Reply #201 ahmad_dhani91's post
manae 2 citer adaptasi pung kat dalam dunia nie, kalo jln citer hancur hancur laaa jugak tak kisah laaa sape yg buat omputeh buat ke, org malaysia buat ke, kalo dah skrip bagus, bagi aku kira ok je......
Yg CGI tue nak bagi citer lebeih menarik lagie kan!!!!
Just my 2 cent! |
Balas #204 logy\ catat
kalau cerita bagus tp tak ikut jalan cerita dragon ball, baik tak payah namya dragon ball, letak nama lain la, kalau nak buat sesuatu benda, jadi le bnda s\tersebut
-kalau X katakan X, kalau jadi Y tu bukan lagi X |
Balas #206 logy\ catat
adaptasi pun kena la ikut dragonball, kurang2 ikut sikit pun jadi la
-tahu tak antara yg akan failakn movie ialah kalau movie tu mengecewakan fan base dragonball yg asal? |
Reply #206 logy's post
i believe that's what they are doing with the movie
Reply #207 sekngucing's post
it could be faithful to the original story.......kalau ikutkan yg dipastekan dr wikipedia kat muka surat sebelah tu mcm sama jerr jln ceritanyerr....
I wonder, mcm mana cerita yg you maksudkan lain tu......bagi sket perbezaan, then maybe i can understand....
apapun, blom tgk blom tahu......trailer tak semestinyerr menunjukkan jln cerita yg betul.........trailer is always deceiving....
[ Last edited by defeduck at 28-1-2009 07:58 PM ] |
Reply #209 sekngucing's post
okke... i understand that from your point of view.....
from the storyline yg u cakap, looks almost the same with the movie's storyline except that they moved the timeframe of goku meeting roshi at the end of his highschool yrs.....that's where roshi told him about the history of the dragonballs.......
from what i read, the fans are also wary of the highscool scene because goku tak pergi sekolah...or tak minat nak gi sekolah or buta huruf?
as for the fight scenes, I hope that it won't be too havoc.....I can't stand nonsense fighting sequence which is fight scenes yg terlalu banyak campurtgn cgi.....the ones that I saw in the trailer is okke by me.......
apapun, I'm planning to bring along my 3 nephews to watch this movie.....since kat tv skrg neh tak der dragonball, so I think that it's a good avenue to introduce them to it.......hopefully the rating is not too high...kalau pg-13 pun okke rasanya kalau bawak budak2... |
Balas #210 defeduck\ catat
goku tak belajar, dia bodo memang dia takleh membaca |
Reply #211 sekngucing's post
bukan bodoh, cuma x kenal huruf je....
Lagi pung dia kan dah belajor ngan pendekar kura2 masih kecik2 dulu ngan sape kawan dia yg kepalo botak tue.... |
Balas #212 logy\ catat
kurin, atau krilin |
tgk treler aku rasa mengecewakan..
goku tgk mcm tak kuat..kurus,terlalu moden,mcm org pandai padahal goku tu buta huruf dan muka plak bersih mcm lepas mandi spa
tp terlalu awal..tgk movie dlu..
kekadang treler je hebat tapi cerita hampeh..ada gak treler hampeh tp movie hebat..hope so |
walaupon dgn gambo2 yg leak cam hampeh jerk........ aku rasa pilem nih bleh balik modal arrr.... tak la seburuk dr yg diwar2kan.......
jd aku rasa movie nih akan jd best........... yg tak tip top... tp best gak laaa......... |
trailer hampes..
but aku maseh ingat time trailer dark knight .. tgk joker mcm x besh je..
tp .. tgk muvie dia, perghhhh .. paling besh 2008  |
yg aku tk puas hati nape die cast western actor as goku asal tk amek japan punyer actor jerr |
Reply #217 choolakaw's post
aku rasa not bad gak pelem nih...cambest jek...
memang diakui komik lagik best coz filem nih medium dier terbatas sket.. |
Balas #217 choolakaw\ catat
ni aku taknak kritik, tak semestinya kena pelakon asia, sapa2 pun bleh, lagipun goku ni muka dah mcm goku dlm manga/anime
-cuma jalan cerita kalau bleh jujur la sikit |
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