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Author: Sephiroth

Sephiroth's Little Corner ... 3rd one.

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 Author| Post time 28-12-2005 10:16 AM | Show all posts
Just mumbling on my own here.

I was wondering about something for some time now. The question was - Why some people don't seems to have faith? I got this question after a few discussion with a forumer in Religion session and I think I got the answer why some people have no faith even so they have religion and follow it.

Cause and Effect

People who follow Religion but has no Faith in their hearts are actually people who study the Effect of Events

People who have faith (but not necessary follow any religion strictly) are those who study the Cause of Events.

Effect of Events are something people see, feel, hear and sense with this sensors. If I go to a person and push him from the back, another person who see the person falling will say I have pushed the person thus he is fallen. Therefore, the Effect of my action is what is known.

For people such as this, he or she will not be bothered about my intentions to push, cause for me to push, the seriousness of the fall and such. He looks at the Effect of the Fall, makes some logical deduction on why a person had fallen and leave it as that.

And in the future events where another person falls, he or she will automatically assign the event he had witnessed before as possible cause for the other person to fall. Thus, he views the World based on what he knows and accepts and any other explainations which doesn't suit his experience and acceptance is viewed as wrong or unacceptable.

A person who studies Cause of the Events are people who look at an event (like me pushing someone down) and knows that the Cause of the fall is not my actions alone - it is also because the person didn't balance himself properly to the point that my force had overcome his. Other possible Cause could be that he was preoccupied by some thoughts to the point that he didn't sense me coming from the back or take proper countermeasures.

Overall, such person who studied Cause of Events will deduct things not based on what they have seen with their sensors but also looks for other possible Cause for the Events to occur. And in the future, they could know what will happen based on possible existence of proper conditions which can generate the same Event again.

So, making long statements short - People who study Effects only knows why something happens based on their experience and do not know WHY it happens in the first place or whether it will repeat itself. People who study Cause of Events will know why it happens and also knows that if the conditions are right, the same events will occur again.

My guess is, I'm someone who studies Cause of Events, which is why I have faith in God as Cause of All. :hmm:

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Post time 28-12-2005 10:36 AM | Show all posts

Im trying to study now.  I got PTK exam tomorrow.  Just peeping at the forum he he he

Then I will be at my new house until Sunday.  Still no phone line there.

Dont worry... just say anything u want here,  I will reply later.. he he he he

c ya... take care

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 Author| Post time 28-12-2005 11:33 AM | Show all posts
Lang Loi (Pretty Girl in Chinese) ... I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to myself.

I thought you were still sick or something.

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Post time 30-12-2005 12:07 PM | Show all posts
Im in a cyber cafe now...  waiting for my car thats being service.

I will be somewhere in KL in the New Year night.  

Happy New Year to all forumners here.....

Good luck n Take care

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Post time 6-1-2006 10:03 AM | Show all posts
Sephiroth dear, :bodek:

Dont u want to think again about being my co-moderator here?:ting:

U can see that Im quite busy nowaday.  Its not about being online but my mood to post anything.:ting:

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 Author| Post time 6-1-2006 10:34 AM | Show all posts
by fleurzsa

Dont u want to think again about being my co-moderator here?

Macam ajak saya berkahwin je. :cak:

Co-moderator means what? What I suppose to do?
Besides, I think we go by the usual practise. I handle all the updates and answering questions (of forumers) and if there's legal problems (which usually don't), you handle that part.

U can see that Im quite busy nowaday.  Its not about being online but my mood to post anything.

Well, just come online whenever you want. No one forcing you, right?

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Post time 6-1-2006 10:44 AM | Show all posts
Haiyaaaaaaa tak ada bakat nak memujuk...:stp:

I take back all my words... .:kant:

So life goes on....:gantuk:

I want to go to the university... c ya around

Take care

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 Author| Post time 6-1-2006 10:57 AM | Show all posts
Something is wrong with Fleurza ... :stp:
Anyway, take a rest.

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 Author| Post time 11-1-2006 11:33 AM | Show all posts
Just mumbling to myself again ...

Where did Life's Simplity went to?

