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ong bak 3 - cam haram
king of fighter - cam gampang
takken - cam haram
predetor - nice
karate kid - nice
kick ass - bebudak tak leh tgk citer nih...hahaha |
baru pas tgk beyond borders
ermm ngape watak sarah tu mati at the end??
sedih nyer ...
xske arr watak Nick ...
cam isk ... da tau sarah tu chenta kat nick
pe lagi gi la kawin n idup happily every after
nie idak ... dr jd doktor trus jd activist
urghhh ...
mmg sedih cite nie ...
rate 8.0 over 10 ...
story of david gale (thumbs up!!!)
castillas de carton (spanish 18sx) |
baru pas tgk Grown Ups
mmg lawak giler babas
rate 7.5 over 10
tengah tgk The Undiscovered Country (star trek VI. |
baru sempat tgk Letters To Juliet & Killers.... asyik layan series jer... x sempat layan movies |
killer inside meee-best gak
ixarius-biasa jeee |
patut tido awal sebb esok keje
tp disebbkan esok 1/2 day keje
so belasah tgk movie star trek 2009
perghh besh2 ....
permulaan cite cam ner Capt Kirk jd Capt
n camner Spock jd kwn kepada Capt Kirk
mmg besh la
n watak Spock muda mmg sama dgn watak Spock tua
n x sabar tunggu Star Trek yg bakal kuar 2012
for this fly bagi 8.5 over 10
mmg fans Star Trek tp utk era Capt Jean Luc Picard
masa skolah mmg xpnah miss
x kisah ler parents kata cite Star Trek nie cite tipu atau kartun
tp .... sonok dia de adventure tersendiri
plus ... mmg minat tul watak Capt Jean Luc Picard
musuh yg paling benci Cyborg
sebb Cyborg pnah culik Capt Jean Luc Picard
Reply 2395# nour2001
yes mmg ditunggu-tunggu |
patut tido awal sebb esok keje
tp disebbkan esok 1/2 day keje
so belasah tgk movie star trek 2009
fly_in_d_sky Post at 22-10-2010 23:43 
wah..another trekkie..hehe...haku tak minat picard lah..entah takleh terima org lain duduk kat kerusi captain tu.. ..guess i'm no fan of next generation trek..
this new timeline star trek, ramai yg suka ada jugak yg tak suka...yg old school trekkie mmg tak suka versi abrams ni, bila planet vulcan dah diletupkan, mak spock amanda mati, spock couple ngan uhura (yg ni paling ramai terkezut, pasl spock kan emotionless kaedahnya tapi aku suka, hehe), spock is more human...
next installment tak taulah macam mana abrams nak direct..watak2 mcm Khan noonien singh, nurse chapel akan ada ke?..
ishh..lama tul nak tunggu 2012 nak kluar kat panggung..
sementara tu layan je lah old movies..
ok...diftor heh smusma!.. |
lagi satu fly, kalu boleh elakkan dari buat vulcan sign tu...saya ada check that the sign is actually made by jewish priest..nemoy tu jewish.. jadi masa mula2 derang adakan watak spock tu, nemoy buat kajianlah kononnya mcm mana culture vulcan ni, so dia nak kelainan jadi dia tiru hand sign jewish priest tu as vulcan way of signing off lah lebih kurang cam tulah...even dia ada masukkan sikit2 unsur jewish tradition/religion tu dlm vulcan punye culture apatah nama Kihoner gitu..
walau mcm mana pun aku tetap Trekkie, today, tomorrow n beyond... |
Reply 2433# nour2001
mmg terkejut spock de makwe
tgk muka pun ... muka xde perasaan
cuma ... de tokok tambah yg gitu2 ok ler
jatuh chenta dgn jean luc
sebb dia kan british pastu cara dia bwk as capt tu
sungguh memberangsangkan ...
ekekeke .. biasa ler time skolah lg
skg nie pun masih ske jean luc ...
fly de 2 dvd star trek : next generation
paling x ske masa jean luc kene kidnapped dgn org cyborg
rasa nak bom jer ...
nanti nak cek kat wikipedia
kot2 de movie star trek yg leh didload n tonton
Reply 2434# nour2001
mmm tul2 da check kat wikipedia
masa wat sign vulcan tu n said live long and prosper cam bg salam kan?
or in vulcan language Tich for ang tesmur
fly ni senarai movies Startrek..
The Motion Picture
The Wrath of Khan
The Search for Spock
The Voyage Home
The Final Frontier
The Undiscovered Country
First Contact
Star Trek 2009
yg ada dlm tgn cuma 7 je, generations sampai ke nemesis takde lagi..mcm malas je nak beli..tapi nak tak nak kena completekan jugak koleksi movie tu.. |
Reply nour2001
mmm tul2 da check kat wikipedia
masa wat sign vulcan tu n said live long and pr ...
fly_in_d_sky Post at 23-10-2010 17:23 
boleh je nak sebut live long n prosper kalu ngan non muslim (tanpa hand sign), sesama kita muslim bagi salam pastu boleh jugak ckp LLNP ni..kalu dlm vulcan its Diftor heh smusma.. |
Reply 2438# nour2001
huh ... avatar gune spock
ekekeke ...
LLNP ... |
baru bis tgk I Love You Phillip Morris
ermmm ... not bad
cuma ... geli sket tgk Jim Carrey
neway ... next movie The Invention of Lying
Jennifer Garner ...
ai sekarang tgh tengok latest Barbie's movie Barbie the fashion fairy tale.. |
x jad tgk the invetion of lying
sebalik nyer tgk The Blind Side
ske la cite nie ...
mmg besh ...
rasanyer dlm filem nie Sandra Bullock menang award kan ...?
mmg tepat dia menang ...
ske watak dia ... multi task person
a mom, a wife, have own business, raised the kids very well
SJ tu comey arrr ....
isk nyesal tgk cite Haunting in Connecticut
x ske tul de kuar muka2 yg x patut n adegan terkejut-terkejut
tau tgk siang2 hari ...
isk2 ...
boleh tahan la cite nie ...
cuma hangin ngape watak paderi tu lembik?
cari ler paderi yg kuat n sihat
nie ... sakit ... adeh ...
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