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Author: eltoro

INDONESIA - defence and military issues (PART IV-R.P.9]

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Post time 18-4-2011 10:38 PM | Show all posts
halo smuer..
nyumbang gambo dulu..

buluh runcing baru di KRI Oswald Siahaan
cantik tak?


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Post time 19-4-2011 11:04 AM | Show all posts
Reply 221# bumbummer

    Congrats for the Yakhont succcesful installation. Being a huge maritime nation, I believe the purchase is justified. The Formidable class must have feels uneasy now.

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Post time 19-4-2011 02:39 PM | Show all posts
Yakhont ni ape bro?
Missile mcm exocet yg kite ade ke..?
Mknenye gmbr yg atas tu yg bonjol dua tu missile duiorg ke..?Size mcm besar ye..

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Post time 19-4-2011 02:45 PM | Show all posts
Yakhont ni comparable to exocet, its a sea-skimmer 120 km ranged anti-ship missile with 200 kg warhead (exocet 160 kg HW)..cant be deployed on small boats due to the big size normally supplied with Russian boats/crafts..

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Post time 19-4-2011 08:06 PM | Show all posts
Reply 224# areguard

bukankah operational range yakhont 300 km, dah OTHT tue

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Post time 19-4-2011 11:04 PM | Show all posts
Reply 225# advark

Have checked with naval technology site, its true abt the 300-kmrange of the SS-N-26
Yakhontsupersonic cruise missiles..

it's truely a potent anti-ship weaponsystem..immune to jamming, flares and conventional bad  


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Post time 20-4-2011 06:59 AM | Show all posts
Reply  bumbummer

    Congrats for the Yakhont succcesful installation. Being a huge maritime n ...
StealthTuah Post at 19-4-2011 11:04

   wah harap harap ini bukanlah guna menakuti jiran jiran serantau, tapi bagian dari kolektif asean power guna mempertahankan asean.
Asean advised to anticipate worsening global stability

Tue, April 19 2011 21:22 | 128 Views

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - National Defense Forces (TNI) Chief Admiral Agus Suhartono has asked ASEAN member states to anticipate the worsening global stability or face its impact on the region.

"A stable Asean in terms of defense, security and economy will enable Asean to address upheavals happening in several regions such as South Asia, East Asia and the rest of the world," he said when opening the 4th meeting of the Network of Asean Defence and Security Institutions (NADI) here on Tuesday.

The worsening security conditions in South Asia, particularly Afghanistan and Pakistan, East Asia, particularly the Korean Peninsula, and conflicts in a number of Middle Eastern countries would have an impact on other regions in the world, he said.

"Therefore, Asean defense and security experts grouped in NADI must be able to come up with anticipatory and strategic steps in various forms to address the worsening global security conditions which have begun to affect several parts of the world," he said.

He said the sources of conflicts had varied considerably. They concerned not only border disputes but also terrorism and transnational crimes. The sources of conflicts had given rise to wider and more serious conflicts.

To make thing worse, non-state players such as the media, civilized communities, non-governmental organizations, large companies and influential individuals had succeeded in changing global strategic order, he said.

Citing an example, he said a handful of people grouped in Wikileaks had caused difficulties to a number of countries because of the information they disseminated. The unconfirmed information could have an impact on regional security and political stability, he said.

"Therefore, NADI as a research institute in the defence and security fields can present the results of studies capable of anticipating any form of threat to regional stability," he said.

He said both traditional and non-traditional threats to regional security came from a number of big powers outside Asean such as the United States, China, Japan and South Korea.

"The big powers will always spread their influences in the political, defence, military and security fields to other Asia-Pacific countries now that the Asia-Pacific region serves as the center of attention from the global community," he said.
(T.R018/S012/HAJM)Editor: Priyambodo RH



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Post time 20-4-2011 07:57 AM | Show all posts
wah harap harap ini bukanlah guna menakuti jiran jiran serantau, tapi bagian dari kolektif  ...
bumbummer Post at 20-4-2011 06:59

Kamu nak pertahan asean ke....nampak sangat nak tuju pada tetangga... takde pun rekod senjata indo membantu negara jiran ..menyerang jirannya ada la........ betul tuk buluh...

