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Author: slippergombak

[Jenayah] Syed Mokhtar monopoli keperluan kita seharian....

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Post time 24-10-2012 02:43 PM | Show all posts
yg defend Tan Sri ni mcm x paham isu yg dibangkitkan ke??

cuba main Monopoli atau Saidina... dan cuba jangan beli apa2 aset kat atas papan permainan tu.. biarkan sorang je beli semua..cuba rasa macam ne

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Post time 24-10-2012 02:44 PM | Show all posts
slippergombak posted on 24-10-2012 01:06 PM
mmg benar.. beras ada memacam cop beras... ada cap arnab, ada cap burung helang, cap faiza.... cub ...

habis tu makanlahh roti ke pasta ke mee ke mihun ke....ade banyak cara...kot beras siam pon impot bernas ke?

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Post time 24-10-2012 02:45 PM | Show all posts
biarla dia...busuk2 pon org ereb kita

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 Author| Post time 24-10-2012 02:55 PM | Show all posts
kueh_kueh posted on 24-10-2012 02:44 PM
habis tu makanlahh roti ke pasta ke mee ke mihun ke....ade banyak cara...kot beras siam pon impot  ...

beras siam kaa.. beras burma kaa... beras pakistan kaa tetap diimport oleh bernas ajer....

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Post time 24-10-2012 02:56 PM | Show all posts
flying_cow posted on 24-10-2012 02:09 PM
Arab ni asyik bolot konsesi daripada gomen jah..bukan sebab dia pandai sangat bisnes.

org2 bawahan dia pandai wpun dia tak pandai...

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Post time 24-10-2012 03:00 PM | Show all posts
sbg org yg buta pasal org2 kaya & bisnes, aku nak tanya 1 jah..
kalau nak pecah monopoli nih...saper lg org melayu yg layak..?

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Post time 24-10-2012 03:11 PM | Show all posts
RM34.5b debts: Another crisis in the making?[color=rgb(112, 112, 112) !important]Teoh El Sen
|        June 20, 2012

DAP MP Tony Pua wants to know if the government would have to bail out Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary's companies, which have incurred massive debts.

KUALA LUMPUR: Will there be a repeat of the 1998 financial crisis due to the massive corporate debts of tycoon Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary amounting to RM34.5 billion?
Asking this today, Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua cited the 1998 Asian financial crisis which precipitated the collapse of “Umno crony company, Renong Bhd”, which, at the time, had debts in excess of RM20 billion (about 7% of all loans in the banking system then.)
He said that Renong had gone bankrupt and caused hundreds of millions in losses to investors, leading to the collapse of the stock market index and triggered a RM10 billion bailout of the company by the government.
Pua said Renong was one of the largest and favoured conglomerates by the BN government with interests in highways (PLUS, UEM, Linkedua), rail (KTM, Putra LRT), property, telecommunications (TIME) and a whole host of other companies.
“Fast forward 14 years later, we now have Syed Mokhtar’s group of companies which have a combined debt of RM34.3 billion or more than 10% of all local currency outstanding corporate bonds as at 2011.
“These companies have a total cash and cash equivalents of RM7.8 billion as at May 2012,” said the DAP publicity chief.
Pua urged the government to explain what measures have been taken with Syed Mokhtar’s companies to avoid a situation similar to Renong.
“The finance ministry must make available data on how much our financial institutions and statutory bodies such as the Employees Provident Fund (EPF), Civil Service Retirement Fund (KWAP), Tabung Haji Fund and Armed Forces Fund (LTAT) have invested in these debts,” Pua said, adding that all the above have provided loans to Syed Mokhtar’s companies.
“We call upon the government to assure Malaysian taxpayers that in the event of a default, public monies will not be made to pay for the follies of Barisan Nasional cronies.”

