earth was flat and disk-like and that the sun revolved around it.
http://www.sunnah.org/history/Innovators/ibn_baz.htm |
nasib baik ada sains untuk bagi fakta sebenar..
kalau follow ulama dan mufti sesat camni, dah lama dah kita pon sesat  |
LOL , yg pasti ni dan pasti itu adalah opinion ko aje.
Your opinion is useless as ko tak ada bukti & rujukkan utk hujah ko. Jadi you are just pulling things from your ass.
Mana dia dokumen authority ko yg nyatakan sulb adalah backbone pada ayat tersebut? Sampai skg ko tak mampu bagi apa2 except opinion bodoh ko yg sulb maksud backbone pada ayat tersebut. Ha ha , opinion bodoh ko tu not counted
Aku nak ko bagi bukti & rujukkan. Jelas yg hujah syiok sendiri adalah ko aje pasal ko langsung tak bagi bukti & rujukkan. Ini kerja bodoh by org kurang akal. Ada hati pulak tu pikir dia betul. Bangang sungguh ..... ha ha .... kesian
Ko living in delusion
Huh nak cakap pasal ciptaan langit & bumi? Ini pon ko dah kantoi .... nak kena belasah lagi ke? Lagi pon you have to settle this first ... this is just diversionary tactics. Too bad dude .... settel ni dulu
adik tanya la ustaz2 dan ulama2 kat luar sana dik.. dorang masih lagi guna istilah tulang sulbi..
ngaku jela penganut islam memang anggap sulbi = backbone dan taraib = ribs
sebab tu la berlaku percanggahan
bukan fantasi dik, ini realiti..
nak lari ke dik?? j
kali keempat bangkem tanya ni
Allah cipta mana dulu:
A) bumi
B) langit
hahhahahaha nak lari hahahaha
kalau ko ada jawaban utuh, ko takkan lari dik.. ko jawab je terus.. ni nak keling2 lagi.. dah kantoi lettew
Ha ha , ko percaya lah pada video MEMRI tu?
Haa , ni dia communication by the Saudi Authorities :
In reply to this, I say that this is a great lie. The article referred to by the author was published in all local newspaper in Ramadan 1385 A.H. and read by all inside and outside the Kingdom. There is no mention in it of the earth's roundness or that it is lawful to kill whoever holds this. The quotation I cited from the speech of the great scholar Ibn Al-Qayyim (may Allah be merciful to him) includes proof that the earth is round. Thus, how on earth could Ahmad Baha' Al-Din or those who have transmitted this news to him propagate such falsehood and attribute it to an article that was published and read by people everywhere, may Allah be Glorified! I wonder how brazen-faced is that slanderer! However, there is no wonder that such a lie is being woven by advocates of atheism and destructive ideologies. Allah (Glorified and Exalted be He) says: It is only those who believe not in the Ayât (proofs, evidence, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of Allâh, who fabricate falsehood, and it is they who are liars. It is also authentically reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: Three are the signs of a hypocrite: when they speak, they tell lies; when they promise, they break their promise; and when they are entrusted, they betray. I only deemed it lawful to kill whoever claims that the sun is static and refuses to repent of this after clarification. This is because denying the circulation of the sun constitutes a denial of Allah (Glorified be He), His Great Book, and His Honorable Messenger. It is well established in the Din (religion of Islam) by way of decisive evidence and Ijma` (consensus) of scholars that whoever denies Allah, His Messenger, or His Book is a Kafir (disbeliever) and their blood and wealth become violable. It is the duty of the responsible authority to ask them to repent of this; either they repent or be executed. Thanks to Allah that this issue is not debatable among scholars.
As regards the author's saying: "To announce such an opinion in 1966, seems bizarre, especially in the age of space...and so on." I say that, undoubtedly, spreading Al-Haqq (Truth) in this age and calling people to it has become bizarre at a time when Islam is suffering from desolation;
2 big points
- konfom earth is round
- konfom sun is in circulation (ie. sun has its own orbit)
Isu skg macamana ko boleh percaya kelentong yg sun revolve around the earth? Yg cakap hanya sun has its own orbit.
Ha ha .... ko nak cuba bohong ye?
You are nothing but a cheapskate liar
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