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Author: dauswq

[2020] 92nd Academy Awards (OSCAR 2020) - 10 Feb 2020, 9.00 am Isnin

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Post time 16-1-2020 11:51 AM | Show all posts
alesandra replied at 15-1-2020 09:15 PM
time ladybird .. oscar thn tu dia tk tercalon best director eh?ade laaa kategori yg dia tak tercal ...

last year oscar ... ladybird pun pulang tangan kosong tak menang apa apa pun....

acik2 hollywood merempan sebab greta tak lepas masuk untuk Kategori best Director...kat golden globe pun x lepas.....
itulah yang buat acik2 hollywood merempan...katanya  menindas kaum wanita..kreadibiliti pengarah wanita..kalau ikutkan ada banyak lagi pengarah wanita x lepas...tapi x de merempan banyak sangat..

yesss..soffia coppola pengarah wanita paling bagus...dia buat kerja dia dan x bising2 ..


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Post time 16-1-2020 10:19 PM | Show all posts
mat_arof replied at 16-1-2020 11:51 AM
last year oscar ... ladybird pun pulang tangan kosong tak menang apa apa pun....

acik2 hollywoo ...

acik2 hollywood bunch of hypocrites.sesama diorg pun menindas.aku follow drama the affair.citer neh dah habis thn lepas.salah satu main character ..alison dimatikan watak tgh2 season 4 sbb pelakonnya ruth wilson uncomfotable berlakon  sex,nude scenes.bila dia mengadu benda neh kat co-producer..which is seorg  perempuan.dia kena pecat...sblm tu crew byk kali buli,harass dia.dahla lepas ruth takde..citer dah tk best.mana acik2 hollywood dlm situasi ruth neh?sorang pun tak berkutik.ini kes yg kita tau...yg unspoken?setakat greta ..aku rase dia naik pun sbb politik.dia dating pengarah, ex husband.jennifer leigh bak kata ko dah kawen?so-so je dia.nak kata outstanding ...mmg taklaaa

betul ..sofia copolla buat filem 'feminist' mary antoinette,the beguiled  (at least itu interpretation aku la)tanpa melalak metoo,woman empowerment

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 Author| Post time 17-1-2020 02:39 PM | Show all posts
alesandra replied at 16-1-2020 10:19 PM
acik2 hollywood bunch of hypocrites.sesama diorg pun menindas.aku follow drama the affair.citer ne ...

partnernya (aka suami) pun nominated oscar thn ni utk kategori original screenplay..
noah baumbach ker ape namanya.. dia arahkan & tulis filem Marriage Story lakonan Scarlett Johannson..
kebetulan kedua2nya nominated utk kategori screenplay thn ni (original - noah bamubach, adapted - nek greta grewig) tp kedua2nya juga gagal dpt nomination utk Best Director..


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 Author| Post time 17-1-2020 02:45 PM | Show all posts
alesandra replied at 16-1-2020 10:19 PM
acik2 hollywood bunch of hypocrites.sesama diorg pun menindas.aku follow drama the affair.citer ne ...

thn yg sophia coppola menang best director cannes utk filem beguiled tu rasanye tak de sorg pun org Hollywood yg push dia utk Best Director Oscar nomination sekali lagi... org hollywood termasuklah pengkritik dh terpedaya dgn greta mase tu..
aku pernah diskas dlm thread oscar ni 2 thn lepas
mase tu calon2 perempuan utk best director ade 3 org - sophia coppola (filem beguiled), greta grewiq (lady bird) & dee rees (mudbound), tp greta grewig yg dapat akhirnya..

bagaimanapun, lady bird tu bg aku mmg layak pun dia dapat.. cuma utk little women ni sorry lah work hard lagi lah ye...
women directors lain pun work hard gak tp tak de lah sokongan bw rebah mcm greta grewiq dapat ni...


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Post time 17-1-2020 07:23 PM | Show all posts
dauswq replied at 17-1-2020 02:45 PM
thn yg sophia coppola menang best director cannes utk filem beguiled tu rasanye tak de sorg pun or ...

ada geng geng dan berpuak juga kt hollywood tu...

oh ye..malam ni nak layan 1917 ...baru dapt nak tgok

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 Author| Post time 18-1-2020 05:04 PM | Show all posts
mat_arof replied at 17-1-2020 07:23 PM
ada geng geng dan berpuak juga kt hollywood tu...

oh ye..malam ni nak layan 1917 ...baru dapt n ...

camne 1917? katanya teknik directing guna one-take mcm alejandro g. innaritu buat utk filem Birdman dulu...
aku dapat bayangkan cara directing dia sgt berbeza dgn american beauty dulu..


