Reply #260 ishwish23's post
That day when I met Mini (one of the forummers), we went to MAC counter. So the SA told us that for dark undereye circle, we shud use concealer which is 1 or 2 shades darker than our skintone. Yup, we were surprised with the answer, but she said that using concelaer with lighter colour than our skintone will only make the dark circles look more greyish. Lebih kurang macam tu la. So Mini bought the concealer for her dark undereye circle, and she totally loves it. Here's the product that she bought:

If u buy the product, the SA will show u the rite technique of applying the concealer. 
P/S: Opppsss..people, nampaknya ada kekeliruan di sini about the shades of the concealer. :tq: Saya tak pernah pakai concealer bawah mata, tu yg sedikit ignorant tu..Ampunnnn....:tq:
[ Last edited by MamaIlya at 18-6-2006 10:12 AM ] |
Originally posted by missylees at 17-6-2006 03:54 AM
missy bagi ni bukan tutorial (tak layak)..just nak tunjuk how i did my makeup utk pegi kelas n jalan2..
kadang2 tu lebih malas dr ni..kadang2 tu telebih rajin dr ni..tapi ni yg biasenye la 
h ...
lawa gilos tpsy tuuuuuu:love:
dah le pipi ade tulang mmg lawo gilos ah!! |
ronnie, tq lipstick tu mmg one of my favorite :ah:
fairy, ohh cakap kite lawak eee.. :ketuk: :ketuk: :lol
shin, thanks..missy tak reti nak buat makeup mata mcm shin..n kulit missy tak elok mcm shin :bgrin:
kak shah, die tu?tak comel..heh :tq:
mrs, dgn tak malu nye nak mengaku..mmg lawa!haha..beli la satu mrs :devil: :devil: |
missy... cute!!.... paling menggoda... lips yg takde kedut2 ..... heheehe |
Originally posted by fairy_fairy at 15-6-2006 01:25 PM
tak minat nak buat eyelash perming
ke sis?i tried it early this year and
memang nampak beza sangat.
macam mata baby doll!(perasan jap! :bgrin: )
paid RM20 for the service then tahan for
3 ...
mmg best perming... tapi ade a few drawbacks...
1. susah nak pakai liquid eyeliner... sebab mencanak sangat eyelash...
2. lepas a few month... die jadik sangat bercelaru... tah kemana2 die pegi.... serabut la...... kena tahan aaa sket, sebab die takleh nak lurus..... (i remember dalam phase ni, i told myself to not do perming ever again... tapi skang teruja balik sebab leceh nak curl2) |
Originally posted by MamaIlya at 17-6-2006 10:20 PM
That day when I met Mini (one of the forummers), we went to MAC counter. So the SA told us that for dark undereye circle, we shud use concealer which is 1 or 2 shades darker than our skintone. Yup, ...
kak shah ku syg, silap tu. use concealer that is 1 shade lighter than our skintone.
dats why kalu kite tenok artist nye makeup, their undereyes cam putih jek.
n yes im totally in love with mac concealer. hilang my heredy undereyes yg gelap. |
Originally posted by MamaIlya at 1-6-2006 05:31 PM
Okay, I know some of you yg takut nak mengenakan eyeliner, maybe becoz dah pernah tercucuk mata while doing it etc etc. But actually you need not afraid of lining your eyes, becoz it抯 the most su ...
teruja dengan shah nye tutorial and gamba mata die....
haku dah jual pun eyeliner mac.... sebab tak penah reti pakai...
tapi terasa nak beli balik la pulak.....:geram: |
Reply #266 minidictionary's post
Eh, ye ker? Bukan dia kata darker sikit ker? Ke haku yg salah dengar? Hohoho... |
Reply #268 MamaIlya's post
kalau buh darker lagik la undereyes nampak gelap.
kalau buh terang skit, die nampak tercover after letak loose powder |
Reply #269 minidictionary's post
Thanx mini for the correction! |
Originally posted by Mz_tera at 18-6-2006 09:39 AM
mmg best perming... tapi ade a few drawbacks...
1. susah nak pakai liquid eyeliner... sebab mencanak sangat eyelash...
2. lepas a few month... die jadik sangat bercelaru... tah kemana2 die ...
umm,tak juga miz_tera coz mine dia sekata jer time
nak turun tu.as for eyeliner memang fairy tak pakai.
tapi kalau apply mascara memang nampak super tebal
la..:bgrin: |
mellisa88 This user has been deleted
sori ff:
apa nama stuff tuk highliting & shading ni? brand apa yg nampak natural :tq: |
mengapa everytime i use eyeliner mesti ada kesan hitam bawah mata....i use pencil...dah try many kind tapi tetap smudge juga plz help |
Reply #273 catzlean's post
do u haf oily face? cuba try pakai eyeliner kat atas saje, bwh mata x yah. |
Originally posted by catzlean at 19-6-2006 11:12 PM
mengapa everytime i use eyeliner mesti ada kesan hitam bawah mata....i use pencil...dah try many kind tapi tetap smudge juga plz help
:setuju: same problem ngan missy..sbb kulit telampau oily.
but problem solved! :clap: gune teknik tightlining yang kak shah ajar :ah:
dlu boleh apply atas aje,skang bole atas bawah utk lower lashline pun gune tightlining tau |
ya kulit i memang sangat oily....rupanya gitu...i keep buying all pencil tapi sama juga ...thanks guys... |
Originally posted by missylees at 20-6-2006 12:18 AM
:setuju: same problem ngan missy..sbb kulit telampau oily.
but problem solved! :clap: gune teknik tightlining yang kak shah ajar :ah:
dlu boleh apply atas aje,skang bole atas bawah utk l ...
herm...kalu kulit oily bole ke buat smokey eyes?
tightlining ni bole buat smokey eyes gak ke? |
Originally posted by catzlean at 20-6-2006 11:14 AM
ya kulit i memang sangat oily....rupanya gitu...i keep buying all pencil tapi sama juga ...thanks guys...
even yg waterproof punye? |
water proof kdg2 tulih je water proof,cam liquide liner maybelline,ckp water proof tp bila kene air sememeh gak
kdg2 yg water proof lebih nampak sememeh dr yg bukan water proof |
Originally posted by mrs_livingstone at 20-6-2006 04:02 PM
water proof kdg2 tulih je water proof,cam liquide liner maybelline,ckp water proof tp bila kene air sememeh gak
kdg2 yg water proof lebih nampak sememeh dr yg bukan water proof
betul betul :setuju:
last time i make smokey eyes...after a while..nampak macam tak cukup tidur..hitam-hitam di bawah kelopak mata...:geram: |
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Category: Wanita & Lelaki