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Author: isabel

PARK YONG HA ~ R.I.P [1977-2010]

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Post time 10-7-2010 01:34 AM | Show all posts
cassio ade yg album LOVE tu je..
i want the concert..waaa T_T

thx korg for everything.. ingat xde org nak update ke xberani nak post anything

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Post time 12-7-2010 09:21 AM | Show all posts
Reply 259# isabel

    kak bel ritu chimei ada gak cari album dia mase kat korea tak jumpo..sobabnyo dia byk buat album kat jepun sano...

kat soompi ade discography dia..

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Post time 12-7-2010 10:20 AM | Show all posts
cassio ade yg album LOVE tu je..
i want the concert..waaa T_T

thx korg for everything.. ingat x ...
cassiopeia Post at 10-7-2010 01:34 AM

akak ada gak donlot cons dia yang summer thn 2005 jer... tu je la 1, nk donlot LOVE, link  mcm dh expired.. amik kat site yg kittie pm akak....
ada tgk kat YT dia bawak ost all in tu msa cons... sedap sangat

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Post time 17-7-2010 10:51 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by twinkystar at 17-7-2010 10:52

terjumpa clips neh
ada the late PYH dlm short story versi mv neh

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Post time 20-7-2010 08:06 AM | Show all posts
14,200 Japanese fans offer flowers to Park Yong Ha

A ceremony called “STAR FOREVER” to offer flowers to Park Yong Ha was held at the Tokyo International Forum on the 18th and 14,200 fans gathered there.

It was the same day as when Park Yong Ha was planning to hold a live concert at the Tokyo international Forum, so there should have been cheerful voices at the place, however, the Tokyo International Forum was flooded with fans’ tears.

It is very rare that a farewell ceremony is held for a non-Japanese celebrity, so it shows how much Park Yong Ha was loved in Japan.


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Post time 20-7-2010 09:40 AM | Show all posts
Reply 265# nzhass79

aikksss..sini pun jumpe akak nzhass..kekeke

hem..mengubat ati dengan mencari yg baru...adesss..

papepun skang tgh layan lagu2 dia..sedey2..
tp fans jepun mesti lagi gaban sedey sbb dorang suka beno ngan mendiang ni....T.T

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Post time 20-7-2010 10:16 AM | Show all posts
Reply 266# chimei

yup...lebih2 lg biler YH dh takde...kalo masa dia ada dulu cuma layan lagu tu jer...layan mp3
skrg nk cari seme cons mostly jumpe kat jipon ar...
mmg sangat best... ada 1 tu kat cons maner tah, sangat bes... dgn iringan muzik dia yg mmg saikou....
slalu dok ulang2 lagu ni dlm 2 versi....

chimeiiii... tlg akak.. chenta ngan YH  oppa makin mendalam lps dia takde

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Post time 20-7-2010 10:36 AM | Show all posts
Reply 267# nzhass79

    waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...akak!!!! ni chimei punye first crush tau!!!! sbb dia la chimei leh gi terobang korea tu byk kali ...semua sbb dia tau..kalo dak tak tau pun mcm mane rupe korea n orgnye..adess..sedey tu..

tinggal kenangan semua tuh..chimei minat gak kawan baik dia Park hyo shin tuh..latest MV hyo shin ade yong ha dlm tuh...stori MV tu hyoshin mati sbb disease tp in reality yong ha yg mati..waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...
mmg sedey tarap gaban time dpt news dia mati cam x bekelip mata bace tiap ayat kat news tu pastu gigih smpi malam dok cari cite dia..bile tgk kat utube betui2 dia dah mati..baru la bleh terima kenyataan..kalo dak mesti fikir ni mesti rumours je..
adesss..berat mata nak wat cano...he always be in my memory..

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Post time 20-7-2010 11:27 AM | Show all posts
Kesian kan PYH menamatkan riwayat hidup sendiri.....

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Post time 20-7-2010 01:33 PM | Show all posts
sayang kat ko rajin update news utk PYH kat sini...
thanks so much dear...

isabel Post at 9-7-2010 11:34

Thanks bel.

