INDONESIA - defence and military issues (PART IV-R.P.9]
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Rudal C-705 Untuk KCR & Rudal Yakhont Untuk Fregat Van Speijk

JAKARTA - "Kapal Cepat Rudal (KCR) TNI AL positif dipersenjatai rudal C-705 hasil produksi bersama Pemerintah Indonesia dan China". Demikian diungkapkan Asisten Perencanaan KSAL Laksamana Muda TNI Soemartono kepada ANTARA di Jakarta, Senin (20/2).
"TNI AL sudah melakukan uji coba terhadap rudal C-705 sebanyak dua kali, dan hasilnya sangat bagus untuk jadi senjata utama di KCR TNI AL," ungkapnya.
Soemartono mengemukakan sebelumnya TNI AL juga pernah menggunakan rudal buatan China C-802 untuk mempersenjatai beberapa kapal kelas van speijk dan kapal patroli cepat. "Namun, jarak jangkaunya masih kurang dibandingkan C-705 yang bisa mencapai 100 meter lebih, dengan tingkat akurasi yang baik," ujarnya menambahkan.
Kedepannya KCR TNI AL akan menggunakan C-705, sedangkan Fregat Van Speijk menggunakan rudal Yakhont kata Soemartono menegaskan.
TNI AL saat ini baru memiliki dua unit KCR yakni KRI Clurit dan KRI Kujang. "Total TNI AL memesan 40 unit KCR untuk ditempatkan di beberapa wilayah laut Indonesia yang rawan kejahatan laut," ungkapnya.
Proses kerjasama produksi rudal ini dilakukan Kementrian Pertahanan RI dan Precision Machinery Import-Export Corporation (CPMEIC) yang menjadi pemegang proyek pengerjaan rudal C-705. Menhan selama di China juga dijadwalkan meninjau perusahaan roket dan peluru kendali China ALIT (Aerospace Long March International Trade and Co.Ltd).
Turkey Loses Bid for Indonesia Submarines, but the Cooperation will be Countinued by

Rocketsan T122mm Sakarya (photo : Asian Defence)
21 Februari 2012: Turkey loses bid for Indonesia submarines
Indonesia picks up a South Korean offer for three U209 model submarines instead of a Turkish-German joint offer. Still, the two countries may bid for a tender for the more developed U214 models, Jakarta says.
Indonesia has informed a German-Turkish partnership that South Korea has won Jakarta’s competition for U209 submarines and that the duo should instead focus on the sale of more-developed U214 subs to the Southeast Asian giant, a senior Turkish official has said.
The message was conveyed during the visit of Adm. Agus Suhartono, the chief of staff of Indonesia’s military forces, to Turkey last week, the Turkish official said this weekend.
Turkey, led by the Undersecretariat for Defense Industries, SSM, and Germany, led by ThyssenKrupp’s shipyard, HDW, entered the Indonesian Navy’s competition of more than $1 billion after it came to an end, effectively ensuring Seoul’s victory.
South Korea’s Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering announced on Dec. 22 that it had won the Indonesian deal $1.1 billion for three submarines.
As for Turkey, a $2 billion submarine deal with HDW for the joint manufacture of six U214 platforms formally took effect in July, the German company said. Turkish procurement officials also confirmed the information. “As a longstanding partner and supplier to the Turkish Navy, ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems can now begin executing the order. The order will contribute to securing employment at [ThyssenKrupp’s] HDW in Kiel, as well as at many subcontractors in Germany and Turkey, for the next 10 years,” it said.
A major loan deal between German banks and the Turkish Treasury rescued the multibillion-dollar submarine contract between the Turkish state and Howaldswerke Deutsche Werft (HDW) on the last day of 2010, Turkish procurement officials said earlier.
“We will try to work hard to meet the requirements for the second competition [for the U214 deal],” said the Turkish procurement official.The Indonesian side also offered a number of consolations to the Turkish side.
The Indonesians will come up with a $100 million Turkish proposal to make military radios produced by Aselsan, the procurement official said.
The Indonesians separately plan to propose a facility to produce Roketsan-made missiles after they sign a contract with the company.
