Reply #221 muajam's post
bukan. kan da terang2 name die laen.
acceco. plis bg klue lg |
aikkk tak sangka thread ni hidup balik
jawapan yang ditunggu2 ialahhhh.. jeng2x
Dunnart is a species of mouse-like of the Dasyuridae family, the family includes the ,and the Tasmanian Devil.It has an average body length of 60-90 mm with a tail of 45-70 mm. Earlength is 14-16 mm. Its weight varies between 10-20 grams, it is one ofthe smallest carnivorous marsupials. The tail becomes fat a few mm fromthe anus and right up to the tip of the tail.
This species breeds from July to February, with the young in the pouch from July to April (Morton 1978b). Gestation is for 13 days and the young remain in the pouch for 70 days with litter size on average 7.5 with a 33% infant death rate. They generally have 2 litters per year with females not breeding for the first year. The average life span of the females is 18 months, and males 15 months.
The habitats in which the species can be found include sparse grasslands, open shrublands and farmlands where there is considerable bare land. The impact of unimproved farming has been positive for this species as the type of habitat created is suitable to this dunnart's requirements, but intensive agriculture is seen as a negative factor for the species.
* kopi pes dari wiki |
Reply #222 kita's post
yang jantan mesti la kat atas kan |
Reply #225 a.ceCCo's post
next plis |
up balik |
binatang apakah ini........
_ _ F _ S _ _ _ _ T U R T L E |
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Balas #229 fatz\ catat
cis cepat je jawab
The smooth softshellis a large Iowa turtle and grows to a carapace length of 14 inches infemales (Conant and Collins, 1991 ). Males reach only half that length.Softshells are most easily recognized by the appearance of theircarapace. It does not have the the bony scutes of our other turtles.Instead, it is flat and leathery with very flexible edges. It very muchresembles a pancake. These turtles differ from the very similar spinysoftshells by having a completely smooth carapace. The nose tapers to apoint and resembles a snorkle. There is NO ridge in each nostril, thisis the best way to differ a specimen in hand from a spiny softshell.
Habitat : Smooth softshells are found in rivers, large streams, and, rarely, large lakes with sandy or muddy bottoms. These lakes are usually close to a large river. Sandbars are important for basking and egg laying sites. They seem to prefer larger rivers and live in colonies along certain portions.
Food : Smooth softshells seem to prey mostly upon insects, but other food such as worms, snails, clams, isopods, crayfish, spiders, frogs, tadpoles, mudpuppies, fish, young birds, small mammals, algae, and seeds have been recorded (Ernst, Lovich, and Barbour, 1994). Males appear to consume more terrestrial foods including cottonwood and mulberry seeds. Females feed upon aquatic prey, mostly insect larvae (Plummer and Farrar, 1981).
>> kopi pes. |
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Balas #232 ^^^oren^^^\ catat
Hidden in the murky waters of the Yangtze River inChina dwells an ancient species of dolphin unchanged by 20 millionyears of evolution. The Baiji Dolphin is the most endangered Cetaceanin the world. The Baiji has a very long, narrow beak, with abruptforehead and tiny eyes set high on the sides of the head. Thetriangular dorsal fin has a blunt peak. They are blue-grey in color,fading to white below. They grow to lengths up to 8 ft. and can weigh200 lbs. The Baiji hunt for small fish in the river but it has beenbecoming increasingly difficult because of pollution in the water.
nak extinct binatang ni. siap ada website khas lagi ;
http://www.baiji.org/start.html |
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Reply #233 a.ceCCo's post
adik bagi teka teki yg senang org nak jwb...bagi la soalan yg macam tikus tu dulu..berapa bulan nak cari jwpn..hehe |
Balas #234 firdaruddin\ catat
yeke? ahah. takpa some people they don't know. Cecco jugak nak share information bout the animal ;)
but thanks anyway lain kali cecco nak carik yang susah2 hah hahahahhhhhh |
what is this creature??
[ Last edited by a.ceCCo at 16-2-2009 08:21 PM ] |
kalau takda sapo jawap haku nak kasi jawapang bleh |
Reply #237 a.ceCCo's post
_ _ N T _ _ _ CREATURE
dijumpai di sebuah pulau di New York. |
nk try jawap bleh?? hehe...
adekah bndanya itu ialah.....
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