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 Author| Post time 18-1-2020 05:06 PM | Show all posts
btw yg bising2 acik greta patut dpt nomination best director sekali lagi patutnye kecewa dulu dgn results DGA (director guilds of americas) naper tak de acik greta tercalon gak..

DGA pun tak nak calonkan acik tu, jd peluang dia banding dgn todd phillips tu jauh kena tinggal bertiang2 agaknya..

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 Author| Post time 18-1-2020 05:07 PM | Show all posts
Edited by dauswq at 18-1-2020 05:08 PM

harap2 quentin taratino dpt kemenangan utk best original screenplay lagi sekali..
boleh  menyamai kemenangan yg diraih oleh woody allen dgn 3 kali dlm anugerah yg sama..

utk best director, aku sbnrnye support bong joon ho menang wlpn sam mendes berpeluang besar lagi...


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 Author| Post time 18-1-2020 05:24 PM | Show all posts
Edited by dauswq at 18-1-2020 05:27 PM
delia3003 replied at 13-1-2020 10:42 PM
Mungkin jugak Little Women ni dah banyak sgt versi. Versi yg Winona jadi Jo tu pernah ler tengok k ...

ckp pasal winoma ryder ni, sian lak kerjaya actress merundum sampai la ni...bahana kena tangkap mencuri kot..

zmn 90-an dulu, 2 kali dia dpt nominations tp tak de luck utk menang agaknya...

sepatutnye filem girl interrupted angkat dia utk dpt nomination sekali lg..

sekali acik tomb raider yg dpt nomination, dan terus menang...wtk dia dlm filem tu terus tenggelam dek wtk psychotic acik tomb raider..

sejak filem tu tak nmpk namanya dlm mana2 anugerah lagi.


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 Author| Post time 18-1-2020 05:26 PM | Show all posts
cyclops_psycho replied at 13-1-2020 11:21 PM
Sabar dauswq, yang penting si Lupita yg byk menang critics x tercalon. Haha

harap2 lupita ngongyo tak menang SAG senin ni..cukup2lah dgn permainan mata terbeliak gtuh

thn ni aku tetap full support utk scarlett johannson menang..


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 Author| Post time 18-1-2020 06:21 PM | Show all posts
Oscar 2020 Winner Predictions: Actress

Well hi, everybody, it’s nice to see you.
3 days agoon
January 15, 2020
Ed Gonzalez

Photo: LD Entertainment

Well hi, everybody, it’s nice to see you. Loyal readers of Slant’s Oscar coverage know that we don’t like to beat around the bush, and this year we have even less reason to do so what with the accelerated awards calendar forcing us to kick-start our rolling predictions earlier than usual. So, as we busy ourselves in the next few days catching up with some remaining blindspots, and being thankful that we don’t actually ever have to see Cats, we will be bringing you our predictions in some of Oscar’s easier-to-call categories.

Which isn’t to say that we’re going to be drama-free. Case in point: the revelation that Eric Henderson, my fellow awards guru, made on Twitter this week that “Scarlett Johansson is genuinely better in Jojo Rabbit than in Marriage Story.” He also asked us to throw the tweet back in this face four or five years from now, but I say right now is as good a time as any.

No, seriously, shocking as that tweet was to this fan of Marriage Story’s entire acting ensemble, that some are already predicting the actress as a possible spoiler in supporting actress in the wake of Jojo Rabbit scoring six nominations, it’s gotten us thinking about the ostensibly evolving tastes of AMPAS’s membership at a time when it’s struggling to diversify itself. And based on how things went down at last year’s Oscars, the only conclusion we can come up with is that the more things change, the more they stay the same.

Immediately after Glenn Close lost the Oscar last year to Olivia Coleman, Eric sent me a text wondering why AMPAS hates the former so much, to which I offered that there’s nothing more unwavering than Hollywood’s support for actors playing real-life individuals. Well, that and its support for actors who actually want to be exalted by the industry. Even in a world where Renée Zellweger isn’t also being helped by a comeback narrative, and has yet to follow Joaquin Phoenix’s savvy lead by getting arrested at Jane Fonda’s weekly climate change protest and erasing our memory of her performance at the Golden Globes, she’s nominated for a generally well liked performance in a film that has actually performed well at the box office.