Jakarta will also produce FNSS-made 8x8 vehicles.
Turkey and Indonesia are two of the largest Muslim countries and are keen to develop their defense industries and ties.
http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com ... 2&NewsCatID=345
Submarines bacth II |
Turki Anugerahi Bintang Kehormatan kepada Panglima TNI
Panglima TNI Laksamana Agus Suhartono mendapat anugerah Bintang Kehormatan Order of Merit Liyakat Nisani dari Turki. Bintang Kehormatan itu diberikan sebagai bentuk penghormatan dan penghargaan atas jasa-jasanya dalam meningkatkan hubungan Militer dan Pertahanan RI-Turki.
Kepala Staf Umum Angkatan Bersenjata Turki, Jenderal Necdet Ozel menyematkan Order of Merit Liyakat Nisani kepada Laksamana Agus di Ankara, Turki (12/2/2012).
“Pemberian Bintang Kehormatan ini merupakan suatu kebanggaan tersendiri bagi bangsa dan negara Indonesia, khususnya Tentara Nasional Indonesia,” tutur Agus.
Pada kesempatan ke Turki (11-13/2/2012), Agus melakukan serangkaian pertemuan dengan petinggi militer di Turki guna membahas peningkatan hubungan di bidang militer dan pertahanan. Diantaranya, Kasum AB Turki dan Menteri Pertahanan Nasional Turki Ismet Yilmaz.
Dari rangkaian pertemuan tersebut, Agus menuturkan RI-Turki sepakat untuk terus meningkatkan hubungan militer dan pertahanan.
Kerjasama itu akan digarap mulai dari penyusunan rencana pertukaran personil militer di bidang pendidikan maupun bidang khusus lainnya seperti counter-terrorism hingga peningkatan kerjasama bidang industri pertahanan.
Ia juga melakukan peninjauan ke Akademi Militer, Pusat Pasukan Khusus Angkatan Bersenjata Turki dan beberapa industri pertahanan seperti pabrik alat komunikasi dan roket.
Selama kunjungan di Turki, ia didampingi Duta Besar RI Ankara Nahari Agustini dan Atase Pertahanan RI Ankara Kolonel Cpm Chandra W Sukotjo. (sumber: KBRI Ankara/ed.Yo2k)
http://www.kemlu.go.id/Pages/News.aspx?IDP=5460&l=id |
Indonesia Seeks More Civil, Military Aircraft
By Robert Wall, Leithen Francis
Singapore, Singapore
As both commercial and defense interests in the West intensify their focus on growth in Asia, Indonesia stands out, offering the greatest opportunities. And with a major government push to build up Indonesia’s own industrial expertise, Western suppliers are looking to establish a foothold to bolster their chances of success.
Air travel in the world’s fourth most populous nation is poised for expansion, and airlines have a healthy appetite for new aircraft (see p. 21). On the military side, Indonesia’s defense forces have a long list of equipment they plan to purchase in the coming years, and—unlike their colleagues in some other Asian countries—they appear to be relatively successful at getting budgets approved.
The air force intends to increase its combat squadrons to 12 from seven by 2024, which will boost the number of fighter aircraft to 150 at least. This plan represents merely a “minimum essential force,” though, says Air Chief Marshal Imam Sufaat, the service’s leader, who adds that the actual air force should be much larger to provide the full range of military capability needed by his country.
The current fighter modernization plan foresees the air force fielding a fleet of Sukhoi Su-30 Mk. 2s and Lockheed Martin F-16s. The latter comprises 24 Block 25 aircraft that will be upgraded to the Block 52 standard as well as four Block 25 and two Block 15 aircraft that will be used for spare parts. The F-16s are to be delivered by July 2014 to form two more squadrons.
Additional F-16 and Su-30 purchases are on the horizon to meet fleet objectives. Moreover, while a type decision has yet to be made on an F-5 replacement, the F-16 is the frontrunner.
The Su-30 fleet is set to grow during the next three years as well, with two aircraft to be handed over each year. Indonesia is still finalizing plans for the weapons package, and there is interest in a medium-range missile.
