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Author: virgomal

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Post time 22-4-2006 07:07 PM | Show all posts
ooo nama dia in line skating, kira adik beradik roller blade kot ekekekekeke.

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Post time 22-4-2006 07:53 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 22-4-2006 07:07 PM
ooo nama dia in line skating, kira adik beradik roller blade kot ekekekekeke.

woo.. :nerd:
ada lagi satu figure skating.. dat time aku tengok commonwealth games.. tengok dorang skate dgn irama lagu mmc kool ah..

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Post time 22-4-2006 07:54 PM | Show all posts
aku ngah tak sabo nak tengok world cup tahun ni.. yahoooo!!!:pompom::pompom:..

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Post time 22-4-2006 07:56 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by SweetCandy at 22-4-2006 07:53 PM

woo.. :nerd:
ada lagi satu figure skating.. dat time aku tengok commonwealth games.. tengok dorang skate dgn irama lagu mmc kool ah..

ooo cam ballet kat atas ice tu eh...

suruh kak brown take part bagus ni..

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Post time 22-4-2006 07:56 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by SweetCandy at 22-4-2006 07:54 PM
aku ngah tak sabo nak tengok world cup tahun ni.. yahoooo!!!:pompom::pompom:..


kena pay per view....

tapi apa kan daya..nak nengok, so kena bayar xtra... UWAAA!!!!!!!!!

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Post time 22-4-2006 07:57 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 22-4-2006 07:56 PM

ooo cam ballet kat atas ice tu eh...

suruh kak brown take part bagus ni..

ha'ah yesh..
woo.. kalo kak B masuk.. kena kasi dia partner.. how abt abg matz?..kekekekeke!!



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Post time 22-4-2006 10:23 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 22-4-2006 07:06 PM

korang nengok, dia umur dah 66 tahun tapi main benda ni eh...

waw!! :tq::tq:

aku lagi ngah nak gi cek doktor mintak downgrading pes ...

not bad eh .. keep fit.. president nathan also kan.. hari2 jalan berapa km entah. ..

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Post time 22-4-2006 10:28 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by dilah21 at 22-4-2006 10:23 PM

not bad eh .. keep fit.. president nathan also kan.. hari2 jalan berapa km entah. ..

dorang kena lead by example la, kalo pemalas...abis la

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Post time 22-4-2006 10:48 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 22-4-2006 10:28 PM

dorang kena lead by example la, kalo pemalas...abis la

biasalah.. nak jaga kesihatan dorang .. baguslah tu.. healthy lifestyle..

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Post time 22-4-2006 11:49 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by SweetCandy at 22-4-2006 10:48 PM

biasalah.. nak jaga kesihatan dorang .. baguslah tu.. healthy lifestyle..

ha ah eh... aku nengok orang gamen, menteri2 , mp2 semua cam healthy looking eh... look fit..

takde yang gelebeh2 slackers

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Post time 23-4-2006 11:51 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 22-4-2006 11:49 PM

ha ah eh... aku nengok orang gamen, menteri2 , mp2 semua cam healthy looking eh... look fit..

takde yang gelebeh2 slackers

ha'ah.. bukan tu aje.. yg ada tu pun ada penyakit  jugak.. cuma dorang try to keep themselves fit by exercisng..

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Post time 26-4-2006 09:16 PM | Show all posts
ENCIK Izhar Satimin menyangka beliau telah menemui satu cara yang amat berkesan untuk menurunkan berat badannya iaitu dengan hanya memakan buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran serta menjauhkan diri daripada makanan yang tinggi karbohidrat seperti nasi.

Beliau memang berjaya menurunkan berat badannya dalam waktu yang singkat daripada 115 kilogram kepada 93 kilogram, tetapi pemuda berusia 33 tahun ini berasa amat lemah.

'Saya seperti mendenda diri saya sendiri. Saya begitu lemah, tidak bertenaga, mengantuk dan tidak dapat fokus kepada apa yang saya buat,' ujar Encik Izhar, yang bekerja sebagai pemandu kenderaan berat.

Ternyata, beliau telah mengamalkan cara pemakanan yang salah yang terlalu drastik dalam usaha menurunkan berat badannya.

Lantas, pada Mac tahun lalu, beliau menyertai Program Pengurusan Berat Badan di Hospital Alexandra (AH) kerana berasa masih perlu membuang lemak-lemak berlebihan di tubuhnya, tetapi dengan cara yang betul.

Dalam tempoh enam bulan selepas mengikutinya, Encik Izhar berjaya menurunkan sebanyak 19.2 kilogram daripada berat badannya dan mencapai berat badan ideal 73.8 kilogram.

Tetapi, rasa letih dan tidak bertenaga seperti yang beliau rasakan dahulu tidak dirasakannya lagi. Dengan mengamalkan cara pemakanan sebagaimana yang dinasihatkan oleh pakar dietnya, Encik Geoffrey Gui, dari AH, Encik Izhar tetap berasa cergas dan bertenaga meskipun harus mengurangkan jumlah makanan yang dimakannya.

