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Author: Presiden_Lanun


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Post time 3-4-2014 10:26 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
scorpionkiki posted on 3-4-2014 02:21 AM
Imagine boleh...tengok tak boleh

mesti buku skrap versi teknologi kan kan kan :p

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Post time 3-4-2014 10:26 AM | Show all posts


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Post time 3-4-2014 10:26 AM | Show all posts
lorelai posted on 3-4-2014 10:24 AM
spore la negara asean pertama tawarkan bantuan..
pm dia pon buat press conference
hari pertana.. ...

Ya... I pun ingat lagi... diaorang dah membantu dari awal lagi. Skrg tak boleh bantu sbb dia pun tak ada asset untuk ke lautan hindi. Kapal kita pun dari yg banyak banyak tu KD Lekiu saja yg boleh... yg lain tak boleh kan... Tok Isam pun dah bgtau kan hari tu.... yg lain tak tolong sbb asset yg ada tak sesuai nak cari ke lautan hindi...


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Post time 3-4-2014 10:28 AM | Show all posts
Discussing w/ @TonyAbbottMHR in Perth this morning. All nations involved are fully committed to the #MH370 search.


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Post time 3-4-2014 10:29 AM | Show all posts

Hagel Describes Role of Partnerships in Asia-Pacific Rebalance

Washington — In a world where security challenges do not match political boundaries and economies are linked as never before, no nation can go it alone and hope to prosper, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel wrote in an article published April 1 on the Defense One website.
“Achieving sustained security and prosperity in the 21st century requires nations to work together and to meet common challenges with uncommon unity and purpose,” Hagel wrote.
The secretary noted that the response of more than 25 nations to the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 shows how that kind of unity is increasingly visible in the Asia-Pacific, which he called one of the most critical regions for global security and the global economy. And Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines led to a massive international relief and recovery effort last fall and produced Japan’s largest overseas military deployment in the post-war period, Hagel wrote.
“In both cases, nations in the region were able to set aside rivalries and differences and instead work together,” the secretary wrote. “At the same time, both cases underscore the reality that nations must engage in more practical security cooperation ahead of time in order to work together more effectively when challenges arise.”

Deepening cooperation does not materialize on its own, Hagel wrote, but requires deliberate and sustained efforts such as those of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN, to continue building a stronger regional security architecture that can address shared challenges.
These efforts have the full support of the United States and will be highlighted this week in Hawaii, at the first U.S.-hosted gathering of U.S. and ASEAN defense ministers, Hagel wrote. Hosting this meeting at the start of his fourth visit to the Asia-Pacific region — which will include stops in Japan, China and Mongolia —serves to underscore the growing role ASEAN members are playing in promoting regional stability and enhanced security cooperation, he added.
The United States also has a key role to play in this endeavor, the secretary wrote.
“As a leading economic and military power in the Pacific — one with no disputed territorial claims or ambitions in the region — the United States is uniquely positioned to continue to help Asian nations build a vibrant regional security architecture,” he explained. “My upcoming trip emphasizes three ways in which the Department of Defense will contribute to this effort.”
First, the U.S. military will increase its role in cooperative security efforts and exercises, Hagel wrote.
The deployment of advanced military capabilities to the region has also proven indispensable, Hagel wrote, noting that the U.S. contributions to the search for Flight 370 included the world’s most advanced maritime patrol aircraft, the P-8A Poseidon, which was recently deployed to Japan.
Second, the U.S. military will continue to build new types of partnerships that tackle nontraditional security challenges more effectively, the secretary wrote. “But the kind of nontraditional security challenges that pose a growing threat to stability in the region, such as climate change, natural disasters and pandemic disease, cannot be resolved through military efforts alone.”

Those changes require strong partnerships across military and civilian agencies and with the private sector and nongovernmental organizations, he added, noting that Rajiv Shah, administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), is leading a session during the conference in Hawaii.
Even as the United States looks for new ways to tackle shared challenges, Hagel wrote, the U.S. military will defend its allies and consistently champion the international laws and norms that have provided the basis for regional security and prosperity for generations.

