Reply #215 aYuGiLeR's post
best gak..... |
aku dengar.. watak anil yg asal tu mula2 utk SRK.. betul ke..? pastu, bila SRK tolak, pass kat Amitabh Bachan.. pun dia tolak.. something psl diorang tak suka production tunjuk gambaran mumbai yg bagi diorang ni negatif..
bila dua2 ni dah tolak watak tu.. Anil Kapoor yg terima watak hos ni... (aku minat dia gak esp couple dgn Madhuri)
in the end, citer ni jadi fenomena.. |
Originally posted by dianaris at 25-2-2009 01:40 PM 
aku dengar.. watak anil yg asal tu mula2 utk SRK.. betul ke..? pastu, bila SRK tolak, pass kat Amitabh Bachan.. pun dia tolak.. something psl diorang tak suka production tunjuk gambaran mumbai yg ...
aku rasa ramai gak org india yg tak suka akan pendedahan yg dibuat dlm filem ni...aku rasa tak fair nak gmbrkan mumbai hanya dari sisi buruk je...walhal mumbai pun byk sisi baiknya....nampk2 mcm terlalu nak tunjukkan keburukan india..even kat taj mahal pun, digambarkan mcm satu tmpt yg byk jenayah curi...
mmg ngeri gak life kat india based on filem ni... mcm bandar takde tamadun je....terus rasa takut nak gi india... |
Reply #226 bedah_kg_pisang's post
mmg kiut sgt..... but bila ingat keadaan sebenar mereka back home... rasa sedih la pulak.....
Reply #225 Dicota8's post
kat mana2 tempat pun ada sisi buruk n baik....aku klu jadi org india xkesah kot...da mmg betul...lgpun it's just a film...just enjoy... |
Reply #221 forum_aje's post
yup...dorg yg kecik2 tu mmg dr slum area..terer kn dorg act..suke sgt... |
Mmg cite best. One of the best I've seen in a long while. |
bus r...nsib diorng pon trbela...
msing2 dpat rumah baru |
kat kuantan ni tak kuar panggung..  |
lps ni tak duduk di kaw. setinggan dah

They've been to the Oscars, they've been to Disneyland, and now the two main child actors from the Oscar-laden Slumdog Millionaire are heading to brand new homes.
Indian government authorities are providing new residences in Mumbai for Rubina Ali and Azhar Ismail, who portrayed the younger versions of the movie's central characters, and Latika and Salim, Reuters reports.
"These two children have brought laurels to the country, and we have been told that they live in slums, which cannot even be classified as housing," said Gautam Chatterjee, head of the state-run Maharashtra Housing and Area Development Authority.
There have been protests in some quarters over the fact that the while the movie was earning millions around the world – nearly $100 million in North America alone – its young actors were living in squalor.
The movie's Academy Award-winning director Danny Boyle and producer Christian Colson have denied claims that children were exploited to make their movie – saying that the youngsters were paid above local Indian wages.
The children, say the filmmakers, were also enrolled in school for the first time with a fund established to provide for their education, medical emergencies and "basic living costs."
http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20261294,00.html |
the word slumdog offensive la
mcm dh takde perkataan lain nak guna...ada ke samakan org2 setinggan dgn anjing..
pakai la perkataan lain yg lebih sesuai.. |
Balas #236 Dicota8\ catat
Tapi rasanya perkataan slumdog tu cuma gabungan slum+underdog, tak offensive sangat kot.. hehe |
pasni budak2 tu leh belakon bolywood plak..  |
dh tgk cter ni setelah gigih dolod selame beberape hr...yg besnye...part soalan last tu..aku kasi pause jap...google jwpn kat wiki..hehehe... |
bertuah budak2 nih..sekelip mata je nasib diorg berubah  |
Balas #239 eskremVanila\ catat
wah..sempat lagi google..aku ngan member teka je..member aku teka betul..aku salah  |
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