July 20, 2010

Late Park Yong Ha Still Lives in Japanese Fan’s Mind

In a concert hall normally filled with the sounds of singing and shouting, only the sound of crying could be heard in a heavy-laden atmosphere. Some fans even came up onto the stage and wailed.

The memorial ceremony to offer flowers to the soul of the late Park Yong Ha, who passed away on June 30 (died at the age of 32), was held at the International Forum Hall in Yurakucho, Tokyo. The agency of the deceased, Pony Canyon, hosted the ceremony entitled “Stars Forever” from 10 am until 6:20 pm for eight hours and twenty minutes on July 18. The ceremony to offer flowers to the late Park Yong Ha was actually scheduled to finish at 6 pm.

In the concert hall where the late Park had planned to hold a concert in Tokyo after a five year break, numerous fans continuously visited and some fans even took the first train which departed as early as 5 am to come to the hall, and some fans kept waiting for a long time in the evening. According to the host agency, around 14,200 fans came to the hall to pray for Ha to rest in peace.

Park Yong Ha’s unreleased photo which had been taken for the album jacket of his mini album entitled “Once In A Summer,” which was released in July last year, was unveiled as the picture of the deceased, and Park Yong Ha’s guitar that he had used to play when he performed in concert was displayed at the platform prepared for offering flowers. The late Park Yong Ha’s mother and older sister came to the hall and prayed for him when they arrived earlier at around 9:30 am.

Park’s close friend and famous producer Tsunku (42) also offered flowers for the dead. At around 10 am in the morning, more than 4,000 fans gathered in the hall and formed a grand procession which was so long it's end was difficult to see.

The organizer had to order more white carnations as an unexpected number of fans came to offer prayers for him. On a large screen hanging on the wall inside the hall, the videos of his live concerts filmed during his Japan tour held at Yokosuka and Kawaguchi played, although his appearance singing enthusiastically made fans sad. Fans who were waiting for their turns to offer flowers cried in front of his picture and prayed for him to rest in peace. Some fans even wailed while holding onto the platform.

The host gave the late Park Yong Ha’s photo that was taken at the concert in Kawakuchi on June 26, his autographed signature, and the thank you note that his older sister had written to his fans as a representative message from the bereaved family, to his fans who visited the hall. The letter that his sister Park Hye Yeon had written for the fans began by saying, “To the many dear fans who have loved and helped my brother Yong Ha.” She continued to write, “I do not know how I can start this letter. Still, I cannot help crying. Just like all of you, our family members are in deep sorrow. I think that we need more time until we can accept this situation. Yong Ha had loved his work and he had dreamed of many things. He also had wanted to become happier with his family. Our Yong Ha who had been healthy in his body and mind and who had had a bright personality, no longer stays with us.” She expressed her sadness and continued to write, “Our family cannot understand the reason why Yong Ha left us so suddenly like that because he always used to talk about pleasant and happy episodes to us. But our family and all those people who had helped him so far want to treasure everything that he has left behind.”

Source: KBS Global

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Post time 21-7-2010 05:30 PM | Show all posts
July 21, 2010

Park Yong-ha still not let go by Japanese fans
Editor : Lynn Kim Editor : Lee Ji-Hye

The late Korean actor Park Yong-ha [photographed by Lee Won-woo/10Asia]

Japanese fans have still not let Park Yong-ha go

"We pray for the soul of Park Yong-ha from the bottom of our hearts. We are truly grateful for your bright smile." As Japan still continues to commemorate late Korean actor Park Yong-ha who took his own life on June 30, TBS' television show "KinSma" hosted by Nakai Masahiro, the leader of popular J-pop group SMAP, featured a special one-hour episode for Park on July 9. The relationship between the actor and the show began in July 2006 when Park stepped in as a temporary emcee for "KinSma." The special episode featured interviews with Japanese celebrities who had been close to Park, including producer Tsunku who created [J-pop girl band] Morning Musume and popular emcee Utsumi Midori who is famous for her connections with Korean stars, as well as showing Park's activities in Japan. A video letter from the late actor's fan Ishibashi Etsuko, who is suffering from an incurable disease, made viewers eyes well up with tears.