“Over the course of 10 days, I will meet with 13 defense ministers whose nations represent more than 30 percent of the global economy,” Hagel wrote. “They recognize that there can be no economic growth without stability and prosperity for their people. Continuing the positive trends in the region will depend on upholding the principles of free and open commerce, the rule of law, open access to sea lanes, air, space and cyberspace, and resolving conflicts and disputes peacefully.
“As we have recently seen in Ukraine, threats to these principles are threats to peace and security in the 21st century,” he continued. “That’s why all nations must commit to resolving disputes peacefully, without coercion and in accordance with international law.”

For more than 60 years, Hagel wrote, the Asia-Pacific region has enjoyed relative peace and stability and become an engine for global progress and prosperity.
“The beneficiaries of this progress have been the people of the region, and that includes the American people,” he wrote. “The region has benefited from American leadership, and it will continue to do so. But sustaining this progress is not the work of any single nation — it is a shared responsibility. And the more nations that embrace this responsibility and spirit of cooperation, the more confident we can be that Asia in the 21st century will be defined by security and prosperity for all its people.”


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Post time 3-4-2014 10:30 AM | Show all posts
Simunggu posted on 3-4-2014 09:41 AM
mana perginya negara OIC?.....

qatar ada offer hari tu kan nak tolong. Tak tahu apa jadi.

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Post time 3-4-2014 10:30 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
biggirlduncry posted on 3-4-2014 02:25 AM

kiranya 5 org yg tak jadik naik tu tak termasuk la depa2 ni kan, sbb depa totally tak che ...

klu x cek in..beg x masuk..
beg x masuk cmne nak offload ye x..

tp dah siasat dah katanya.
hasil siasatan je x umum lg

ada unsur "keselematan negara" kot

speku jah ni

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Post time 3-4-2014 10:31 AM | Show all posts
Minister @HishammuddinH2O sharing #MH370pointers at US-ASEAN HADR Dialogue on the "power of relationships"


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Post time 3-4-2014 10:31 AM | Show all posts
tapibukanaku posted on 3-4-2014 10:28 AM
Discussing w/ @TonyAbbottMHR in Perth this morning. All nations involved are fully committed to the  ...

Tengok Tony Abbot teringat adik I awal bulan lepas bawak ikan tengiri masam masuk Adelaide... kena buang ikan ia tu

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Post time 3-4-2014 10:31 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
syadail posted on 3-4-2014 02:30 AM
qatar ada offer hari tu kan nak tolong. Tak tahu apa jadi.

dia kata dia bersedia menolong sekiranya diperlukan..

skrg ni x perlu la tu kot

us brit oz semua da hantar asset.

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Post time 3-4-2014 10:32 AM | Show all posts


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Post time 3-4-2014 10:33 AM | Show all posts
Laras bahasa bantu rungkai punca tragedi MH370

Penerbangan MH370 yang sepatutnya ke Beijing dan kini dianggap hilang di Lautan Hindi, bukan sahaja tersasar jauh, tetapi menimbulkan pelbagai soalan. Mudahan-mudahan semuanya terjawab dengan sejelas-jelasnya apabila perakam kedua-dua data penerbangan dan suara kokpit, yang lebih dikenali sebagai kotak hitam, ditemui kelak.

Kotak hitam didapati berjaya merungkai kebanyakan punca nahas pesawat yang telah berlaku setakat ini. Dari perakam data penerbangan, segala maklumat mengenai sesuatu penerbangan itu dapat diketahui. Ini termasuk prestasi dari segenap fungsi, selain keupayaan enjin.

Daripada perakam suara kokpit pula, segala percakapan sepanjang penerbangan, khususnya oleh mereka yang berada di dalam kokpit dengan pihak menara kawalan udara dan sesama mereka dapat diketahui. Bukan itu sahaja, segala bunyi di sekitar kokpit, termasuk bunyi enjin, amaran dan kecemasan turut dirakamkan.

Semua rakaman ini berlaku secara automatik sebaik sahaja enjin pesawat dihidupkan dan berakhir apabila ia dimatikan. Seperkara yang penting tentang kotak hitam ini ialah ia tidak boleh dimanipulasi sembarangan, sama ada secara manual atau sebaliknya.

Ini antaranya kerana ia tidak memiliki suis. Dengan itu, ia sentiasa dalam keadaan sulut. Ia juga dipasang dengan kuat dalam kalangan beberapa buah komputer di bahagian ekor pesawat.

