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Author: slippergombak


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Post time 25-3-2014 10:10 PM | Show all posts
NURMIMIE posted on 25-3-2014 10:05 PM
why not?

itu lah gunanya interpol..

interpol tu bawah tapak kaki mossad , fbi , cia..


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Post time 25-3-2014 10:10 PM | Show all posts
hyie posted on 25-3-2014 10:03 PM
aku angkat, pastu dia cakap apa aku tak paham, aku bitau dia "Sorry, wrong number". Pastu dia leta ...

Lain kali cakap Wa Aini... agaknya dia call lagi tak selepas tu..

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 Author| Post time 25-3-2014 10:10 PM | Show all posts
C.K posted on 25-3-2014 09:58 PM
Kalau pakai teori taliban afghanistan yg katanya merampok sistem drone ke apa itu? Udah boleh tola ...

yg saya tepek gambar satu tadi, ia bukan berkaitan dengan afghanistan atau terrorist taliban, talibarut atau apa.... tapi ia melibatkan amerika.... road menunjukkan ke diego garcia, lepas dah amik harta benda, dan terbangkan ke hindi untuk hapuskan...

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Post time 25-3-2014 10:10 PM | Show all posts
qislea posted on 25-3-2014 10:05 PM
tudm officer yang terima report tu kawan family I...her sister told me....kitaorang dok sembang pa ...

Iye kah dik? Kenapa xkeluar news pun?

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Post time 25-3-2014 10:10 PM | Show all posts
qislea posted on 25-3-2014 10:05 PM
tudm officer yang terima report tu kawan family I...her sister told me....kitaorang dok sembang pa ...

kalau cmtu.. radar TUDM di kambing hitamkan seolah olah mereka tak buat kerja..

Walhal DCA dah tahu..

something wrong..sure kena HIJACKED!!!!

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Post time 25-3-2014 10:11 PM | Show all posts
qislea posted on 25-3-2014 10:05 PM
tudm officer yang terima report tu kawan family I...her sister told me....kitaorang dok sembang pa ...

Sebab itu jet jet pejuang singapura senang je keluar masuk JOhor bharu...heheheheh..
DCA dan Radar Military tak sebulu


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Post time 25-3-2014 10:11 PM | Show all posts
NURMIMIE posted on 25-3-2014 09:56 PM
yang tempat memancing tuh kan?.. pulau tuh setongkol aje pun, macam mana agaknya boleh mendarat ka ...

Tudm lah dkt gelugor tu, tldm ada dua jer kt lumut dgn teluk sepanggar

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Post time 25-3-2014 10:11 PM | Show all posts
scorpionkiki posted on 25-3-2014 10:09 PM
tak per la... SB tak perlu nak macho bagai... lagi buruk lagi senang nak infiltrate cari info

adam kalau jd SB tentu org fikir agent007..

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Post time 25-3-2014 10:12 PM | Show all posts
scorpionkiki posted on 25-3-2014 10:07 PM
DCA mmg kekurangan staff... baru awal tahun ni temuduga... sbb tu agaknya tok isam tak mau cakap b ...

Mana boleh bahagi reason sebegitu dik Tak cukup staff...mengarut...xboleh diterima dek akal......bukan Dia cakap TUDM Udah tanya mahu intercept atau x...yg dia cakap xperlu itu udah kenapa?...sepatutnya dia pun siasat lah...

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Post time 25-3-2014 10:12 PM | Show all posts
aechae posted on 25-3-2014 10:09 PM
mna ada ckp terhempas la....berakhir di situ last position dia kt ctu...kita je yg anggap ...

Apa yg berakhir? Pencarian ke nyawa?..

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Post time 25-3-2014 10:15 PM | Show all posts
noor2 posted on 25-3-2014 10:06 PM
Oni....kaka tumpang simpati dan sedih....

iolls terima dengan redha kak noor.... sudah tertulis ini yg akan berjadi... kita sbg hambaNya perlu terima dgan hati yg redha....

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Post time 25-3-2014 10:15 PM | Show all posts
C.K posted on 25-3-2014 10:12 PM
Mana boleh bahagi reason sebegitu dik  Tak cukup staff...mengarut...xboleh diterima dek akal.... ...

Tu la kak... sbb tu agaknya Tok Isam try nak tone down benda ni... mmg kelemahan di pihak kita... bukan salah tudm pun... sbb tu otai otai tudm kat sini sensitif giler bila cakap pasal radar ni... Kak.. DCA mmg tak cukup staff , tp I have to stress that yg bold ini my opinion sajer ya


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Post time 25-3-2014 10:16 PM | Show all posts
zidane_ziege posted on 25-3-2014 10:12 PM
Apa yg berakhir? Pencarian ke nyawa?..

laa.....pesawat berakhir di lautan hindi tu la... kn itu yg di announce, bkn terhempas di lautan hindi... ending apa jd xda org yg xtau...


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Post time 25-3-2014 10:17 PM | Show all posts
zidane_ziege posted on 25-3-2014 10:12 PM
Apa yg berakhir? Pencarian ke nyawa?..

satellite data

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Post time 25-3-2014 10:17 PM | Show all posts
AdamBillionaire posted on 25-3-2014 10:06 PM
kawan adam ada SB dia ada reader mykad..

dulu keja chowkit road..

forummer cari dulu kata, pakai Astro decoder pun boleh


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Post time 25-3-2014 10:17 PM | Show all posts
It's not over: Australian defense minister   2014-03-25 15:20:22         [More]

by Christian Edwards

PERTH, Australia, March 25 (Xinhua) -- As storm conditions indefinitely suspend the 'southern search' for flight MH370, the Australian military insists the truth of the final resting place of the Malaysian aircraft is far from determined, with Australia's defense minister telling reporters that the 'turning point' is yet to come.