After TV series "Winter Sonata" aired in 2003, the most sought-after star in Japan was inarguably 'Yonsama' Bae Yong-joon. But Park Yong-ha also enjoyed as much popularity in the country after playing the role of Sang-hyuk, Bae's rival in love. When the show aired, the Japanese fans had reportedly divided up into 'Yonsama Group' and 'Yong-ha Group.' Park, who also led a singing career, had released his full-length album "STARS" in June and was in the middle of a nationwide tour in Japan. Thus, on the morning of June 30, numerous media outlets reported on Park's sudden death as much as they covered the results for the World Cup soccer game that had taken place the previous day. For several days afterwards, every TV station and program delivered Park's death as the headline news. The funeral services, which was carried out in Seoul, also aired live on television. Park, who had been nicknamed 'Rain Man' in Japan because it had always rained whenever he put on a big event, also saw rain on the day of his funeral, which broke the hearts of his Japanese fans all the more.

In relation to Park's death, some media outlets reported extensively on a series of suicides that have been committed by Korean celebrities. While most medias including "Sankei Sports" reported that the biggest cause of celebrity suicides was groundless negative comments made by netizens, entertainment portal site Movie Walker said that "In Korean society which values other people's judgement as much as Japan does, the stars are afraid to get criticized over a small scandal and end up falling into depression because they have no one to talk to about their problems." The website pointed out that "in order to solve the issue of increasing celebrity suicides which include actresses Lee Eun-joo in 2005, Jung Da-bin in 2007 and Jang Ja-yeon in 2009, they need to re-think the relationship between stars and their fans."

Meanwhile, the Japanese fans are still paying their tributes to Park Yong-ha. At the request of fans, broadcaster TBS started re-airing the TV series "On Air," which starred Park Yong-ha, on July 6. And it was urgently decided that his most recent film "The Scam" would be played in theaters in memory of the late actor. In addition, a memorial service was held for Park in Japan at the request of fans who were unable to attend the funeral in Korea. On July 18, the Japanese fans held a flower-offering ceremony at Tokyo International Forum, where Park Yong-ha had performed concerts every year since 2005, but they are still not able to let Park Yong-ha go.

Reporter : Im Da-ham (Tokyo correspondent) Editor : Lynn Kim lynn2878@ , Lee Ji-Hye seven@ <&#9426;10Asia All rights reserved> 10Asia

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Post time 23-7-2010 06:58 PM | Show all posts
argghhh.. tengah sedap2 layan MTV asian takeaway ni tetiba dok tayang mv park hyo shin nehh.. terusss sebak bila nengok park yong ha dalam mv ni..

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Post time 1-7-2011 08:23 AM | Show all posts
tweet HJB sal late Park Yongha

Kim Hyung Jun, “Dear YongHa Hyung, I will never forget you in my lifetime”
Source: newsen
Translation: Wonderrrgirl

SS501 Kim Hyung Jun expressed how he missed the late Park Yong Ha on the first year anniversary of his death.

On the morning of 30th June, Kim Hyung Jun left a tweet on his twitter, “Today is the 1st year death anniversary of Yong Ha Hyung, who doted on me and had always been there for me. Even though he cannot be with us now, he is in my heart and I believe he is in many other people’s hearts as well.”

“I love you. Please be happy and watch over me in heaven. I will never forget you in my whole lifetime” expressing his heartfelt regret and pain over the deceased (Park Yong Ha).

Kim Hyung Jun received the news of Park Yong Ha’s death by suicide last year on the 30th of June, and broke down in tears halfway through his radio program. With Park Yong Ha whom he always had a close friendship with, the news of his death at age 33 has been a considerably huge impact.

Meanwhile, Park Yong Ha who passed away on the 30th of June last year, about 1,500 Japanese fans attended the service at 9am today at the City of Paju in Gyeonggi-do. After the service today at the shrine in Gyeonggi-do Yakcheonsa, the memorial proceeded to where his ashes were buried at Budang Memorial Park.

