mungkin, secara tidak sedar..orang melayu ni kurang berminat dengan dunia kot.. tu yang jadi agak malas, kurang berminat cari duit..yelah, dunia ni kan sementara..
aku rasa macam penah tulis ni dulu, tp..tulis je la lagi..
kalau caucasiaan (kulit putih) kononnya lebih disiplin dan teratur, dan nergo (kulit hitam lebih kepada kekuatan fizikal..maka, yang ada 2-2 sifat (seimbang) yang berkulit coklat ni la. (lihat perkataan "kalau" di awal ayat..(ni cuma assumption)) |
lecturer ku penah cakap, sekarang ni, Islam memerlukan sesuatu yang menampakkan "kecantikannya".. tu je... tu la kot booster/hentaman kesedaran/catalyzer..
samada event, individu, atau suara dari langit.? |
Reply #230 cz's post
wokeh.............. |
Reply #242 thessailly's post
Teringin benar,nak tengok sume negara Islam bersatu dlm segala aspek .Cam negara2 Europe betul2 unite cam EU & NATO. |
aku rasa perkataan melayu adalah satu sumpahan menjadikan masyarat melayu malas. Kemungkinan perkataan asal yg menggambarkan melayu adalah malai yg menggambarkan kesopanan. |
Reply #245 ra5101's post
kau ni, melayu tu maksudnya kaum di gunung la. tu kan asal bahasa purba. bukan maskdu me layu apa la tak tau pula. jgn baca sesuatu tu secara luar je |
aku nak tanya korang le...apsal international (especially europe), dorang panggil dan eja malaysia = malaise? coz aku perasan yg setiap kali malaysia masuk ICJ (pasal pulau sipadan,batu putih dll), mesti kat meja peguam2 msia, country tag tulis "Malaise". Apa maksud malai ni? Teringat plak aku nama Paula Malai |
topic yang menjana minda. teruskan perbincangan. aku takda benda nak add. |
Ade terbaca satu preview buku (boleh rujuk sini, start dari page 54, boleh tahan gak) pasal Lemuria dgn Atlantis ni. So, aku pick yg penting2 je tu pun agak panjang skit, harap korang tak kisah. Author buku ni piaw kristian kot tak silap aku serta cenderung ke arah buddhism (tapi information dlm buku dia bagus2), so dia camporkan semua teori iaitu Lemuria di sebelah Lautan Hindi dgn sebelah Lautan Pasifik (ada byk gak pasal atlantis dlm buku tu tapi aku tak masukkan di sini):
It is generally believed that Mesopotamia was the birthplace of civilization, since this is where the earliest organized settlements were found. It is also widely believed that the Mesopotamians originated in Atlantis.
Many of the ancient civilizations, such as the Egyptians and Maya, seemed to spring from nowhere, fully formed. Both of these were in fact Lemurian colonies, as was also Atlantis.
Lemuria served as the blueprint for all of humanity and civilization on Earth since the end of the Great Galactic War.
Lemuria is also referred to as Mu, meaning motherland; hence it is often referred to as the umbilicus of man. It was without a doubt the most significant of all pre-historical civilizations on Earth, which flourished for over 850,000 years.
Frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions attest to the turbulent nature of the Pacific region. Sailors visiting this region sometimes report islands which are not on maps, appearing and dissapearing. In 1836, the island of Tuanaki, south of the Cook Islands dissapeared without trace, taking all but one inhabitant with it.
Evidence suggests that a vast Pacific continent did exist in ancient times. This has been given various names, including Pacifica, Oceana and Lemuria. This landmass is believed to have sunk many millions of years ago. The evidence however suggests otherwise.
Botanist Joseph Hooker concluded that the Indian Ocean Islands were the peaks of this lost continent. He also believed, from studying the distribution of conifers, that Australia, Fiji and New Zealand were once part of this same landmass. Remains of extensive forestation from the sea bed between Panama and the Galapagos Islands would seem to back up this theory. Since these are not ancient species, the land that bore them must have dissapeared quite recently, during the late Pleistocene Epoch, which ended approximately 10,000 years ago. The Earth has undergone many and varied changes during the last 200,000 years, not least of all the sinking of Lemuria. Much of the present continents, the Americas, Asia and Africa were wholly or partly submerged, and unrecognizable from what we have today.
