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Author: fly_in_d_sky

The Apprentice 3 ~ Sunday TV3 Repeat Thursday 8TV ~ NO SPOILER!!

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Post time 15-5-2005 11:46 PM | Show all posts
I think kristine should be fired next week if street smart loose..

if any barriers occurs when we manage.. we should have to try to overcome it.. not run from it just to show her own pride and ego..

Anyway.. Brian is not a good leader... but Kristine is not a good subordinate & peer.....:jeler:

[ Last edited by peace on 15-5-2005 at 11:48 PM ]

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Post time 15-5-2005 11:49 PM | Show all posts
aku tak suka kristen (street smart)... ngan pompuan yang larikan diri (book smart)... nyampah aku...

ps: arini... tambah lagi 2 orang yang aku minat... john & audrey.. :bgrin::bgrin:  

.... maknanya.. aku sokong 4 orang dah skang... danny, erin, john & audrey....

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Post time 16-5-2005 12:01 AM | Show all posts
The list i hate right now is Kristen and Verna.... maybe i hate chris too..

I pay my attention to streetsmarts because i'm supporting Networth corp. That's why i hate Kristen so much.

Anyway, Brian is gone for good.. :bgrin:

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 Author| Post time 16-5-2005 12:09 AM | Show all posts

Up in the suite, the candidates wondered who would return from the boardroom. Bren was sure that Danny would be fired, calling him a "loose cannon." But then the front door opened to reveal Danny and Alex. Danny's team reacted surprised but happy as the man in the leisure suit strode back in. Danny and Alex were welcomed back with plenty of hugs. In an interview, Danny admitted that Trump called him a "disaster," but he felt that Trump saw the similarities between the two - that they were both brash individuals. But Danny admitted that he would have to prove himself going forward.

The next day, The Donald met the two teams at Trump International Hotel and Tower. Before he got down to business, Trump noticed that Danny had ditched his more unique business wear for a traditional suit. Trump complimented Danny on the new look. Then The Donald laid out the task. Each team would be given $20,000 to renovate a motel on the New Jersey shore on a very tight schedule. The teams would then welcome paying guests, who would rate the motel and the customer service they received through Yahoo! Local. The team with the highest rating from the guests would win. George and Carolyn would be along to keep a watchful eye on things. As always, the losers would return to the boardroom where someone would be fired.

Brian, of Net Worth (Street Smarts), volunteered to be Project Manager and no one on the team objected - at least out loud. Not everyone thought Brian was the man for the job. Although she was quiet in the group, in an interview, Kristen had much to say. She warned that with Brian as Project Manager, the team was doomed to chaos.

When Net Worth arrived at the Surfside Motel, the team was excited. Angie said that the place looked great. But when she walked into one of the rooms, her opinion quickly changed. Tara said that people on her team were shocked at seeing the rooms, which were filled with mildew, broken walls and horrible smells. While things were ugly on the inside of the motel, they started to get ugly on the outside when Kristen, who was in charge of the team's budget, clashed with Brian. Brian ordered a dumpster so that the team could begin their renovations, but Kristen felt that they really needed a budget before they started spending any money. In spite of this, Brian said to go ahead and order the dumpster. Frustrated, Kristen voiced her dissent. In an interview, Brian said of Kristen, "I think she forgets I'm the Project Manager."

Magna (Book Smarts) arrived at their motel, the Sea Garden. They too loved the outside of the place. And they too discovered a motel of horrors on the inside. There was everything from water damage to families of bugs thriving in the bathtubs.

Michael, the Project Manager, and Verna, whose responsibilities included customer service, didn't see eye to eye. The two argued over what to focus on. Michael's top priority was renovating the motel; for him, that took precedence over everything. He said that if you don't have rooms, you can't have customers - and without customers, customer service wouldn't matter. But Verna felt that the physical motel was only half of the job they had before them. She thought that Michael was ignoring this fact. Michael eventually walked away from Verna, saying he didn't have time to waste on the conversation. Verna didn't seem too happy either.

Back at the Surfside Motel, Net Worth divided the work between the men and the women. The men stayed at the motel, taking inventory of the rooms and deciding what renovations were needed while the women went shopping for furnishings. Brian made the executive decision to get all new toilets - fourteen of them. Craig was stunned when he heard the news. He felt that only one or two actually needed to be replaced; the others just needed a modest investment, like a new toilet seat. Craig wasn't the only one who had a problem with replacing all of the toilets. When Audrey heard the news, she held her head in her hands in disbelief... and then said some things you just can't say on TV.