At mid-year, the first of 16 Embraer Super Tucanos should arrive to replace the air force’s OV-10 Broncos. Next year, Korea Aerospace Industries will hand over the initial 16 T-50 trainers to replace the Hawk Mk. 53s, says Imam. The rest of the Hawk fleet is due to be replaced by the South Korean KF-X fighter as a result of Indonesia joining the development program.
To help direct the fighters, Indonesia would like to field an airborne early warning and control system aircraft, although a decision is not expected before 2014, says Imam. Even though the air force is buying C295 airlifters, he says Indonesia would want a larger system than the AEW concept put forward by Airbus Military. The AEW aircraft will need more endurance than the C295 can deliver, he notes.
The airlifter has nevertheless firmly established itself in Indonesia. At the Singapore air show, Airbus Military secured an order from the Indonesian defense ministry for nine C295s, to be operated as transport aircraft from Halim air base.
Sales to the Indonesian army and domestic security forces may follow, says Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro. Moreover, special-mission sales in Indonesia may be possible as the country addresses anti-submarine warfare, maritime patrol and search-and-rescue requirements, says Airbus Military President and CEO Domingo Urena-Raso. The initial agreement covers only transport aircraft.
To secure the deal, Airbus Military gave a firm commitment to work with state-owned PT Dirgantara Indonesia, which will see its workshare increase gradually as the program progresses, says PTDI President and CEO Budi Santoso. The company will end up—around the last two or three aircraft—with a “light” final assembly line (FAL). Initial activity will focus on the tail empennage, rear fuselage and fuselage panels, as well as on the computer-based training system for the global C295 program. Depending on market demand, the Indonesian light FAL could produce aircraft for other countries. The Spanish FAL, which currently turns out roughly 18 CN235s and C295s per year, will remain open, says Urena-Raso.
The program builds on the CN235 and C212 relationship between Airbus Military and PTDI.
Similarly, Lockheed Martin has made a strategic decision to focus on Indonesia. Having already expanded its F-16 foothold, the company now hopes to secure a contract for more than 40 TPS-77 and FPS-117 ground-based air surveillance radars. To help underpin its push, Lockheed will open a Jakarta office, says Jim Gribbon, Asia-Pacific regional president.
Lockheed Martin also signed an industrial agreement on Feb. 14 with privately owned PT CMI Teknologi. CMI’s role will be to build parts and systems for the radar, conduct acceptance tests and maintain the radars in-country, says Gribbon.
Currently, Indonesia has too few radars and the ones it has are from a mix of suppliers; some of the equipment dates back to the 1970s. “By integrating new sensors with Indonesia’s command-and-control system, the Nasri [National Airspace Surveillance Republic of Indonesia] network will greatly enhance air sovereignty and surveillance over the country’s more than 17,000 islands, which span a distance wider than the U.S.,” says Gribbon.
Giving Indonesia the capability to maintain the radars is significant because it should make the country less reliant on overseas suppliers for spare parts—an important consideration, especially since Indonesia has been subjected to embargoes.
For Lockheed Martin, the partnership may offer a way to ease sales owing to an Indonesian rule allowing sole-source contracts to be awarded to businesses that have at least a 30-50% local workshare.
The radar proposed by Lockheed Martin is dual-use. Data feeds from the network also will enhance civilian air traffic control, including commercial air traffic management (ATM), some of which is now handled by radars in nearby Singapore, according to Lockheed Martin.
Radar coverage for commercial aviation is an issue in Indonesia because the current ATM system is struggling to keep pace with growth in Indonesia’s airline industry. This problem came to the fore on Jan. 1, 2007, when an Adam Air Boeing 737-400 crashed a short distance off the coast of Sulawesi island, killing all on board. It took weeks to locate the aircraft because it was in an area without adequate radar coverage.
Meanwhile, Gribbon is bullish about Indonesia’s market potential. “In the past two years, they’ve doubled the [defense] budget each year,” he says. “It is a big country with a huge land mass and sea area to cover,” so it makes sense for Indonesia to build its defense capability, he adds.
