Hahahahahahahaha................ up till now, none of you fellas can answer for the war crimes of the Palestinians. So what yu do is stary to rumours and lies. Hahahahahahahaha.................
cheers |
Originally posted by Adm_Cheng_Ho at 2004-4-7 08:53 PM:
Sonny you oafish buffoon!
BECAUSE THEY ARE IN THE BEST POSITION TO DO SO! Conversely, Arabs could refuse & continue kowtow to the Turks!
if u read history with ur brain up there n not down there, u know the arabs couldnt defeat the turks on their own. likewise forked tongue britain couldnt defeat the turks without arabs’ support. thats why forked tongue britain made promises to the arabs to win their support. yet at end of day, britain also made promises to outcast imported jews. right? n why the promise to outcast imported jews? coz britain, europe dont want these outcast import jews flood their countries. right? so they dump these outcast imported jews in PALESTINE without PALESTINIANS blessin. Right? only donkeys dont understand forked tongue britain deceptive policy. shame. read
bear in mind in 1914 with the outbreak of ww1, britain promised the independence of arab lands under ottoman rule, including PALESTINE, in return for arab support against turkey which had entered the war on the side of germany. in 1916 britain and france signed the sykes-picot agreement, which divided the arab region into zones of influence. lebanon and syria were assigned to france, jordan and iraq to britain and PALESTINE was to be internationalized. this is colonialization of the worst kind despite arabs nationalism aspiration. but the world overlooked that. they only c jews nationalism not PALESTINIAN nationalism.
"The Balfour Declaration, made in November 1917 by the British Government...was made a) by a European power, b) about a non-European territory, c) in flat disregard of both the presence and wishes of the native majority resident in that territory...[As Balfour himself wrote in 1919], 'The contradiction between the letter of the Covenant (the Anglo French Declaration of 1918 promising the Arabs of the former Ottoman colonies that as a reward for supporting the Allies they could have their independence) is even more flagrant in the case of the independent nation of Palestine than in that of the independent nation of Syria. For in Palestine we do not propose even to go through the form of consulting the wishes of the present inhabitants of the country...The four powers are committed to Zionism and Zionism, be it right or wrong, good or bad, is rooted in age-long tradition, in present needs, in future hopes, of far profounder import than the desire and prejudices of the 700,000 Arabs who now inhabit that ancient land,'" Edward Said, "The Question of Palestine."
Yet another repeated question! I shall repeat with a repeat: Palestinian & other Arab national Jews fled to Israel & given citizenship. Hence, they are not termed as refugees whereas Israeli Palestinian were made refugees by the Arab governments who instigated them to leave Israel, refuse to accept them & made them stateless!
lemme rephrase how many PALESTINIAN/arab jews that have fled TO israel n how many israeli PALESTINIANS that have fled FROM israel? no wiggle waggle now
n commonsense tells u israeli PALESTINIANS may have fled from israel at arab governments instigation. but they also fled from outcast imported jews terrorism while others r expelled by outcast imported jews. read me cut n paste above from UN source
If you insists on Jewish refugees, I've already mentioned in detail several posts earlier!!! Judenrein? The value of property and other assets these Jews were forced to leave behind far exceeded the value of that which the Palestinian refugees left behind!
give HARDfigures on this “far exceeded”, exact or approximate. am waitin
It is pretty clear you have no idea about the whole situation making yourself a blind ammo for the Arab politicians!
Sonny. If you are unaware of what really happened, I could compromise on your ignorance. However, if you continue to make baseless & yet stupid accusations, I shouldn't be hold back attacking a moralless liar! Majority Israeli Arabs left on the orders of Arab leadership.