As Magna worked into the wee hours of the morning, Michael and Verna had another run-in. Michael asked Verna to paint a room, but Verna said that she still had logistical duties to take care of. In an interview, Michael said that he felt Verna took the job of managing the budget because it required the least physical labor. After some discussion, Verna agreed to paint, but that didn't end the conflict. The two exchanged words again. In the end, Verna asked Mike, "Why don't you go somewhere and do nothing like you've been doing all day?"

Net Worth had its own personality conflicts. While John was trying to counsel Brian on his use of tact, the two ended up in a tactless argument. By the end, John told Brian that he was a "silly little man" who "botched" the task - and he added that no one liked him. John warned that Brian would not win the task with his attitude. But there was more discord to come. After sunrise, Kristen laid into Brian in front of other team members. She was upset because the team didn't have enough money to buy beds - and she blamed Brian for wasting money on toilets they didn't need. When Brian said he finally wanted to review the budget, Kristen responded that she'd been asking for that since the day before and now it was too late. She called Brian a terrible leader and said that if the team loses, she would lobby for Brian to be fired - and she promised that the rest of the team would back her up on it. Kristen finally walked away, refusing to sit down with her Project Manager and go over the budget.

As the renovations came down to the wire, Magna was scheduled to receive guests, but weren't done with their work. There was trash everywhere and the rooms stunk of fresh paint. In an interview, Alex said he was convinced that his team was going to lose and that someone on Magna would be fired. At the Surfside Motel, George worried about Net Worth and was surprised that the team had not replaced the old carpeting.

At the Sea Garden, Danny and Verna worked the front desk, greeting guests and checking them in. According to Danny, they "rocked it." As Danny showed people to their rooms, he decided to tell them all that the motel would be having a get-together at 8pm that night. Well, the invitations worked. People came out of their rooms that evening for an impromptu party. The party got hopping and guests even jumped into the pool for a midnight swim. In an interview, Danny said that having college degrees really paid off in the task because he and his teammates had spent plenty of time blowing off class and partying in school. Everyone at the Sea Garden seemed to be having a great time - everyone but Verna, who kept her distance from the festivities. Verna complained that she was mentally and physically exhausted.

Back at Net Worth's motel, another argument erupted between Kristen and Brian. It was 11pm and the two argued in the courtyard, bringing guests out of their rooms to see what was going on. Angie and Audrey finally separated them. But when Angie and Audrey ended up in a van with Kristen, she was still venting about Brian. They asked Kristen to be quiet, but when she wouldn't, Angie finally exploded and said a few things that you can't say on TV. Kristen left the van and Angie was thankful that at least it was quiet.

While others on her team passed out from exhaustion, Verna said she spent most of the night pacing and worrying that she hadn't been taking care of herself. Verna wondered if she'd be able to continue. After sunrise, Bren woke up as guests were checking out. So, he went to find Verna, who was in bed. When Bren asked Verna if they had any coffee for their guests, she told him that she was no longer playing the game. Bren didn't seem to comprehend what Verna was saying, but eventually he understood that she wasn't going to be of any help. Verna closed her bedroom door, shutting out the rest of the world. Bren was worried about the team's satisfaction surveys. He said that, even though the guests had partied the night before, they were now about to fill out a survey just before missing their morning coffee. As Bren was being interviewed, Verna left the premises, wheeling her suitcase behind her. The only problem was that she didn't seem to be heading anywhere in particular. Verna seemed to wander aimlessly with her suitcase in tow.

When Carolyn heard about Verna's departure, she got in her car and drove around the neighborhood looking for her. Carolyn finally spotted Verna and jumped out of her car to talk with the wandering candidate. But Verna said nothing and she just kept on walking. When Carolyn asked Verna how she was doing, Verna remained silent and never let up her pace. Carolyn finally coaxed Verna into the car, got her talking and brought her back to the motel. On the edge of tears, Verna told Michael that she needed an attitude adjustment and said that, if the team loses, she would volunteer to be fired. While the team accepted Verna back with hugs, some team members were unhappy with her. In an interview, Erin said that Verna was in charge of customer service and blew it. She said, "Verna essentially sabotaged our blood, sweat and tears." Erin said that she wanted Verna to go home and called her "dead weight."