Seperti para pesakit lain yang ingin menurunkan berat badan, beliau diajar menurunkan berat badan secara sihat dan konsisten iaitu 0.5 kilogram hingga satu kilogram seminggu menerusi pemakanan seimbang dengan kalori yang dihadkan, selain senaman yang kerap.

Program Pengurusan Berat Badan AH ialah program berstruktur selama enam bulan. Dalam tempoh itu, pesakit dipantau dari masa ke masa oleh seorang doktor, pakar pemakanan, ahli fisioterapi dan ahli terapi pergerakan tubuh.

Selepas tiga bulan, pesakit dijangka boleh turun 5 hingga 10 peratus daripada berat badan mereka.

Pengarah Program Pengurusan berat Badan AH, Dr Tey Beng Hea, menarik perhatian bahawa lebihan berat badan membawa pelbagai masalah kesihatan seperti kencing manis dan darah tinggi.

'Kerana itu kami menganggap mereka yang gemuk sebagai orang yang ada masalah perubatan dan merawat mereka ibarat mereka orang sakit,' katanya.

Untuk keterangan lanjut mengenai program ini anda boleh menelefon 6476-8828 atau ke laman .



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matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Post time 28-6-2006 09:31 AM | Show all posts
my friend punya parents in bali ,they are in their mid 70's....

still going strong boleh  kerja kat sawah.

what's their secret ???

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Post time 28-6-2006 09:36 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 28-6-2006 09:31 AM
my friend punya parents in bali ,they are in their mid 70's....

still going strong boleh  kerja kat sawah.

what's their secret ???

healthy lifestyle and also rezeki masing2 kot

lagipun sana oxygen bagus matz, tak macam oxygen sini, sedut asap

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matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Post time 28-6-2006 09:38 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 28-6-2006 09:36 AM

healthy lifestyle and also rezeki masing2 kot

lagipun sana oxygen bagus matz, tak macam oxygen sini, sedut asap

this i got to agree, kat UBUD,very relaxing.

may be dorang tak makan food like us yang banyak preservatives.

kat pasar i saw this lady makan cucumber raw,macam makan apple.

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Post time 28-6-2006 09:54 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 28-6-2006 09:38 AM

this i got to agree, kat UBUD,very relaxing.

may be dorang tak makan food like us yang banyak preservatives.

kat pasar i saw this lady makan cucumber raw,macam makan apple.

sana dorang nye veggies semua volcanic soil kot? bagus....

sini veggies semua dah kena spray , dah kena injek

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 Author| Post time 3-8-2006 12:29 PM | Show all posts
Eat lots of fish as fish oil helps to
prevent headaches. So does ginger
which reduces inflammation and pain.

Eat lots of yoghurt before pollen

Prevents buildup of fatty deposit
on artery walls with regular doses
of tea.

Use Honey as a tranquilizer and
as a sedative.

Eating onions helps ease
constriction of bronchial tubes.

Salmon, tuna, mackerel and
sardines actually prevent arthritis.

Bananas will settle an
upset stomach. Ginger cures
morning sickness and nausea.

High-acid cranberry juice controls harmful


Bones fractures and
osteoporosis can be prevented by
the manganese in pineapple.

Women can ward off the effects of
PMS with cornflakes, which help
reduce depression, anxiety & fatigue.

Oysters help increase your mental
functioning by supplying much needed

A substance similar to that found
in cough syrup is found in hot red

Wheat bran and cabbage help maintain
estrogen at healthy levels.

A good antidote is beta-carotene, a form of
Vitamin A found in orange & green vegetables.

Cabbage contains chemical that
help heal both type of ulcers.

Crate an apple with its skin. Let it
turn brown and eat it to this

Mono-unsaturated fat in avocados
lower cholesterol.


Olive oil hasbeen shown to lower blood
pressure. Celery contains a chemical that
lowers blood pressure too.

The chromium in broccoli and peanuts helps
regulate insulin and blood sugar.


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Post time 5-8-2006 07:28 AM | Show all posts
Use Honey as a tranquilizer and
as a sedative.

shud try this one....nak tengok mujarab ke tak...............

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Post time 6-8-2006 09:50 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fatz at 5-8-2006 07:28 AM
Use Honey as a tranquilizer and
as a sedative.

shud try this one....nak tengok mujarab ke tak...............

Honey memang mempunyai kelebihan untuk menyembuhkan penyakit ini yang aku terbaca kat satu buku tajuk aku lupa..., sepeerti penyakit batuk gunakan honey & perahkan lemon mix ngan air suam..selawat 3x & bacakan fateha insyallah ok ..Wallahualam bis sawab...

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Post time 6-8-2006 09:52 PM | Show all posts
US doc tells how to reduce your blood pressure. Just...
Tap, tap, tap your stress away  

JUST use your fingers to tap on a few spots on your face and body.
And that brings down your blood pressure?

This US psychologist thinks it may, and he wants to prove it.