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Post time 20-4-2011 09:54 AM | Show all posts
Pemerintah Akui Kirim 2 Kapal Ke Somalia

VIVAnews - Menteri Koordinator Politik, Hukum, dan Keamanan (Menko Polhukam) Djoko Suyanto mengatakan pemerintah sudah mengirim dua kapal ke perairan Somalia. Kapal ini semula akan dipakai untuk membebaskan 20 WNI dari Kapal MV Sinar Kudus yang disandera perompak Somalia.

Djoko menjelaskan dua kapal itu beranggotakan 40 personel dan telah berada di daerah sasaran. "Apabila kami gegabah dalam bertindak, itu berisiko pada keselamatan awak kapal," kata Djoko di kantornya, Jumat 15 April 2011.

Saat dua kapal berangkat, Sinar Kudus masih berada di tengah laut. Saat itu, pemerintah hendak melaksanakan serbuan militer mengingat posisi Sinar Kudus yang masih ada di tengah laut.

"Opsi penyerbuan militer bisa dilaksanakan dengan keberhasilan tinggi jika berada laut. Tapi, kalau (kapal) berada di pantai, berisiko tinggi," jelasnya.

Namun, saat dua kapal tiba di sasaran, Sinar Kudus ternyata sudah merapat ke pantai bersama puluhan kapal sandera lainnya. Pemerintah pun urung melancarkan serbuan militer yang semula direncanakan dari Tanah Air.

"Karena kapal sudah merapat, maka kami pikir jalur komunikasi melalui pemilik kapal."

Dua kapal penyelamat tersebut kini masih menunggu perkembangan selanjutnya sambil mengisi bahan bakar dan logistik. "Karena sudah berada di pinggir pantai, kami kesulitan karena berisiko tinggi."

Sebelum bersandar di pantai, Djoko menjelaskan kapal milik PT Samudera Indonesia itu pernah dipakai perompak untuk membajak kapal lain. Namun karena tidak menemukan target, para pembajak itu membawa kapal bersandar ke pantai.

Terkait operasi milter, Menkopolhukan mengaku sudah berkomunikasi dengan keluarga anak buah kapal. "Mereka (keluarga) meminta agar berhati-hati, karena rawan apabila opsi tersebut dilakukan," imbuhnya. (umi)


masih berunding gan???...bila mo nyerang bajak laut Somalia??
ayuh donk ikutan Malaysia ancurin bajak laut Somalia..... sanderanya udah kewalahan tuh...

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Post time 20-4-2011 07:15 PM | Show all posts

RI adalah peace loving country now, tidak punya alutsista dan miskin.makanya diplomasi lebih
utama dalam berhubungan ngan jiran serantau.

RI tidak mungkin mengikut cara Malasia lah yg mengandalkan tentera kerana RI tidak punya kapal yg moden moden sangat. semue dah tue dan hanya berisi buluh runcing .
why fight if we can talk? it's good to talk you know....

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 Author| Post time 20-4-2011 08:01 PM | Show all posts
Yakhont ni ape bro?
Missile mcm exocet yg kite ade ke..?
Mknenye gmbr yg atas tu yg bonjol dua tu  ...
edmundo Post at 19-4-2011 14:39


Beruntunglah TNI AL karena rudal antikapal permukaan terbaru dan tercanggih buatan Rusia, SS-N-26 Yakhont, sudah masuk dalam inventori arsenalnya. Rudal yang mampu melumat sasaran pada jarak maksimum 300 km dan jarak minimum 50 km ini dikabarkan sudah terpasang di salah satu fregat kita dan dalam waktu dekat akan diuji coba penembakannya. Rudal Yakhont dengan dimensi panjang 8,9 meter dan diameter 0,7 meter mampu melesat pada kecepatan Mach 2,5 dengan bobot luncur rudal seberat tiga ton.

Pembelian rudal Yakhont melengkapi inventori rudal C-802 yang juga sudah dimiliki. Dengan demikian, TNI AL paling tidak sudah punya taring-taring tajam yang baru untuk menggasak lawan. Rudal C-802 buatan China, punya kode Yingji-82 (Serangan Elang), mampu menggasak sasaran berupa kapal permukaan hingga jarak maksimum 120 km. Rudal menjelajah menuju sasaran dalam ketinggian 5-7 meter di atas permukaan air laut dengan kecepatan Mach 0,9.

