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Author: iansuryani


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Gadis_Venus This user has been deleted
Post time 27-4-2006 04:37 PM | Show all posts
Shilpa Shetty gets 'caged' against animal acts in circus

When you plan to watch a circus next time with animal acts, think of the cruelty and ill-treatment meted out to the animals who cannot even voice their agony!

This is the message, which film actor Shilpa Shetty is trying to convey through her portrait of - crouching sadly in a tiger-stripped outfit in a cage in an advertisement titled 'Beaten, lonely and abused -boycott the circus'.

The advertisement has been produced by the People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) in remembrance of an incident, in which 21 animals including sea lions, dogs and cats belonging to a Russian circus were burnt alive here last year.

"By no means was I comfortable during the shoot, crouched in that small cage," Shilpa said while reflecting the plight of animals who are caged and released only for a few minutes to be forced to perform tricks in the circus ring.

"The best way to help animals suffering in circuses is to boycott these events," she added.

PETA chief functionary Anuradha Sawhney said the advertisement is to raise a concern among people who rejoice animal tricks in the circus, while being unaware of the ill-treatments they have to face to bring a smile on the face of audience.

Animals do not naturally ride bicycles, stand on their heads or jump through rings of fire, but they are forced to do so, she said and added that despite bearing all the abuses, their basic needs of clean water, food and proper veterinary care are also not taken care of in circuses.

Ms Sawhney said use of animals for entertainment has already been restricted or banned in Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, Denmark and England. "Several local Governments in the US have also banned exotic animal acts, and if these places can move towards animal free circuses, then what can't India," she remarked.


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Gadis_Venus This user has been deleted
Post time 27-4-2006 04:49 PM | Show all posts
Why Shilpa Shetty wants ban on sari

Her reel life may be on a downswing, but in real life, actress Shilpa Shetty is making news as an angry young woman.

Shilpa, who has been issued a non-bailable warrant by a Chennai court for 'posing in an obscene manner' in photographs published in a Tamil evening newspaper, Tamil Marasu, has reacted furiously to the controversy, saying that the traditional sari should be banned if navel-showing is considered an obscenity.

The Bollywood star and the editor of the eveninger have been issued non-bailable warrants in the case.

Judicial magistrate Seetharaman had ordered them to appear on March 10 after T Dhakshinamoorthy, an advocate, filed a petition in this regard. On their absence, the court had issued several summons to the actress.

The summons was even published in newspapers in Hindi and English. But the duo did not appear in court, which forced the court to issue non-bailable warrants against the two.

The petitioner had alleged that the photos were violation of Indecent Representation of Women (prohibition) Act and Young Persons Harmful Publications Act and IPC Section 292 (sale of obscene books).

Apart from 'misleading the youth, the pictures would also increase violence against women', the petitioner contended.

Shilpa says there are more important and crucial issues that need to be tackled instead of these petty things. "Such issues certainly don't deserve headlines. And frankly, I haven't received any summons from the court. Even if something like this happens, I have full faith in our judiciary," she added.

Shilpa claims she hasn't posed for the pictures in question and that they were some stills from a Kannada film that she had done.

"It's a democratic country. What I do is my concern as long as I know where to draw the line and not offend anybody," she said.

"As far as my photographs go, what is obscene about it? If navel-showing is obscenity, then our traditional Indian outfit - the traditional sari - too should be banned."

The photograph for which the obscenity case has been slapped shows Shilpa in a freeze-frame shot from her recent superhit Kannada film 慉uto Shankar

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Gadis_Venus This user has been deleted
Post time 27-4-2006 04:58 PM | Show all posts
Suniel impressed with Payal's desi avatar

It seems Suniel Shetty is a typical Indian male who loves to see his women in saris or salwar-kameez.

Recently, screen scorcher Payal Rohatgi did a photo shoot in Indian clothes and jewellery and the result was so incredible that Suniel was at a loss for words.

All he could say to the director was that he was amazed to see Payal like this. "She is looking so pretty that one cannot recognise her," said Suniel.

During the shooting of Sangeet Sivam's Apna Sapna Money Money there is a long sequence where Suniel is shooting with Payal's photographs.

Sunil Shetty

[ Last edited by  Gadis_Venus at 28-4-2006 11:03 PM ]

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Post time 27-4-2006 05:43 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Chad at 27-4-2006 04:16 PM

yang pernah tawin tu kakak dia LINDA RAFAR

diana nie adik

ooo LINDA RAFAR yg skit hari heboh dgn si EDRY (kru) tu.....

chad, hang ni buat aries keliru tengok avatar hang tu....serupa dgn si ai

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puteri81 This user has been deleted
Post time 27-4-2006 09:15 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by iansuryani at 26-4-2006 07:36 PM

Sekiranya selama ini pelakon terkemuka dari seberang, Zamarul Hisham, sekadar memerhatikan dari jauh kemelut yang melanda kekasihnya, Diana Rafar, dan Mawi, kini Zamarul akhirnya  ...

mawi & diana??? oh mygod...