how many is “majority”, exact or approximate. am waitin. no wiggle waggle
->On May 15, 1948, "the Mufti of Jerusalem appealed to the Arabs of Palestine to leave the country, because the Arab armies were about to enter and fight in their stead…" (Akhbar El-Yom, Cairo, October 12, 1963)
->"The Arab states, which had encouraged the Palestine Arabs to leave their homes temporarily in order to be out of the way of the Arab invasion armies, have failed to keep their promises to return." (Filastin, Jordan, February 19, 1949)
->"The Arab governments told us: 'Get out so that we can get in!' So we got out, but they did not get in." (Ad-Difaa, Jordan, September 6, 1954)
->"Since 1948 we have been demanding the return of the refugees to their homes. But we ourselves are the ones who encouraged them to leave. Only a few months separated our call to them to leave and our appeal to the United Nations to resolve on their return." (The Memoirs of Haled al Azm, Syrian Prime Minister in 1948-49, Beirut, 1973)
commonsense tells u israeli PALESTINIANS may have fled from israel at arab governments instigation. but they also fled from outcast imported jews terrorism while others r expelled by outcast imported jews. read me cut n paste above from UN source
besides history tells u the arab governments lost the war right? so how they gonna “keep their promises to return, get in”? right? n why/how they lost the war? simple. they’re not organized as outcast imported jews n jewish usa is feedin billions worth of arms to these outcast import jews to genocide PALESTINIANS n rape PALESTINE. read
Since President Truman recognized the state of Israel in 1948, the United States has been Israel's most supportive ally. Since 1950, the United States has provided more than $46 billion dollars in grant military aid to Israel, a sum that outstrips military aid to Egypt, America' s next largest beneficiary, by at least $20 billion. Israel has also received many billions more in grant 'economic' aid, loans for military purchases, and used American armaments.
As you believe in UNRWA, used it as facts before, why don't you say anything about Ralph Galloway's frustration on what the Arabs states had done to the refugee problems?! Why hide that one away?!!!!
cut n paste ere. lemme scrutinize
Because the Arab army wanted to get in. Remember?! Or your spooned eyes selectively miss this one out??
read me response above 
[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 17-4-2004 at 03:05 PM ] |
Originally posted by Adm_Cheng_Ho at 2004-4-7 08:54 PM:
You went on beating about the bush on my source & took some figures out of context to serve your filthy agenda. Why don't you continue below the page on "Illegal Immigration in the 1930s"? Why won't you mention about the unrecorded/unregistered/unreported or without approval/permit illegal immigrants apprehended were not Jewish??
which HARDfigures that me quote out of context? where? so wots the HARDfigures stated on “illegal immigration in the 1930”? cut n paste ere n lemme scrutinize
If it were Malaysia, these illegal baboon would be tapau back to where they came from! Malaysia demolished illegal immigrants' houses in Sabah, Cameron Highlands, then send them packing back!
d u call the white (british of yesteryears) illegal baboon or terrorist rapists when they rape america n genocide american natives? well?
With hordes of Arab illegal immigrants swarming in, you expect the native Palestinians welcome them with open arms & legs??! Right? Right, sonny right?? And these imported Arabs are like Red Indons!
so wots the HARDfigures for the hordes of arab illegal immigrants swarmin into PALESTINE n wots the HARDfigures for the hordes of outcast imported jews swarnin into PALESTINE? am waitin
Where did I advocate Palestine be ruled 50-50?? I never said that. You just make it up!! I only say Balfour assured Arabs would govern their own states(negeri)! Stop hallucinating!
the word is “expect” not “advocate”. no hecklin plz. read me postin intelligently. ok back to the HARDfacts from UN source. read. since theres a difference of only 1000 between arabs n jews, how should israel be governed? any idea?
September 1047
----------------------------Jews Arabs and other Total
The Jewish State 498 000 407 000 905 000
The Arab State 10 000 725 000 735 000
City of Jerusalem 100 000 105 000 205 000
"In addition there will be in the Jewish State about 90,000 (Arab) Bedouins ...
You're WRONG! They can't be 800% surge by just giving birth on mathematical calculations as affirmed in many sources & organizations! They are IMMIGRANTS!!!
wheres the HARDproofs to show they immigrants? HARDfacts plz on arab immigrants n outcast imported jews immigrants in PALESTINE 
peace |
Originally posted by Adm_Cheng_Ho at 2004-4-7 08:54 PM:
The figure is correct. 700k Jews in Palestine in 1942. Israel haven't even born. In 1948, some have fled to America & Europe again. Judenrein sonny.... Judenrein.... why don't you say anything on Judenrein?? Not all of them fled to Israel.
lets look at the figures agin. ur source n me UN source. read.
in 1922 there 83,790 PALESTINIAN jews in PALESTINE. (ur source)
in 1939 there 661,588 jews (natives n outcast imported jews) in PALESTINE. (ur source)
in 1942 there 700k jews in PALESTINE. (ur source)
in 1947 there 608k jews in PALESTINE (498k in jewish state of PALESTINE) (me UN source)
in 1948 there 650k jews in Israel (jewish part of PALESTINE) (ur source)
so me repeat me HARDquestions – how many of these 650k jews in Israel r outcast imported jews, how many r natives n how many r jews fleein from arab nations when PALESTINE is divided so that israel can exist in 1948?
