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Post time 31-10-2006 10:23 AM | Show all posts
[Shinhwa Junjin Owns A Fashion Shop]

Shinhwa member Junjin starts his online fashion shop.

Junjin finished the photoshoot for his brand's catalogue with the concept "Autumn Male Trend Suit Ideas (?)" last October 18. Junjin has not only participated as a model for his brand but has directly supervised the launching preparation, promotions and style selection.

Credits ~ Joynews24 + + + noV@Kpop Kingdom

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Post time 3-11-2006 06:40 PM | Show all posts
M Plans to Give Concert

Singer M (Lee Min-woo) will give a concert early next month to mark the release of his single album 揕ive Works

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Post time 6-11-2006 10:20 PM | Show all posts
lupa lak nk bgtau...korg dh tgk blm mv ni...BEEGA MV...tgk la kt youtube...ada andy...
rukia xdpt tgk hbs...separuh lagu ni dh kena repeat balik...

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Post time 10-11-2006 01:51 AM | Show all posts

Shinhwa member LeeMinWoo during MoonCake Festive break hurt his facial and gotten 17 stiches.

Was with LeeMinWoo experiencing a 5th to 9th, 4nights 5days holiday  in an island, Sugarless member Prime was on the phone with mydaily on the 30th says 'During mooncake festive was with LeeMinWoo traveling in an island, LeeMinWoo hit into the hotel's swimming pool slides, area around his eyes was badly hurt and was immediately sent to the hospital. Total 17 stiches was being sew on his wound.'

LeeMinWoo was with his music industry good friends having a holiday traveling together in an island. On the 5th which was the first day of their travel, MinWoo was with Sugarless member Prime playing a large diving board and he hurt beneath his left eyebrow.

Prime express,"While sliding suddenly i heard a loud 'ah' behind me, i thought it was just a joke, when i slide to the end and i saw minwoo's face was bleeding with large amount of blood. First day of break occured such a big wound, even the rest of the days he was suffering in pain."

Now MinWoo everyday have to use makeup to cover his wound, to be able like in normal condition.

LeeMinWoo representative company GOOD EMG says "Previous period when there's no activities already had covered fast, no worries because of making up and stiches would left a scar on it. During that period LeeMinWoo was focusing on his M solo album production."

LeeMinWoo on the 28th participated China HuNam's Korea Music festive concert, and on November 3rd will appeard in 2006 Korea Music Showcase- Feel the K-POP in Shanghai' as a promise to meet up with chinese fans.

Source: MYTH
Chinese Trans: ??@shinhwachina????
Eng Trans: amane@mySHINHWA

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Post time 10-11-2006 09:59 PM | Show all posts
Shinhwa Junjin, debuts with a ballad song

Shinhwa member Junjin will debut as a ballad singer.

Junjin will be releasing his single album on November 16. Junjin has been known for his powerful dance moves but he will make a new impression by debuting with a ballad song.

Junjin's album title track is entitled "Love does not come" which was composed by Lee Yoon Jae. The composer did songs like TVXQ!'s "Always There..." and "You Only Love" and Fly to the Sky's "I don't know love".

"I am feeling a big pressure because I will be doing solo activities. In order to meet the expectations of Shinhwa members and fans who are supporting me, I will do my best", Junjin expressed.

Credits : newsen + jap chosun + kpopper + kpopkingdom

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Post time 17-11-2006 10:07 AM | Show all posts
[Lee Min Woo Or M Named Most Influential Korean Singer In China]

Lee Min Woo or M, who will receive "Popular Singer Awards" from the 4th annual award ceremony hosted by Dongnam TV, has emerged as the most influential Korean artist in China. For the 2nd time this year, he will get the award & take a stage, where Korean popular artist Shin Seung Hoon & new rising group 'Take' will be performed.

The results has been determined by the voting conducted by one of the Dongnam TV programming through mobile, text messages, letters & emails. The award ceremony will be broadcast on global networks in Hong Kong, Malaysia & Singapore including Dongnam TV & CCTV at prime times.

Also, you can catch the live show through several websites, including "" & "". After attending the ceremony, he will be scheduled to release his single album titled "Live Works" at the end of November & to hold a solo concert titled "M LiveWorks 2006-2007" in the coming month.

Credits ~ + + noV@Kpop Kingdom

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Post time 17-11-2006 03:04 PM | Show all posts
jadi ke eric oppa nak dtg malaysia tu?

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Post time 18-11-2006 11:54 PM | Show all posts

Reply #247 snowflakes's post

eric oppa nk dtg???bile????wah,ni yg best ni....blh la rukia jmpa dia...tu pun kalo dia dtg kl...hehe...