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Post time 28-4-2006 08:54 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by gadis_aries at 27-4-2006 05:43 PM

ooo LINDA RAFAR yg skit hari heboh dgn si EDRY (kru) tu.....

chad, hang ni buat aries keliru tengok avatar hang tu....serupa dgn si ai

saje je sakat dia kat umah sebelah :bgrin:

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Post time 28-4-2006 09:02 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by iansuryani at 26-4-2006 07:36 PM

Sekiranya selama ini pelakon terkemuka dari seberang, Zamarul Hisham, sekadar memerhatikan dari jauh kemelut yang melanda kekasihnya, Diana Rafar, dan Mawi, kini Zamarul akhirnya  ...

Si Zamarul ni pun....diorang matair dah lama, si Zamarul ni pun duda...kalau takut sangat si Diana kena kebas, kawin aje la....

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Post time 28-4-2006 09:03 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 27-4-2006 02:42 PM

dia kat HMV sana tu kan yang ada old shop houses...

Yang pat HMV sekolah Chatsworth....

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 Author| Post time 28-4-2006 10:21 AM | Show all posts
Tragedi banjir semarak kasih Kak Engku

Oleh Nor Akmar Samudin
[email protected]

Raja Azura kian hargai kehadiran tiga cahaya mata selepas rumah dilanda bah

TIGA kali melahirkan cahaya mata terasa nyawa bagaikan di hujung tanduk. Ini membuatkan Raja Azura Tengku Ahmad Tajuddin (Raja Azura), 34, amat menginsafi betapa anak adalah harta kurniaan Allah yang paling berharga di dunia ini.

Tragedi banjir kilat melanda Shah Alam, Selangor, seterusnya merebak ke rumah ibunya, di Taman TTDI Jaya, baru-baru ini, membuatkan pelakon dan pengacara terkenal itu kian menghargai kehadiran ketiga-tiga permata

hatinya, Megat Muhammad Raziq, 4, Megat Luqman Hakim, 3 dan Puteri Mia Maizura, 4 bulan.

Ketika kejadian Raja Azura sibuk membuat persiapan mengacarakan Anugerah Bintang Popular-Berita Harian 2005 (ABP-BH2005) di Arena of Stars, Genting Highland. Suaminya, Azmin Osman Aroff menghantarnya ke pusat peranginan itu tetapi Raja Azura minta Azmin balik kerana kasihankan anak yang tinggal di rumah nenek mereka.

揟iba-tiba pada sebelah petang, Azmin telefon saya memberitahu rumah emak dilanda banjir besar. Azmin dan tiga anak saya terpaksa duduk di atas bumbung kereta sementara menanti bantuan datang.

揃imbang tidak terkira sehingga saya berdoa kepada Allah SWT, ambillah harta benda lain tetapi selamatkanlah anak-anak dan suami saya.

揝ebaik saja mereka diselamatkan, Azmin terus bawa anak-anak ke Genting Highlands sehelai sepinggang. Sepanjang saya mengacarakan ABP-BH2005, mereka tinggal di bilik hotel.

揃agaimanapun sebelum saya dapat berjumpa mereka, saya menangis sepuas hati kerana terlalu risaukan keselamatan mereka,

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 Author| Post time 28-4-2006 10:22 AM | Show all posts
Air mata Ziana buat SitiOleh Hartati Hassan Basri
[email protected]

PELBAGAI halangan dan rintangan dilalui penyanyi Ziana Zain sepanjang pembabitannya dalam dunia seni, menjadikan dirinya begitu sensitif apabila mengenangkan jalan yang sama turut dilalui rakan artis lain.

Itulah dialami Ziana apabila tidak dapat menahan sebak ketika menyaksikan persembahan Siti Nurhaliza sempena Minggu Setiausaha di Pusat Konvensyen Sime Darby, Bukit Kiara, baru-baru ini. Dalam persembahan hari kedua Siti itu, Ziana dan Siti mengejutkan penonton apabila tidak dapat menahan sebak.

Ziana juga tidak dapat mengingati lirik lagu popularnya, Kemelut Di Muara Kasih ketika Siti mengajaknya berduet ketika turun pentas menemuinya.