n how many PALESTINIAN natives per se in PALESTINE per se (not in israel/the jewish state of PALESTINE) n how many PALESTINIAN israelis fleein into PALESTINE per se n how many imported arabs into PALESTINE when israel is formed thru the division of PALESTINE in 1948? am waitin
September 1047
----------------------------Jews Arabs and other Total
The Jewish State 498 000 407 000 905 000
The Arab State 10 000 725 000 735 000
City of Jerusalem 100 000 105 000 205 000
"In addition there will be in the Jewish State about 90,000 (Arab) Bedouins ...
Soooony you moron! Already said to you it was BEFORE the Arabs leave Israel! Unispal's estimation fall short after Arabs leave Israel in light of upcoming Arab Army invasion! Thus, the figures NO LONGER HOLD!
liar. UN n UNISPALs estimation is in 1947.
if u wanna whine bout 1948, then me repeat - how many of these 650k jews in Israel r outcast imported jews, how many r natives n how many r jews fleein from arab nations when PALESTINE is divided so that israel can exist in 1948?
n how many PALESTINIAN natives per se in PALESTINE per se (not in israel/the jewish state of PALESTINE) n how many PALESTINIAN israelis fleein into PALESTINE per se n how many imported arabs into PALESTINE when israel is formed thru the division of PALESTINE in 1948? am waitin
You keep disputing the 1000 difference with an old record suggestion of 1947! What TOOK PLACE in 1948 is ALREADY HAPPENED that inked into the HISTORY BOOKS! If you still want to linger with the old irrelevant SUGGESTIONS of 1947, go ahead! Bang your head!
so how many of these 650k jews in Israel r outcast imported jews, how many r natives n how many r jews fleein from arab nations when PALESTINE is divided so that israel can exist in 1948?
n how many PALESTINIAN natives per se in PALESTINE per se (not in israel/the jewish state of PALESTINE) n how many PALESTINIAN israelis fleein into PALESTINE per se n how many imported arabs into PALESTINE when israel is formed thru the division of PALESTINE in 1948? am waitin
What he says or any Zionist leaders says are NOT the crux!
o yes indeed weitz words carried hell lots of weight. it coz PALESTINIAN natives to flee like rats from the jewish state of PALESTINE before israel is formed in 1948. his words r also carried by UN report. read
Most Zionists were determined that their Jewish state should be free of Arabs. In December 1940, Joseph Weitz wrote in his diary:
Between Ourselves it must be clear that there is no room for both Peoples together in this country... We shall not achieve our goal of being an independent people with the Arabs in this small country. The only solution is a Palestine, at least Western Palestine (west of the Jordan river) without Arabs ... And there is no other way than to transfer the Arabs from here to the neighbouring countries, to transfer all of them; not one village, not one tribe, should be left... Only after this transfer will the country be able to absorb the millions of our own brethren. There is no other way out. '[35
UN source
Palestinians also charge that the terrorizing of the civilian population through military or psychological means was an integral part of this policy of expelling Palestinians, and again cite Zionist writings:
"... Between ourselves it must be clear that there is no room for both peoples together in this country ... We shall not achieve our goal of being an independent people with the Arabs in this small country. The only solution is a Palestine, at least western Palestine (west of the Jordan river) without Arabs ... And there is no other way than to transfer the Arabs from here to the neighbouring countries, to transfer all of them; not one village, not one tribe, should be left ... Only after this transfer will the country be able to absorb the millions of our own brethren. There is no other way out;..." 71/
When Syed Jaafar Albar inciting racial riots with his grandiloquence, did the Malays exterminate us Chinese like cows & chickens?!! What an INDIVIDUAL says does not represent the whole race of the Malays!
d british crown ordered british to rape usa n genocide american natives those days? well?
Likewise, not what a few harsh speech represetn the WHOLE JEWS! The British are the to check them. However, it is also Arabs' fault when they turn the whole thing a mess prompting the British leaving their mandate! If Arabs didn't acted rashly, Palestine would still be intact! Can't all blame on the Jews!!
ur postin is half lies. outcast imported jews r not entirely blamed for the hardships suffered by PALESTINIANS. forked tongue britains forked tongue promises to the arabs n outcast imported jews r also to be blamed. n the rest is history
Of course you don't wanna give me your source. Because it is truly from HATE SITES! Pro-Palestinian anti-Israeli HATE SITE. That shows what your substance are!
which of me sources is hate sites? no HARDproofs mean ure bigot faggot forked tongue liar. simple 
[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 17-4-2004 at 03:16 PM ] |
Originally posted by Adm_Cheng_Ho at 2004-4-13 01:21 PM:
You are a very lousy debater!