Analisis rakaman suara
Pengajian bahasa atau linguistik sering juga dirujuk untuk menyelesaikan punca nahas pesawat. Ini dilakukan dengan menganalisis rakaman suara kokpit dari pelbagai aspek bahasa. Antaranya penyebutan, pembinaan ayat dan prinsip perbualan.

Justeru, percakapan pada perakam suara kokpit didengar berkali-kali untuk mengenal pasti tahap kewaspadaan dan kecekapan juruterbang dari sudut kebahasaan. Ini dilakukan pada setiap masa atau segmen tertentu sepanjang sesuatu penerbangan itu.

Didapati kebanyakan percakapan ketika penerbangan berlaku pada awal perjalanan, yakni di darat ketika menanti untuk berlepas dan dalam proses pelepasan ke udara.

Perkara yang sama berlaku ketika proses pendaratan dan di darat sebelum pesawat betul-betul berhenti.

Bentuk bahasa penerbangan didapati istimewa sifatnya. Ia bersifat amat ritual, yakni perlu mengikuti pola bahasa tertentu dengan ketat. Ini penting untuk kepastian makna mesej yang diterima dan identifikasi yang perlu dilakukan, seperti yang dimohon menara kawalan.

Bahasa penerbangan ada gaya tersendiri

Semua ini bukan sahaja penting agar segala apa yang diperkata itu difahami dengan jelas. Ia juga mementingkan penggunaan laras bahasa penerbangan, khususnya ketika komunikasi antara juruterbang dengan menara kawalan. Laras ini ada gaya tersendiri yang disarati oleh istilah penerbangan.

Sehubungan ini, percakapan dalam kokpit dianalisis untuk melihat tahap pematuhan kepada penggunaan laras bahasa ini. Sebarang penyelewengan yang berlaku diselidiki. Ia bukan norma wacana yang digunakan.

Selain itu, gangguan pada cara berbahasa juruterbang, yang kadangkala tercermin pada kesalahan pelik pada ayat digunakan, bunyi yang disebut, prinsip perbualan yang tidak dipatuhi, ikut diselidiki.

Pendekatan analisis linguistik begini mempercayai bahasa adalah perkara pertama yang terkesan, apabila manusia menghadapi tekanan, baik yang bersifat mental, misalnya ketika diugut, mahupun sebaliknya, misalnya dipengaruhi bahan beracun seperti gas.

Dalam keadaan begini, kebolehan seseorang itu membina ayat yang gramatis menjadi terhad dan kadangkala hilang langsung. Selain itu, topik yang diperkatakan yang tidak selalunya dibicarakan dalam konteks komunikasi juruterbang dengan pihak di darat, adalah ranah lain yang diselidiki.

Tahap kompleks ayat juruterbang adalah ukuran lain yang penting dalam hal ini. Sehubungan ini, didapati kebolehan juruterbang menghasilkan ayat yang strukturnya kompleks adalah terhad atau terjejas sekiranya beliau berada dalam keadaan tertekan.

Penyebutan adalah aspek analisis lain yang amat penting. Dalam hal ini, penyebutan bunyi bahasa yang sukar dilafazkan walaupun dalam keadaan tidak tertekan, akan menjadi lebih susah penyebutannya atau gagal disebutkan langsung, dalam keadaan begini.

Kekerapan penggunaan bentuk bahasa yang menandakan keraguan, misalnya aa, er dan um akibat keadaan tertekan, adalah petunjuk penting lain dalam analisis sebegini.

Dalam usaha merungkai tragedi MH370, pengajian bahasa dengan penerapan beberapa disiplin di dalamnya, melalui pendekatan dan kaedah tertentu, boleh diikut sertakan jika didapati perlu.

Penulis ialah Profesor Linguistik di Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

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Post time 3-4-2014 10:34 AM | Show all posts
scorpionkiki posted on 3-4-2014 10:31 AM
Tengok Tony Abbot teringat adik I awal bulan lepas bawak ikan tengiri masam masuk Adelaide... kena ...

tony abbot tak makan ikan tenggiri masam...

hehe. gurau jek

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Post time 3-4-2014 10:36 AM | Show all posts
Simunggu posted on 3-4-2014 09:40 AM
mana perginya negara OIC?.....

