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Author: hidden_fear

TRIUMPH IN THE SKIES starting 29 march @ TV3

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Post time 14-4-2006 09:47 AM | Show all posts

Reply #238 wonto's post

smlm cam romantik je bila si zoe hantar email waktu tengok bintang & ada meteor lalu :bgrin: & waktu yg sama si sam pun tengok gak meteor tu. sbb si zoe tu caring sgt kot.. tu yg karang boleh buat sam jatuh hati

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Post time 14-4-2006 10:18 AM | Show all posts
nampaknya salah faham dah selesai ya.

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Post time 14-4-2006 10:26 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by silencez at 14-4-2006 09:45 AM
a'a la kepten. si isaac tu kena buat lagi sekali pun alih2 terus full mark :bgrin:

ni semua berkat usaha isaac.. ie pun x muah putus asa~~

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Post time 14-4-2006 08:34 PM | Show all posts
wah ramainye peminat isaac :bgrin:

tp at least ron ng elok sket lakonan dier dalam cite ni kalau nak banding dgn lakonan dier dalam cite LITCOL nu :kant:

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Post time 14-4-2006 09:35 PM | Show all posts
hari ni byk pasal diorg dah mula belajar pandu kapal terbang. ayah donald suruh donald balik je tolong dia uruskan syarikat. waktu chris nasihatkan donald, zita terdengar. kiranya zita dah tau yg si donald ni suka kat dia.

si isaac kena denda dgn sam sbb tak utamakan keselamatan kot waktu nak mendarat. salah satu denda, tak boleh terbangkan pesawat selama 2 minggu. semua nasihatkan isaac mintak maaf kat sam. & akhirnya sam maafkan & isaac tak payah tunggu 2 minggu utk terbangkan pesawat.

budak2 tu semua lulus utk cpl. sblm tu zita dah kecut perut. sbb tiap kali nak terbang, rupanya dia makan pil tahan muntah. waktu nak test, ubat tu dah habis. isaac bukak rahsia sebenarnya pil yg dia kasi zita makan tu bukan pil tahan muntah. tapi vitamin. balik je dari test, zita dpt surat dari pakcik kam zha. & dlm surat tu ada sekali azimat utk zita. katanya azimat tu dari seseorang & dah lama ada dgn dia. zita kata kat isaac.. seseorang tu mesti mak dia.

family vincent jemput sam datang rumah. sam & isaac pegi rumah family vincent. ayah vincent tunjukkan video waktu vincent kawin. & mintak tolong kat sam utk pulangkan buku bell.

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Post time 14-4-2006 09:37 PM | Show all posts

Reply #244 emiko's post

minat la emi.. sbb nampak sweet. emi tak minat eh isaac? ke minat si donald? :bgrin:

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 Author| Post time 15-4-2006 11:51 AM | Show all posts
aku dah nampak dah tanda-tanda yang isaac suka kat zita
ingat  tak masa sam tanya nape tak pegi makan ngan geng dier isaac kata boringlah tengok donalad asyik nak berkepit je ngan zita(jeles lah tu)

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Post time 15-4-2006 12:32 PM | Show all posts

Reply #246 silencez's post

2-2 pun tak minat fact takde satu pun watak dalam cite ni yg sy betul2 minat..cume suke tgk semua as a group haha (tp sape name dier ruby ke ape nama watak dier tu syok gak tgk :lol)

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Post time 15-4-2006 02:05 PM | Show all posts

Reply #248 emiko's post

ohoo ruby tu hehe. mula2 nampak mcm sombong sikit dgn staff2 dia ek. tapi sekarang dah mcm ok & kelakar gak. lagi2 masa abis muka dia gatal2 tu :bgrin:

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Post time 16-4-2006 05:25 PM | Show all posts
alahaiiiiii....boringnya ending...
rasa mcm nk stop terus jerk drpd tgk citer nih

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sernmic6 This user has been deleted
Post time 17-4-2006 01:11 AM | Show all posts