Photo Credit: Sukhoi
http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/generic/story_generic.jsp?channel=awst&id=news/awst/2012/02/20/AW_02_20_2012_p20-426417.xml&headline=Indonesia%20Seeks%20More%20Civil,%20Military%20Aircraft&next=10 |
Indonesia flies high at Singapore Airshow
SINGAPORE — Indonesian buyers dominated this year’s Singapore Airshow, underscoring the vast Southeast Asian archipelago’s growing importance in the world aviation industry.
An expanding middle class, strong economic growth, political stability and the need to link the resource-rich islands are fueling a travel boom that could spawn even more local airlines, industry executives and analysts say.
Budget carrier Lion Air grabbed the limelight at the beginning of the trade fair on Tuesday when it formally sealed a $22.4 billion deal for 230 aircraft with US aircraft maker Boeing.
Lion Air ordered 201 Boeing 737 MAX and 29 next-generation 737-900ERs, with purchase rights for an additional 150 planes for its domestic and regional operations.
Dinesh Keskar, vice president of Asia Pacific and India for sales at Boeing Commercial Airplanes, described the deal as “the largest order in the history of aviation that I can know of.”
With some 240 million people, Indonesia has the world’s fourth largest population and is the most far-flung archipelago with over 17,000 islands scattered across 33 provinces and three time zones between Singapore and Australia.
Indonesia’s economy grew 6.5 percent last year, the fastest pace in 15 years, with growth projected at between 6.3 and 6.7 percent this year.
Foreign investors ploughed $20 billion into the economy in 2011, up from $17 billion on year.
“Indonesia alone is able to sustain the robustness of the (Southeast Asian) market because the middle class is growing, it has a growing population and the country is also gaining confidence on the economic and political fronts,” said aviation analyst Shukor Yusof of Standard & Poor’s Equity Research.
“The country is creating the market forces that allow more and more people to fly. Geographically it’s perfect for the industry.”
Airlines are targeting Indonesia’s eastern part such as Makassar, Sulawesi and Manado, all areas with a promising tourism sector, said Shukor, who expects smaller family-owned airlines to join the competition.
“And don’t forget that these are all the areas where you have all the mines and all the resource-based industries,” he added. “People have got the money to travel.”
The market is so massive that there is still room for growth even with the current number of airlines plying the country, according to an executive at Indonesian flag carrier Garuda, which is facing stiff competition from private firms.
At the Singapore Airshow, which is held every other year, Garuda also signed a deal to buy six Bombardier CRJ1000 jets with an option for 18 more.
The six firm orders are worth $297 million, Canada-based Bombardier said, adding that if Garuda exercises the 18 options, this will raise the deal to about $1.32 billion.
And just two days after firming up its Boeing order, Lion Air announced it was buying 27 smaller aircraft from European manufacturer ATR.
The new ATR 72-600 turboprop planes, worth $610 million, will be integrated into Lion Air unit Wings Air, with full delivery scheduled for the end of 2015.
“The ATR aircraft are perfectly adapted to the Indonesian short-haul market and allows Wings Air to connect communities, even those located in remote areas,” said Rusdi Kirana, chairman of Wings Air and president of Lion Air.
Even on the military side, Indonesia was also a star at the show.
The country signed a $325 million contract with Airbus Military for nine C-295 transport planes to be used by the air force for defense, logistical and humanitarian purposes. — AFP
http://www.saudigazette.com.sa/index.cfm?method=home.regcon&contentID=20120222118126 |
Chinese defense minister meets with Indonesian counterpart
English.news.cn 2012-02-20 13:34:48

Guo Boxiong (R), vice chairman of the Central Military Commission of China, meets with Indonesian Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro in Beijing, capital of China, Feb. 20, 2012. (Xinhua/Ding Lin)
BEIJING, Feb. 20 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie met with his Indonesian counterpart Purnomo Yusgiantoro on Monday and exchanged views on bilateral ties and relations between the two militaries.
During their talks, they praised the communication and cooperation between the two militaries.
Liang, who is also a state councilor, said the two militaries have achieved encouraging progress in recent years with close contact between the two defense departments and high-level military officials.
"The two sides have promoted pragmatic cooperation in all fields, such as personnel training, equipment and technology, joint exercise, maritime security and multilateral safety," Liang said. "China is ready to work with Indonesia to promote the two countries' strategic partnership and make new contributions to regional development and prosperity."