Monster bailouts
Detailing the debts of Syed Moktar’s companies, Pua said they far exceeded that of Renong’s and expressed his fear that there would be a repeat of the Renong crisis requiring “monster bailouts with taxpayers’ funds”.
“This fear is especially real in the light of a global economic slowdown and a fallout from the eurozone financial crisis,” he said.
Pua said that Syed Mokhtar’s empire is generally held under four listed entities.
“The largest of them is the 51.8%-owned MMC Corporation Bhd whose group alone has outstanding debt of RM24.2 billion. The key subsidiaries of MMC Corporation are Malakoff Corporation, Gas Malaysia, Aliran Ihsan Resources, Port of Tanjong Pelepas, Johor Port, Senai Airport Terminal Services, SMART Tunnel and the MMC-Gamuda joint ventures.”
“His second largest entity is the 55.9%-owned DRB-Hicom Bhd which has debt of RM5.7 billion, including the most recent RM3.0 billion debt raised to acquire Proton Bhd.”
Pua said other companies of the group are Edaran Otomobil Nasional, Modenas, Honda Malaysia, Bank Muamalat, Puspakom, Alam Flora, POS Malaysia, Defence Technologies and several property development companies.
“The third entity is 43.0%-owned Tradewinds (M) Bhd which has debt of RM3.48 billion. It owns Bernas which has a monopoly on rice purchase, import and distribution in Malaysia; Central Sugar Refinery and smaller stakes in Malaysian Sugar Manufacturing Bhd, which together monopolises the Malaysian sugar market; and Tradewinds Plantations.”
Pua said the fourth and final entity is the 71.5%-owned Tradewinds Corporation which has a debt of RM890 million. It runs several major hotel chains in Malaysia, including Crowne Plaza, Mutiara Kuala Lumpur, Hilton Kuching and Petaling Jaya and Hotel Istana.
“Despite the expansiveness of his empire, and the load of his debt holdings, the Prime Minister’s Department has just confirmed the privatisation of Penang Port to him. With no details yet available, the acquisition will certainly require him to raise possibly several billions of additional debt to fund the exercise.
“What’s more, it has been widely rumoured that Syed Moktar is also leading the race to acquire Port Klang [Northport Holdings] as well as KTM Bhd.”

****Syed Mokhtar ini bukan business hebat pun, tapi business dia survive pasal UMNO-BN bantu dia bail out dan bagi negara tanggung 10% national debt daripada kroni seekor ni...sementara puak2 ketuanan tiap tahun kena bantu bayar hutang Syed Mokhtar ini, mereka tetap bangga dgn kroni "melayu" ini....mmg lembu yg tak pakai otak Last edited by cmf_herrhughie on 24-10-2012 03:16 PM


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Post time 24-10-2012 03:14 PM | Show all posts
slippergombak posted on 24-10-2012 01:29 PM
cina kuasai ekonomi negara.. tapi mereka bukan monopoli sengsorang... mereka beramai2.... ko paham ...

sebab cina dah lama berniaga, ade ramai usahawan2 mereka yg berskala besar-besaran yg boleh ambik projek mega-mega. Melayu masih dalam fasa development. Beluam ramai lagi. Bisnes SMB dah cukup besar dan berpengalaman untuk weather business punya pancaroba. Kalau bagi kat usahawan yg tak cukup besar dalam skala global, macam mana dia nak harungi cabaran pasaran yg berpuluh lagi besar? Nanti lama-lama akan bertambahlah usahawan-usahawan bumiputera yang berskala macam SMB. Dia pun bukan hidup selama-lamanya, akan ketemu ajal jugak. Ni baru ada satu usahawan mega macam SMB, ramai yang bising. Kalau satu pun dah bising, macam mana nak lahir lagi ramai macam SMB? Ni yang I tak paham.

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Post time 24-10-2012 03:17 PM | Show all posts
karipap posted on 24-10-2012 03:14 PM
sebab cina dah lama berniaga, ade ramai usahawan2 mereka yg berskala besar-besaran yg boleh ambik  ...

cuba baca post #247..tengok betul2 siapa businessman "berjaya" yg kamu banggakan tu..

kamu tiap2 hari kena bantu dia settlekan hutang dia...tapi dapat keuntungan dia saja yg dapat, kamu hanya dapat kencing dia

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Post time 24-10-2012 03:18 PM | Show all posts
Mana ada monopoli sangat pun.

