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Author: movieman

Frank Miller's 300

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Post time 24-3-2007 12:40 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by carrie_connie at 23-3-2007 07:44 PM

comparing KOH,Gladiator, Alexander, Troy & 300..
yg paling kasik impact kat aku Gladiator & 300..Troy bagi aku telah dispoiltkan oleh Brad Pitt (walopon dier cekci giler ), attenti ...

mmg ramai yg ckp Brad Pitt spoiled Troy aku tak nampak pula part mana yg spoil tu .. aku tgk ok jer .. in fact lakonan dia lar antara yg buat aku bersemangat tgk cite Troy ni ..

300 paling best storyline? .. aik bkn storyline dia simple je ke? .. aku rasa 300 paling tak kuat part storyline .. biasa jer .. kekuatan 300 should be part grafik or fighting scene or anything related with cinematography ..

anyway everyone has their own say ..

p/s: sape pandai english tlg ajar aku .. shud i use has or have kat ayat atas tu? ..

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Post time 24-3-2007 12:55 AM | Show all posts
grafik cantik dalam 300.. storyline kureng sikit.. sebab too little we know about Xerxes.. lagi satu villains dlm citer nih digambarkan takde yg heabt.. immortals pun mcm x power jer.. spartan jer yg hebat.. sampaikan dlm scene diorang tgh perang tuh aku beberapa kali cakap b"biar betik.. takkanla sorang pun tak mampos, 300 lwn 10 000 tuh takkanla bodo sgt org askar parsi nih " ape ape pun mmg well worth tonton citer nih sekiranya anda suka aksi perang yg klasik.. cuma bila elemen2 meng gladiatorkan citer ni aku perasan.. ehhe contohnya masa askar buta sebelah tuh jumpa bini leonidas kat ladang tuh.. aku rasa keoriginalannya tercabar ler.. atmospheresama mcm  tuh kita dah tgk dlm gladiator.. rasanya takperlu la nak ulang..

p/s- ape ape pun aku terasa jugak dlm hati sebab dlm citer nih askar2 parsi berpakaian mcm askar2 islam nyer outfit.. lagi satu scene selepas perang yg mana askar2 sparta ni bunuh askar2 parsi yg helpless.. alahai kesian jer rasa.. terkilas aku video pemuda iraq kene tembak dlm masjid kat iraq harituh..

[ Last edited by  kermittx at 24-3-2007 01:01 AM ]

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Post time 24-3-2007 01:21 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kermittx at 24-3-2007 12:55 AM
grafik cantik dalam 300.. storyline kureng sikit.. sebab too little we know about Xerxes.. lagi satu villains dlm citer nih digambarkan takde yg heabt.. immortals pun mcm x power jer.. spartan je ...

lagi 1 yg buat storyline dia kureng skit sbb part2 belakang tabir perang tu mcm buah tak cukup masak .. if the politics behind the war were much more develop .. it wud make the storyline much better .. but i wud not blame the film maker .. sbb ni filem adaptasi novel grafik .. so the projection is being focus towards the battle scene n how beautiful the graphic can be ..

oh ya .. aku bila tgk immortals tu .. aku terus teringat askar maharaja dlm Curse of the Golden Flower ..

p/s: aku bila tgk part lepas battle diorg bunuh askar parsi yg helpless tu aku tak rasa kesian plak .. in fact a few of us ketawa kecil pula dlm panggung masa scene tu ..

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Post time 24-3-2007 10:12 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by yellow belmont at 24-3-2007 12:40 AM

mmg ramai yg ckp Brad Pitt spoiled Troy aku tak nampak pula part mana yg spoil tu .. aku tgk ok jer .. in fact lakonan dia lar antara yg buat aku bersemangat tgk cite Troy ni ..

300 ...

bg aku ler..storyline simple tue yg membuatkan dier best..

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Post time 24-3-2007 11:57 AM | Show all posts
Good movie..especially special effects was cool....cuma nak komen sket about some myths ...

Cause its based on a comicbook, no one should take it face value as something historical....just for entertainment purposes and a good work of fiction roughly based on an historical event.....

Nie aku letak some hisorical background 2 explain some myths....

300 is based on the battle of  Battle of Thermopylae where a greek army ( bukan Spartans sahaja!!) took a final stand at the Thermopylae pass againTs the invading Persian are some facts of the battle...

1. total Greeks in the battle was not 300...yes there were 300 spartans but also others....including 700 Thespian strength was 5,200 men...but the Spartans led the battle as the spartans were legendary for their bravery and fighting spirit....thier legendary last stand inspired the Greek people and immortalized the Spartans in the anals of history number of Persian army that was directly involve in the battle was 210,000 troops ...for the whole invasion force of was 1,7,000,000 a million soldiers was roughly correct ..but only a portion was involvded in the battle...