TVB 2003 Anniversary Drama - Triumph In The Skies - Episode 13/40

Triumph In The Skies - Episode 13
Message: Triumph In The Skies
6.00pm, TV3


Francis Ng Chun Yu as Samuel Tong Yik Sum
Joe Ma Tak Chung as Vincent Ling Wan Chi
Flora Chan Wai Shan as Isabelle Lok Yi San
Myolie Wu Hang Yee as Zoe So Yee

Ron Ng Cheuk Hei as Issac Tong Yik Fung
Michelle Yip Suen as Zita Tung Hei Yan
Sammul Chan Kin Fung as Donald Man Ho
Bosco Wong Chung Chak as Chris Tse Lap Ho
Kenneth Ma Kwok Ming as Roy Ko Chi Wang

Shek Sau as Phillip Tong Wong
Mary Hon Ma Lei as Cammy Ying Shi Mei
Nancy Wu Ting Yan as Coco Ling Cheuk Chi
Jerry Lamb Hiu Fung as Paul Mok Sin Bor
Rebecca Chan Sau Chu as Tina Yip On Ting
Lok Ying Kwan as Taylor Kam Chak Tai
Tang Chi Fung as Tony Ching Yat Tung
Louisa So Yuk Wah as Ruby Bui Ka Lo
Szeto Hin - Tai Chi Wai

14 April 2006, Friday
Episode 13 - Samuel punishes Issac by not letting
him fly

As they all undergo training in Australia, the
cadets develope a greater interest in planes, but
Donald is only interested in wooing Zita and his
studies are slipping. Zita puts too much pressure
on herself and her results are affected by this.
Samuel returns to Australia and brings some gifts
from home, making the cadets very happy.
Donald's father goes to Australia for a business
meeting, and Donald is excited about seeing his
father, however he just receives a message from
his father telling him to leave the academy and
follow him into business. Donald is disappointed.
Wang tells Donald to consider his future and not
just become a pilot because of Zita, but Donald
insists he wants to be a pilot together with Zita and
she overhears their conversation.

Samuel teaches them stunt flying and in the
excitement, Issac flies dangerously. Samuel
reprimands him for overlooking everyone's safety,
banning him from flying for two weeks as
punishment. Issac resents this and the two begin
arguing again. Zita tells Donald not to waste time
on her, but Donald explains that he has changed
from hating flying to loving it and he hopes to
become a pilot together with her.

Everyone's flying skills improve greatly, except
Issac who cannot take part because of his
punishment. He is very unhappy and everyone tries
to persuade him to apologise to Samuel. Tony
feels that Samuel has been too harsh on Issac and
should give him a chance. The brothers make up
again and go to visit Vincent's home, where his
father gives them the tape of Vincent and Isabelle's
fairy tale wedding day to take back to them in
Hong Kong. When he watches the tape, Samuel
feels very sour.

The flying exam draws near and Zita is very
nervous. She emails Taylor who sends her a lucky
charm, Zita is touched. Zita usually takes anti-
sickness pills when she flies, but Issac replaces
her tablets with vitamin pills so that she does not
have to depend on drugs. Zita is very grateful for
his help. After much hard work, they all pass the
exams with flying colours and Samuel holds a
party for them...............



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sernmic6 This user has been deleted
Post time 17-4-2006 01:16 AM | Show all posts

TVB 2003 Anniversary Drama - Triumph In The Skies - Episode 14/40

Triumph In The Skies - Episode 14
Message: Triumph In The Skies
6.00pm, TV3


Francis Ng Chun Yu as Samuel Tong Yik Sum
Joe Ma Tak Chung as Vincent Ling Wan Chi
Flora Chan Wai Shan as Isabelle Lok Yi San
Myolie Wu Hang Yee as Zoe So Yee

Ron Ng Cheuk Hei as Issac Tong Yik Fung
Michelle Yip Suen as Zita Tung Hei Yan
Sammul Chan Kin Fung as Donald Man Ho
Bosco Wong Chung Chak as Chris Tse Lap Ho
Kenneth Ma Kwok Ming as Roy Ko Chi Wang