After all of the hard work (and after all of the surveys had been filled out), the two teams reunited back in the boardroom to learn their fate. Trump first addressed Verna. He said he heard that she had a hard time but was back. Trump said there's nothing better than a comeback in his book. Then Trump got down to the matter at hand. George reported that Net Worth received an average survey score, on a scale from 1 to 5 with 5 being best, of 2.92. But Carolyn said that Magna received a score of 3.96. Magna cheered in victory! As their reward, the group sailed aboard a magnificent yacht with well-known businessman Steve Forbes, Editor-in-Chief of Forbes magazine. The group had dinner, drinks and cigars. Then Forbes took off from the deck in his private helicopter. Magna ended the night with their signature cheer of "Unbelievable!" Back at the suite, there were more arguments as Brian and John got into it. John thought Brian was abrasive and a terrible leader. Brian felt that he was abandoned by his team and that he had to hire contractors to do all the work.

Net Worth took another trip back to the boardroom and Trump opened by asking the Project Manager what went wrong. Brian said there was no cooperation. Trump asked Brian if that was his fault. Brian said yes, it was. Then Trump asked Brian if he should just fire him - and Brian said yes! Trump seemed caught off guard by the answer, but he continued by getting opinions from the others on the team. Kristen thought that Brian should be fired. Audrey said that Brian was not a good leader. This set Brian off, who then quoted Kristen's foul language and Carolyn suggested that he never use that type of language in the boardroom again. John said that Brian was abrasive. Craig said Brian's leadership was lacking. Angie, however, said Chris should be fired instead of Brian, which drew a passionate response from Chris. Under questioning from George, Brian admitted that he never had a budget or a timeline for the massive renovation project. Trump said that Brian wasted money on toilets and didn't have the funds to buy new carpet, which was a major mistake. Trump wondered aloud what he was doing in the boardroom if Brian already admitted that he deserved to be fired. A bit exasperated, Trump turned to him and said, "Brian, you're fired."

source : The Apprentice 3 official site

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 Author| Post time 16-5-2005 12:13 AM | Show all posts

Episode 2

Oh my God! I don't even know where to start. Brian? Verna? Brian and Kristen? Brian and the team? I guess we just have to start with Brian. Brian! Brian! Brian! What were you thinking my friend? What? I had such hope for you after task one. But my man, you really just did yourself in and in so many ways. First with your team, next with your decision making and then in the boardroom you offered yourself up to be fired? I'm floored! That was actually worse than Bradford giving up his exemption in Season Two! I actually think you might have pulled it off and could have won if it wasn't for the total lack of team camaraderie. If you actually compared both motels' pictures, (like what DT showed in the boardroom), yours definitely looked better, but still the guests hated it. Why? Probably because there was so much negative energy and fighting. Your team was simply miserable and the guests picked up on it. Not good. Kristen was looking strong there in the beginning, but you wouldn't listen to her about the budget and then you pushed her over the edge. John, one of the strongest players on your team was trying to be your supporter and friend and you threw that in his face too. Audrey, with the best line of the night, "Your ass doesn't know the difference between a five dollar toilet and a five hundred dollar toilet", tried to convince you not to waste the money and you didn't listen. Then you tell DT that it's your fault and you should be fired. I didn't know whether to respect you for it or laugh at the absurdity. Brian, it was a total and utter train wreck and I hate to say this because I am not a big fan of any firings, but I really felt you deserved to be fired this time around. I'm sorry.

Whew! Moving on to another problem, Verna my girl, (Book Smarts / Magna), you weren't the only one not getting any sleep, neither was the rest of the team. What happened here? But may I say, this is actually a perfect example of how the viewing audience at home sometimes thinks these tasks and the game are so much easier then they really are. Tough right? I wasn't exaggerating in my intro when I said you would get NO SLEEP and YOU WON'T BE EATING! It really does a job on one's psyche, for real! Also, what's with you and your purse? You never put it down for a second, even when you were painting. Then you just walked off. I'm glad you came around however and let down your tough guard. It was nice to see. Even nicer though was to see the "Ice Queen" herself, Carolyn, let down her guard and lend a hand. I nearly hit the floor. Maybe she does have a heart. (Kidding, Carolyn!)