On Monday, more outcry was provoked by the Oscar nominations, again for women being shut out of the best director race, but also for the snubbing of several actors of color, most notably Jennifer Lopez and Lupita N’yongo. Some will speculate that Cynthia Erivo, the only actor of color to be nominated this year, is a potential spoiler here, but whether she stands to benefit from a core of protest votes is something that can never be known. This fine actress’s performance checks off almost as many boxes as Zellweger’s, if not, at the end of the day, the one that matters most: representing a film about the industry itself, in this case one that will allow a reliably backward-looking Hollywood to atone for sins committed against their own.

Will Win: Renée Zellweger, Judy
Could Win: Scarlett Johansson, Marriage Story
Should Win: Scarlett Johansson, Marriage Story


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Post time 18-1-2020 10:30 PM | Show all posts
100% locked utk menang Oscar - Joaquin Phoenix, Laura Dern, Brad Pitt, Parasite.

kategori best actress masih open.

Best Picture mungkin 1917 or One Upon a Time in Hollywood.


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Post time 20-1-2020 12:36 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by cyclops_psycho at 20-1-2020 11:41 AM
dauswq replied at 18-1-2020 05:26 PM
harap2 lupita ngongyo tak menang SAG senin ni..cukup2lah dgn permainan mata terbeliak gtuh

t ...

Lupa lak SAG pagi nnt..for best ensemble it could be The Irishman.

Tp bila difikirkan balik ada potensi gak si Lupita mata terbeliak nak menang SAG ni ala2 macam Emily Blunt last year - tak tercalon Oscar & GG last year tapi mampu menang okay. Tapi aku suka Emily menang last year, out of nowhere sgt.


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Post time 20-1-2020 12:49 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
alesandra replied at 15-1-2020 09:15 PM
time ladybird .. oscar thn tu dia tk tercalon best director eh?ade laaa kategori yg dia tak tercal ...

Next year Oscar jom kita support Sofia Coppola utk filem baru dia On The Rocks!

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Post time 20-1-2020 01:00 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mat_arof replied at 15-1-2020 08:32 PM
so far oscar tahun ni...aku skip..becouse semua filem so...

cuma x sabar nak tunggu fi ...

Oscar next year nmpk saingan lebih hebat..cant wait to see French Exit (Michelle Pfeiffer & Lucas Hedges), On The Rocks (directing by Sofia Coppola), RESPECT (JHud), Hilbilly Elegy (Amy Adams & Glen Close), Tenet (Christopher Nolan) and Nightmare Alley (gandingan acik Toni Collete & Cate Blanchett).

Bad news is Joyah pun ada movie baru this year, ada potensi tercalon gak katanya. We'll see la nanti ya.

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Post time 20-1-2020 11:25 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dauswq replied at 18-1-2020 05:07 PM
harap2 quentin taratino dpt kemenangan utk best original screenplay lagi sekali..
boleh  menyamai k ...

Tarantino masa kes harvey weinstein mula2 meletup teruk jugak kena hencap. Sbb statement dia x against weinstein. Filem2 dia kan byk under miramax era weinstein. Tambah pulak dia penah ada fling dgn mira sorvino.. sallasorang mangsa harvey. aku pikir masa tu... Oh shit habisla.

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Post time 20-1-2020 11:26 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dauswq replied at 18-1-2020 05:07 PM
harap2 quentin taratino dpt kemenangan utk best original screenplay lagi sekali..
boleh  menyamai k ...

Syukurlah.. Tarantino skrg back in the game. Tercalon bagai.

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Post time 20-1-2020 11:43 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Here’s the full list of 2020 SAG Awards winners:

Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture:

“Bombshell” (Lionsgate)
“The Irishman” (Netflix)
“Jojo Rabbit” (Fox)
“Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” (Sony)
“Parasite” (Neon) (WINNER)

Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role:

Cynthia Erivo (“Harriet”)
Scarlett Johansson (“Marriage Story”)
Lupita Nyong’o (“Us”)
Charlize Theron (“Bombshell”)
Renée Zellweger (“Judy”) (WINNER)

Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role:

Christian Bale (“Ford v Ferrari”)
Leonardo DiCaprio (“Once Upon a Time in Hollywood”)
Adam Driver (“Marriage Story”)
Taron Egerton (“Rocketman”)
Joaquin Phoenix (“Joker”) (WINNER)

Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Television Movie or Miniseries:

