scorpionkiki posted on 31-10-2012 01:21 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Ini forum ka viva... ka tuan tak tau apa tu viva?
maap laa. aku x hengen belajar peribahase bapok2 ni. xde nilai2 academic ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
unekspekted_XII posted on 31-10-2012 01:37 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
maap laa. aku x hengen belajar peribahase bapok2 ni. xde nilai2 academic
Ha ha ha.... dah mmg agak tuan tak tahu sbb tu suka mendongak langit... muhasabah diri ok...
scorpionkiki posted on 31-10-2012 01:41 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Ha ha ha.... dah mmg agak tuan tak tahu sbb tu suka mendongak langit... muhasabah diri ok...
ape paedahnye pde hidup aku dunia dan akhirat klu aku tau perkataan 'viva' ni.. meh kasitau
unekspekted_XII posted on 31-10-2012 02:18 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
ape paedahnye pde hidup aku dunia dan akhirat klu aku tau perkataan 'viva' ni.. meh kasitau
Kalau dok mengata orang jahil ler, bodoh ler... bajet pandai ...kalau tak tau perkataan viva tu kira sadis sangat ler. Lain kali ingat ler, pandai ker berilmu mcm mana kita ni... tak kemana taraf kita kalau bersifat angkuh. Archeologist bukan duduk depan komputer tp pergi ke tapak... kalau setakat duduk depan komputer tu fikir sendiri ler
Unraveling World's Biggest Mystery!
Photo: Malaysian archaeologists from USM in Visoko
Unraveling the Pyramid of the Sun
By Himanshu Bhatt
July 1st, 2010
A team of Malaysian archaeologists has been asked to undertake fresh excavations at the ancient "Pyramid of the Sun" in Bosnia, believed to be the largest man-made pyramid in the world.
The team from USM’s Centre for Global Archaeological Research (CGAR) recently returned after conducting a preliminary survey of the gigantic 220 meters high structure, which resembles a triangular symmetrical mountain overlooking the Visoko valley.
CGAR director, Assoc Prof Dr Mokhtar Saidin, described the pyramid, known for its awesome size and geometric shape, as one of the world’s biggest mysteries.
“The Bosnian authorities have asked us to provide our expertise and training in excavation to help determine further the exact nature of the place,” he said today.
The centre is now preparing three more excursions to the site, known as Visocica Hill, beginning July 7th, July 31st and Sept 19th respectively. The excavation project at the foot of the pyramid’s northern side is being led by CGAR associate professor Dr Stephen Chia, and will involve CGAR staff and archaeology students of USM.
The team’s main work consists of measuring, recording, drawing and labelling the area. They will also prepare a 3-dimensional reconstruction of the section of the pyramid and publish a scientific paper.
Photo: Prehistoric discovery: Dr. Mokhtar Saidin holding up a hand-axe which was dated about 1.8 million years old over a boulder embedded with suevite layers (Penang 2009)
Meanwhile, CGAR archaeologists recently also uncovered a new site related to the Bujang Valley historical area in Kedah, which features ancient furnaces once used for smelting of iron. The exact age of the new site, located in Jeniang, Kedah, about 30 Km away from the main archaeological centre in Sungai Batu, is still being ascertained, Mokhtar said.
“The seven furnaces, equipped with nozzles for flames, in this area indicate that the Bujang valley civilisation was spread over a much larger area than previously believed,” he said.
New estimates now show that the settlement, whose earliest record dates back to about 1,900 years ago, covered an area of about 1,000 sq km, mostly around the Gunung Jerai mountain, and not just 400 sq km as previously believed.
“Villagers near the Jeniang site have told us that they have seen some other similar structures, and so we hope to expand our discoveries in this area,” he said.
Bujang Valley was one of several Indianised kingdoms in Southeast Asia, and existed long before neighbouring empires such as Majapahit (1200 AD) and Sri Vijaya (700 AD). Its disappearance remains a mystery till today.
Last edited by scorpionkiki on 31-10-2012 02:49 PM
or ade kolam ambik air sembayang kt kuil tu??
nmpk sgt uneks x penah pi situ...
kat ctu x perlukan kolam kalu nak amik ayaq sembahyang...
terjun jaa dalam sungai...ada ayaq terjun tang tuu...tapi, ayaq dah x banyak...takat nak berendam smpi kecut tu bleh aihh...