MH370: Mana hilangnya negara-negara OIC? – Edwin Michael

Kehilangan pesawat MH370 bersama-sama 239 penumpang dan anak kapal sudah masuk hari keempat. Kerajaan Malaysia terus berusaha menjejaki burung besi ini dan Malaysia secara amnya diselaputi kabus kesedihan namun setiap seorang daripada kita masih mengharapkan agar MH370 kembali pulang lalu mendarat dengan megah di KLIA.
Selain Malaysia, gerakan besar-besaran mencari dan menyelamat penumpang MH370 ini juga turut dibantu oleh Vietnam, China, Thailand, Singapura, Indonesia, Filipina, Australia dan Amerika Syarikat serta yang terbaru ialah New Zealand yang menawarkan pesawat pengesan maritime P-3C Orion.
Persoalan utama kini ialah apa pula peranan negara-negara Islam terutamanya Brunei yang baru-baru ini melaksanakan hukum hudud dalam membantu Malaysia menghadapi krisis MH370 ini.
Sehingga kini, Pertubuhan Negara Islam Sedunia (OIC) juga jelas tidak memberikan apa-apa sokongan moral kepada Malaysia dan jika dilihat secara diplomatiknya, negara-negara Islamlah yang seharusnya berada di hadapan membantu Malaysia dalam apa jua aspek memandangkan Malaysia sebelum ini sama ada secara langsung mahupun secara tidak langsung terlibat dalam membantu negara-negara Islam melibatkan pelbagai aspek ekonomi, sosial mahupun politik.
Ketiadaan sokongan daripada kalangan negara Islam dalam misi mencari dan menyelamat MH370 ini menimbulkan tanda tanya sama ada negara Islam ini tidak ada kepakaran serta teknologi canggih untuk dihulurkan ataupun kehilangan MH370 ini mungkin bukan satu krisis global untuk negara Islam melibatkan diri.
Semangat negara Asean dapat dilihat dengan jelas apabila negara jiran menghulurkan bantuan segera tanpa apa-apa protokal walaupun Brunei mengambil pendirian berdiam diri berhubung insiden ini. Namun hakikatnya, semangat negara Islam OIC ini tidak kelihatan dan semacam tidak mempedulikan setiap saat dan harapan yang dilalui oleh rakyat Malaysia khasnya dan penduduk dunia amnya.
Malaysia saat ini amat memerlukan solidariti seluruh dunia dan jika ini pun negara OIC tidak mampu lakukan, ini adalah satu penghinaan kepada Malaysia dan rakyat Malaysia.
Doakan yang terbaik buat penumpang dan kru kapal MH370. – 11 Mac, 2014.
* Penulis ialah pembaca The Malaysian Insider.
* Ini adalah pendapat peribadi penulis dan tidak semestinya mewakili pandangan The Malaysian Insider.


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Post time 3-4-2014 10:37 AM | Show all posts
qislea posted on 3-4-2014 10:15 AM
I do heard the same comment...
Kerja org luar with the help of 1@some malaysian...
But definatel ...


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Post time 3-4-2014 10:39 AM | Show all posts
Simunggu posted on 3-4-2014 09:40 AM
mana perginya negara OIC?.....

teringat komen peyno

sapa nak bantu negara islam amal
khurafat n syirik bomoh tu


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Post time 3-4-2014 10:43 AM | Show all posts
Doing all we can for MH370

Zan Azlee| Updated: April 03, 2014
PERTH: Throughout my whole career, this has to be the story that I have spent the most intense time covering.

Yes, you guessed it. The tragedy of MH370. From day right up to day 26, I have been at the forefront.

I was there reporting almost every aspect from the press conferences to the families of the passengers in Malaysia, right up to the search operations in Australia and the Indian Ocean.

And in that whole month, I was practically working non-stop with only one weekend off. And let's not even talk about the recent two weeks in Perth, Australia, where I was literally working solid 16 hour days everyday.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining. I love what I do and I wouldn't give up my 13 year career for anything. And as a journalist, you automatically just want to be in the thick of the action anyway.

