luve posted on 9-9-2012 07:43 PM
baru cakap pasal emma semalam..arini ada pic yg latest...
Emma Watson at the The Perks of Being a ...
hi2 u...
wah!!...nice pics...
tu la pasal..u..tau i baru jek mula follow emma ni..
since 1 week break die ujung bulan ogos lepas....die kat london kan...
pastu baru hari tu em fly ke NYC utk Letterman...
lepas tu die fly ke Japan utk MTV video music awards..
esok/hari yg same tu fly ke Toronto Canada...
manja ade bc..statement em sebelum ni..
die kata antara benda yg die paling x suke Jetlag...
now i understand Y....eheheh..
That's a wrap Emma Watson Perks ... Emma Watson
By GORDON SMART, Showbiz Editor
Published: 09th September 2012
YOU can tell that Emma Watson is a really good actress – she can do all the top moves. Last week she was snapped strutting her stuff in New York ahead of her appearance on the telly on the Late Show With David Letterman.
Then she showed the full range of her talents by sitting pretty at the Toronto International Film Festival in a wrap-like top and skirt.
The Harry Potter star was in Canada to promote her latest film, The Perks Of Being A Wallflower.
As long as she keeps on showing off legs like that – and wearing that shocking pink lipstick – there is no danger of Emma ever being labelled a wallflower in real life.
aku pnh g salOn,amOi tu potong rambut aku sebijik mcm emma watson ni..
sekali tengOk cermin mcm nk pitam,punyela x sesuai..memandai je amOi tu nak aniaya aku,smpai skg aku x maapkan die..
iols mmg suke sangat emma watson since harry potter yg goblet fire...
actually iols tak follow sgt harry potter...yg goblet fire tu br start tgk...
tu sbb ter tengok betapa cantik la emma watson ni..
sejak hari tu mmg follow la jugak perkembangan terbaru dia..
siap ade create datu folder khas penuh gambar em je..hikhikhik..
suka sangat ngan style dia..lebih2 lagi bila dah berambut pendek camnie..
budakcikangcute posted on 3-12-2012 04:09 PM
iols mmg suke sangat emma watson since harry potter yg goblet fire...
actually iols tak follow sgt ...
yea ke?..
tp skrg rambut die dh pjg tau..
rasanye ade la 3 bulan kot..nak pjg balik..ehehe..
kan gambar2 die utk Nylon magazine yg kat atas tu..
die kata..die x kan pakai baju2 tu semua..
tp manja suke..sbb nmpak cam edgy, bold..ala2 rocker girl gituw..
so not emma watson style..
yea la die kan style die cam classy, sophisticated & simple..
mcm kate middleton..ehehe...