Kristen, oh no Kristen, (Net Worth / Street Smarts) you were so strong on the first task and even in the beginning of this task. Why did you let Brian get to you? That was the biggest problem I saw you had. Your team was behind you and then turned on you because of that ~ things like this will get you fired, girl. Don't buy into it. Please be careful!

John, (Net Worth / Street Smarts), great job! You are, no doubt about it, one of the strongest players, a no-holds-barred-tell-it-like-it-is straight shooter! You had an exemption and still you played the game at 150 percent. Well done! I hope you keep up the good work.

Chris, (Net Worth / Street Smarts), I hadn't seen a lot of you up until the boardroom tonight, a bit of an "under the radar" player and all I have to say about that is... some temper you have there. Wow! You were strong, but watch out for pissing off the big guy in there. DT cans folks with moves like that and you kind of got under his skin.

Audrey, Tana, Tara, Craig and Angie, (Net Worth / Street Smarts), here's to playing the game well and getting off of that train wreck unscathed. Good teamwork, guys! Sorry you lost!

Now back to Book Smarts / Magna! You really pulled it off and got the party started, literally! That was brilliant! Michael, you rocked! You kept a great attitude when things weren't looking too good and you turned a negative into a positive. To be honest, your rooms weren't half as nice as Net Worth's; they reeked of paint and the guests couldn't even stay in them. So what did you do? You threw a party! Just fantastic. You got it! It was all about the customers' reviews and you did a great job swaying them! Looked like you had fun too! Brilliant! Congratulations!

Danny, (Book Smarts / Magna), what can I say but you always put a smile on my face. You are such a sweet man. There was a moment that I noticed where you really could have been the devil's advocate and sold Verna down the river to Carolyn when she disappeared, but you had class, respect, a big heart and took the higher route. Well done! May I also add, nice suit there in the beginning. You clean up nice but more importantly, DT likes you a lot, you can tell! I hope you go far.

Erin and Bren, (Book Smarts / Magna), you worked hard and called a spade a spade every time. I liked your style. Keep up the good work. Now as for Alex, Kendra and Stephanie, I have my eye on them, still big "under the radar" players in my opinion. Again Alex, lots of talk, little action. Like I said last week, it can get you far -- and good for you for "playing the game" smart -- but I just can't really say I like it.

All in all, very, very entertaining and I thank you for that. I'm still laughing and hey, better watching you this time around than us. Much easier and so much more enjoyable this way! So, to both Street Smarts and Book Smarts, great job. Now I really can't wait for next week. I'm on the edge of my seat! Great job!


Most Sincerely,
Your Apprentice Alumna,
Jennifer D. Crisafulli


Episode 2

Listening is not the same thing as waiting to talk.

Last week I was happier than a puppy ... well, you know the rest, when team Net Worth showed up team Magna. I finished with a warning that they won't all be that easy and, so goes episode two.

Holy smokes! Can these folks argue or what? I don't care if you're selling a high rise, running a restaurant or digging ditches, there is seldom a time when screaming at your coworkers is productive. Especially when you're counting on them to help complete your task. I think there are members of both teams who would do well to learn that the easiest way to stay out of the boardroom is to help your team win! And even among losing teams I've never heard Mr. Trump say, "You're just too much of a team player, everybody seems to respect you ... you're fired!"

In this week's episode it became clear that several candidates just simply don't have the capacity to, as Steven Covey says, "disagree agreeably." It is ok to disagree with each other but, at the end of the day, you've got to move on to productive endeavors. Whether it was Audrey arguing with Kristen who then argued with Brian about the dumpsters and the budget, or Brian yelling at John after he tried to help with some calmly presented suggestions, this team simply imploded from infighting. Don't even get me started on Kristen's tirade!

Meanwhile team Magna had many of the same issues - mostly chicken and egg stuff. You can't have good customer service without a good product ... without good service the product doesn't mean squat ... and so forth. Halfway through the task, Carolyn came by to check out the renovation. Not so good. Are we starting to see a pattern here?

Back at Net Worth, as the task was concluding and guests were checking in, Tana was doing her best to make guests feel welcome. Meanwhile Kristen and Brian continue to fight by the pool. Are you kidding me? Not exactly Leadership 101.

