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Author: melnanzz

[V50] ALL ABOUT FATTAH AMIN **Teaser terbaru Wanita Terindah **Toyota Event di U

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Post time 27-10-2017 09:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
baskinrobbins replied at 27-10-2017 09:45 PM
jauh di sudut hati log, msih sudi menjaga kebajikan hati para puak di sinun

Wakakakakakaka! Iols tgh cuba jd baik neh chuolss...kot lps ni ttbe iols pencen dr hencap lb lb tuh.penatt lah chuolss sbb xjalannnnnn yach! Zombie kg pisangggg sunguh.tanam tanam,dia bgun balik,kambus kambus dia korek naik balik.hahahhahaha. Tp kalau theyols over pitnahhh iols bsediaaa berkhidmat lerrrr.

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Post time 27-10-2017 09:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
epalsearch replied at 27-10-2017 09:41 PM
tu sebelum dia sauk lengan bamtah spt di bwh ini yach

Oyemgeee vee..terkedu bamtah yachhh...kikiki tq kaka!!

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Post time 27-10-2017 09:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
pujanggamerpati replied at 27-10-2017 09:24 PM
meols guna ni je uolssss..


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Post time 27-10-2017 09:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
jennyhanx replied at 27-10-2017 09:38 PM
Ni iols sokong!!!!! Sbb iols suka kedua dua schawal and fattzura


I love schawal tu. I love how scha tu cam samseng2 boyish2. Tak control cun. Padahal lawa kot scha tu. Pakai apa pun cantikkkk.

And I love Awal too. I like that he is successful, confident, talented (in hosting). And suka tgk dia layan si Lara.

Schawal just complement & completed each other well.

Hopefully fattzura will be like that as well (if not more successful). In Sha Allah.

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Post time 27-10-2017 09:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tak sabar tunggu gambar dari photographer fattah

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Post time 27-10-2017 09:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Shazfa replied at 27-10-2017 09:41 PM
Kaka amon gurau jee tuh chuols.. Iolls pun percaya schawal one of power couple.. Maybe ni pestime  ...

Yeah yunk. Me tau dia x maksud x baik. Me dah mentioned awal2 tadi.

Cuma kadang2 Kita tukis camnie - banyak mata2 tengok & banyak tukang sampaikan.

If schawal / mana2 selebriti lain terbaca - kan jadi x best.

Tu ye.

No hard feeling yea.

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Post time 27-10-2017 09:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Bedah279 replied at 27-10-2017 09:47 PM
Eh eh Lipe tak diinvite ek. Ke she refuses to come

Dia pakai Chanel je kaka. Apa kelass pakai Coach je dia kata hehe

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Post time 27-10-2017 09:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sazzylicious replied at 27-10-2017 09:41 PM
Meroyan sbb truelove uols . Fight for babylop katenye . Apoo

The ship has long sailed kan. Melebih2 cam depa plak kena tinggal / kena game. Adoyai.


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Post time 27-10-2017 09:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Loginlogoff replied at 27-10-2017 09:42 PM
Btul tu..chuols sume kt sinih xyh ler compare ngn sesapeee or retis mn mn pong...lex chill bsder ...

Setuju tu log...kita jangan tulis yg negatif pasal retis lain, nnti karat they ols pulak buat mende yg sama. Kan tak best mcm tu? Bersederhana sajork kekdahnya..

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Post time 27-10-2017 09:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
pujanggamerpati replied at 27-10-2017 09:46 PM
meols tertanya tanya juga mana uols pg....dh xbusy ke uolss skrg? nah rindu iolss kat uols..


Tak busy sbb tu boleh joyah hahahaha berjalan jalan di semua benang huhu

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Post time 27-10-2017 09:54 PM | Show all posts
vee sgt shomel malam ni kaka terhibur yach

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Post time 27-10-2017 09:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
alexandria_iz replied at 27-10-2017 09:49 PM

I love schawal tu. I love how scha tu cam samseng2 boyish2. Tak control cun. Padahal lawa  ...

Amin amin insyaAllah!!!

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Post time 27-10-2017 09:56 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ya fattah....dia susun2 nama sblh2 pulak...apeni apeni.

Mlm ni heols buat pembakaran terbuka lagi. Kg mana la yg jd mangsa kebakaran deyol mlm ni.


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Post time 27-10-2017 09:57 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Khas untuk pooja kaka faz kasi warning maaf bad quality lah gif ni


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Post time 27-10-2017 09:57 PM | Show all posts
Shazfa replied at 27-10-2017 09:38 PM
Veee kejammm.. Takpe pooja iolls dh letak  bomb dkt rumah vee nihh.. Jaga laa balik nanti.. #misib ...

amboiii bom terusss...seram plak meols dgn kekaratan uolss nih..bamtah tau ni konfem bamtah xmahu uolsss.. be classy..


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Post time 27-10-2017 09:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Shazfa replied at 27-10-2017 09:41 PM
Kaka amon gurau jee tuh chuols.. Iolls pun percaya schawal one of power couple.. Maybe ni pestime  ...

Meolsss suker gak schawal sebab both nampak jenis kerja keras and at the same time jaga anak.....and to me scha tu cantik model statuesque and berlakon tak kayu....awal nampak sgt sayang lara.....harap fattzura kalo berjodohan pun camtu...commited to work and family.....

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Post time 27-10-2017 09:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Loginlogoff replied at 27-10-2017 09:42 PM
Btul tu..chuols sume kt sinih xyh ler compare ngn sesapeee or retis mn mn pong...lex chill bsder ...

Tak mampu nk berdoa utk kesejatheraan the other party.

Dah laa delusional, mulut cam puaka sorang2, x padan ngan masing2 pakai tudung - sebok membitch kan, menerakajahanamkan org... Adoiiii.

But I won't doa for them to "terima balasan" or what's not laa. Me masih waras lagi.

Kita x mampu nk doakan yg baik2 - xpe lagi. Jgn doakan yg x baik plak upon them.

-cakap senang, nak praktikkkk , perghhhh... Mmg sgt mencabar u- reading their comments alone - can make ur BP shoot high up.


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Post time 27-10-2017 09:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sungailui replied at 27-10-2017 09:56 PM
Ya fattah....dia susun2 nama sblh2 pulak...apeni apeni.

Ada ke masuk news kg sebelah terbako. Tapi ada ler bau2 asap. Tak tau ler now dah habis rentung ke apa ke

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Post time 27-10-2017 09:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
jennyhanx replied at 27-10-2017 09:57 PM
Khas untuk pooja kaka faz kasi warning  maaf bad quality lah gif ni

Comell je fazzy ni

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Post time 27-10-2017 09:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ade lg tak ni madu mlm ni...tak cukup...huhuhuhu...esok bamtah cuti lg kann..

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