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Post time 19-11-2006 12:58 PM | Show all posts
Shinhwa Junjin, releases single online

Shinhwa member Junjin will release his first single album.

His single album "Love Does Not Come", which is set to be released on the 16th, will be available in advance at online music sites SKT "Melon" and KTF "Dosirak" on November 13.

The "Love Does Not Come" music video and interview clip will be released together with the single.

Junjin will start his 1st single activities on the 18th at MBC "Show Music Core". On the same day, at 6 pm, Junjin will hold a fan signing event at Seoul Jamsil Kyobo Library. On the 19th, he will also hold a fan signing event at Incheon Sinnara Record.

Credits : jap chosun + newsen + kpopper + kpopkingdom

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Post time 20-11-2006 12:27 PM | Show all posts

(Seoul 11th Nov) Current there's rumours saying Korea Popular Male Group SHINHWA member DongWan had request an ending contract with management company GOODEMG, this had lead many fans to shock and cry, but Dongwan and management company denies towards the news.

Dongwan written a diary entry yesterday afternoon saying: [Shinhwa is not my choice, but it's my fate/life, If Shinhwa dissappeared, means my carrier of being a celebrity will comes to an end too, I apology for such rumours which lead everybody worry, Since this morning there were lots of fans worrying, I am sorry.]

Express that it is just a mistake
Representative from GOODEMG says: [DongWan was just submitting documents about his personal shedule contract protection, I regret that there's such rumours being brought up and lead everybody to mistake.]
Ever since Shinhwa ended their Taipan concert on Sept 26, the group had officially ended their activities of 2006, and now all the members are focusing their personal solo schedule.

Credits to:
Source: Malaysia Oriental Daily Newspaper
Eng Trans: amane@mySHINHWA
Others : kpopkingdom, soul.mysticshrine, soompi

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Post time 27-11-2006 12:16 PM | Show all posts
Happy birthday To Shin Hye Sung - 27th Nov


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Post time 28-11-2006 10:48 AM | Show all posts

Today, junjin brought a girl, who suffers from an incurable illness, to Seoul Lotte world and spend a day with her.

On 20th 11am til 1pm, junjin and KimEunAh, an age 14 girl who is suffering from chronic renal failure, spend a pleasant day together. Towards this activity for the coming world child day, UN hold a 'Happy Blue Day' in Seoul University CHild Care hospital and this meetup is one of their planning. To fulfil the sick children's wishes who are all junjin's fans, the hospital made an invitation to junjin to fulfil this activity.

In this day, JunJin receives KimEunAh's blueband and blue balloon as a present to him, and within 2 hours they had played some games and experience the marry-go-round together.

KimEunAh says "Get to meet up with JunJin oppa who i always like, i am very happy" "I rarely go out and because of junjin's oppa corcial manner it had made my day wonderful and happy"

Junjin reply,"Because of EunAh, i am able to come to Lotte world and play" "Although the treatment is very painful, i hope EunAh will stay strong and keep receiving the treatment to find her good health back."

Junjin participated this activity since year 2005 September. On the 20th, the volunteers group sells the blueband as to gather the fee for the children's treatment in Seoul University Child Care Hospital.

JunJin speaks again, "I had been wanted to participate (this type of activity), but i dont know how to get into such activities. I feel grateful for letting me the chance to participate in such meaningful acitivity. Thank you." "I hope this will birng a bigger hope to the children, and i will actively participate."

Credits to:
Chinese Trans?jojoyu7@shinhwachina
Eng Trans: amane@mySHINHWA
post up to:, kpopkingdom, soul.mysticshrine

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Post time 30-11-2006 11:54 AM | Show all posts
[Shinwha Meets With Japanese Fans]

The male group Shinwha has met with its Japanese fans after a long time.

The band抯 agency, Good Entertainment, said that the band held two fan meetings in Tokyo November 23 to mark the founding of the Japanese official fan club 揟he Legend.

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 Author| Post time 1-12-2006 10:44 AM | Show all posts
Happy Belated Birthday Shin Hye Sung

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 Author| Post time 1-12-2006 10:46 AM | Show all posts

Reply #252 adikkeluangman_'s post

sweet nya Junjin.....

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Post time 3-12-2006 10:41 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 3-12-2006 11:12 PM | Show all posts

Reply #252 adikkeluangman_'s post

sweetnya.. ckucin starts kenal junjin since Shoot Dori...time2 zaman kegemilangan shoot dori yg pertama...