Yusgiantoro said the two militaries have enjoyed sound development in recent years.
"Indonesia attaches great importance to the two countries' defense and security cooperation and hopes to further strengthen friendly communication and cooperation between the two militaries so as to promote regional peace, stability and development," he said.
http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/china/2012-02/20/c_131420436.htm |
Purnomo visits China for strategic industry talks
Erwida Maulia, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Tue, 02/21/2012 10:08 AM
A | A | A |
Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro is on a three-day visit to Beijing at the invitation of his Chinese counterpart, Liang Guanglie.
Purnomo is leading a delegation of senior Indonesian Military (TNI) officers, including Defense Ministry defense strategy chief Maj. Gen. Puguh Santoso and Vice Adm. Marsetio, the Navy’s deputy chief of staff, on the visit, which began on Sunday.
The delegation visited the factories of two companies manufacturing ground-to-ground, ground-to-air and air-to-ground missiles and met the companies’ managers on the first day of the visit.
“At the end of the meeting, both parties agreed on a defense industry partnership, including a transfer of technology, that will benefit both,” the Indonesian Embassy in Beijing said in a press statement on Monday.
Purnomo was scheduled to meet with representatives of another Chinese company focusing on the defense industry and research on Monday.
The minister was also set to engage in negotiations with Liang, and meet the vice chairman of China’s Central Military Commission, Gen. Guo Boxiong.
“The official tour will end with an honorary visit on Tuesday to [Chinese] Deputy Premier Li Keqiang, who is expected to become the future premier of China,” the embassy said in the statement.
Separately, Foreign Ministry director for East Asia and the Pacific Dewi Savitri Wahab denied that the visit was made in response to heightened security tensions in the region.
“President [Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono] and [Chinese] Prime Minister Wen Jiabao agreed in their previous meetings to encourage official, friendly visits like this. This is just one of the realizations,” Dewi told The Jakarta Post over the telephone.
However, Indonesia Defense University lecturer Bantarto Bandoro said Purnomo likely visited Beijing to neutralize the TNI’s close relationship with the US Armed Forces.
“There are a number of indications that we’ve been too close with the US, while the US wants to continue to get even closer to us. This [visit] may be a way to counterbalance that — an effort by Indonesia to realize the dynamic equilibrium concept,” Bantarto said.
Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa has been calling for what he dubs a “dynamic equilibrium” in the Asia Pacific region, in which no country would dominate any other country.
Bantarto said that, given the visit was made on an invitation from China, it was more likely that China needed Indonesia for political support concerning its military presence in the region.
“China needs Indonesia’s support to counterbalance the US presence in Asia Pacific, including its planned deployment of [US Marines] to Darwin, Australia,” Bantarto said.
Last week, Russian Ambassador to Indonesia Alexander A. Ivanov expressed his country’s concern with the US military’s growing presence in the region while reiterating its siding with China.
Ivanov also called the US’ recent military approaches in the region “outdated”, and reminiscent of “the mentality of the Cold War”. |
Reply 2253# eltoro
ya cuk...gue lagi sibuk ngaskus....
maklum gue senang banget ikutin kaskus...kerna isinya rame orang bodoh kayak sodara-sodara loe yng dari indon tuh...
indon bisya!! |
Reply 2242# viewx
wak...vital berapi itu senapan olahraga bukan untuk militer...jangan jadi bodoh ya!!
tot KS sama Korsel??? biar KS nya siap dulu gan..baru bilang mao tot....
memang lucu lah indon2 ini...wajar saya di kaskus rame orang bodoh malah pantes kalo dibilang indon gak ada otak..
masih ngiri lagi ya cuk?? |
Reply 2272# TetanggaSelatan
ya dari gue juga selamat tot KS Korsel ya.... |
BALIKPAPAN, tribunkaltim.co.id - Sebuah pesawat tak dikenal memasuki wilayah Indonesia dan melintas di atas objek vital Kota Bontang, tepatnya di atas kilang minyak PT.Badak NGL. Dua pesawat F-16 segera diperintahkan untuk melakukan pengejaran.