3. Persians were a very civiliised race and were not a race of barbaric, hordes , eager 2 make slaves ..they even honoured thier enemies for thier bravery  ....they also actually hired and paid people as soldiers ...regardless of race or ethinic backgrounds,,in fact they were even hired Greeks in the persian army fighting againts greeks....

4.the Greeks were not a free or Democrasy loving race as dipicted...only 14% of the population was involvded in a democratic goverment and nearly 37%" of the population were slaves.  Sparta was actually a militarty monarchy and not democracy goverment.

Just my 2 cents....just enjoy watching the movie....

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Post time 24-3-2007 12:28 PM | Show all posts
Jika ada yg rasa syok dgn filem ini, pada saya, dia seolah-olah melepaskan identiti Asianya. Sama macam mereka yg syok dgn Black Hawk Down melepaskan identiti Malaysianya. Di zaman huru-hara ini, kalian sebagai graduan universiti mestilah menilai secara kritis apa jua yg diterbitkan dlm media (termasuk filem), bukanlah menerima shj apa yg orang bagi. Jika tidak bersetuju dgn saya pun, sekurang-kurangnya kalian mesti sudah membuat sesuatu penilaian yg bukan astetikal tetapi akademik terhadap sebarang filem yg ditonton.

  pandangan yg sangat sempit..disebabkan seseorang tu seronok tengok filem black hawk down,orang tu dikira MELEPASKAN IDENTITI MALAYSIA so what's actually your point reinloch?does it mean dat in order to keep our malaysian identity,we shud only watch malaysian movie?man.....common...
black hawk down is one of my favourite movie..i watch it for fun n so dat u know,it makes me feel proud with our own army which fought alongside the US forces in bakara street.i know that malaysian forces was not depicted in the movie..but does it mean that if i watchd this movie,i were considered guilty for letting go my malaysian identity?

mungkin reinloch panas sbb dalam filim 300 ni,orang parsi digambarkan sebagai ganas,xbertamadun etc etc..bro reinloch,its a war movie...its not a romantic comedies like all those prof razak mohaideen's movies (a.k.a rubbish)   orang parsi bukan islam pun...xkan reinloch terasa panas sebab nampak mcm "orang islam" ni ganas.mmg btul....kalau filem2 dr barat gambarkan bende yang xbtul psl islam..aku pn marah.tapi cube kalau ape yang ditunjukkan dalam movie tu btul...mesti reinloch xbisingkan.

contohnye mcm ni la...kalau reinloch ade tengok kingdom of heaven,ade satu scene tuh 2 panglima kristian, A dan B, kene tangkap dan dibawa menghadap salahuddin al-ayyubi.salahuddin passkan air+salji (kire bestla sebab kat tgh padang pasir,tiba2 ada air ais) kat panglima A nih.jadi lepas panglima A tuh minum die passkan kat panglima B. lepastu salahuddin kata "aku x cakap pn ko bleh bagi air tu kat mamat seblah ko" trus die pancung panglima B. kawan aku punyela bengang psl scene tuh sebab die kate orang hollywood nak propaganda yang islam ni ganas.aku pn stori la kat die.....erm..bentu tuh mmg btul2 jadi dlm sejarah.. tetibe die xjadi nak bengang plak...wutda hell?

xsemestinya semua movie dari hollywood nih tipu+propaganda+yahudi etc etc...ade yang betul..cume kite kenelah paham2 sendiri yang kite tengah tengok movie...bukan dokumentari..  boleh kan reinloch? :hatdown:

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Post time 24-3-2007 01:17 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by carrie_connie at 24-3-2007 10:12 AM

bg aku ler..storyline simple tue yg membuatkan dier best..

hehe .. i guess sometime a simple thing is simply the best ..

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Post time 24-3-2007 03:33 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by yellow belmont at 24-3-2007 01:17 PM

hehe .. i guess sometime a simple thing is simply the best ..

spot on

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Post time 24-3-2007 10:48 PM | Show all posts
dvd rip dah released kat torrent jiwang, mari donlod

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Post time 24-3-2007 10:51 PM | Show all posts
ari ni aku berjaya usha 300..haha movie yg nk bwat aku tergelak guling2 ..300tentera sparta yg hanye lengkap dgn perisai+lembing lwn beriban2tentera tentera sparta buat dorang mcm cap ayam jer hanta lar bermacam jenis tentera..askar berkuda ke..askar bergajahke..askar berbadak ke..raksasa frakeinstein ke..tentera sparta rileksjer handle pastu aku igt bile parsi antar tentera immortal yg kununnye tenteraterelit dorang dan tentera terhebat di asia adalah fight skitkan..skali cap ayam jer :lol haku rase kalo org bongkok tu tak bgtau rahsia jalan belakang tu sampai kiamat tak abes perang tu :lol tapi layan la jugak tgk efek2 menarik and scene perang tu..hahahaha :lol tapi aku rase bile dh nak abes tu pengarah tulis la mcm sarikata skit ape terjadi lepas tak lepas 10 ribu tentera sparta bersorak nk lwan parsi dah habis tros

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Post time 25-3-2007 01:30 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by FAC at 24-3-2007 10:51 PM
ari ni aku berjaya usha 300..haha movie yg nk bwat aku tergelak guling2 ..300tentera sparta yg hanye lengkap dgn perisai+lembing lwn beriban2tentera tentera sparta buat dorang mcm  ...

