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Author: annrich72

Phyto Science Double Stemcell

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Post time 28-11-2013 01:36 PM | Show all posts
rasa mcm nk tepek testi cam segan plokk..

mmg nmpk beza la jgk...sblum ni muka byk parut jerwat. lps amik ds ni makin kurang n da clear. pkai bedak dh tk nmpk. suka...suka...

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Post time 28-11-2013 02:11 PM | Show all posts
kamar22 posted on 28-11-2013 01:36 PM
rasa mcm nk tepek testi cam segan plokk..

mmg nmpk beza la jgk...sblum ni muka byk  ...

brapa lama ambik ds nmpk kesan mcm ni ye??


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Post time 28-11-2013 02:20 PM | Show all posts
bgi sy amik masa dkt2 2-3wks jgk sbb parut kat muka mmg nmpk jelas, tgn gatal nk cuit2..


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Post time 28-11-2013 02:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kalo ikutkan, apa2 benda pun dlm 1 bulan baru really "nmpak" kesan.


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Post time 28-11-2013 05:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

tadi mintak adik yg duduk di Pahang utk fwd gmbar terkini dia lepas makan DS (2 minggu).

happy sgt2. nmpak parut jerawat dh mula rata sikit. muka nmpak "bersih". JAUH gak aa beza dari sebelum nie. Alhamdulillah!

dia makan DS 2 minggu (sekali sehari) & spray TS baru seminggu.

so kengkawan yg dh start makan DS nie ~ istiqamah sikit yer. and minum air banyak2. insha-allah nmpak hasil tu nnti.

Last edited by alexandria_iz on 28-11-2013 05:50 PM


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Post time 28-11-2013 11:34 PM | Show all posts
blh share kn ape ingredients DS tu tak??
sepatutnye mkn sehari sekali ke 2x?
n 1 more thing, kalau kite beli adakah secara otomatik trus msuk downline seller tu?
mohon pencerahan pls

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Post time 28-11-2013 11:43 PM | Show all posts
hanezana posted on 28-11-2013 11:34 PM
blh share kn ape ingredients DS tu tak??
sepatutnye mkn sehari sekali ke 2x?
n 1 more thing, kala ...

main ingredients dia:-

stemcell apple uttwiler spätlauber dari Swiss (bole google pasal kelebihan epal nie)
stemell anggur dari Perancis
extract acai berry
extract blue berry

kalo setakat utk jaga kulit & kesihatan - makan 1x sehari je (seelok2nyer pagi sbelom gosok gigi). kalo kulit teruk & ada penyakit2 lain, disyorkan makan 2x sehari. tu jer.

and btol ~ kalo kita beli dari seller tu, otomatik jadi bawah dia laa. tu jer.
Last edited by alexandria_iz on 29-11-2013 12:51 AM


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Post time 29-11-2013 10:32 AM | Show all posts

tgok fb datin paduka umie aida comeii jer... nk cunn putiss gebuss macam beliau jgk...gigih telan double stemcell hari2..

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Post time 29-11-2013 12:29 PM | Show all posts
mcm berminat je nak try..
anyone boleh pm bisnes stemcell ni..
tgk lynda roslan cantiknya kulit dia...

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Post time 29-11-2013 12:42 PM | Show all posts
ajercrazy posted on 29-11-2013 12:29 PM
mcm berminat je nak try..
anyone boleh pm bisnes stemcell ni..
tgk lynda roslan cantiknya kulit di ...

sy pm ye


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Post time 30-11-2013 11:42 AM | Show all posts
sapa yg dh makan Ds nie lebih dari 3 4 bulan kat sini? cer share pengalaman korang.

me baru sebulan lebih. kulit nmpak beza. adik me 18 tahun ~ 2 minggu, kulit lagi nmpak beza (faktor umur muda kot ~ so senang rawat). agaknyer laa. me dh mid 3 series. kekekke

kat fb nun, ramai yg kulit tulus mulus makan ds & sembur ts.

cer kengkawan kat sini share plak. 😆

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Post time 30-11-2013 12:47 PM | Show all posts
company Phyto dah kluarkan produk baru laa. Shine Stem (SS). 30 ml cream. katanyer all-in-on cream.

tapi details lanjut blom kluar. wah. wah. tak sabar plak dengar. (kalo bab habiskan duit ~ serah kat me~). hahahahaha


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Post time 30-11-2013 07:32 PM | Show all posts
alexandria_iz posted on 30-11-2013 11:42 AM
sapa yg dh makan Ds nie lebih dari 3 4 bulan kat sini? cer share pengalaman korang.

me baru sebul ...