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Post time 8-12-2006 12:00 AM | Show all posts
Hello to all Shinhwa fans and to those who want to remain their fans after reading this message!!!
I just wanted to tell you that I really met SHINHWA here in Germany. I really did and I can show you my pictures with them if you don't believe me.
But don't be jealous or angry with me, because meeting SHINHWA was no dream for me. It was more a nightmare. I cannot really explain to you how bad and sad I feel. I was so happy and lucky to meet them here in Germany but this happiness was torn into pieces when I got to know how much SHINHWA care about their fans.
I am still very speechless and I wished I had never gone there to see them at Frankfort Airport. Nothing was like I thought before. When I got there I was at the wrong terminal. After about 2 hours I decided to go to Terminal 2, because I thought that I missed them already.
But afterall I was very lucky and when I got there I saw Eric at first who was coming back from the check-in counter. I passed the other people who were standing there and I was so nervous and I was looking for the other SHINHWA members, so I suddenly turned to the right side and I saw Junjin and Hyesung while they were looking for a lavatory. I just saw their back but I recognized them very quickly.
I was there with my friend - so I asked her what to do. I asked her if we should go to meet Eric first or if we should wait for Junjin and Hyesung until they come back from the lavatory.
To let you all know it will be better to tell you first that I WAS a fan of Junjin, so I decided to wait for Junjin and Hyesung until they come out. So we waited and Junjin came out first. My God all my body was shaking because I was so nervous but finally I went in his direction and he looked at me. So I said to him: ''Hi, you are Park Junjin from SHINHWA, right?'' and he just said ''Yeah.'' and he tried to go away so I got quickly next to him and told him that I am a fan of him for a very long time and that he is my favorite and that I never had the chance to meet him before.
So he stopped again and I asked him if I can take a picture of him and he said ''Yeah.'' again and I think he was very surprised that I knew his name. So I looked in my bag for my camera, but Junjin did not wait. He left me where I was standing and he went outside the airport.
I was very surprised in that moment, because I did not know what was happening and I felt disappointed because HE -my favorite- left me standing there without saying anything.
So I really was paralysed when he left. A few seconds later Hyesung passed me and my friend and I could only say very quiet and soft ''Hyesung'' but of course he did not hear me.
As I was standing there I felt that two things must be wrong. I felt like ten years passed me and all my power, the fire inside me left my soul and my body. My friend was talking to me but I did not know what she was saying. As soon as I got back my senses I asked her if I should go outside to talk to them again or just leave it like that. But of course I wanted to see Junjin again. So I decided to go outside.
And guess what I saw when I came out??? The scene was like that:
Hyesung and Junjin standing and Minwoo and Eric were nearly sitting on the ground and ALL FOUR members of SHINHWA were SMOKING!!! Yes they were really SMOKING. They always say in interviews that they stopped smoking because it is bad for their voice but they still smoke. They make non-smoking songs and then they smoke themself.
I was really surprised because of this. As they saw me and my friend Eric and Minwoo and Hyesung looked at us but Junjin turned a little away. So this time I asked them again if I can take a picture of them, because I am a fan and I like them, but they said nothing, so I looked at Hyesung and my God - a few seconds later I would have started crying like an idiot. So Hyesung said something to Junjin in korean and finally Hyesung said: ''Yes, OK, have a picture'' (or something like that)
So I took my camera and wanted to make the picture when Hyesung said that I should make the picture with him and Junjin. I did not want to stay near to Junjin anymore, because he really broke my heart and I mean it true.
That is why I wanted to stay only next to Hyesung, but suddenly they both said: ''Stay in the middle''. Thus I gave my camera to my friend and got in the middle. Junjin and Hyesung took another breath of their cigarrettes and threw them away. So we took the picture. I said to them ''Thank you for the picture.'' but Eric and Minwoo stood up for going inside and Hyesung just looked once more and Junjiin turned his back to me and my friend. But then I couldn't resist anymore and I said loudly: ''I thought you were much nicer but you are not.'' But I am not sure if they understood, because when I talked to Junjin before I felt as if he does not understand english, but at least Eric understood me because he looked back to me.
I was so angry and I wanted to get away from them so I took my friend by her arm and we went inside. At first I wanted to go back to Terminal 1, take my car and drive home, but suddenly I saw Dongwan and Andy. They just finished their baggage check-in and they got to their group. The other 4 members of SHINHWA were with the group too. There were two elder man, three young girls (I will tell you about them later) and I think an elderly woman.