Mahershala Ali (“True Detective”)
Russell Crowe (“The Loudest Voice”)
Jared Harris (“Chernobyl”)
Jharrel Jerome (“When They See Us”)
Sam Rockwell (“Fosse/Verdon”) (WINNER)

Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series:

“Big Little Lies” (HBO)
“The Crown” (Netflix) (WINNER)
“Game of Thrones” (HBO)
“The Handmaid’s Tale” (Hulu)
“Stranger Things” (Netflix)

Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Drama Series:

Sterling K. Brown (“This Is Us”)
Steve Carell (“The Morning Show”)
Billy Crudup (“The Morning Show”)
Peter Dinklage (“Game of Thrones”) (WINNER)
David Harbour (“Stranger Things”)

Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series:

Jennifer Aniston (“The Morning Show”) (WINNER)
Helena Bonham Carter (“The Crown”)
Olivia Colman (“The Crown”)
Jodie Comer (“Killing Eve”)
Elisabeth Moss (“The Handmaid’s Tale”)

Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Television Movie or Miniseries:

Patricia Arquette (“The Act”)
Toni Collette (“Unbelievable”)
Joey King (“The Act”)
Emily Watson (“Chernobyl”)
Michelle Williams (“Fosse/Verdon”) (WINNER)

Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role:

Jamie Foxx (“Just Mercy”)
Tom Hanks (“A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood”)
Al Pacino (“The Irishman”)
Joe Pesci (“The Irishman”)
Brad Pitt (“Once Upon a Time in Hollywood”) (WINNER)

Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role:

Laura Dern (“Marriage Story”) (WINNER)
Scarlett Johansson (“Jojo Rabbit”)
Nicole Kidman (“Bombshell”)
Jennifer Lopez (“Hustlers”)
Margot Robbie (“Bombshell”)

Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Comedy Series:

“Barry” (HBO)
“Fleabag” (Amazon)
“The Kominsky Method” (Netflix)
“The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” (Amazon) (WINNER)
“Schitt’s Creek” (CBC Television/Pop TV)

Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Comedy Series:

Christina Applegate (“Dead to Me”)
Alex Borstein (“The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel”)
Rachel Brosnahan (“The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel”)
Catherine O’Hara (“Schitt’s Creek”)
Phoebe Waller-Bridge (“Fleabag”) (WINNER)

Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Comedy Series:

Alan Arkin (“The Kominsky Method”)
Michael Douglas (“The Kominsky Method”)
Bill Hader (“Barry”)
Andrew Scott (“Fleabag”)
Tony Shalhoub (“The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel”) (WINNER)

Outstanding Action Performance by a Stunt Ensemble in a Motion Picture:

“Avengers: Endgame” (WINNER)
“Ford v Ferrari”
“The Irishman”
“Once Upon a Time in Hollywood”

Outstanding Action Performance by a Stunt Ensemble in a Comedy or Drama Series:

“Game of Thrones” (WINNER)
“Stranger Things”
“The Walking Dead”

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 Author| Post time 20-1-2020 11:45 AM | Show all posts
cyclops_psycho replied at 20-1-2020 12:36 AM
Lupa lak SAG pagi nnt..for best ensemble could be The Irishman or Marriage Story.

Tp bila di ...

alamak judy menang SAG nampaknya.. tak de can dah scarlett johannson nak grab best actress oscar

tahniah parasite menang sag best ensemble. ini mmg betul2 kejutan..

1917 sebaliknya menang PGA , kemungkinan sam mendes akan grab DGA juga nanti (tak pun bong joon ho)

results SAG sama dgn golden globes & critic choices..
konfem keempat2 aktor ini grab oscar...


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 Author| Post time 20-1-2020 11:53 AM | Show all posts
Bukan lagi rahsia, saingan kuat utk best director antara sam mendes & bong jong ho... nmpknye quentin tarantino & martin scorsece hanyalah sekadar filler lagi2 tarantino baru nk merasa best director buat pertama kali dlm sejarah kariernya...

kedua2 director ade charm dlm teknik directing thn ni. sam mendes dgn one shot take manakala bong jong ho lak dgn kreativiti menyatukan elemen2 satritical , acting dlm satu package menjadikan filem dia sgt spesel..

no wonder parasite grab SAG best ensemble..

sam mendes - golden globe best director, critic choice best director, PGA
bong jong hoo - critic choice best director, SAG

kedua2nya masih menunggu DGA utk melengkapkan resume

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