Haa..sapa yg dh mkan brbulan2 sure muka cantek brseri2..

me bru smpai sbln sgt2 puashati sbb parut jerawat mmg dh takde..

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Post time 30-11-2013 07:33 PM | Show all posts
alexandria_iz posted on 30-11-2013 12:47 PM
company Phyto dah kluarkan produk baru laa. Shine Stem (SS). 30 ml cream. katanyer all-in-on cream.

Owh ye ke...bole le try cream plk nnti..


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Post time 30-11-2013 11:05 PM | Show all posts
kamar22 posted on 30-11-2013 07:33 PM
Owh ye ke...bole le try cream plk nnti..

A'ah... Dh kluar.

tapi harga utk kita2 yg dh ahli blom tau lagi. Tak sabar plak nk try. Ekekekeke

rasa2nyer harga dia cam mahal gak. In between harga DS & TS. Tapi 30ml je. Pakai lepas sembur TS. Nie pun Ada 3 Stemcell (Apple, anggur & argan). Tapi nie pakai siang je - sbb Ada uv protection & SPF 35.

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Post time 1-12-2013 09:54 AM | Show all posts
Assalamualaikum dn selamat pagi minggu pada semua..

Alhamdulillah, ada juga orang join Double stemcell dan Tripl3 Stemcell..Produk memang safe dan ade RM3,000,000 Liability insurance for customer security.

Selamat digunakan untuk semua termasuk bayi, wanita dan lelaki, dan pelbagai peringkat umur..

Testimoni dari customer yg mengidap pelbagai penyakit seperti tyroid, skin problem eczema, kencing manis, gangren, fibroid, jantung, lump kanser pon semakin ramai setelah menggunakan DS dan TS alhamdulillah semoga mereka akan kembali sembuh...

Juga untuk mereka yang mementingkan kecantikan, awet muda, kulit yang licin dan hilang kedutan pada muka...Kembali SIHAT, MUDA dan CANTIK dengan DS n TS..

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Post time 2-12-2013 09:29 AM | Show all posts
Alhamdulillah...seorang pngguna DS sempat brkongsi testi sndri lps guna 1mggu je trus hilang gatal2 hidung sblum ni selalu elergik klau mkn seafood. Lps guna DS tiada lg pantang.

Seronok bila bdn dh sihat, cergas..hati pn ceria..

Testi dri kwn2 lps join DS ni..fuhh!!! Masyyyukk...

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Post time 2-12-2013 11:27 AM | Show all posts
copy dari forummer

kami yg terlibat dalam bidang penyelidikan bioteknologi dan perubatan ni, gelak besar bila baca promosi-promosi produk yg gebang besar-besaran.

how come you can use mercury in a product? kat makmal, merkuri hanya ada dalam termometer. kalau tiba-tiba termometer pecah, merkuri merebak keluar, kami serta-merta keluar dari makmal. then technician akan datang utk bersihkan merkuri dengan mengikut S.O.P, with appropriate personal protective equipment. takleh pakai glove biasa2 je. camtu skali kami punya safety precaution terhadap merkuri.

dan diorang ni senang2 je letak dlm produk skincare pastu sapu terus kat kulit? aiyohhhh...

lagi satu produk stem cell. ini lagi lawak. dalam makmal saya, ada sorang researcher sedang buat research pasal cancer stem cell. tahu tak betapa complicated nya nak dapatkan stem cell? tak kira la daripada sumber mana sekalipun.

tapi kami gelak besar bila tengok bersepah-sepah produk yg claim ada stem cell epal la, apa la. wahhh... kalo semudah itu dpt stem cell, tak payah la saintis-saintis bersusah payah mintak grant nak buat research.

apa pun nasihat saya, berhati-hati dgn produk2 yg promosinya berlebihan. boleh check produk-produk ni dalam website biro farmaseutikal malaysia. kita sebagai pengguna mesti jadi bijak. jangan terlalu mudah terpedaya.

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Post time 2-12-2013 01:13 PM | Show all posts
alexandria_iz posted on 30-11-2013 11:42 AM
sapa yg dh makan Ds nie lebih dari 3 4 bulan kat sini? cer share pengalaman korang.

me baru sebul ...

sy dh habis 4 box....takde rase extra ape2 pon.....blom lg 3DS + 1TS tu ada lg ke or valid smpi 30nov je? (sy ahli yg tak aktif lgsg, tak penah attend meeting, tak penah jmpe upper upline) tp sy sukakan rasa DS ni....hihihi!