First, you INSIST there are only 1000 difference in Israel's population. Now you say there are 498k Jews and 408k Arabs TO BE allocated to Israel. Wondering about the 408. Your number keeps fluctuating, inconsistent, inaccurate & taken out of context!
read me postin with ur brain in ur thick skull. indeed there 497k arabs (n others) (90k Bedouins)
September 1047
----------------------------Jews Arabs and other Total
The Jewish State 498 000 407 000 905 000
The Arab State 10 000 725 000 735 000
City of Jerusalem 100 000 105 000 205 000
"In addition there will be in the Jewish State about 90,000 (Arab) Bedouins ...
Second, you have yet to give any substantial evidence that Jews started the whole hostilities! You also failed to counter your own 1929 account of Arab hostilities toward Jews. Anything said AFTER 1929 is nonsensical henceforth for this discussion on who started the first hostilities.
me AMERICAN U source n me UN source indeed r HARDproofs that the drastic influx of outcast imported jews n forked tongue britains forked tongue promises to arabs n outcast imported jews have coz hostilities among the PALESTINIANS.
as it is me repeat me HARDquestions that u dont dare reply intelligently with HARDfacts –me have produced several HARDfacts backed by UR SOURCE that outcast imported jews started the atrocity rape of PALESTINIANS primarily by their drastic influx (of outcast imported jews). now lets c u come up with HARDcut n pastes that say the drastic influx of outcast imported jews DID NOT cause hostilities among PALESTINIANS. no wiggle waggle now
wot would u do if u're raped, if ur family is raped, if ur nation is raped as hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israelis/zionists raped the PALESTINIANS be they muslim majority, christians, jews etc? am waitin
There are many challenges I've thrown at you but you failed to answer for it but seek to clings on to fallacies.
liar. me have responded to ur postin point by point. so which of ur challenges that me didnt response? paste it ere. no pastin means ure bigot faggot forked tongue liar.
n which of me HARDproofs r fallacies? HARDfacts of ur accusations otherwise ure bigot faggot forked tongue trinity christian liar. burp
guess that's about it. You have no substance. You're only good at SPEWING FAECES that you eagerly swallow from the Arab mouthpiece. Now you're regurgitating them out like parrot.
which of me HARDcut n pastes r “spewin faeces”, “arab mouthpiece”? HARDfacts of ur accusations otherwise ure bigot faggot forked tongue trinity christian liar
I really despise you further...
HARDfacts now of ur accusations against SONNYs HARDfacts. dont slink off with ur tail between ur legs jest yet 
[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 18-4-2004 at 11:03 AM ] |
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 17-4-2004 15:18:
read me postin with ur brain in ur thick skull. indeed there 497k arabs (n others) (90k Bedouins)
September 1047
----------------------------Jews Arabs and o ...
Debmey just won't listen, he is too a fanatic of the US. |
yup the ADMIRAL n MODERATOR bro deb***sfe r in same wavelength ;) |
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 18-4-2004 11:02:
yup the ADMIRAL n MODERATOR bro deb***sfe r in same wavelength ;)
Don't worry about the admiral sonny~~. He is just bringing anyone who fights for one side down. He is not like Debmey. He fights against Debmey too before(according to what he told me). Don't worry sonny~~ my dear, dear friend, there is the Admiral, and there is also me, General Tan. I disagree with Admiral in many things a lot same as you do but Debmey, his is too much of the fanatic. One thing, thanks sonny~~ for it is a great pleasure having to know you. |
And none of yu have any explaination for the war crimes of Palestinians.
cheers |
Originally posted by Debmey at 19-4-2004 02:41:
And none of yu have any explaination for the war crimes of Palestinians.
I did, there are no war crimes. Only militants & strategic facilities were targeted.
Yu can only blame Muslismfor using human shields.
There is no convention to ban killing of human shileds in the course of war. |
You should read about the latest battle between US and Syria near at the border of Iraq-Syria...At some moment during the battle..the Iraqis and Syrians gathered(forcefully or voluntarily is not known..it's war out there) their wives and children surrounding the artillery...So if the artillery gone bombed by US..it ended up as "US killing women and children!!!" in the newspapers..You can see this in Palestine also..It's some of the tactics used by the terrorists there...All i can say,the people there have mastered the art of propaganda creation...