RatuJuwita posted on 31-10-2012 03:47 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
nmpk sgt uneks x penah pi situ...
kat ctu x perlukan kolam kalu nak amik ayaq sembahyang...
te ...
Dia tu gebang je lebih... ntah2 x pernah jejak kuar dari johor tu pun..
tu yang sembang konon2 mcm dia tahu segala citer... tu lah, org yang bodoh sombong ni selalu rugi... |
scorpionkiki posted on 31-10-2012 02:25 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Kalau dok mengata orang jahil ler, bodoh ler... bajet pandai ...kalau tak tau perkataan viva tu ki ...
Hahahaha.. klu tau perkataan 'viva' boleh menentukan kejayaan hidup ko ker?? ![](static/image/smiley/default/3doh.gif)
scorpionkiki posted on 31-10-2012 02:47 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Unraveling World's Biggest Mystery!
Photo: Malaysian archaeologists from USM in Visoko The team’s main work consists of measuring, recording, drawing and labelling the area. They will also prepare a 3-dimensional reconstruction of the section of the pyramid and publish a scientific paper
Laaaaaa.... hahahahahaaaa
unekspekted_XII posted on 31-10-2012 05:16 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Hahahaha.. klu tau perkataan 'viva' boleh menentukan kejayaan hidup ko ker??
Selalunya orang yang pernah menghadapi viva tak sombong dan bongkak. Just nak make a clarification tentang tuan saja and how your mind works.
scorpionkiki posted on 31-10-2012 05:22 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Selalunya orang yang pernah menghadapi viva tak sombong dan bongkak. Just nak make a clarification ...
lantak laa ko nak ckap ape... aku tetap cakap = orang yg sangka candi tu mesjid memang BODO..
and.. orang2 bodo ni kalau sentap.. cakap jee laa ape korang nak.. dah tebuktu korang memang bodo.. pegi mati laa dorang.. x mendatangkan mudarat pade aku pun ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
unekspekted_XII posted on 31-10-2012 05:30 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
lantak laa ko nak ckap ape... aku tetap cakap = orang yg sangka candi tu mesjid memang BODO..
a ...
Kalau hidup ni tak pernah merasai keajaiban mungkin akan kata mcm tu... untuk terus mencapai kemajuan kita kena berfikiran terbuka. Ilmu kita ni sedikit saja.... satu titisan air laut pun tak cukup kalau dibanding dengan lautan. Jangan sempitkan fikiran, keluar dari kepompong jumud dan angkuh insyaallah kita akan nampak dunia luas terbentang
scorpionkiki posted on 31-10-2012 05:36 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Kalau hidup ni tak pernah merasai keajaiban mungkin akan kata mcm tu... untuk terus mencapai kemaj ...
'keajaiban' hanye utk yahudi dan nasara. Islam x ajar pun umatnye beriktikafkan 'keajaiban'. ko je memandai
aku ulang lagi sekali :
orang yg sangka candi tu mesjid memang BODO..
Hahahahahahaaaa ![](static/image/smiley/default/pompom.gif) |
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unekspekted_XII posted on 31-10-2012 05:41 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
'keajaiban' hanye utk yahudi dan nasara. Islam x ajar pun umatnye beriktikafkan 'keajaiban'. ko j ...
I nak suggest Tuan banyaklah membaca kisah nabi nabi dan sahabat. Banyakkan ilmu pengetahuan agama ... tanamkan pemikiran aku hamba yang lemah., banyaklah berdoa ... berikanlah petunjuk kepadaku dan sekirannya dengan kejaiban dapat membantu meningkatkan keyakinanku pada kekuasaanMu, makan tunjukkanlah keajaiban itu.
unekspekted_XII posted on 31-10-2012 05:42 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
aku ulang lagi sekali :
orang yg sangka candi tu mesjid memang BODO..
orang Melayu cakap masa kecik2 jangan makan kepala ikan...
Tau la dulu masa engko kecik2 hidup susah kat pelda..makan kepale ikan je..kan dah benak sampai ke tue
Last edited by nobito on 31-10-2012 10:06 PM
nobito posted on 31-10-2012 08:35 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
orang Melayu cakap masa kecik2 jangan makan kepala ikan...
Tau la dulu masa engko kecik2 hidup ...
mesjid bugis jee kot yg mengadap TUrkmenistan ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif)
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