Bab makanan, gardenia, gula and bernas. Bab beras and gula adalah his old businesses, jadi secara naturallynya dia diberi kepercayaan plus his malay/bumi status accord him better advantage. Bab gardenia pulak, alah..... banyak lagi roti lain boleh pilih. Dah dia ada duit untuk beli share, marketing bagus, glemer ler gardenia. Saya makan roti mamak je sejak azali, anak2 je sedap makan gardenia.

Bidang lain macam logistic/transportations, memang ler kena sentiasa cari peluang untuk tambah revenue. Bila group Bukhari ada interest to invest, led by prominent management team, strong political connection, senang lah nak pegang strategic industry. Nak marah apa kalau dia pindah proton ke tg malik. Plan tu mmg dah ada, hampir mati plan tu sblm bukhari group pi revive. Dan ianya adalah tindakan strategik yg bagus, untuk go into property development di Shah Alam. Rugii je tanah2 situ buat kilang banyak2 sedangkan buat rumah juta2 lagi bagus untuk tambah revenue. Dulu dengar Shah Alam, ingat kilang. Sekarang kena tanya dulu sekyen berapa, kota nama apa.

Mungkin juga, dalam perkara2 tertentu Bukhary hanya boneka pada kerajaan BN. Mungkin his trustworthiness dan semangat bangsa malaysia lebih tinggi berbanding melayu/bumiputera dan kaum2 lain, sebab tulah sesetengah takeover "nampak" tidak begitu genuine. Sebab nanti kalau PR berjaya mengambil alih pemerintahan, kemungkinan besar dah takde GLC depa boleh control.

Banyak sektor yg dia masuk adalah strategik pada negara yg mana kena jadi hak negara, sampai bila2 tak boleh dijual pada org luar atau berisiko untuk digadaikan.

Saya masih ingat masa muda sikit dulu2, bila ada kes2 yang menganaiya pengguna islam, akan adalah suara2 yg berkata, itulah bila orang bukan islam kontrol benda2 penting dalam hidup orang islam. Hari ni, bila ada sorang jutawan islam yang mengambil risiko samada dalam business atau pandangan masyarakat, dia dituduh monopoli. Monopoli ni bila takde palyer lain. Jangan la dok kata bernas monopoli, retail players masih ramai yg boleh offer berbagai harga dan gred beras pada satu standard harga yg ditetapkan oleh bernas. Kalau tak dijaga bernas, yang pasti, habislah plan nak revive kegiatan penanaman padi dan petani yg ada pun boleh buat homestay atas tanah sawah.

Nak kata transport, alahai, banyak players lain, beli la brand lain.

Nak kata port, Bukhari pegang semua port kat malaysia ke?

KTMB dan POS adalah 2 sad stories yang memerlukan revival. Mungkin revenue yg lain boleh tolong recover these 2 sad stories.  Kesian ler kat pekerja2 yg bergantung hidup pada KTMB dan pos.

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Post time 24-10-2012 03:18 PM | Show all posts
NIXAR posted on 24-10-2012 01:27 PM
projek P3-21A tuh dh buat la tu. kalo dia amik alih ada la kesinambungan projek tuh.

Tu saje je I tanya. Tapi, cukup  besarke bisnes datuk nazmi untuk ambil alih proton? Zaman sekarang mostly syarikat kereta dunia bermasalah untuk survive. Takkan nak harap bantuan geran kerajaan ajer untuk proton. Kalau DRB, dia ade banyak syarikat-syarikat gergasi lain dalam group untuk cover proton kalau ade masalah di kemudian hari. Networking automotive sector DRB pun besar.

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Post time 24-10-2012 03:21 PM | Show all posts
cmf_herrhughie posted on 24-10-2012 03:17 PM
cuba baca post #247..tengok betul2 siapa businessman "berjaya" yg kamu banggakan tu..

kamu tiap ...

Tak payahla nak ajar bende bodoh kat saya. Kebanyakan syarikat2 besar dunia pun banyak hutang sebab stake dah besar. Mungkin syarikat-syarikat lendir dan judi  macam genting,berjaya,tanjung dlln yang kurang sikit hutang.

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Post time 24-10-2012 03:21 PM | Show all posts
baulu posted on 24-10-2012 03:18 PM
Mana ada monopoli sangat pun.