SETELAH diidentifikasi diketahui pesawat tersebut berasal dari Malaysia. Pesawat asing itu diperintahkan untuk meninggalkan wilayah udara Indonesia, namun menolak. Akhirnya pesawat tempur TNI AU F-16 melakukan show of force menunjukan persenjataan yang dibawa.
Menyadari peringatan yang diberikan oleh pilot pesawat tempur TNI AU tersebut tidak main-main, akhirnya pilot pesawat asing membuka komunikasi dan bersedia mengikuti arahan dari pilot TNI AU.
Pesawat asing berjenis Hercules tersebut dipaksa mendarat (force down) di Bandara Sepinggan Balikpapan. Sementara pasukan yang berada di darat bersiap-siap menunggu datangnya pesawat asing tersebut. Satu unit kendaraan komunikasi, satu mobil guide yang berisi pasukan bersenjata lengkap dan satu mobil ambulan.
Ketika pesawat mendarat, kendaraan pemandu memasuki landasan pacu dan mengarahkan pesawat untuk mengikuti mobil pemandu. Pesawat tersebut mengikuti hingga sampai di hanggar milik Pelita Airlines.
Begitu pesawat mematikan mesin, pintu pesawat dibuka, mereka (penyusup) yang berjumlah lima orang tersebut langsung disambut oleh pasukan TNI AU bersenjata lengkap. Pasukan darat langsung melakukan penyerbuan. "Jangan bergerak! Angkat tangan!" seru pasukan penyergap.
Penumpang pesawat termasuk pilot dan copilot langsung menyerahkan diri. Mereka langsung dibawa dengan menggunakan sebuah mobil menuju kantor Pemadam Kebakaran Bandara Sepinggan untuk diinterogasi.
Setibanya di ruang interogasi, penumpang dan awak pesawat menjalani pemeriksaan kesehatan terlebih dahulu, kemudian dicatat identistasnya satu per satu. Mereka dicecar dengan berbagai pertanyaan seperti. Dari interogasi tersebut terungkap bahwa pesawat asal Malaysia tersebut terbang menuju Philipina dengan melintasi wilayah udara Indonesia tanpa memiliki ijin.
Kejadian tersebut merupakan bagian skenario latihan tempur yang dilakukan TNI AU bersama TNI AL dan TNI AD. Menurut Danlanud Letkol Penerbang Riva Yanto kegitan latihan tempur ini rencananya akan dilakukan secara rutin. "Setiap tahun akan kita lakukan latihan seperti ini, tahun 2011 ini sudah yang kedua setelah pesawat Sukhoi kemarin," jelasnya.
Sedikitnya 250 personil terlibat dalam latihan tempur ini. Latihan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan profesionalisme TNI AU dibantu dengan Korps Radar dan Lapangan Udara Angkasa Pura Balikpapan.
why malaysia??? kasihan indon cuma bisa mimpi basah disiang bolong....makanya terjadi ejakulasi dini..... 
indon bisya!!! |
Post Last Edit by rifa at 22-2-2012 16:22
Turki Anugerahi Bintang Kehormatan kepada Panglima TNI

Panglima TNI Laksamana Agus Suhartono mendapat anugerah Bintang Kehormatan Order of Merit Liyakat Nisani dari Turki. Bintang Kehormatan itu diberikan sebagai bentuk penghormatan dan penghargaan atas jasa-jasanya dalam meningkatkan hubungan Militer dan Pertahanan RI-Turki.
Kepala Staf Umum Angkatan Bersenjata Turki, Jenderal Necdet Ozel menyematkan Order of Merit Liyakat Nisani kepada Laksamana Agus di Ankara, Turki (12/2/2012).
“Pemberian Bintang Kehormatan ini merupakan suatu kebanggaan tersendiri bagi bangsa dan negara Indonesia, khususnya Tentara Nasional Indonesia,” tutur Agus.
Pada kesempatan ke Turki (11-13/2/2012), Agus melakukan serangkaian pertemuan dengan petinggi militer di Turki guna membahas peningkatan hubungan di bidang militer dan pertahanan. Diantaranya, Kasum AB Turki dan Menteri Pertahanan Nasional Turki Ismet Yilmaz.
