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Author: deaf4ever

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 Author| Post time 2-9-2004 12:39 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Browneyes at 2-9-2004 12:17 PM:
datuk seri anwar ibrahim bebas..:pompom::pompom::pompom::pompom:

Tuhan je maha mengetahui ye....

sampai sekarang aku susah nak percaya dia tu buat homo sex acts cam dituduh.

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Post time 3-9-2004 01:10 PM | Show all posts
Anwar freed in surprise court verdict
Former Malaysian deputy PM's sodomy conviction is overturned. Released after six years, he vows to press for reform

By Reme Ahmad

KUALA LUMPUR - Former deputy premier Anwar Ibrahim stepped into his home yesterday for the first time in nearly six years - freed by Malaysia's highest court in a watershed decision that set aside his conviction in August 2000 for sodomy.

Now a free man, Mr Anwar hugs wife Wan Azizah at a press conference. His first priority will be to travel to Germany to seek medical treatment. -- AP
Yesterday was exactly six years to the day he was sacked from his post as deputy prime minister, precipitating the country's worst political crisis.

'I thank God I am free, not only free but vindicated by a court of law, although six years is a long time,' said Datuk Seri Anwar, who turned 57 last month. He immediately vowed to continue his drive for political reform.

When asked about the man responsible for his rise and fall, retired prime minister Mahathir Mohamad, Mr Anwar said: 'I bear no malice against him. Let him retire. I feel vindicated. This is all about justice.'

Tun Mahathir told a news conference yesterday that he was 'mildly surprised' by the verdict.

When told what Mr Anwar had said of him, he said: 'He must be a generous person indeed.'

Earlier, outside the Palace of Justice complex in Putrajaya, an emotional crowd of more than 300 supporters greeted the verdict by waving party banners. Many poured out their joy in tears.

Mr Anwar's first priority will be to travel to Germany to seek treatment - he had been warded at Kuala Lumpur General Hospital since mid-June for a chronic back ailment - and he could leave as early as this evening, from Bangkok or Singapore on a plane owned by Saudi Arabia's monarchy.

They have offered to pay his medical expenses, his father, Mr Ibrahim Abdulrahman, told The Associated Press.

Yesterday at home, Mr Anwar lopped off the waist-length pigtails of three supporters who had refused haircuts for six years to protest against his imprisonment.

Since last week, Kuala Lumpur had been abuzz with rumours of Mr Anwar's imminent release but the news of the Federal Court's 2-1 decision that his conviction was unsafe still surprised many.

The news shoved the KL stock market up nearly 2 per cent to a six-week high and bolstered bond prices. Investors said the verdict was seen as lowering Malaysia's political risk and restoring faith in the independence of its much-maligned judiciary.

Australia, New Zealand, the United States and Amnesty International joined the chorus hailing his release.

Mr Anwar also thanked Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi for saying he would not interfere with the court.

'This is a good start and it gives hope for a more credible justice system. I am also grateful to the two judges that had the strength and resolve to rule in my favour,' he told a news conference at home.

Outside, a parade of cars and at least 15 mobile stalls selling food and drinks and political memorabilia packed the road till late, even after thanksgiving prayers and Mr Anwar's brief address to the hundreds of National Justice Party (Keadilan) faithful.

He had been sentenced to six years for abuse of power and nine years for sodomy.

Yesterday, Judge Abdul Hamid Mohamad said his conviction for sodomy was flawed as the chief prosecution witness, driver Azizan Abu Bakar, kept changing the dates on which he claimed to have been sodomised.

He said: 'We are not prepared to uphold the conviction. We, therefore, allow this appeal and set aside the conviction and the sentence.'

Judge Tengku Baharudin Shah Tengku Mahmud concurred but Judge Rahmah Hussein dissented.

Mr Anwar, who appeared in court in a wheelchair, held a brief impromptu press conference in the packed room. He credited Datuk Seri Abdullah with his release, saying that if it had been Dr Mahathir, he would still be in jail.

'I have to give credit to the Prime Minister for not interfering with the judiciary,' he said. PM Abdullah said the government accepted the court's decision.

Mr Anwar's wife, Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, was ecstatic. She said, beaming: 'It's like a healing process for our family and the nation.'