Is it just me or do anyone else seems to think that the World just go too complicated for its own good? :stp:

Take clothes for example - I'm quite happy to wear anything which covers my body - quite loose and comfy, don't bother much about stylish. Both many people nowadays wear clothes which is too revealing (their private parts) all in name of Style and Modernization. Many girls willing to glare at you to death if they suspect you looking at them in the wrong way.

Have they forgotten that clothes are to cover their modesty and to provide comfort? :stp:

Cars - mine is a simple Kancil (only one I can afford anyway) and I'm quite happy with the flexibility of it. But I have seen many kids nowadays drive around in Mercedes, BMW and even sports cars which their daddy buys (but they parade around like it was their money).

Have they forgotten that purpose of creating vehicles is to take you to a place faster? For many of them, only place they seems to go faster was Death's front door. :kant:

Then we have credit cards and jewerly - been dazzled around by kids while their parents pay for them with their blood and sweat. And many parents lost sleep, wondering if their children going to come home save with all those jewerlies.

Even among grown-ups, we clearly see some attitude problems. Many parents who goes to Colleges expect instant education for their children, as if their money can buy education for their children. Many children abuse and insult teachers, stating that they are paying the salary (Yes, you pay salary, but you still cannot buy education or wisdom).

So where is the simplity in today's lives? I don't see it and if one choose to live a simple life, one get laughed at for being outdated, unstylished and poor.

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Post time 12-1-2006 10:01 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 28-12-2005 10:16 AM
Just mumbling on my own here.
I was wondering about something for some time now. The question was - Why some people don't seems to have faith? I got this question after a few discussion with  ...

Hmmmm... sebab dan akibat..

Org Islam berpendapat yg dimaksudkan dgn ketetapan Allah yg azali (takdir) itu ialah segala sifat dan tabiat yg menjadi sebab berlakunya satu2 perkara.  Dr sebab2 itu lahirnya akibat atau kejadian benda.

Adapun sebab2 berlakunya sesuatu itu adalah tetap dan tak mungkin berubah pd bila2 masa pun.  Ia merupakan peraturan tetap bg alam.

Peraturan ini dikatakan Qadar.  Kemudian segala sesuatu yg berlaku sbg hasil dr perkaitan satu sebab dgn yg lain itu dikatakan Qadha atau perlaksanaan di atas peraturan yg tlh ditetapkan.


Seorg manusia boleh jatuh apabila ditolak dgn kuat, tetapi jika manusia ditampar atau dicubit tentu sekali dia tidak akan jatuh, krn perkara itu tidak ada daya menjatuhkan atau sebab yg menggerakkan manusia itu jatuh.

Beriman kpd Qadha dan Qadar ialah mempercayai bhw Allah tlh mengadakan peraturan sebab dan akibat (cause & effect) bg sesuatu benda dan segala yg berlaku itu adalah hasil dr pertemuan atau persentuhan sebab dgn sebab lain yg melahirkan Qadha Allah samada berhasil atau tidak, yg mana sekaliannya itu dikatakan Qadha.

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 Author| Post time 12-1-2006 10:18 AM | Show all posts
by Fluerza

Dah habis pindah rumah?

Seorg manusia boleh jatuh apabila ditolak dgn kuat, tetapi jika manusia ditampar atau dicubit tentu sekali dia tidak akan jatuh, krn perkara itu tidak ada daya menjatuhkan atau sebab yg menggerakkan manusia itu jatuh.

Saya rasa ianya bergantung kpd orang dan cara2 ianya ditampar dan dicubit. Kalau ditampar dgn kuat dgn secara terkejut (tanpa persediaan awal oleh si mangsa) adakalanya si mangsa boleh terjatuh juga. Kalau dicubit di tempat2 senstif dan berdekatan dgn tempat tinggi, maka si mangsa boleh tergelincir dan terjatuh juga. Jadi sesuatu akibat mungkin bergantung kpd niat dan keadaan sesuatu kejadian.

Beriman kpd Qadha dan Qadar ialah mempercayai bhw Allah tlh mengadakan peraturan sebab dan akibat (cause & effect) bg sesuatu benda dan segala yg berlaku itu adalah hasil dr pertemuan atau persentuhan sebab dgn sebab lain yg melahirkan Qadha Allah samada berhasil atau tidak, yg mana sekaliannya itu dikatakan Qadha.

