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just watched
The Descent : Part 2 ...
perghhh ganaz2 ....
i bg rate 7 over 10 ...
The Proposal
i bg rate 7.5 over 10
mmg best cite nie
lawak part Sandra Bullock nyanyi n menari lagu Get Low
hahahah ada style arrr
plus gelak giler babas smpai x cukup nafas
hehehehe ...
Ketika Cinta Bertasbih 1 & 2 - superb... fans of the book will sure love it!! 
Hachiko : A Dog's Tale - sedih giler........ sampai aku naik pening.....  |
Ketika Cinta Bertasbih 1 & 2 - superb... fans of the book will sure love it!! 
Hachiko : A Dog's Tale - sedih giler........ sampai aku naik pening.....  |
-14 blades
-flash point
-vampire assistant
-the fall of berlin
regards |
baru jer pas tgk cite Dorian Gray (2009)
lelaki yg pegang watak Dorian Gray tu xde la handsome sgt
maybe charming kot ...
sape yg pnah tgk The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003)
de watak Dorian Gray
lelaki yg handsome n kekal muda .. immortal
neway .. cite Dorian Gray nie menceritakan cm ner Dorian Gray tu jd immortal
kira mamat nie mmg hidup free seks ajer
lelaki n ppuan dia belasah
sebb terpengaruh dgn kwn baik nyer, Lord Harry
kira Harry nie mmg kaki sosial cuma da kawin
n dia xleh la sosial sgt
so Dorian nie cm terima cabaran Harry utk jual soul nyer pd devil utk jadi muda
permintaan nyer dimakbulkan
n mula2 x caya tp lelama dia sonok
smpai la satu saat dia xleh hidup dgn selesa
sebb benda tu ganggu dia
dia akan bunuh sesapa yg tau rahsia dia
my rate is 7 .... over 10
pelakon yg agak terkenal Ben Chaplin n Colin Flirth ...
~lotr 1,2 3
mssuci Post at 2-5-2010 11:19 PM 
marathon LOTR 1,2, 3 ker??? |
kinda cute movie. cant believe ashton can pull of the gigolo look - successfully i must say
raeshad Post at 12-4-2010 01:58 
memang best...atas sofa, atas meja makan dlm pool semua tempat dia buat.....Demi Moore x marah pon  |
Reply 2350# fly_in_d_sky
ha ah |
Reply fly_in_d_sky
ha ah
mssuci Post at 3-5-2010 11:33 PM 
terrer ... sy sendiri x mampu nak wat maraton LOTR
nangis ben barnes kalau dia dengar
watched it when it premiered in ...
raeshad Post at 4-5-2010 07:07 PM 
nanges pun nanges la
tp .... alahai boday x power
hehehehe ....
cuma cite nyer not so bad la
x boring sgt
cuma x ske part ending tu
kamera fokus pd gmbr tuh
n tetiba mata gmbr tu bercahaya
cm de benda tuh lg .... |
Furry vengeance
so cuteeee eeeeeeeeee comel semua |
tgk IP MAN 1 ngn member2 b4 berpisah...
sedey2 |
Rerun balik cite Bourne Trilogy:The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy & The Bourne Utimatum |
Merantau Warrior (kat ABO) - non-stop action fighting scenes... but the ending sucks to me!
Solomon Kane - best la jugak...... |
just finished watched
- HSM trilogy
- IP Man |
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