--Hedy Khoo
There's a bit of technique and a bit of science thrown into this alternative recipe for tapping away stress.

And Dr Harry Vincenzi is here to recruit six to eight subjects for a pilot study.

He hopes the pilot study data will get him a grant from the National Centre for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) in Washington to do a full study.

He is also recruiting subjects from Thailand and the US.

According to its website, the NCCAM is part of the American National Institutes of Health and is dedicated to exploring complementary and alternative healing practices in the context of rigorous science and training.

Dr Vincenzi wants to conduct a full study on what energy tapping (ET) can do for the blood pressure, with no medication involved.

ET evolved from acupuncture in the US over the last two decades.

The jovial man, who spent the earlier part of his career helping teenagers in US public schools, is now turning his attention to research, especially in the area of alternative treatment for certain medical conditions.


He has been using energy tapping for eight years, to help his patients overcome emotional distress. He uses it on himself too.

But he had taken a long break from it when he suddenly developed pulmonary embolism last year, and nearly died.

Doctors in the US hospital he was in initially diagnosed it as a heart attack.

Said Dr Vincenzi: 'But I told them it's in my lungs. I know my body.'

Sure enough, a scan showed there were two blood clots in his lungs.

Could he have avoided that episode if he had used ET more regularly?

'Perhaps, but who knows? I am human and for whatever reasons did not do ET on myself for about eight months before the pulmonary embolism,' he said.

Can ET even be used in this way?

At the moment, little is known about it.

As far as Dr Vincenzi can recall, there has been only one study done in the US and it showed ET was effective for weight management and maintenance.

'Tapping has been around for only 20 years, so it's still only a baby. We need to find out more,' he said.

As to why he is here recruiting study subjects, he said he has fallen in love with Asia and has a 'real affinity' for people in this region.

He was also going to recruit study subjects in Bangkok, as Mahidol University in Thailand was keen to work with him on the blood pressure study.


Energy Tapping is the title of the book co-written by Dr Vincenzi. It tells of a method of treating psychological problems.

It involves having a person think about a problem and tap on specific spots on the face and body at the same time. (See illustration, right.)

That, it seems, will cause the problem to go away or become less severe.

In most cases, if people think about a trauma they have experienced, they suffer emotional distress.

The tapping makes the terrible emotion go away.

'It makes the energy system flowing around the body flow smoothly again. The person can think about the event, but it no longer bothers them,' he said.

It works for a wide range of conditions.

The book says this approach can help any type of trauma or post-traumatic stress disorder, phobias, depression, and any number of anxiety disorders, including panic.

It also helps with all kinds of emotions including anger and rage, irrational guilt, loneliness, rejection and so on.

Said the 55-year-old bachelor: 'Thoughts... can affect us and cause stress which then causes blood pressure to go up.'

Dr Vincenzi recently explained ET to a small audience at a friend's office in Midlink Plaza.

After listening to him, they tapped away at the various spots on the face and body.

One of them, Ms Lea Chan, said: 'Oh, I had a headache, and now it's gone.'

She co-owns a business which deals with alternative healing.

Dr Gan Siok Ngoh, a dental surgeon in private practice, who was also in the audience, said she was deeply interested in alternative therapies.

Sometimes, she finds the usual tried and tested medical treatments limited.

'I want to be able to offer my patients something which is truly helpful to them, rather than a medical treatment which may not be suited to them at all,' she said.

But she will still carry out conventional treatments.

'If it's a cavity, then you still have to fill it,' she said.

What will tapping do for your blood pressure?

Follow the steps shown in the diagram (above right).


All the audience members were tested for their blood pressure first. Those with high blood pressure and who are willing will be subjects for Dr Vincenzi's study proposal.

They will go home and tap their faces and bodies as shown in the diagram for six weeks. Then their blood pressure will be taken again.

Will it be significantly lower?

Said Dr Vincenzi: 'It's not a magic pill. It's a tool which you can use to heal yourself.'

Watch this space...

Like acupuncture without the needles

Energy tapping (ET) is a bit like acupuncture except that it doesn't use needles.

Instead of poking needles into your chi areas (where energy flows through your body), you apply pressure by tapping with two fingers.

It's supposed to re-align the energy or unblock the flow.

Both ET and acupuncture deal with a meridian system.

Traditional Chinese Medicine recognises a subtle energy system by which chi is circulated through the body. This system is referred to as channels or meridians.

There are 12 main meridians in the body, six yin and six yang, and each relates to one of the organs.

With ET, patients have to tune into an emotional issue while they do the tapping themselves.

In this way, they 'tap' away the emotion that is bothering them.

That is the theory.

Is it a science? The jury is still out.

Said Professor Peter Lim, a consultant urologist at Gleneagles Medical Centre: 'I have not heard much of energy tapping, but from what is described, I think it draws its premise from Chinese acupoints.

'These are the points which are used to diagnose illnesses. So if you get the right acupoint, you can deliver energy or inactivate adverse energy.

'I think there's something to it, it's not just hocus pocus.'

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