Dari rangkaian pertemuan tersebut, Agus menuturkan RI-Turki sepakat untuk terus meningkatkan hubungan militer dan pertahanan.
Kerjasama itu akan digarap mulai dari penyusunan rencana pertukaran personil militer di bidang pendidikan maupun bidang khusus lainnya seperti counter-terrorism hingga peningkatan kerjasama bidang industri pertahanan.
Ia juga melakukan peninjauan ke Akademi Militer, Pusat Pasukan Khusus Angkatan Bersenjata Turki dan beberapa industri pertahanan seperti pabrik alat komunikasi dan roket.
Selama kunjungan di Turki, ia didampingi Duta Besar RI Ankara Nahari Agustini dan Atase Pertahanan RI Ankara Kolonel Cpm Chandra W Sukotjo. (sumber: KBRI Ankara/ed.Yo2k)
http://www.kemlu.go.id/Pages/News.aspx?IDP=5460&l=id |
Post Last Edit by rifa at 22-2-2012 16:30
Hehehehhehe  |
Post Last Edit by viewx at 22-2-2012 16:13
Turkey loses bid for Indonesia submarines
Indonesia picks up a South Korean offer for three U209 model submarines instead of a Turkish-German joint offer. Still, the two countries may bid for a tender for the more developed U214 models, Jakarta says.
Indonesia has informed a German-Turkish partnership that South Korea has won Jakarta’s competition for U209 submarines and that the duo should instead focus on the sale of more-developed U214 subs to the Southeast Asian giant, a senior Turkish official has said.
The message was conveyed during the visit of Adm. Agus Suhartono, the chief of staff of Indonesia’s military forces, to Turkey last week, the Turkish official said this weekend.
Turkey, led by the Undersecretariat for Defense Industries, SSM, and Germany, led by ThyssenKrupp’s shipyard, HDW, entered the Indonesian Navy’s competition of more than $1 billion after it came to an end, effectively ensuring Seoul’s victory.
South Korea’s Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering announced on Dec. 22 that it had won the Indonesian deal $1.1 billion for three submarines.
As for Turkey, a $2 billion submarine deal with HDW for the joint manufacture of six U214 platforms formally took effect in July, the German company said. Turkish procurement officials also confirmed the information. “As a longstanding partner and supplier to the Turkish Navy, ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems can now begin executing the order. The order will contribute to securing employment at [ThyssenKrupp’s] HDW in Kiel, as well as at many subcontractors in Germany and Turkey, for the next 10 years,” it said.
A major loan deal between German banks and the Turkish Treasury rescued the multibillion-dollar submarine contract between the Turkish state and Howaldswerke Deutsche Werft (HDW) on the last day of 2010, Turkish procurement officials said earlier.
“We will try to work hard to meet the requirements for the second competition [for the U214 deal],” said the Turkish procurement official.The Indonesian side also offered a number of consolations to the Turkish side.
The Indonesians will come up with a $100 million Turkish proposal to make military radios produced by Aselsan, the procurement official said.
The Indonesians separately plan to propose a facility to produce Roketsan-made missiles after they sign a contract with the company.
Jakarta will also produce FNSS-made 8x8 vehicles.
Turkey and Indonesia are two of the largest Muslim countries and are keen to develop their defense industries and ties
Mudahan beneran ya :
1. U214 Mau datang ke indo
2. Military radios dari aselsan
3. Pembuatan rudal dengan roketsan
4. Membuat FNSS 8X8
Kasian tetangga utara bingung mau berbuat apa lagi buat mengejar ketinggalan   |
Ukraina Tertarik Rakit Tank di Indonesia

VIVAnews - Perusahaan Ukraina berminat untuk bekerjasama dengan Indonesia dalam industri strategis, terutama dalam produksi alat utama sistem senjata untuk TNI. Untuk tahap pertama, mereka menawarkan perakitan tank tempur buatan Ukraina di Indonesia.