Speaking to gathered media Minister David Johnston also sought to assure international media here that there has been a free-flow of information between the international partners involved in the hunt for evidence of stricken-flight MH370.

The West Australian Senator also insisted nothing had been held back by, or from, any government or military.

"Everything we can find, you've seen... You know all the information out there."

However the minister was far from drawing the same conclusions as his Malaysian counterparts who Monday night (AEDT), appeared to declare the search as a closed case.

In fact, if it was closure Malaysian authorities were seeking, then the Australian defense minister expressed an entirely different position.

"Lets be clear -- to this point in time we have not successfully recovered or identified any debris from the aircraft in question."

Minister Johnston told Xinhua at Pearce Airbase outside Perth that the fate of MH370 was still 'a mystery.'

"And until we recover and positively identify a piece of debris -- all is speculation," he told Xinhua.

The earlier declaration by Malaysian authorities that it was now -- somewhat illogically -- "assumed beyond reasonable doubt," that the Malaysian Airlines flight that left Kuala Lumpar for Beijing went down in the Southern Indian Ocean, has drawn strong criticism from both victims families and commentators.

Those words -- 'assumed beyond reasonable doubt' -- would appear to be ill-spoken and ill-timed.

Despite a further contribution from China and Korea, the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA), the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) and other international assets are now even further from being able to positively identify possible wreckage as the defense minister emphasized the highly-complex nature of the search and the deteriorating weather conditions.

The Vice Chief of the Defense Force Air Marshal Mark Binskin went even further.

"We are not searching for a needle in a haystack but still trying to define where the haystack is."

Johnston said the priority was to establish proof.

"The turning point for us will be when we pull some debris from the ocean and positively identify it."

The Malaysian declaration, clumsily conceived and sadly, even more poorly executed has come during a sharp deterioration in conditions with the RAAF suspending all sorties and even the Panamex Class Destroyer, HMAS Success has been re-delpoyed due to gale-force conditions in an ocean being notoriously fickle and dangerous.

The delay could not have come at a worse time for families, now struggling with the further pain of being told to begin grieving -- - when the terrible truth seems even more distant than just 24 hours ago.

Minister Johnston confirmed the pledge of assistance to families by Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott -- but could provide no further details other than officials will waive visa fees for the families of the lost passengers and crew.

The Australian government has again offered condolences to the relatives and families of those on the flight and said a formal condolence motion would be moved in Parliament on Wednesday.

"It's highly likely... that in the coming days and weeks, many of the relatives of passengers on the ill-fated flight 370 will wish to come to Australia," Abbott said.

The defense minister again sought to retain focus on the search upon the high-seas.

Johnston said, "we will be very pleased to welcome them here to give them some closure.... however its probably one of the most remote parts of planet. We want to assist families for closure --- but lets talk about that when we know how many and when they're coming."

As so many painful questions continue to linger over the exact fate of Malaysia Airlines MH370, every further day without answers will mock both the grieving families and the Public Relations executive who sought to silence them with a text message. Last edited by Vympel77 on 25-3-2014 10:18 PM


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Post time 25-3-2014 10:17 PM | Show all posts
oni313 posted on 25-3-2014 10:15 PM
iolls terima dengan redha kak noor.... sudah tertulis ini yg akan berjadi... kita sbg hambaNya per ...

kaka yang tak de kena mengena pun sebak gila...bayangkan ahli keluarga yang terlibat...


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Post time 25-3-2014 10:19 PM | Show all posts
byk isu lawak mcm kisah epol tangan sejuk...

aku tak nak bangkitkan isu boeing 777 dgn hanya top speed 950 km/h saiz gedabak bole angkut 300 passenger boleh "tumpang lalu" tanpa dpt dikesan oleh mana2 radar kt mesia ni...

kalo F16 scramble dr spore ke perlis, bole top speed mach 2 tu bole la terima, tu pun rasa2 confirm radar bleh detect kan yob?

mcm kes lahad datu, perang sblm PRU, senyap lepas PRU. MH370 isu tepat timbul hari DSAI kena jail, dan confirmation elok je keluar selepas PRK Kajang. Kenapa asyik KEBETULAN manjang? permainan pihak mana? Wallahualam...

Paling pasti akan ada "black box" paling accurate dan menyeluruh data dia dr A ke Z akan di "skrin" kan dj Mahsyar besok... wait n see!

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Post time 25-3-2014 10:19 PM | Show all posts
truly posted on 25-3-2014 10:04 PM
I tengok ada forumer letak pic plane tu dan tulis "sleep well, MH370" terus bergenang airmata. Sed ...

Ye lah i pun rasa sedih pulak walaupun takde friend or fam yg terlibat ye tragedi yg berlaku ke atas negara kita ni betul2 buat seluruh rakyat msia bersedih n berkabung.

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Post time 25-3-2014 10:19 PM | Show all posts
aechae posted on 25-3-2014 10:16 PM
laa.....pesawat berakhir di lautan hindi tu la... kn itu yg di announce, bkn terhempas di lautan h ...

Berakhir..bukan terhempas..lps tu sedekah Al fatihah..meratap hiba..pening wei..

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