Bab makanan, gardenia, gula and bernas. Bab beras and gula adalah  ...

bab beras gula itu his old business???? aduh mana dapat sejarah songsang tu?

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Post time 24-10-2012 03:23 PM | Show all posts
karipap posted on 24-10-2012 03:21 PM
Tak payahla nak ajar bende bodoh kat saya. Kebanyakan syarikat2 besar dunia pun banyak hutang seba ...

kebykan company di dunia ni hutang tapi bukan bailed out dan masuk hutang negara la, bodoh

hanya kroni seekor ni masuk hutang negara dan kamu happy bayar hutang utk dia, siap bangga2 dgn minum kencing dia

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Post time 24-10-2012 03:23 PM | Show all posts
kekayaan Syed lebih kurang 10 billion tapi gomen guaranteed loan dah nak sampai 40 billion...
(kire hutang Tan Sri nie dah cecah 40B) rasenyer Daim atau Taib lagi kaya kot....

dier nie cuma 'dummy' mastermind dier kat belakang...
klu tgk blk pon Proton, DRB-Hicom, Modenas, etc... nie sumer siapa yg punyer idea... bapa tauke beeer kat filipina...

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Post time 24-10-2012 03:27 PM | Show all posts
cmf_herrhughie posted on 24-10-2012 03:23 PM
kebykan company di dunia ni hutang tapi bukan bailed out dan masuk hutang negara la, bodoh

jangan panggil org bodoh boleh tak? Kalau saya drill awak cukup-cukup, mungkin telinga awak tak tahan dengar makian saya nanti. Tak payah nak tipu. Kebanyakan syarikat-syarikat private yang bersangkutan national interest even di negara pasaran bebas USA pun dibail out oleh kerajaan.

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Post time 24-10-2012 03:28 PM | Show all posts
baulu posted on 24-10-2012 03:18 PM
Mana ada monopoli sangat pun.

Bab makanan, gardenia, gula and bernas. Bab beras and gula adalah  ...

Sangat setuju dgn your points di atas tu. For me, dia orang yang boleh di harap . Furthermore there is no bad story about his family... anak dia berapa pun I tak tau. Very low profile family. Banyak pulak tolong orang susah. Tak perlulah nak keji dia etc sbb banyak yang dia dah tolong orang susah tapi tak highlighted by media pun. Lagipun, orang orang dia mmg loyal.


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Post time 24-10-2012 03:28 PM | Show all posts
karipap posted on 24-10-2012 03:27 PM
jangan panggil org bodoh boleh tak? Kalau saya drill awak cukup-cukup, mungkin telinga awak tak ta ...

habis, apa akibat bailed out? ini siap masuk hutang negara...

nak kata kamu cerdik pun susah

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Post time 24-10-2012 03:29 PM | Show all posts
karipap posted on 24-10-2012 03:18 PM
Tu saje je I tanya. Tapi, cukup  besarke bisnes datuk nazmi untuk ambil alih proton? Zaman sekaran ...

bagi pendapat aku Dato' Nazmi bukan org baru dlm bidang automotif. selain pemilik KTB dia juga ada banyak connection. sebelum DRB amik alih perjalanan Proton bwh Dato' Syed Zainal mmg rancak sekali. banyak kemajuan. banding dgn cara zaman Tengku Mahaleel. kena ingat SB amik alih Proton pun bukan pakai duit dia semua. dgn xde perancangan, skang ni pun dh nampak mcm xde arah. Lotus yg ade beberapa model dibangunkan ada yg kena pangkah. tambah lagi DRB xde pengalaman dlm pengeluaran kereta. cuma pasang dia tau. ade beza yg besar antara dua perkara tu. selain tu pengumuman DRB lepas amik alih Proton dgn nak tutup kilang Shah Alam amatlah buat org syak wasangka. belum apa2 dah ada plan nak jual tanah. sykt yg ade hala tuju ke mcm tu.

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Post time 24-10-2012 03:29 PM | Show all posts
scorpionkiki posted on 24-10-2012 03:28 PM
Sangat setuju dgn your points di atas tu. For me, dia orang yang boleh di harap . Furthermore ther ...

dia spit out millions tapi telan billion kamu dah anggap dia "bantu org"....

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