Yakah? Jadi apasal banyak juga Muslims saya tengok sekarang tak percayakan sesuatu kejadian (baik atau buruk) berlaku kerana Cause dan Effect? :stp:

Bagi saya, Peraturan sesuatu kejadian itu mungkin tetap (contohnya Hukum Alam dan Physics) tetapi Sebab sesuatu kejadian berlaku dan akibat perbuatan tersebut tidak tetap dan sentiasa berubah2.

Saya rasa Tuhan bukan jenis ide (terpegun dan tidak menpengaruhi keadaan). Tetapi saya tengok banyak (tak kira agama apalah) juga yg berpendapat seolah2 Tuhan adalah pegun. Bila kata sesuatu kejadian berlaku kerana dosa diri sendiri (sebab) yg menyebabkan kemungkaran Tuhan (akibat), maka mereka cepat2 kata - Tidak, itu kerana cuaca tak betul lah, orang tak betul lah, kerajaan tak betul lah, El Nino kepala otak mereka lah dll.

Banyak yg berikan alasan dan tak mengaku Sebab berlakunya sesuatu kejadian buruk ke atas mereka adalah kerana diri mereka sendiri. Yg hairannya, orang2 macam ini juga tak masin mulut berbincang, berdebat dan berceramah tentang Tuhan mereka kpd orang lain. :hmm:

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Post time 12-1-2006 10:20 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 11-1-2006 11:33 AM
Just mumbling to myself again ...
Where did Life's Simplity went to?
Is it just me or do anyone else seems to think that the World just go too complicated for its own good? :stp:

Sayang anak tangan2kan, sayang isteri tinggal2kan.... peribahasa ini ada benarnya..

I rasa kebanyakan ibu bapa mencurahkan segala kemewahan kpd anak2 krn ia memberi kepuasan kpd mereka.  

Mungkin sebelum ini mereka hidup susah maka mereka tidak mahu anak2 hidup susah juga.

Mungkin juga mereka tlh biasa dgn kemewahan maka mereka menganggap anak2 tidak sempurna hidup tanpa kemewahan.

Sebab itu agama dan moral value penting dlm diri manusia.  Kesejahteraan yg sebenar terletak dlm diri manusia itu sendiri. Bagaimana manusia melihat sesuatu secara positif.

Seseorg boleh bahagia tanpa pakaian yg menarik perhatian, kereta mahal, sijil berjela2, wang berguni2 dsb.

He he he he memang benar manusia suka mengejek dan memperlekehkan dgn alasan tidak sesuai, tiada stail, tiada pendidikan dsb.  Mereka tidak sedar bhw akhirnya semua akan masuk ke dlm tanah atau dibakar seorg diri.

I rasa...

Penghalang hidup simple adalah nafsu manusia.  Malangnya setiap manusia dilahirkan bersama nafsu...

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Post time 12-1-2006 10:26 AM | Show all posts
Boleh kata konsep rumah I adalah 'konsep recycle' krn hampir semua perabot yg ada tu adalah barang2 lebihan kaum keluarga.  Beggar cant be a chooser.

Mulanya malu gak nak pasted gambar sebab langsir pinjam dan buku di rak tak bersusun.  

Yg baru hanya lampu2 & sofa bed di ruang tamu khas utk my old dad yg suka berbaring sambil menikmati pemandangan luar tingkap.  My dad tinggi orgnya, so beliau agak selesa di situ.  Actually pemandangan di hadapan rumah agak menarik krn terdpt padang permainan dgn latar belakang bukit bukau.

InsyaAllah I berminat nak wujudkan konsep galeri.  Suasana lapang dan berseni.  Warna pilihan... earth color... coklat & emas/ oren pudar.  


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Post time 12-1-2006 10:39 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 12-1-2006 10:18 AM
by Fluerza
Dah habis pindah rumah?
Seorg manusia boleh jatuh apabila ditolak dgn kuat, tetapi jika manusia ditampar atau dicubit tentu sekali dia tidak akan jatuh, krn perkara itu t ...