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Post time 3-9-2004 02:33 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by LoLiPoP at 1-9-2004 01:30 PM:

10 track accidents in the past 11 years - average about once a year? Isn't this a bit too frequent?

And pasal nyonya Bukit Batok tu...naper tetiba jer otak aku suspect suicide?

Suratkhabar cina cakap dia bunuh diri sebab adik dia ke kakak dia, curi duit dia sebanyak 700K. Dia ni ada coffeeshop....

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 Author| Post time 3-9-2004 11:20 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by chicsee at 3-9-2004 02:33 PM:

Suratkhabar cina cakap dia bunuh diri sebab adik dia ke kakak dia, curi duit dia sebanyak 700K. Dia ni ada coffeeshop....

konpem eh, si sister si mati  ni yang curik duit tu dah tak boleh hidup normal...

mesti dia malam2 nak nengok cermin pun takut, kalo sorang2 dengar bunyi sikit pun takut....

tu ah, makan duit orang, tak berkat...

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Post time 6-9-2004 09:08 AM | Show all posts
smlm  baca berita minggu sc was really shock & sedih juga ramai remaja melayu kita ni dah kena skit kelamin, yg paling menyedihkan paling muda yg kena sakit kelamin ni age 12 years old

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matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Post time 6-9-2004 09:16 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by SweetCandy at 6-9-2004 09:08 AM:
smlm  baca berita minggu sc was really shock & sedih juga ramai remaja melayu kita ni dah kena skit kelamin, yg paling menyedihkan paling muda yg kena sakit kelamin ni age 12 years old

they start so early now.....banyak pulak dia punya sleeping partner........

aku 12 years old masih tangkap spider...

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Post time 6-9-2004 06:29 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 6-9-2004 09:16 AM:

they start so early now.....banyak pulak dia punya sleeping partner........

aku 12 years old masih tangkap spider...


TApi memang betul tu Abg these days grow up so fast....

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Post time 6-9-2004 11:26 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by chicsee at 6-9-2004 18:29:


TApi memang betul tu Abg these days grow up so fast....

By the time they are 20, kang kadang rupa muka dah macam 40 tahun.... be it guys or girls...

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Post time 8-9-2004 10:37 AM | Show all posts
sc ade crita nak share w u all. skrg ni kat my court ade kes outrage modesty. crita dia gini. this accused ni age in early twenties & seorang warga China. dia keje sbgai salesman -those yg ke rumah org, pendek kata, sells electronic stuff. one day in mid of may 2004, he went to a customer's hse somewhere @ the northern part of s'pore. there is this gerl age 16 yrs old stay alone @ home. this gerl is the victim. waktu kejadian ni berlaku, budak ni tinggal seorang & her parents are all working. so this accused ni went to her house & asked her to let him in. this gerl ni very small built & very timid orgnya. at that time, wen she told the accused to leave, he did'nt want & instead hug her & tried to touch her private parts. waktu dia give evidence, sc lempar that kind of look to the accused how could you do a gerl like that & furthermore this gerl's IQ is quite low.

The hearing still goes on in my court till friday. kalo disabit bersalah, lelaki ni bleh dikena rotan & imprisonment term too. this case was not published in the news yet cos from mon & yesterday, the trial was in camera, meaning no publicity shld be allowed due the victim is under age.

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 Author| Post time 8-9-2004 11:37 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by chicsee at 6-9-2004 06:28 PM:


chic sekarang sokkabar melayu hari minggu story best2 la.....

mamat ni baru 17 kot, dia dah sleep ngan 70 minah...

ko nengok 70....

satu kena STD, habis la...berapa banyak nanti berjangkit...

STD bukan aids la...

tapi siksa wooo, tak bedek seksa dia dahsyat untuk orang tu dan love ones dia...

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 Author| Post time 8-9-2004 11:42 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by SweetCandy at 8-9-2004 10:37 AM:
sc ade crita nak share w u all. skrg ni kat my court ade kes outrage modesty. crita dia gini. this accused ni age in early twenties & seorang warga China. dia keje sbgai salesman -those yg ke r ...

ni, konpem mesti kena bantai punya kalo orang jumpa....

ngan budak low iq, tak mau la...., dorang dah terang2 losing side.

sama jugak, cam orang2 rampas beg duit dari makcik2, nyonya2 tua....