Lemuria at that time was a great continent stretching across the Indian and Pacific Oceans to North America. Around 82,000 BCE the land began to break up, as the parts connected to Asia and Africa sank to form a series of swamp infested islands, the remnants of which are Indonesia and Australia.
The late H Spencer Lewis writing as Wishar S Cerve, hypothesized that as the tectonic plates moved, a portion of the semi-submerged Lemuria was pushed against the western edge of the North American continent. He points out that this entire region, from Vancouver to Baja California shows distinct differences in soil and plant life compared to areas further inland, such as giant redwood trees, thousands of years old. The flora of this region was at one time so abundant that the area is filled with an accumulation of decayed planet matted, centuries old, making it one of the most fertile regions on Earth.
Today the Pacific Ocean surrounds a multitude of island chains, divided into three main regions, known as Polynesia, Melanesia and Micronesia.
The islands of Polynesia are scattered with the remains of various Marae. Marae is a Polynesian word for a temple, or walled enclosure with an altar sacred to one of their many gods. These were not just temples, but represented one's social status with the community. When Captain Cook visited Tahiti he described the Marae of Mahaiatea as having a stepped pyramid with a base measuring 259 by 85 feet. Unfortunately all that remains today is a pile of stones.
A series of prehistoric stone-built structures on Ponape and other neighbouring islands within the Caroline Group, indicated the presence of an early unknown civilization. Known as Nan Matol, these remarkable structures, including a series of over 90 man-made islands, cover an area of 11 square miles. These artificial islands are raised on platforms ranging from five to ten feet above present sea levels, topped by huge walls, up to 30 feet high and ten feet thick. The basalt used in the construction of this site was transported over a distance of 30 miles. Some of these slabs weigh as much as 50 tonnes. The blocks are precisely placed, with no mortar to hold them in place. According to legend, when constructed, the stones were made to fly through the air.
The Isle of Pines within the New Caledonian Group is home to a mysterious series of tumuli, which when excavated revealed in excess of 400 concrete cylinders, ranging from 40 to 75 inches in diameter and up to 100 inches in length. These cylinders, whose purpose is unknown, were speckled with silica and iron gravel. Radio carbon dating showed that they could be as old as 13,000 years. The presence of cement would seem to present conclusive evidence that these structures are man-made. This is however, doubted by archaeologists due to the time frame. They suggest instead that the mounds were built as incubation chambers by huge, long extinct, flightless birds.
Easted Island is thought to be one of the few remaining portions of the lost motherland. It lies in the Pacific 2300 miles west of South America, approximately between Chile and Tahiti, and is best known for its huge stone carved figures, known as Moai. The island is known by the natives as Te Pito o TeHenna, meaning 'the navel of the world'. The lost continent of Lemuria has also been referred to as the umbilicus of mankind. The statues though are not the island's only mystery.
Archaeologist Rober Stacy-Judd reported that the natives of Easter Island believed that they were living on the peak of a holy mountain called Mu. Could this be the same Mu as the motherland of Lemuria? Virginia Essene and Sheldon Nidle state in their book, You Are Becoming a Galactic Human, that Easter Island served as a transfer point for information between the southern section of Lemuria and its scientific headquarters on the island of Hawaii.
According to legend, the ancestors of Easter Island came from the land of Hiva, meaning black. This could be a reference to basaltic volcanic islands, such as Mangareva in the Gambier Islands. Hiva was also a Polynesian name for the Marquesas Islands. Today both the Gambiers and Marquesas form part of French Polynesia. Hiva is said to have been a bad land, that was ruined by the rising tides of the ocean. What though could have caused the oceans to rise? Could this have been the ending of the Ice Age? What in turn caused that? Was there really an Ice Age?
The Samoans refer to their ancestral home as Bolutu. This was a magical land filled with fruit trees and flowering plants, which when picked, immediately grew back. It was said that the men could walk through physical objects, such as trees and houses, with no resistance.
The Maoris of New Zealand also have a mythical land called Hawaiki. This was a large continent that lay to the west, beyond the Pacific Ocean in the region of Indonesia. It was destroyed by floods and volcanoes at the end of a great war, and like Hiva, disappered into the sea.