Enter the boardroom where Team Net Worth seemed to do a better job of renovation, but lost in the customer surveys to team Magna ... really not all that shocking. But then, as Team Net Worth came back to the boardroom, Brian just went PLUM LOCO! Mr. Trump: "Are you responsible for the loss?" Brian: "Yes, I'm responsible." Mr. Trump: "Should you be fired?" Brian: "Yes." WHAT? I don't get it ... tell the man that you should be fired and then try to argue your way out of it by throwing some f-bombs along the way? Incredible! So, in short order and with usual decisiveness ... "Brian, you're fired."

Tune in next week to see who can use their mouth AND their ears!

source : The Apprentice official site

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 Author| Post time 16-5-2005 12:15 AM | Show all posts

Lesson Learned : Episode 2

Communicating in Stressful Situations

"In the pace and pressures of business today, it is not uncommon for emotions to run high in the workplace. It is not acceptable, however, for disagreements to escalate out of control and take the focus off of the bottom line and away from the goals of the organization," said Edward T. Reilly, president and CEO of American Management Association. Reilly offers the following communication techniques to keep stressful situations in check:

# Identify the issue, not the emotion. Ask the individual to explain the difference in opinion and indicate by your tone and comments a willingness to work to resolve the conflict.

# Ask questions about the nature of the problem to better define it. The best questions to ask are open-ended ones; that is, ask questions that require more than a "yes" or "no" reply. Once you have brought your differences to the surface, you can work toward closing them and resolving the conflict.

# Give the other party time to vent-to a point. Acknowledge the person's right to be upset, but don't let the conversation get out of control or cycle again and again. Listen respectfully and take notes. When the person finishes talking, rephrase the nature of the issue. Don't raise your voice. Maintain eye contact.

# Organize your thoughts. Thinking before you speak allows you to respond in a calm and collected manner rather than saying something that will further inflame the situation. You want to defuse the other party's anger and emotions and create an environment in which reconciliation can take place.

# Don't take the disagreement personally. Remind yourself that the conflict is not about you-it's about a specific situation and the reaction of the other party. Focus on the issue, not the emotion. And approach the incident as a problem-solving situation.

# Don't review old history. Rather than discuss what the other party did wrong or defend your own position, focus on how you can both work together more productively in the future.

# Identify ways to resolve the problem. Ask the individual to help you choose a pathway to resolution. By involving the person in the process, you gain his or her commitment and develop a stronger relationship than if you had simply done what it took to achieve resolution by yourself.

# Focus on points of agreement. Identify the needs of the individual and discuss what should change on both sides.

# Identify a diplomatic way to close the conversation. Not every conversation with an angry or emotional individual can be closed without antagonizing the other party. In some cases, you may have to agree to disagree and allow both sides the right to maintain differences.

source : The Apprentice 3 Official Site

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 Author| Post time 16-5-2005 12:16 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 16-5-2005 12:28 AM | Show all posts
haku nak tumpang nyebok kat sini.. haku suka masa Angie marah Kristen dalam van.. "Honey, shut the F@#$ up!!!. How bout if I talk to u THAT way?!!!" sambil pointed finger kat Kristen.. tak larat haku tengok pompuan Kristen tu pot pet pot pet.. Angie, u were awesome(utk this episode)

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 Author| Post time 16-5-2005 12:28 AM | Show all posts
Magna Corp

Project Manager:  Michael
Management Style:  Michael delegated well and was able to "crack the whip" when necessary.
Motel strategy:  Focus on the renovation of the motel at the expense of developing guest services.
Biggest obstacle: An overwhelmed Verna walked off the show, leaving her team in the lurch.
Turning point:  Danny's inspired party idea not only united the team, but gave their guests a unique motel experience.
Result:  Although the renovation was not perfect, the guests enjoyed the time they spent with the candidates.


Project Manager: Brian
Management Style: Upfront and honest-- "And if people don't like it, they can go frig themselves," Brian said.
Motel strategy:  Spend the majority of the budget on construction, including installing 14 new toilets.
Biggest obstacle:  Brian and Kristen's endless bickering over the budget.
Turning point: When Brian chose to spend the budget haphazardly instead of taking the time to develop a budget.
Result:  Their motel was a mess, but the team tried to keep the guests happy with good customer service.


Reward For Magna Corporation

Pleasure and awe were clearly visible on the faces of the victorious candidates as Steve Forbes greeted Magna on board the Highlander. In an interview, Erin reflected on the dichotomy of the previous 24 hours: "The first victory was amazing. We went from having the most horrible day in New Jersey at a fleabag motel, and we ended up on Steve Forbes' yacht."