Yes aku setuju pendapat hangg ni.....aku tak paham tentera SParta ni...pakai helmet tapi aku rasa tak pakai perisai baju tu utk p perang..citer ni sesaje nak tunjuk body gamaknya...too much flesh for me in this movie....Perisai diorg very concrete mak datukk....cucuk beribu2 juta aku rasa tu oleh Immortals lagi tuu...dah berlubang lagi ..tak terkena jugak kat body Spartans tu...pelik2...hehe.. Yang aku tak setujunya...apa kehal scene raja Persian tu..masa nak membodek hunchback tu...macam strip joint je palace dia...takde respect-ation for the Persians..part tu aku tak kenan sgt..pada tahap keji la aku rasa scene wonder the Iranians are blardy MAD!! Kalaupun nak buat cam komik scene pun...buat la cantik hadap sangat la (tunjuk 18SX scenes sbb nk lakukan filem kaa??)...and wayyy too much orang india pulak..sorry for taking this seriously but i cant help it..sbb certain parts tu nampak sgt diorg tunjukkan SPartans ni macam Superhumans...cehhh

The only good part is the teamwork...n semangat padu Spartans...boleh assemble team askar berperisai sampai jadi turtle shell...tu quite cool la.....and the bearded Leonidas or whatever tu..pun cool jugak la...boleh tahann...

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Post time 25-3-2007 03:16 PM | Show all posts

Reply #228 yellow belmont's post

uii..dshyat gak impak yg ko  d pt ek, lpas tgk citer troy tu..huhu...bagus bagus...

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Post time 26-3-2007 09:27 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by eldorado at 25-3-2007 03:16 PM
uii..dshyat gak impak yg ko  d pt ek, lpas tgk citer troy tu..huhu...bagus bagus...

apa yg bagusnya tu? ..

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Post time 27-3-2007 01:34 AM | Show all posts
bg aku lak.. it's just another war movie.. ingatkan cam gempak jer, not a bit dissapointing result...

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Post time 27-3-2007 03:25 AM | Show all posts
I saw this as a fantasy film with everything exagerated and stylized.

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Post time 27-3-2007 03:28 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by yellow belmont at 3/21/07 07:54
ermm .. aku pun rasa mcm tu .. i guess it is understandable why they react that way .. since movie ni ada kena mengena ngan sejarah diorg .. dan imej diorg bkn la baik dlm cite ni .. ditambah ...

The director had artistic license to redraw it they way he wishes.

Did you guys really think Persians were Africans? Did you think Xerxes was an 8 ++ feet tall African?

Had it been exactly as history made it, it would have been boring!

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Post time 27-3-2007 07:56 AM | Show all posts
watched Love Actually.....hensemnyer Xerxes........

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Post time 27-3-2007 09:18 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by DARSITA at 27-3-2007 03:28 AM

The director had artistic license to redraw it they way he wishes.

Did you guys really think Persians were Africans? Did you think Xerxes was an 8 ++ feet tall African?

Had it been  ...

err .. did u quote the wrong post? .. i dont think im the one who can not accept the movie .. :stp: :stp:

anyway if it was made just exactlly the way it is in history .. not necessarily it will be boring .. maybe just less eyecandy for ladies ..

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Post time 28-3-2007 06:04 PM | Show all posts


Persians are definitely NOT Arabs. They speak Persian/Farsi/Parsi. Arabs merely make up more or less 3% of Iran's population. Ada Iranians teramat sensitif dgn isu 300 ni BUT Iranians yg betul-betul berfikir akan hanya tergelak dgn isu ni. Iyerlah bayangkan berapa banyak daa petisyen anti-300 ni dan rumour(?) cadangan untuk saman-menyaman kerajaan iran ke atas hollywood?  Filem ni berdasar komik fantasi Mr Miller semata Definitely NOT an actual historical portrayal..whateverrr..Please, do your read more and as much as if you care, buddies?

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Post time 28-3-2007 06:28 PM | Show all posts
bagi aku filem ni sebenarnya menggambarkan tentera Xerxes tu sebagai US. dan tentera Sparta tu sebagai mana2 negara yang US serang(be it Iraq, Afghan or Iran).

look closely.

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