But sometimes it makes me wonder. Many of the stories I've covered intensely have been about negative issues like conflict, social ills and tragedy. And I get so excited whenever I'm involved in these stories.

Does this mean that I actually derive joy from the sufferings of others? Am I a blood sucking vampire that leeches on to others so I can fill my own pleasure? Is this right?

I know many people would say that it is a journalist's job and responsibility to tell the people of the world of what is happening so they can be better informed and aware. I tell myself that too. But sometimes I'm not easily convinced.

I was honestly excited to be able to update the latest information from all the MH370 related press conference to the public that I was practically shaking with exhilaration. So I am getting my fix from all of this.

But then every now and again, a story you do will jump out at you and just pull you back to the ground. It will make you realise why you are doing it in the first place and it isn't all about your own feelings.

An Astro AWANI viewer, Nur Mawarni, had contacted the newsroom because her husband is in the Royal Malaysian Navy and has been out on the ship for the as long as MH370 has gone missing.

Leftenan Fairul Sham Suhardi Zailisis the Navigational Officer on the navy's vessel KD Lekiu which has arrived in Perth, Australia, and is due out in the search area in the Indian Ocean today.

I, along with cameraman Sujenthiran, managed to catch a hold of him a day before his ship was to set sail and we passed on the message that his wife and family misses him but is extremely proud of him.

Of course, as any man would be, he was overjoyed. And he also reminded his wife and the rest of Malaysia to be patient and to pray for all the personnel's safety so they can find a positive sign of MH370.

This story had grounded me and it made me re-realise the enormity of the tragedy and how so many people from so many countries are sacrificing their own needs and pulling together in an effort to search and rescue MH370.

It makes me as a journalist want to strive to do the best in what I do so that in whatever small part it plays, will hopefully contribute to the efforts positively as well.

We feel for the families of the passengers, the families of those who are out searching and of course for the passengers themselves. Whatever if it is, people are doing everything they can.

Read more at:


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Post time 3-4-2014 10:45 AM | Show all posts
Demi MH370, Leftenan Fairul tinggalkan keluarga lebih 25 hari

KUALA LUMPUR: "Kita semua sedar bahawa tanggungjawab yang dipikul adalah sangat berat. Oleh itu saya harap rakyat Malaysia, keluarga para penumpang dan keluarga kita sendiri, untuk mendoakan keselamatan kami di sini agar misi mencari MH370 dipermudahkan”

Itu adalah kata-kata Pegawai Navigasi kapal KD Lekiu, Leftenan Fairul Sham Suhardi Zailis, yang kini berada di pangkalan Tentera Laut Diraja Australia, Pelabuhan HMAS Stirling.

Kapal yang merupakan antara kapal paling canggih milik Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia itu kini sedang bersiap sedia untuk bertolak ke kawasan pencarian pada Khamis.

Sebagaimana sedih perasaan keluarga penumpang dan anak kapal pesawat MH370, begitu juga perasaan yang sama dirasai oleh ahli keluarga tentera bertugas tatkala berjauhan dengan orang yang tersayang.

Isteri kepada Leftenan Fairul, Nur Mawarni telah menghubungi Astro AWANI untuk meluahkan betapa dia dan anak-anaknya merindukan Leftenan Fairul yang sudah 25 hari pergi menjalankan tugas sejak pesawat MH370 dilaporkan hilang.

Nur Mawarni turut menyatakan rasa bangga dengan apa yang telah dilakukan oleh suaminya.

Leftenan Fairul merupakan salah seorang daripada 160 anggota yang ditugaskan di atas KD Lekiu untuk operasi mencari dan menyelamat pesawat MH370.

Cabaran yang digalas beliau dan seluruh anggota nyata sarat dengan pelbagai dugaan.

Paling penting, tiada rasa putus asa walau dihimpit dengan pelbagai rasa demi menjejaki MH370.

"Kepada keluarga saya, saya harap banyakkan bersabar. Apa yang penting teruskan berdoa untuk keluarga penumpang dan anak kapal.

Esok lusa, keluarga akan menyambut saya apabila pulang, apa yang penting sekarang adalah mencari penumpang dan pesawat berkenaan” katanya di akhir bicara.