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 Author| Post time 1-7-2011 08:50 AM | Show all posts
hmmm...terlupa lak yesterday adalah 1st anniversary yongha...:cry:

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Post time 1-7-2011 09:06 AM | Show all posts
hmmm...terlupa lak yesterday adalah 1st anniversary yongha...
isabel Post at 1-7-2011 08:50 AM

    a'ah..tibe2 teringat balik...

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Post time 2-7-2011 10:45 AM | Show all posts
oh...yong ha oppa...

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Post time 2-7-2011 10:50 AM | Show all posts
terjumpa clips neh
ada the late PYH dlm short story versi mv neh
twinkystar Post at 17-7-2010 10:51

short story kisah ape yek...await den tak pasan ade klip dorang nie
sore hongki memang merembas tui ler

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Post time 25-8-2013 09:10 PM | Show all posts
isabel posted on 2-7-2010 11:29 AM
hopefully fanatic fans x ada yg pecah msk dan gali kubur dan curi ashes dia mcm apa yg berlaku gan a ...

ada tak thread kematian pasal choi jin sil? kalau ada boleh bagi link?


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Post time 26-8-2013 08:21 AM | Show all posts
azrain98 posted on 25-8-2013 09:10 PM
ada tak thread kematian pasal choi jin sil? kalau ada boleh bagi link?

biasanya kat sini kita tak bkk thread berdasarkan sesuatu peristiwa...
selalunya thread artis... contoh la thread Artis A ni... thread dia dh ada kat bod ni...
sekali dia mati kan... pastu ada plak forumer ni bkk thread dia... Mod kat sini akan merge ....

untuk soalan u ni, sye rasa kalo u rasa nak bkk, terpulang laaaa.. tp kalo setakat nak share je tak perlu nk bkk thread baru,..
share kat thread borak je ... sbb biasanya thread mcm tu dh tak aktif lps bkk ....


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Post time 26-8-2013 05:34 PM | Show all posts
azrain98 posted on 25-8-2013 01:10 PM
ada tak thread kematian pasal choi jin sil? kalau ada boleh bagi link?

choi jin sil?

choi jin sil di kenali sebagai nation's actress. dia memang banyak berlakon dalam filem dan drama. dia bunuh diri pada saat kegemilangan dia, iaitu semua mengagumi lakonan dia.
jin sil telah bunuh diri dia dengan mengantungkan dirinya di tandas dirumahnya dan ibunya yang terjumpa dia(masa tu pukul 6.15 pagi time korea/7.15 malaysia) pada 2 Oktober 2008 pada umur 39 tahun. Kedua anaknya masing-masing berumur 7 tahun (Hwan Hee-lelaki), 5 tahun (Joon Hee-perempuan).

Jin sil end her life dikatakan due to:

ex-husband memang suka physically attack dia, dan pernah ketika dia mengandung Joon Hee ex-husband dia attack. dikatakan juga selepas cerai, jin sil mengalami masalah kemurungan dan selalu under medication.
ada juga mengatakan jin sil bunuh diri kerana kematian Ahn Jae Hwan (Ahn Jae Hwan-seorang pelakon yang cuba berjinak-jinak dalam bidang perniagaan tetapi gagal bunuh diri dengan suffocate kan diri dia dengan asap kereta).
dikatakan juga kerana hubungan baik antara Jinsil dan Jae Hwan, Jinsil telah meminjamkan banyak duit pada Jae Hwan untuk perniagaan which trigger her suicide, orang kata lah.

sebab choi jin sil neh famous maka, trend membunuh diri telah meningkat 70% selepas sebulan dia mati. 700 kes di catatkan dalam satu ketika. dahsyat kan?

just google choi jin sil. banyak pasal dia dia bunuh diri. lepas dia bunuh diri, adik dia pula bunuh diri pada tahun 2010, sebab depress. awal tahun ini, januari 2013, bekas laki dia pulak bunuh diri, bunuh diri kat rumah makwe lak tuh..



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