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Post time 10-9-2004 12:08 AM | Show all posts


Thursday September 9, 10:14 PM
Car Bomb Near Embassy in Indonesia Kills 8

A car bomb exploded outside the gates of the Australian Embassy in Jakarta on Thursday, killing eight people and wounding more than 160 in an attack police blamed on al-Qaida-linked terrorists.

The blast flattened the embassy's gate, mangled cars on the busy commercial street, and shattered the windows of nearby high-rise buildings. Dazed survivors desperately tried to locate colleagues and relatives.

"I can't find my family," said Suharti, who had eight relatives working in the mission. "I am terrified. I don't know where they are."

The health ministry said eight people died and 161 were wounded in the 10:15 a.m. blast. The dead included three policemen and one security guard protecting the building. Most of the injured were office workers hit by shattered glass.

Australian Embassy spokeswoman Elizabeth O'Neill said the staff was shocked by the force of the bomb and "the enormity of the crater" left behind.

"The police truck outside has been blown to bits. It's like the wind has been pushed out of you," O'Neill told Australia's Nine TV Network.

Police chief Gen. Dai Bachtiar said an initial investigation showed the blast was caused by a car bomb, but "we do not know whether anyone was in the car."

About a dozen Australians were slightly injured, mostly by flying glass, an Australian Embassy spokeswoman said. Four Chinese nationals also were injured, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Kong Quan said.

In Athens, Greek foreign ministry spokesman Giergos Koumoutsakos said the Greek Embassy on the 12th floor of an adjacent building was gutted and three diplomats were slightly injured.

Police immediately blamed Jemaah Islamiyah, the Southeast Asian terror network that is linked to al-Qaida. The group has been accused in several deadly bombings, including the bombing of the JW Marriott hotel in the same neighborhood last year, in which 12 people were killed.

In recent years, Indonesia has been hit by a series of deadly bombings of Western targets by militants belonging to Jemaah Islamiyah. In 2002, 202 people _ including 88 Australians _ died in an attack on two nightclubs on the tourist island of Bali.

Bachtiar said Thursday's bombing bore the hallmark of Jemaah Islamiyah, similar to the Bali and Marriott blasts.

"We can conclude (the perpetrators) are the same group," he said.

Australian forensics experts who worked on those blasts traveled to Indonesia on Thursday.

Australian Federal Police commissioner Mick Keelty said Australian police were setting up a joint investigation team with their Indonesian counterparts, but the Indonesians would lead the inquiry.

The embassy is located on a main thoroughfare in the Kuningan district housing foreign embassies, businesses and shopping malls. Bloody corpses and human remains were strewn across the six-lane street.

After the blast, the Australian Embassy closed until further notice, along with the consulate in Bali. Nonessential staff and dependents were given the option of going home.

President Megawati Sukarnoputri was in neighboring Brunei on Thursday at a royal wedding but cut short her stay. She toured the bomb site and two hospitals where most of the victims were being treated.

"Let us all condemn what has been done by (terrorists), because we have seen there are so many innocent victims," Megawati said. "I ask all the Indonesian people to unite in fighting terrorism."

The bombing came as authorities prepared to press charges against jailed cleric Abu Bakar Bashir, who has been accused by police of heading Jemaah Islamiyah and playing a role in the Marriott bombing.

Bashir has denied any involvement in terrorism and claims that Jakarta buckled under U.S. pressure to arrest him as part of a crackdown on Islamic activists in the world's most populous Muslim nation.

Bashir condemned the attack but predicted he would be blamed for it.

"I'm very upset. I'm against all bombings like this," Bashir said, according to his lawyer, Mahendradata, who visited the cleric in jail shortly after the blast. "But (the authorities) will still use this to attack me. In their desperation, they will accuse me for this attack just like they have the others."

Bachtiar said the bombing may have been the work of Azahari Husin, a British-trained Malaysian engineer who has eluded capture for nearly three years. Husin, one of Asia's most-wanted men and a Jemaah Islamiyah member, has been linked to other bombings in Indonesia, including the Bali blasts.