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Post time 2-12-2013 01:43 PM | Show all posts
chenta_dewi posted on 2-12-2013 11:27 AM
copy dari forummer

kami yg terlibat dalam bidang penyelidikan bioteknologi dan perubatan ni, gela ...

me cuba jawab. me mmg x reti langsung pasal lab2 nie.paling hebat - me tgk CSI je. kekekek

nie me cuba jawab berdasarkan pertolongan en google jer. stem cell nie dari tumbuhan2an. stemcell yg dalam produk phytoscience nie pulak ada 3 (stemcell apple, stemcell anggur, stemcell argan).

penemuan / discovery pasal stemcell epal nie ditemui oleh scientist dari Mibelle biochemistry (syarikat pengeluar produk Phytoscience dis Swiss).  Ingredients stemcell nie dah dipatentkan bawah nama PhytoCellTec & pernah menang award Europe Innovation Prize 2008 & 2012). Di Malaysia, hanya syarikat Phytoscience yang diberi hak ekslusif utk formulasi Double Stemcell & Triple Stemcell nie. Syarikat lain yg claim benda yg sama bole disaman (kot).

nie me bagi excerp sikit pasal PhytoCellTec Mallus Domestica (stemcell rare Swiss apple uttwiler spätlauber)

nie dari website company Phytoscience sendiri : article penuh kat sini:

What is DOUBLE stemcell?
PHYTOCELLTM DOUBLE stemcell contains different types of plant cell combinations by Swiss phyto stem cell technologies - PhytoCellTec™ MalusDomestica (apple stem cell) and PhytoCellTec™ Solar Vitis (grape stem cell), and is further enriched with nutrient-rich Acai berry and blueberry. It nourishes your skin from the inner level to give you a significant and effective result. DOUBLE stemcell also rejuvenates and activates body cells to raise energy and improve vitality. It is a safe, natural and convenient product for both women and men.
The Advantages of PhytoCellTec™ Technology
This innovative technology developed by Mibelle Biochemistry includes the following advantages:
  • Able to cultivate rare and endangered plant stem cells while honouring the Mother Nature
  • The supply of ingredients are not affected by the seasons and market demand
  • Ingredients are free of pollutions and chemicals
  • A constant concentration of metabolite substances in stem cell
The ingredients of DOUBLE stemcell
PhytoCellTec™ MalusDomestica (apple stem cell) Uttwiler Spatlauber Swiss apple is a rare 18th-century species of apple tree which is capable of self-healing and has greater sustainability. It was discovered by Mibelle Biochemistry research team, and later the scientists of Mibelle Biochemistry have successfully developed the stem cell of Uttwiler Spatlauber Swiss apple. Unlike other species, Uttwiler Spatlauber Swiss apple’s stem cell has greater vitality. Research studies have shown that, a 0.1% concentration of PhytoCellTec™ could activate and regenerate 80% stem cells in human body. Besides, the epigenetic factors and metabolite substances found in PhytoCellTec™ MalusDomestica Apple Stem Cell have made a contribution to longer cell lifespan and greater stem cell protection. This magnificent result of apple stem cell has pushed the anti-ageing therapy to a new level

nie plak dari company luar negara yg sama2 guna ingredients yg sama dlm skincare mereka. article penuh bole baca disini: ... m-cell-extract.html

PhytoCellTec™ Malus Domestica - Apple Stem Cell Extract
CAS: Mixture

A Revolutionary Technology to Protect Skin Stem Cells PhytoCellTec™ Malus Domestica is a liposomal preparation based on the stem cells of a rare Swiss apple.

Uttwiler Spatlauber is an endangered apple variety that was well-known for its excellent storability and thus its longevity potential.

Mibelle Biochemistry has developed a novel technology enabling the cultivation of rare and endangered species like Uttwiler Spatlauber. Thanks to this technology called PhytoCellTec™, plant stem cells can be obtained and incorporated into cosmetic products to ensure the longevity of skin cells.

The protection of human stem cells by PhytoCellTec™ Malus Domestica has been shown by various in-vitro experiments. Other studies demonstrated its agedelaying and anti-wrinkle effects. Thus PhytoCellTec™ Malus Domestica is a revolutionary anti-aging active ingredient based on a high-tech plant cell culture technology.



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