Minat itu diutarakan Ukrspecexport, perusahaan milik pemerintah Ukraina yang menangani ekspor dan impor produk-produk militer. "Perusahaan kami tertarik dalam mengembangkan hubungan bilateral dengan Indonesia, tidak saja dengan penjualan namun juga melalui kemitraan startegis," demikian pernyataan dari Ukrspecexport, yang diwakili direktur departemen Denys Voronkov, 21 Februari 2012.
"Produksi alat-alat perang di wilayah Indonesia jauh lebih penting bagi kami ketimbang hanya mengirim barang. Kami ingin mitra kami mendapat keuntungan yang besar dari kerjasama itu," lanjut Ukrspecexport.
Pada langkah awal, perusahaan itu menawarkan perakitan tank tempur utama (MBT) buatan Ukraina, yang dikenal dengan sebutan "Bulat." Perakitan itu bisa berlangsung di pabrik PT Pindad. Perakitan Tank Bulat ini bisa dikelola secara patungan antara Pindad dan Ukrspecexport.
"Kami menganggap proyek ini lebih dari sekadar alih teknologi, namun juga kerjasama bilateral dalam memproduksi tank yang dimaksud. Namun, tentu saja, bila mitra kami belum siap atas langkah itu, kami bisa memasok MBT Bulat yang diproduksi penuh di Ukraina dalam waktu dekat," demikian perwakilan dari Ukrspecexport.
Kendati tidak dirinci secara jelas, biaya tank itu relatif lebih murah dari MBT sejenis. Berbobot 45 ton, Bulat dianggap lebih ringan dari tank-tank tempur lain.
Tank Bulat digunakan Angkatan Darat Ukraina pada 2004 dan sejak 2005 dibuat produk lanjutan. Saat ini Angkatan Darat Ukraina - yang merupakan pecahan Uni Soviet - mengoperasikan lebih dari 80 unit tank Bulat dan jumlahnya akan bertambah.
Pihak Ukrspecexport menjamin jual beli tank ini tidak akan diganggu oleh kepentingan politik, sehingga Indonesia tidak perlu khawatir karena Ukraina tidak akan menerapkan ancaman embargo di kemudian hari.
Perusahaan itu pun mengundang para petinggi TNI untuk datang ke Ukraina dan mengunjungi produksi Tank Bulat sekaligus bisa menyaksikan demonstrasi kendaraan tempur itu di Brigade Lapis Baja Ukraina. (eh)
http://us.dunia.vivanews.com/new ... t-tank-di-indonesia |
wah TOT lagi....
blon deal beli udah mo TOT dari paman sam???????
akarta - Pemerintah AS mengaku baru menerima pesanan pembelian 8 helikopter tempur. Namun rencana pembelian helikopter tempur masih dalam tahap awal.
Demikian disampaikan oleh Duta Besar Amerika Serikat (AS) untuk Indonesia, Scott Marciel di kantornya, Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Jakarta, Jumat (10/2/2012).
"Kami baru menerima request. Jadi itu masih dalam tahap awal," ujar Scott.
Scott menyatakan pihaknya sangat senang pemerintah Indonesia menyukai produk asal negeri Paman Sam tersebut. "Kami senang Indonesia tertarik Amerika Serikat produk. Kami transfer teknologi," jelasnya.
Sebelumnya, pemerintah Indonesia berencana untuk membeli sejumlah pesawat tempur jenis Apache dari AS. Hal itu dilakukan untuk menambah kekuatan alat utama sistem persenjataan (alutsista). "Kalau tidak salah sebanyak delapan unit," kata Wakil Menteri Pertahanan Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin.
Menurut dia, pengadaan delapan unit pesawat tempur jenis Apache itu bukan karena ditawarkan begitu saja oleh pihak Amerika kepada pemerintah Indonesia. Rencana pembelian pesawat sejumlah itu dilakukan sesuai dengan kebutu*an Indonesia. "Mereka tidak menawarkan, kita yang mencari," ujar Sjafrie.
Namun, ia menambahkan, hingga kini belum ada deal antara pemerintah Indonesia dengan AS ihwal pembelian pesawat tempur tersebut. Sejauh ini, yang sudah disepakati adalah pembelian pesawat tempur jenis F16 dari Amerika Serikat. "Kita semua tahu yang F16 sudah deal," katanya.
semoga sukses TOT nya cuk.... |
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