Several Western embassies, including those of the United States and Australia, have warned their citizens recently about possible attacks by Muslim militants.

On Thursday, the U.S. mission renewed the warning, urging Americans to stay away from the Kuningan district, where the blast occurred.

Indonesian security forces have arrested about 150 people over the Marriott and Bali attacks. More than 50 defendants have been sentenced so far _ including three sentenced to death.

Thursday's bomb blast came two days before the third anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks in the United States. It also coincided with the Indonesian presidential campaign. Two secular nationalists _ the incumbent and her former security minister _ are running for the top post in the Sept. 20 ballot.

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 Author| Post time 15-9-2004 02:13 PM | Show all posts
aku baru dapat sms, kat bishan lagi satu kes orang mati kena langgar train...

ntah betul ntah tidak....

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Post time 16-9-2004 01:49 AM | Show all posts
Time tu ujan lebat kan? aku tgh nak gi keje around 2pm ader byk signs pat mrt station. Mula

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Post time 16-9-2004 11:33 PM | Show all posts


about pukul 11 malam aku sampai rumah
dari pi tuition...
pastu masuk jer rumah BERDENTUM!!!!
bunyik macam bom meletup..
walaupon aku blom pernah dengan camner bom tu meletup

tapi tak lama pastu dengar siren Bomba dgn ambulance.
aper sey yang terjadi kat sini

hubby aku tak kasi check kat tingkap
depan plak ader construction circle line...

uish.... tak sabar tunggu besok... nak membizibodikan
diri... tengok tapak yg meletup tadi...:bgrin:

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 Author| Post time 18-9-2004 11:29 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 18-9-2004 09:49 AM:

newpaper article pasal ni ....small coverage aja.....


aku rasa ramai orang perasan....

tak penting ke berita cam gini?

kenapa tiba2 je peratusan kemalangan MRT meningkat?

apakah penumpang2 MRT tiba2 lalai dan kurang disiplin masa kat platform tunggu ketapi?

atau adakah kerana stress kehidupan kita makin menjadi teruk....

Tapi aku tak cakap la orang2 tu semua terjun kat trak...

Sokkabar gunakan perkataan " FALL" bukan " JUMP" atau " PURPOSELY FALL"....

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matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Post time 18-9-2004 11:41 AM | Show all posts
ok tadi lupa tulis, aku punya pizzza otak2

thai otak2 nya aku beli kat shop n save

brand nya peng chor.........

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 Author| Post time 19-9-2004 02:38 PM | Show all posts
wei hari ni sokkabar omputeh yang life sections tu banyak artikel besh ah...

korang belum baca pegi baca...

kat internet takde la, kalo tak aku dah cut and paste...

1) ceta pasal peminat2 spore yang hardcore fans ABBA..

2) interview ngan melayu ni yang owner Olives & Figs punya sandwiches tu..

3) artikel sedih tulisan volunteer ni, orang mamak la, dia ceta pasal dia volunteer kat Anonymous Aids Testing center...

and then dia kena inform sapa ada aids sapa takde, and then most scary pasal satu budak umur 20 tahun ni, dia giggle siot dia dapat tahu dia ada HIV pasal dia dah goreng ramai budak2 pompuan dia jumpa kat satu shopping center di kawasan Katong,, seram siot....

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Post time 19-9-2004 04:12 PM | Show all posts
...Berita Minggu front page....citer pasal sorang pemintak sedekah nie...yang rumah dia ada semua perlengkapan yang canggih...ada maid lagik...semua nie hasil dari kegiatan dia memintak sedekah...hmmm...:siok::siok::siok:...camnie...gua pon nak pi duduk kat depan kuil arr...:bgrin:

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 Author| Post time 20-9-2004 10:07 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by blackmore at 19-9-2004 04:12 PM:
...Berita Minggu front page....citer pasal sorang pemintak sedekah nie...yang rumah dia ada semua perlengkapan yang canggih...ada maid lagik...semua nie hasil dari kegiatan dia memint ...

biar betik, aku belum baca sokkabar melayu hari minggu ah....

nanti aku review muehehehehe....

dahsyat siot....

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