For me,i sincerely think that before the Palestinians can start hating Israelis,they should be loving their families first...
[ Last edited by Seraphim on 19-4-2004 at 09:50 PM ] |
Ismail This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Debmey at 2004-2-27 10:29 PM:
By Ted Lapkin
FrontPageMagazine.com | February 27, 2004
The phrase "a picture is worth a thousand words" is one of those hackneyed aphorisms whose potency has been diluted through r ...
Ted Crackpot Lapkin |
Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
Let's see now... the murderous virtual fake philospher is back & had come up with more idiotic responses this time. 
Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
Let's continue with Sonny's words of idiocy.
[quote]britain couldnt defeat the turks without arabs |
Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
I have refuse to address the issue of spamming by Sonny since no moderator is taking action against this spammer. However, I reserve the right to rebuke to remind him of his idiocy.
and PALESTINE was to be internationalized
I thought you have admitted your mistake. Idiot!
The bulk of the article serves nothing but to prove that lands had been divided amongst the powers. There is no boundary in the Arab lands. Britain/France reserves the right to cut whichever the deem fit. They may create as many country as they see fit. Whereas Sonny is an armchair warrior sitting in front of the keyboard poking his nose on the screen protesting something he is not involved at all! 
On Balfour Declaration, Sonny believes European has no say on Arab territory. That shows what a complete FOOL he is! Go tell your disapproval to Iraq, Sonny. Tell Kuwait, Syria, Jordan... that you disagree with the cutting of territory to form Arab States! If not then why disagree with European mandate over Arab territory which was agreed by the Arab politicians themselves??? Truly you do NOT have in-depth understanding of the situation but faking wise. |
Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
they also fled from outcast imported jews terrorism while others r expelled
When in war, where comes the term terrorism? Can this idiocy be explained?
why/how they lost the war?...they抮e not organized as outcast imported jews n jewish usa is feedin billions worth of arms to these outcast import jews...Since 1950, the United States has provided more than $46 billion dollars
The first war occurred in 1948. How is your 1950 assistance helped Israel's 1948 War of Independence??? Once again you've shot your own foot! It never cease to amuse me again & again with oxymoron statements you've so easily prone to commit. 
so wots the HARDfigures for the hordes of arab illegal immigrants swarmin into PALESTINE
Yet another idiotic remark easily displayed by our moronic Sonny. If it is ILLEGAL, how do you derive a HARDfigures?? IDIOT!
since theres a difference of only 1000 between arabs n jews, how should israel be governed? any idea?
This issue had been addressed earlier. However, you INSISTS there are 1000 difference by bringing up UNISPAL ESTIMATED figure in 1947 to support your shaky stance.
The estimation is made in the year 1947. However, you seems to be faking dumb refusing to acknowledge UNISPAL's next statement: the great majority of the letter either "fled or was expelled".. Do remember that this statement is included in YOUR OWN posts taken from UNISPAL.
In other words for Sonny, in the year 1948, there is no 1000 difference! In the year 1948 also seen the first war broke out. Palestinian Arabs left Israel. Again, the figure no longer 1000 difference. How do you suggest the Knesset be shared 50-50?? Is that too difficult to understand? Or you're an idiot who knows nothing about such a simple mathematical calculation & logic derivative? :spd: |
Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
jews started the atrocity rape of PALESTINIANS primarily by their drastic influx
If Jewish influx equates rape of Palestinians, then surely Arab influx equates rape of Palestinians as well. If Arab influx not perceived as rape of Palestinians, then Jewish influx also should not perceived as rape of Palestinians.
In regard to atrocity, have you posted anything that counter your own post of that 1929 large-scale attacks against Jews? No! Thus, Arabs started the first recorded hostility against Jews still stands until proven otherwise.
So, YOU are the one wriggle wriggle like worm!
wot would u do if u're raped, if ur family is raped, if ur nation is raped as hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israelis/zionists raped the PALESTINIANS be they muslim majority, christians, jews etc?
There's no rape as hallucinated by yourself! |
Sonny got his ass whooped..However he wont change since his brain either is brainwashed or brain dead...He'll keep on pasting his bunch of crap from some one sided sources |
Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
Somehow, Seraphim... I'm beginning to feel like I'm debating with a 10 year old :hmm: |
| |