Pernicious (per·ni·cious)
adj. Having a harmful effect, particularly in a gradual or subtle way. “The hostile takeover will have a pernicious effect on the business.” |
Halcyon (hal·cy·on)
Adj 1. Calm; peaceful; tranquil: “Halcyon seas.” 2. Rich; wealthy; prosperous: “Halc |
Cerebral (cer·e·bral)
adj. Appealing to or requiring the use of the intellect; intellectual rather than emotional: “Her methods were cerebral, analytical, and cautious.” |
Genteel (gen·teel)
adj. 1. Refined in manner; well-bred and polite.
2.Free from vulgarity or rudeness. 3.Elegantly stylish: genteel manners and appearance. |
Epicurean (ep·i·cu·re·an)
adj. Devoted to the pursuit of sensual pleasure, particularly the enjoyment of gourmet food. |
Formative (for·ma·tive)
adj. Of or relating to formation, growth, or development: the formative stages of a child. |
Ostentatious (os·ten·ta·tious)
adj. Characterized by or given to pretentiousness. “The chandelier was the most ostentatious I have ever seen.” |
Expeditious (ex·pe·di·tious)
adj. Acting or done with speed and efficiency. |
Nexus (nex·us)
n. A means of connection; a link or tie: “The nexus between the mob and gambling.” 2. A connected series or group. 3. The core or center. |
Placid (plac·id)
adj. 1. Satisfied; complacent. 2. Undisturbed by tumult or disorder; calm or quiet. |
Lucid (lu·cid)
adj. 1. Easily understood; intelligible.
2. Mentally sound; sane or rational. “A lucid conversation.”
3. Translucent or transparent. |
Demonstrable (de·mon·stra·ble)
adj. 1. Capable of being demonstrated or proved: “demonstrable truths.”
2. Obvious or apparent: “demonstrable lies.” |
Plagiarize (pla·gia·rize)
v. 1. To use and pass off (the ideas or writings of another) as one’s own.
2.To appropriate for use as one’s own passages or ideas from another. |
Ravenous (rav·en·ous)
adj. 1. Extremely hungry; voracious.
2. Rapacious; predatory.
3. Greedy for gratification: “Ravenous for power.” |
Perpetuity (per·pe·tu·i·ty)
n.pl. 1. Time without end; eternity.
2. The quality or condition of being perpetual: “The terms of the agreement remain in effect in
perpetuity.” |
Enigmatic (en·ig·mat·ic)
adj. Of or resembling an enigma; puzzling: “An enigmatic tax form.” |
Contemporaneous (con·tem·po·ra·ne·ous)
adj. Originating, existing, or happening during the same period of time: “The
contemporaneous court cases for the two defendants.” |
Verbose (ver·bose)
adj. Using or containing a great and usually an excessive number of words; wordy. “She was too verbose in her narrative.” |
Tumult [tu·mult]
n. Confusion or disorder. A loud, confused noise, esp. one caused by a large mass of people. “He quickly became aware of the violent tumult behind the trees.” |
Protagonist [pro·tag·o·nist]
n. The main figure or one of the most prominent figures in a real situation. The leading character or a major character in a drama, movie, novel, or other fictional text. “The unnamed protagonist was the hit of the film.” |
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Category: Belia & Informasi