The group sat down to a beautiful meal and shared conversation with Mr. Forbes. In an interview, Bren put the meeting in perspective: "Steve Forbes owns, manages, and runs one of the most important publications for entrepreneurs throughout the world. His yacht's bigger than my house. I raised a family in less space than what he has to entertain on." As they ate, Steve offered up some advice to the members of Magna: "Business is serving the needs and wants of other people. You don't succeed unless the others are happy."

Danny, sitting next to Verna, noticed that she may have still been recovering from a very emotional day. In an interview, he commented, "I think Verna was pretty burned out in that dinner with Mr. Forbes. She didn't really touch her food, and she wasn't really used to being on boats, so the water was making her a little queasy. And she was burned out."

After the dinner, Steve extended an invitation to the candidates: "With that, why don't you join me for some after dinner drinks and cigars." The group sounded pleased with the offer, but Verna still looked uneasy.

After their victory on the motel task, the members of Magna listen closely as Steve Forbes offers some sound business advice.

Magna's reward for winning the motel task is a dinner and a cruise with Steve Forbes.

Erin enjoys some caviar on Steve Forbes' yacht after Magna's first victory on the motel task.

Verna beams as she dines with Steve Forbes after Magna's victory on the motel task.

Stephanie enjoys a cigar on the deck of the Highlander after Magna's victory on the motel task.

source :

Use magic Report

Post time 16-5-2005 12:31 AM | Show all posts
utk reward for Magna ni, ada kuoor TV ke tadi?.. apa hal haku tak perasan?

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 Author| Post time 16-5-2005 12:36 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by August1957 at 16-5-2005 12:31 AM:
utk reward for Magna ni, ada kuoor TV ke tadi?.. apa hal haku tak perasan?

rasanyer tak kuar .........

Use magic Report

Post time 16-5-2005 12:40 AM | Show all posts
fuiyoo.....banyak betul vulgarities dr Net Worth ni....:bgrin:

Use magic Report

Post time 16-5-2005 12:48 AM | Show all posts
brian ni nak jadi apprentice utk mafia ke DT?
cara dia ckp buat aku teringat kat citer2 mafia jek :lol

ohmygod!...mulut tak berenti2..she's so defensive to the point of annoyance..

ayoyo...tak tahan pressure minah ni...
caroline was so nice...;)

hahaha..cian dia nih...lepas kena condemn ari tu...he made an effort to change his appearance...bagus la...dgr kata and pandai amik hati mr trump :clap:

Use magic Report

Post time 16-5-2005 08:55 AM | Show all posts
yang gaduh2 team net worth tuh..that is just the tip of the ice berg...:ah:

Use magic Report

Post time 16-5-2005 09:11 AM | Show all posts
semalam episod kedua aku tengok the apprentice. not bad rupanya....actually aku tak suka reality tv macam ni...banyak kutuk2 dan kata belakang. tepi lepas tgk last episode season 2 di mana kelly jadi the apprentice, rasa best tak lepas peluang nak tgk. not bad actually....


Use magic Report

Post time 16-5-2005 09:20 AM | Show all posts
akhirnya brian kluar gak.suka ckp belit2lah dier nie.

Use magic Report


Post time 16-5-2005 09:42 AM | Show all posts
brian.. takde pendirian...camne nak jadi leader?

aku rasa member networth ni takde kawalan emosi la. semua asyik nak marah.. dan salahkan orang lain. itu la akibat kalau dah rasa diri tu hebat sangat... sebab dpt kalahkan booksmart on the first episode..

Use magic Report

Post time 16-5-2005 10:17 AM | Show all posts
tak nengok aaa
tivi nengok haku... zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Use magic Report

Post time 16-5-2005 10:29 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fly_in_d_sky at 16-5-2005 12:28 AM:
Magna Corp

Project Manager:  Michael
Management Style:  Michael delegated ...

ayeiil.... tak klua pun di TV3 marin...

Use magic Report

Post time 16-5-2005 10:33 AM | Show all posts
benci ler,.. I hate Kirsten, I hate Brian (thank god he's fired)...

Kirsten ni, mulut murai... oyoyoo....

Micheal cam boleh jadi pesaing hebat John.. hmm.. :ah:

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