Selain kedua rudal tadi, TNI AL masih punya beragam jenis torpedo, rudal Harpoon, dan Exocet, meriam 120 mm, 76 mm, 57 mm, 40 mm, 20 mm, hingga yang paling kecil senapan mesin 12,7 mm. Lalu ada juga bom laut, RBU-6000, ASRL/ASROC, Mistral dan sebagainya. Rudal Harpoon maupun Exocet sudah beberapa kali diuji coba, demikian juga dengan roket anti kapal selam RBU-6000. (ron)

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Post time 21-4-2011 12:18 AM | Show all posts
Also Known As
Bastion (land based missile system)
SS-N-26 (SS-NX-26)


NPO Mashinostroyenia

Project 11541
Project 20380
Project 22350
Project 855

Description: The Yakhont, SS-N-26 codename, is an advanced supersonic, long range, anti-ship missile intended for surface ships, submarines and coastal defense batteries. It is a liquid fuel ramjet-powered version of SS-N-7 Starbright missile enabled to be launched by canisters and VLS. The missile features an inertial navigation system to reach the target area with an active radar homing in the terminal phase of the flight. It has been designed to operate in severe countermeasure environments and features improved maneuverability and reduced signatures over the SS-N-7 for improved survivability.

The Yakhont is a fire and forget missile and features several launch modes in accordance with the target characteristics and location. The missile can use a high-low flight pattern for targets located at up to 300 km. The low-low flight pattern can be used against targets at ranges of 120 km or against well protected targets in order to be surprised minimizing its reaction time against the incoming missile and optimizing the missile's kill probability. During the low flight profile the Yakhont missile is able to fly at altitudes between 5 and 15 meters like a sea-skimming missile.

The Yakhont is intended as a Russian surface ships and submarines anti-ship missile. It has been designed to defeat ships protected by the US AEGIS weapon system and its European counterparts.

source :


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Post time 21-4-2011 02:05 AM | Show all posts

RI adalah peace loving country now, tidak punya alutsista dan miskin.maka ...
bumbummer Post at 20-4-2011 19:15

masih berunding gan???...bila mo nyerang bajak laut Somalia??
ayuh donk ikutan Malaysia ancurin ...
gede-bab Post at 20-4-2011 09:54

Sssst..tak usah banyak cakap..
korang tak bosan ke, nAk cari gaduh je..sungguh tak dewasa..
tonton ni je..


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Post time 21-4-2011 02:08 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Gajahduduk at 21-4-2011 02:09
Also Known As
Bastion (land based missile system)
SS-N-26 (SS-NX-26)

Vympel77 Post at 21-4-2011 00:18

Not bad bro..
I hope malaysia can to get brahmos soon..

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Post time 21-4-2011 02:59 AM | Show all posts
Not bad bro..
I hope malaysia can to get brahmos soon..
Gajahduduk Post at 21-4-2011 02:08

    tahniah n thanks

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Post time 21-4-2011 09:38 AM | Show all posts
Reply 233# Gajahduduk

bagus nich..bisa aja serang bajak laut di somalia sono....kasihan deh ABK nya udah tunggu2 mo bebas...

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Post time 21-4-2011 10:21 AM | Show all posts
RI adalah peace loving country now, tidak punya alutsista dan miskin.makanya diplomasi lebih
utama dalam berhubungan ngan jiran serantau
bumbummer Post at 20-4-2011 19:15

    Since when? On the contrary, recent developments doesn't suggest that.

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Post time 21-4-2011 10:24 AM | Show all posts
Not bad bro..
I hope malaysia can to get brahmos soon..
Gajahduduk Post at 21-4-2011 02:08

Don't think so. A 300km missile is too provocative and overkill in our current peaceful scenario, not to mention the backlash from the opposition.

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Post time 21-4-2011 12:28 PM | Show all posts
IMHO 300km is too small for a big country like Indon
they should have ICBM missiles

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Post time 21-4-2011 04:51 PM | Show all posts
Since when? On the contrary, recent developments doesn't suggest that.

insiden kemarin itu kan masalah sipil(nelayan malayxdep perikanan n kelautan RI), gak ada hubungan ngan TNI lah. dan malasia dah kirim nota protes...
so that incident have been dealt in peaceful manner as we are a peaceful country.

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