IN 1868, the Bishop of Tahiti was sent to the newly converted Easter Island, where the natives presented him with a piece of ancient wood wrapped in human hair. After removing the hair, the Bishop discovered that the board was covered in writing. Futher investigations revealed a further 500 of these boards all over the island. Unfortunately only 21 survive, scattered throughtout the world in various museums and private collections. To date, no one has successfully deciphered this writing, which is known as Rongorongo. Similar text has also been discovered on Oleai in the Marianna group, east of the Philippines, suggesting a common origin, and also in the Indus Valley cities of Mohenjo Daro and Harrapa, established by the goddess Inanna around 4000 BCE.
Most channelled sources, with the notable exception of Helena Blavatsky, place Lemuria firmly in the Pacific Ocean. She emigrated to New York in 1873, and soon impressed people with her psychic abilities, including levitation and materialization (the ability to produces physical objects from nowhere).
[ Last edited by cz at 25-4-2008 02:06 AM ] |
Blavatsky claimed to have learned much of this information from the Book of Dzyan (pronounced Zion), said to have been composed in Atlantis and shown to her by the Mahatmas. Lemuria is said to have been home to the third root race of man (with Atlantis as the fourth), located in the Indian Ocean between Malaysia and Madagascar. Many of these ideas may have been obtained from various Sanskrit legends, from the travels through India and Tibet.
The Rig Veda speaks of three lost continents, the third of which was home to a race known as the Danavas. It is interesting here to note that the Vedic term for Gods is "devas" meaning shining ones. The Magi Priesthood from ancient Persia, whose ranks most scholars agree, included the three wise men present at the birth of Jesus, recognised two opposing types of gods or supernatural beings, known as the daevas and aburas. The daevas were seen as false or dark gods while the aburas were seen as shining being who worked for and represented the light. Despite the dark nature of their being, the name daevas derives from the word devata, also meaning shining ones. They were thus seen, like the Watchers as fallen angels.
The Shining Ones is a term often used to describe the Watchers, since they carried such vast amounts of light within their auric fields. This helps to explain the many references to them as having faces that lit up the whole house like the sun, as mentioned in texts such as The Book of Enoch, and may also explain the halos drawn around Christian saints and other figures, since many of thse were Watchers and/or Nephilim souls.
Dravidian traditions also speak of a vast continent, called Rutas, far to the east, which was home to a race of sun worshippers. Rutas was torn apart by a series of volcanic eruptions and sunk to the ocean depths. The remains of it are thought to be Indonesia and the Pacific Islands. A few survivors escaped and reached India, where they formed the elite Brahman caste of teachers and Priests.
Suprisingly, many scientists concurred with Blavatsky's views - of the location if not the ideology. A number of geological and archaelogical studies during the mid 19th century indicated that the Indian Ocean was once above water. Around the same time, a group of small nocturnal animals known as lemurs were found living on Madagascar and New Guinea. The scientists therefore reasoned that the surrounding Ocean must once have been above water. Zoologist Philip L. Sclater named this sunken land Lemuria. The Australian Aborigines are said to represent the last remnants of this forgotten race.
Colonel James Churchward is perhaps the best known Lemurian scholar. He first learnt of Lemuria during his youth in India, when a Hindu Priest taught him to decipher an ancient form of symbolic writing known as Naacal. The Priest showed Churchward several sacred tablets, which had been carefully hidden inside the Temple archives for many thousands of years. From studying these records, Churchward learnt that an extensive civilizationc called Mu had once flourished within the Pacific Ocean. The Naacals were said to be a Priestly Brotherhood, sent from Mu to her various colonies, to teach sacred writings, religions and sciences.
Churchward believed that the lost continent was 5000 miles long by 3000 miles wide, located in the southeast Pacific Ocean. He wrote that Lemuria encompassed vast stretches of the Pacific, from Hawaii to Fiji in the south, and Easter Island to the Mariannas in the west, including the Society, Cook and Marquesas Islands. During its history, Churchward determined that Mu, as he called it, had been subject to four major cataclysms, around 800000 BCE, 200000 BCE, 80000 BCE, and finally, 10000 BCE when it sank, taking 64 million lives with it.
The real answer to the whereabouts of Lemuria may well lie in genetic studies. Although in their infancy, these are starting to yield some interesting results. For years it had been assumed that due to Pacific winds and currents, which blow from east to west, (from the Americas to Asia) the Polynesians must have migrated via this route. However, analysis of their mitochondrial DNA proves the opposite, pointing to their origins in the islands of Indonesia.
