Balas #220 woh_getoh\ catat
bro, ape kelebihan VTEC berbanding Turbo?  |
senang aja... yg aku tau..
1. vtec boley mantain topspeed lets say 250kmh sepanjang hiway LPT... turbo? kenot...
2. vtec enjin lebih lasak compared turbo (force induction based) enjin...
3. vtec enjin senang manage.. x yah jaga2 boost ka.. apa ka.. tukar jer hondata tu..terus naik power/tok..tapi turbo lagi byk parameter nak main..lagi best heehhe..
tapi.. harus ingat... ebo 9 = mivec turbo hehehhee.. |
Balas #222 woh_getoh\ catat
kalau wat race
antara Civic Type R baru ngan Evo 9
sepanjang LPT
Civic menang la? |
sepanjang LPT? aku rasa FD2R boley menang.. kalo ebo 9 nak lenjan gak.. errr..tatau la.. berapa lama bley mentain top speed hehehe.. tapi jalan KT-KTN ebo 9 dah tapau kaw2 punya.. tu pon kalo dia tunggu FD2R kat exit jabor hehehe.. kalo dia terus.. mmg x jumpa la FD2R tuh hehehe.. |
Balas #220 woh_getoh\ catat
samalah dgn saya hari2 tgk motortrader.. samapai hancur dah buku tu.. lepas tgk berangan..
tgh memikir nak beli kereta yg mana.. |
jo_je... btol dah tu.. motortrader tu mmg laku sungguh la..ramai peminat.. tapi most of us mmg berangan woo.. lepas tgk rege kete..belek page yg ada calculation loan tu..tgk brp rm sebulan heheheh... pastu belek balik hehehhe.. dah hancur lunyai dah mag tu..nak jual timbang kilo kat apek pon taknak hehehe |
mycos.. no prob.. aku bley tlg carikkan kopok lekor yg best.. bila nak dtg tu? lps raya? |
woh, top speed F2DR brape?
lebih kurang nge evo 9 gok ke? |
tatau la nik.. aku tak pernah naik lagi FD2R tuh.. duduk dlm jer pernah la..drive blom lagi.. member aku salesman honda kat kl tu dah byk kali offer dah ni test drive huhuh...
baca kat forum lain.. kat msia..pernah cecah 265kmh... fuhhhh...  |
Balas #231 woh_getoh\ catat
laju tu...
kalau highway LPT siap sampai KT nanti
gi KL 2 jam je la jawabnye
tulah nik... lambat btol la lpt nih... tapi 265kmh tu kalo atas hiway lpt..aku rasa terbang la tuh..jln bukan elok sgt lpt tuh...
nanti siap lpt.. mung dpt sms aku "nik..jom minum teh tarik wunek kat KL..." hehehe
[ Last edited by woh_getoh at 9-9-2008 12:59 PM ] |
Balas #233 woh_getoh\ catat
skarang ni da teruk ke?
lama da x lalu....
tp aku rase LPT ni elok sket dari utara selatan punya
mase gi johor hari tu, kawan aku cakap kalau nak bwk top speed
jangan bwk lane kanan
ambik tengah2 kalau bleh... |
yup betul mana2 hiway pon termasuk ke johor.. lpt ker.. kalo nak test top speed amik lane tengah2.. sbb structure jln kita ni.. dia rendah di tepi (utk aliran air hujan yg baik).. so kalo agak2 takut kete terbabas ke tepi..duk tgh2 la elok... |
Balas #236 woh_getoh\ catat
tp kat sebelah sana,
kebanyakan ade longkang besar kat tengah
seram sejuk je pk kalau tbabas kat tengah tu  |
Reply #228 woh_getoh's post
cilok dr cbt
NAZA WORLD has brought to Cars, Bikes & Trucks' attention a rare,limited-edition stationwagon that has not been seen on Malaysian roadsuntil now.
The picture painted was that of a wolf in sheep'sclothing. This stationwagon is the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution 9 Wagon,which is actually a stretched full-blown Evo in almost every aspect.
Mitsubishi has only produced 2,500 Wagons, and this is the only unitavailable in Malaysia, making this Evo9 Wagon a Japanese special that'snot to be missed.
Those interested can view the car at NazaWorld Kampung Baru or call 03-2617 7915/2617 7916/2692 7559/2692 7302for more details.SPECIFICATIONS
Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution 9 Wagon
Engine: 4G63T 4-cylinder 16-valve DOHC intercooler turbo
Max power: 276hp@6,500rpm
Max torque: 343Nm@3,000rpm
Transmission: 5-speed auto
Features: ACD, Brembo brakes, limited edition
Price: Contact Naza World Kampung Baru |
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