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Author: caripasal

Geng-geng Sony Alpha

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Post time 9-4-2010 03:54 PM | Show all posts
aku rasa istilah lebih tepat tele-converter kot... ext-tube untuk gambar2 makro
sigma n tamron pun ada keluarkan tele converter ni utk alpha mount

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Post time 9-4-2010 04:22 PM | Show all posts
haa..tele-converter..sori2 salah la..maklum la..aku ni budak baru blajar.
pegang dslr pon baru je 3 bln. hehehe

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Post time 9-4-2010 04:31 PM | Show all posts
ha betol2 tu bulat hahaha

adie poyo je br 3 bulan. malu nak cakap dah pgg 30 tahun lah tuh . dr baby mak dah sangkot camera kan hahaha

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Post time 9-4-2010 04:32 PM | Show all posts
sama gak, teleconvertor pun akan stepdown juga......

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Post time 9-4-2010 04:42 PM | Show all posts
sebenarnya adie nak cakap yg baru 3 bulan dia pegang dslr baru

semenjak dua menjak nih minat betul adie ngan nombor 3... kenapa ye?

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Post time 9-4-2010 04:48 PM | Show all posts
yg baru dia pegang 3 bln tuh 2 system..sekali.............


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Post time 9-4-2010 04:49 PM | Show all posts
whoaaa..pegang dslr baru kt kedai je..xbwk blk umah pon..
ngah tgu ms yg sesuai. huhuhu..

tele-converter pon step down gak aperture he? kalo USM ke HSM ke SSM ke ttp laju or ade efek kt focusing speed die?

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Post time 9-4-2010 04:49 PM | Show all posts
huhuhu adi dah sambar D3 ker????? wallawehhh dasyat tuhhh..ape lg tepek lah contoh2 pic yg dr camere br 3 bulan tuhhhh

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Post time 9-4-2010 04:54 PM | Show all posts
dia amik d3 dgn 1d m?......hehehehehehe,
memang ada, tapi oleh kerana dia ada electronic juga semua fungsi lain ok....efek kat aperture jek....

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Post time 9-4-2010 05:29 PM | Show all posts if gune 2x aperture pon kurang 2x la..

wei..bile ms plak aku amek d3 ni oii..
xmampu la..nk beli lens jena pon x mampu..huhuhu

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Post time 11-4-2010 12:35 PM | Show all posts
adie...ko pergi masuk thread lain.....hahahahahaha

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Post time 11-4-2010 12:41 PM | Show all posts
bleh masuk sini lagi la..ade lg maa sony aku..hahaha

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Post time 12-4-2010 02:23 PM | Show all posts
bleh masuk sini lagi la..ade lg maa sony aku..hahaha
adiegani Post at 11-4-2010 12:41

ada lagi ye adie... hehehhe

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Post time 12-4-2010 02:45 PM | Show all posts
hahaha adie kene halau dengan senseha_z hahaha.

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Post time 12-4-2010 03:25 PM | Show all posts
pokcik senseha jeles tu..

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Post time 12-4-2010 03:27 PM | Show all posts
hahah senseha bile nak tepek pic renovation flash utk macro ???

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Post time 12-4-2010 03:35 PM | Show all posts
bleh masuk sini lagi la..ade lg maa sony aku..hahaha
adiegani Post at 11-4-2010 12:41

adie...nanti aku bagi alamat pos aku ye...mana2 aksesori alpha yg engko dh tak guna tu hantar kat aku 

kos pos aku tanggung tak pe

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Post time 12-4-2010 03:37 PM | Show all posts
oooo adie kat FB td ko kata ko nyer brg sony semua laris rupenyer BULAT lah yg tapau semua. tamak giler ko BULAT hahah

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Post time 12-4-2010 03:38 PM | Show all posts
alamak...aku masih di tempat kerja lagi lorrr.........jauh dari rumah.....
insyaALLAH 14 br aku balik.....tunggu la dulu....sesabor ya......

tua sgt dah aku, digelarkannya pokcik...... nak kena hempuk ngan D3 nih.....

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Post time 12-4-2010 03:39 PM | Show all posts
eh...nih fitnah nih, kena saman nih.....
aku baru nak mengendeng je ahoi weh, tak tau dia dah wat jualan gudang tuh

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