New Zealand born Harvard Professor, Barry Fell, has an altogether differect hypothesis for the origins of the Polynesian people. He believes that the Polynesians are descended from the Anatolian sea peoples, who invaded the Mediterranean and Egypt, around 1400 BCE. After a series of defeats at the hands of the Egyptians, these sea people eventually settled in Libya. Their descendants were later employed by the Pharaohs as part of their fleet, taking them to Sumatra and Australia, where Fell states the Egyptians mined gold. They journeyed throughout the region, eventually colonizing the Pacific Islands.
There certainly seem to be many similarities betweeen the Libyan and Polynesian languages. This also explains the occurrence of Greek words within Polynesian tongues. The Greek colonies in Libya used a particular dialect whereby certain consonants replaced those in Attic Greek. It is in this form of Libyan Greek that the Polynesian words occur. |
aku rasa perbincangan mcm dlm thread ni menarik sbb keutamaannya ialah kita perlu cari asal usul melayu dan tanah melayu dan/atau nusantara ni, bila dah tau kat mana beradanya kekuatan asal dalam bangsa sendiri, pastu baru sedap skit nak susun agenda utk future phenomena... |
Reply #244 centrix7's post
sokong..sokong..sokong...teringin nak tengok "andalusia 2".... |
Reply #250 cz's post
Yang satu nih ,aku rase pelik sket,kalu omputeh2 nih kata polynesian atau tak malay-polynesian nih,kut ye apasal sistem tulisan purba kita lebih kepada unsur hindu mcm sanskrit & pallava.Tapi yg menariknya cuma ade satu je sistem penulisan rekod yg dikatakan tak ambil mana2 unsur luar kiranye original Melayu la..tulisan rencong yg mane bentuk tulisan rencong nih mirip sgt ngan bentuk tulisan paku tamadun Sumeria apa tuh historians panggil....tulisan Cuneiforn. |
Pernah aku terjumpa thread psl tulisan rencong nih dlm cari.com forum nih,kene gali balik board mane satu pun x sure.Dlm thread tuh,ade ler tunjuk rupa tulisan rencong. |
Originally posted by ra5101 at 24-4-2008 04:53 PM
aku rasa perkataan melayu adalah satu sumpahan menjadikan masyarat melayu malas. Kemungkinan perkataan asal yg menggambarkan melayu adalah malai yg menggambarkan kesopanan.
samada fakta ini betul atau tidak, tidaklah dapat dipastikan....secara peribadinya, aku tak suka dengan nama melayu dan malaysia...
contoh.. (nama sepatutnya ada maksud tersendiri)..
The word, Andalusia, is a combination of two Spanish words. Ande,meaning "to walk", and Lutier, which means "easy". So Andalusia means"to walk easy" or a place where being is most comfortable and easy.
tetapi....perkataan "malaya" membawa maksud:
- In the Shambhala tradition, the name of a "National Forest" or sacred garden, comparable to the Garden of Eden.
- In the Filipino national language, Tagalog, a term or word meaning "free" or "freedom".
maksudnya; malaya = freedom sacred garden? |
Originally posted by thessailly at 25-4-2008 10:44 AM
maksudnya; malaya = freedom sacred garden?
wahh.....sedap tul namanya... |
Originally posted by centrix7 at 25-4-2008 10:40 AM
Pernah aku terjumpa thread psl tulisan rencong nih dlm cari.com forum nih,kene gali balik board mane satu pun x sure.Dlm thread tuh,ade ler tunjuk rupa tulisan rencong.
ok gak tu, kalo sesapa ade gambar tulisan rencong...mcm biasa...paste je... |
Reply #257 cz's post
Ok free time nnt bole la selongkar thread2 len..... |
malaya = freedom sacred garden?
tu la..baru sedar kejap tadi..tapi, itu campur2..tagalog +shambala (2 bahasa)..
ke boleh je?
tapi...kalau betul itu maksudnya ,memang best la.
Fikir balik...memula :
Malaya ----> tanah melayu ------> Malaysia..
(dalam MASTIKA mei 2008, ada disebutkan, wujud sebuah buku bertajuk "Malaysia:direct and indirect rool", di universiti harvard, buku diterbitkan pada tahun 1930-an, dan negara Malaysia hanya di established pada 1963)...so adakah ini satu konspirasi untuk menghalang kesan perkataan "malaya" dari meresapi minda kita?)
[ Last edited by thessailly at 25-4-2008 11:06 AM ] |
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