Shek Sau as Phillip Tong Wong
Mary Hon Ma Lei as Cammy Ying Shi Mei
Nancy Wu Ting Yan as Coco Ling Cheuk Chi
Jerry Lamb Hiu Fung as Paul Mok Sin Bor
Rebecca Chan Sau Chu as Tina Yip On Ting
Lok Ying Kwan as Taylor Kam Chak Tai
Tang Chi Fung as Tony Ching Yat Tung
Louisa So Yuk Wah as Ruby Bui Ka Lo
Szeto Hin - Tai Chi Wai

17 April 2006, Monday
Episode 14 - Issac, Zita and Donald meet an
aviation disaster

At the celebration party, Samuel follows the
tradition and pushes everyone into the pool
because they are having a happy evening. Zoe
misses Samuel and when she receives Issac's
email, she is disappointed because there is no
news on Samuel and becomes the brunt of Paul's
jokes. A mentally-afflicted person arrives at the
airport and Zoe observes him offering her
assistance. Isabelle and Zoe assist a pregnant
woman giving birth at the airport and the lady is
grateful to them, choosing to name the baby girl
Yee Shan, making them very honoured. Zoe
emails a picture of the baby to Issac who is happy
for them, but Samuel sees Isabelle in the picture
and becomes agitated.

The cadets undergo even more rigorous training
and make many mistakes through their lack of
experience, Samuel orders them all to improve. He
splits them up into groups for flying practice and
Issac, Zita and Donald are placed together in a
group. Issac refuses, wanting to fly alone, but is
met with a scolding from Samuel who points out
that with his impatience, Zita's reservations and
Donald's indecision, they will each make up for the
others' shortcomings. The three work together to
design a flight plan. Issac opts for more an
aggressive technique and when Samuel finds out,
he is worried, but Tony says that he should believe
in Issac. When Samuel sees that they have a
good plan and are well prepared, he is comforted.

On the day of the flight, the weather turns bad and
Zita and Donald are worried. Issac decides to face
what comes and Samuel seems calm, but is
observing them closely. Issac decides to fly and
Donald and Zita agree, so the three begin their first
flight. On take-off, the weather worsens rapidly and
there is a malfunction on the craft, but luckily, the
three keep their calm and overcome the difficulty.
Samuel and the other tutors praise them. They all
complete their training and return to Hong Kong. At
their graduation ceremony, they are all happy, but
Donald's father is absent due to his business and
he is very disappointed.....



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 Author| Post time 17-4-2006 09:00 PM | Show all posts
aku ingatkan isaac yang jadi best student rupernya chris.
aku tak suka sangat perangai isaac tu berlagak

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Post time 17-4-2006 09:11 PM | Show all posts
o_k suka isaac
dia mcm 'hebat' sket berbanding org lain
chris tuh yg mana yer??? ( sambil2 dok refresh)

ari ni tx tgk
apa citer hr nih chris

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Post time 17-4-2006 09:28 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by silencez at 14-4-2006 09:45 AM
a'a la kepten. si isaac tu kena buat lagi sekali pun alih2 terus full mark :bgrin:

wah...isaac dpt full mark ker?
tu la
dah terlepas 2 episod laaa

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 Author| Post time 18-4-2006 09:49 AM | Show all posts
tak dapat aku bayangkan kalo ada orang beranak kat airport

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Post time 18-4-2006 11:51 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hidden_fear at 18-4-2006 09:49 AM
tak dapat aku bayangkan kalo ada orang beranak kat airport


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Post time 18-4-2006 12:04 PM | Show all posts

Reply #256 hidden_fear's post

comel la panda u
sukerrrrr o_k

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Post time 18-4-2006 01:25 PM | Show all posts
chris tu lak yg dpt best... errk best aper ntah  best cadet ke...??  

Mamat yg tgh terbang leh mendarat lak sbb nak gi toilet :lol

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Post time 18-4-2006 03:28 PM | Show all posts

Reply #255 oghang_kedah's post

ff: oghang kedah.. lama tak nampak

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