Katanya, dia teringat ketika mula-mula melihat Siti menyanyi di Juara Lagu bersamanya pada 1996 dan kini Siti terus bertahan menjadi penyanyi popular tanah air.

揗asa itu dia masih muda, baru 17 tahun. Kini dia sudah besar panjang. Saya juga menganggap Siti seperti adik sendiri. Tiba-tiba saya terkenang pahit manis yang saya lalui sepanjang menjadi penyanyi.

揗emang banyak halangan dan rintangan yang saya lalui. Begitu juga susah senang sepanjang menjadi penyanyi. Apabila melihat Siti menyanyi, saya dapat rasakan rintangan yang sama dilalui Siti.

揇i hadapan orang, tersenyum dan gembira tapi dalam hati hanya diri sendiri yang tahu. Insan seni juga banyak memendam rasa. Lebih-lebih lagi apabila berhadapan dengan gosip. Puas kita memberi penjelasan mengatakan tidak tapi orang tetap mengatakan ya.

揂pa yang mampu dilakukan tentunya menangis seorang diri melepaskan tekanan perasaan. Kita perlu tabah. Itulah sebabnya saya sebak tiba-tiba apabila Siti turun pentas datang kepada saya,

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Gadis_Venus This user has been deleted
Post time 28-4-2006 02:23 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 27-4-2006 03:58 PM

jambu jambu betul


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matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Post time 28-4-2006 02:24 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Gadis_Venus at 28-4-2006 02:23 PM

habis markah abang mat puasa hari ni.....

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Gadis_Venus This user has been deleted
Post time 28-4-2006 02:29 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 28-4-2006 02:24 PM

habis markah abang mat puasa hari ni.....


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matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Post time 28-4-2006 02:44 PM | Show all posts
indian actress ni sweet sweet......diabetik i di buat nya...

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 Author| Post time 29-4-2006 12:12 PM | Show all posts
PUTRAJAYA - Penyanyi dan pelakon Erra Fazira enggan mengulas laporan mengenai kemesraannya dengan suami, anggota kumpulan KRU, Yusry Abdul Halim, ketika menghadiri Fiesta Media Idola (FMI) di Kuantan, baru-baru ini.

'Tiada apa yang hendak saya katakan lagi mengenai hubungan saya dengan Yusry,' kata Erra mengenai laporan itu.

Katanya, apa yang dilihat itu tidak perlu disensasikan atau dibuat kesimpulan bahawa beliau dan Yusry sudah menemui jalan penyelesaian terhadap masalah rumah tangga mereka.

'Sejak dulu lagi saya katakan hubungan saya dan Yusry tetap baik. Kami tiada masalah apabila bertemu dan juga sering berhubung melalui telefon.

'Tiada apa yang perlu saya katakan mengenai apa yang anda lihat antara saya dengan Yusry,' katanya ketika ditemui selepas menjayakan persembahan sempena Minggu Setiausaha di Hotel Marriott, di sini, kelmarin.

Dalam laporan media tempatan, Erra dikatakan memberi sokongan ketika Yusry mengambil bahagian dalam acara padang.

Mereka begitu mesra apabila Erra mengelap peluh di dahi Yusry.

Erra berkata beliau mengambil keputusan tidak mahu membuat kenyataan mengenai kisah peribadinya untuk mengelakkan terus disalah anggap oleh peminat dan keluarga.

'Saya sudah banyak memberi kerjasama dengan media tetapi apa yang saya dapat ialah maklum balas negatif daripada peminat dan keluarga.

'Saya rasa jalan terbaik ialah tidak lagi memberi apa-apa kenyataan. Biarlah saya tumpukan kepada kerja. Saya tidak mahu keluarga saya melatah setiap kali membaca cerita dalam akhbar. Saya masih mampu menerimanya tetapi saya juga perlu berhadapan dengan keluarga,' katanya. - Harian Metro.

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Gadis_Venus This user has been deleted
Post time 29-4-2006 01:11 PM | Show all posts
揗y absence in promos is intentional,

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Gadis_Venus This user has been deleted
Post time 29-4-2006 01:18 PM | Show all posts
揃ips has a great body,

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Gadis_Venus This user has been deleted
Post time 29-4-2006 01:24 PM | Show all posts
John Abraham turned down 慗hoom Barabar Jhoom

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Gadis_Venus This user has been deleted
Post time 29-4-2006 01:41 PM | Show all posts
揝hahid is every woman抯 dream man,

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Gadis_Venus This user has been deleted
Post time 29-4-2006 01:45 PM | Show all posts
揑n 慘rrish

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