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Post time 3-4-2014 10:47 AM | Show all posts
MH370: KD Lekiu mulakan misi sertai pencarian pada Khamis

PERTH:Kapal KD Lekiu milik Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) yang tiba di Perth, Australia pada Isnin bakal berlepas dari Pelabuhan HMAS Stirling esok untuk menyertai operasi mencari pesawat MH370.

KD Lekiu yang merupakan salah satu kapal paling canggih TLDM itu akan mengambil masa tiga hari untuk tiba ke kawasan carian di Lautan Hindi kira-kira 1,800 kilometer barat laut Perth.

Di sana kami akan berada selama lapan hari sebelum mengambil masa tiga hari lagi untuk kembali ke HMAS Stirling,” kata Pegawai Komander Kapal, Komander Jamsari Tahir.

KD Lekiu membawa bersamanya helikopter Super Lynx dan dikendalikan oleh 160 kakitangan termasuk 11 yang dikhaskan bertugas untuk helikopter.

Menurut Komander Jamsari, keupayaan anak-anak kapal akan dioptimumkan untuk carian visual di kawasan itu kerana ia adalah kaedah terbaik untuk mengecam objek penting.

Helikopter Super Lynx turut digunakan untuk melebarkan kawasan carian.

Kehadiran kapal KD Lekiu menjadikan jumlah kapal ke kawasan carian meningkat kepada sembilan buah, termasuk kapal ADV Ocean Shield milik Australia yang membawa pengesan kotak hitam.

Sebelum ini, kapal KD Lekiu telah ditugaskan untuk mencari pesawat yang hilang di Laut China Selatan.

Kapal KD Lekiu milik Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia


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Post time 3-4-2014 10:49 AM | Show all posts
MH370: A tribute to all the Leftenan Fairuls out there

PERTH: "We all realise that the responsibility we are shouldering is a heavy one. So I would like to plead to Malaysians, the families of the passengers and our own families, to please pray for our safety and that we can at least find a sign of MH370."

Those are the words of Lieutenant Fairul Sham Suhardi Zailis, the Navigational Officer of the Royal Malaysian Navy vessel KD Lekiu, which is now docked at the Royal Australian Navy base HMAS Stirling and ready to leave for the search area of the ill-fated flight MH370 in the Indian Ocean on Thursday.

As much as we feel for and emphatise with the families of the passengers of the ill-fated flight MH370, it is almost impossible for any of us who are not experiencing it to even imagine how it feels like.

And neither can we know the feeling of the families whose loved ones have been assigned to the search and rescue (SAR) efforts and are away in dangerous situations looking for the aircraft.

Leftenan Fairul's wife, Nur Mawarni, an Astro AWANI viewer, contacted our newsdesk to express how she and her children miss Lieutenant Fairul very much since he has been away for the past 25 days since the aircraft went missing. She also said that they are extremely proud of him for doing what he is doing.

So we at Astro AWANI felt that we owed it Lieutenant Fairul and also the thousands of personnel from the different countries who are out there in treacherous conditions working towards locating MH370 to pass on the message.

As the Navigational Officer of KD Lekiu, Lieutenant Fairul holds the vital role of charting a course for the vessel so it arrives at the search area and able to comb the designated area safely. It is a duty that requires detailed and precise studying of ocean charts, weather reports and coordination with the Australian Maritime Security Authority (AMSA). And he does it confidently, knowing he has the support of his family back home.

"We have a lot of challenges. Dealing with such a large such area is one thing, but when you are out there in the ocean, the harsh conditions can tame the wildest of beasts. The waves can be tens of metres high and even the most seasoned sailor will feel weak in the stomach. And the cold is unbearable. But that is what we have to do," he said.

There are many Lieutenant Fairuls out in the Indian Ocean, on the water and in the air. They come from many countries who have voluntered their services to help in searching for the Malaysian flag-bearing aircraft.

Lieutenant Fairul isn't the special one among the many. He is as special as the many.

"To my family, I would like to say to them - please be patient. Most importantly, please pray for the families whose loved ones are missing. At the end of the day, my family will greet me when I return. All the families of the passengers want is a sign and that is what we want to find," he concluded.

Lieutenant Fairul Sham Suhardi Zailis, Navigational Officer manning his station on the bridge of KD Lekiu  


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