My friend really suggested me to leave now and not to meet Andy and Dongwan anymore, because she knew that I would start to cry if they would be vain and stuck-up like the others.
But when I got a fan of SHINHWA Dongwan was the one I liked for a very long time the most, then he got my number 2, because I started liking Junjin more and more. But now I know that I made a mistake and Dongwan should have remained my number 1 forever. If he would have been my number one I would not have gone to meet Junjin and nobody would have broken my heart.
I think you can already imagine what I did. Yes, I went round the others to the place where Dongwan was staying and talking to the elder man and Dongwan was putting something in his bag when I just put together all my courage that was left and I touched his shoulder with my hand and said ''Excuse me.'' Dongwan was surprised and looked at me and said: ''Yes.'' He looked much more friendly and he was the only one (I think Andy too) who did not wear sunglasses inside the airport building.
As he was watching me I asked him if I can take a picture of him, but he misunderstood me, took my camera and asked me if he should take a picture of me and my friend but I said ''no'' and told him that I would like to have a picture of me and him. So he looked more surprised and smiled and said ''Oh, OK.'' and I said to him ''you are Kim Dongwan, right?'' and he said ''yes, you know me?'' and I said ''yes, from Shinhwa and he smiled.
So he gave his bigger bag to the elder man and said ''Let's go'', I think. But I asked him where, because in that moment I saw Junjin with one of the young girls and I felt like running away. But Dongwan said ''Just here.'' and he gave me back my camera and I gave it to my friend. So I stood next to Dongwan and he put his arm round my back and placed his left hand on my left shoulder. I was really surprised that he did that, althought when I took the picture with Hyesung and Junjin they had their hands on my back.
But the ''little hug'' with Dongwan was much nicer and I thought ''At least one of the SHINHWA members likes his their fans and is friendly too.'' My friend did the picture and while she was giving me the camera back Dongwan took his bag from the man and asked me if I am german. And I said ''yes'' (actually I am german-asian). I think he asked because nearly all germans have blond hair or mostly blue or green eyes, but I have dark brown hair and brown eyes.
Then I asked Dongwan if I can have his autograph, but he did not understand me again so he came closer with his head and said ''what?''. And I said :''your signature'' and I pretended as if I am writing something. Then he understood and he started laughing, because I think he felt a little ashamed because he did not understand me and he said ''yes, sure''. Then one of the elder man said something to Dongwan and he said something to him. I think the man told him to do it quick whatever he will do.
Then I took out a writing-pad of my purse/bag and I was looking for a picture of Dongwan I put in it. I was still very nervous and my hands were trembling, so that Dongwan took my writing-pad and was looking in it like I did before. Then suddenly I remembered that I had a picture of Junjin in it too and a page on which I wrote that I love Junjin. I didn't want that Dongwan sees it. So I said ''wait'' to Dongwan and tried to get my writing-pad back from him, but he still looked in it and I was trying to snatch it away from him so it teared on the top.
I think Dongwan said ''sorry'' but then I found his picture gave it to him and when he saw it he was very pleased because he liked it - I could see it on his face and he said something like ''ah, wa, my picture?'' Then he wrote his autograph on the picture and I watched how he writes it. Suddenly my friend asked me something and I turned to her but in the same moment Dongwan asked me ''what is your name?'' and I told him. He laughed again and asked ''how do you spell?'' and I spelled it to him but in the end he wrote it wrong. What a pity!(I think SHINHWA have to visit an english course) He also wrote on the picture ''nice to meet you'' and a word in korean which means ''go''.

byk lg dia tulis...bla,bla,bla...
rukia amik kt
rukia baca pn separuh je...penat gak nk xtau nk percaya ke x!!! :stp::stp:

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Post time 8-12-2006 12:57 AM | Show all posts

Reply #258 rukiaichigo's post

hmm..tak tau lea..tapi yang syok bace ialah dong wan oppa yang baik hati...:love:

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Post time 15-12-2006 01:00 PM | Show all posts
[News]12/07 MinWoo, <Eraser> MV New Image <From Sina Entertainment News>

Do Not Hotlink. May Bring Out With Full Credits. TQ.

From an artist to producer, LeeMinWoo was hopping to be JunJin's first solo single album producer but because of the time and music genre he could only give it up sadly. Instead, being as new female artist SAT's, LeeMinWoo's the producer of her first single solo album.

The title song of the single <Eraser>, the MV shooting was taken place in an abandoned school on December 6th, 2006. Not only being as a producer, LeeMinWoo too participate and make an appearance in the MV. His new image in the MV is being expose for the first time in Sina Entertainment News to the public.

Credits to:
Source: Kona@Sina, ???@ShinhwaChina
English Trans: amane@mySHINHWa
+ kpopkingdom

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