Manusia mempunyai kehendak dan kuasa utk memilih sesuatu perbuatan bagi dirinya, walaupun perbuatan itu Allah yg menjadikannya.  Kuasa usaha menjadi tabiat manusia, dgn sebab itu mereka bertanggungjawab dgn di atas amalan mereka dlm sempadan kuasa yg diberikan oleh Allah.

Manusia sendirilah yg menentukan ke arah mana yg mereka kehendaki.  

Walau bagaimana pun tanggungjawab itu tidak terkeluar dr sempadan undang2 Qadha dan Qadar, sebab dan akibat yg tlh ditetapkan oleh Allah sejak azali.

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 Author| Post time 12-1-2006 10:47 AM | Show all posts
by fleurzsa

I rasa kebanyakan ibu bapa mencurahkan segala kemewahan kpd anak2 krn ia memberi kepuasan kpd mereka.  
Mungkin sebelum ini mereka hidup susah maka mereka tidak mahu anak2 hidup susah juga.

Tetapi mereka tak sedar yg sebenarnya, mereka memang menyusahkan si anak.
Kalau si anak menbesar dgn keadaan serba kemewahan, saya rasa bila berlaku keadaan2 buruk nanti, si anak tidak menpunyai kekuatan spiritual utk menahannya.

Bila Ekonomi jatuh pada tahun 1997 dulu, banyak juga yg bunuh diri kerana tak dpt bayar duit hutang sana sini (akibat hidup serba kemewahan). Tetapi saya tengok sekarang, mereka kembali "pampering" anak mereka dgn kemewahan yg sama juga.

Lagipun, banyak juga si ibu bapa yg tidak tahu yg anak2 yg menbesar dgn keadaan serba kemewahan ini ada juga akan menggunakan cara2 yg kurang sesuai utk mengaut keuntungan spt menlacurkan diri, menipu, mengunakan "office politik" dll. :hmm:

Mungkin juga mereka tlh biasa dgn kemewahan maka mereka menganggap anak2 tidak sempurna hidup tanpa kemewahan.

Dlm kehidupan seseorang anak, yg diperlukan oleh si anak itu bukannya kemewahan, tetapi pelajaran yg baik, tubuh badan yg sihat dan kekuatan spiritual - itu je. Yg lain, si anak itu sendiri akan mencarinya dgn sendiri.

I rasa...

Penghalang hidup simple adalah nafsu manusia.  Malangnya setiap manusia dilahirkan bersama nafsu...

Nafsu itu bermacam2 - nafsu terhadap seks (Ahem), wang, harta, pangkat, status, nama dll. Nafsu saya sendiri adalah nafsu amarah - mudah bengang dan terlalu khusyuk dgn kesempurnaan.

Persoalan sekarang bukannya samada kita ada nafsu ke atau tidak, yg jadi persoalannya adalah samada kita sanggup mengaku ada nafsu dan bagaimana kita mengawalnya. Itu jelah kita boleh buat.

Cantik rumah ... malam nanti, saya melayang masuk jenguk (WHAHAHAHAHA). :devil:

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Post time 12-1-2006 10:56 AM | Show all posts
Cantik rumah ... malam nanti, saya melayang masuk jenguk (WHAHAHAHAHA).

Masuk la....  I kat rumah my dad ni.... ha ha ha ha ha

I pergi sana setiap weekend krn ada kelas.... with my dad to accompany me....

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 Author| Post time 12-1-2006 11:05 AM | Show all posts
by fleurzsa

Masuk la....  I kat rumah my dad ni.... ha ha ha ha ha
I pergi sana setiap weekend krn ada kelas.... with my dad to accompany me....

Ceh! Ingat nak buat you rasa gementar.

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 Author| Post time 13-1-2006 10:47 AM | Show all posts
Where did Humbleness (Sifat Rendah Diri) went to?

I grow up thinking that Humbleness is a virtue all people have. Coming from rural areas (I born and lived in Kampung for the first 12 years of my life) and there, I was taught that people, especially young ones like myself should be humble toward elders. Also, I was taught that saying things like "Thank you", "Forgive me", "lease" or even a smile and a bow is a good things to do and a proper manners.

But days ago, I was sitting down for lunch with some colleaques (many of them in the late 40s) and we were having our food. I have not eaten with this people before since my lunch time is different from their but on that day, something turns up which I need to do later so a late lunch is something unavoidable.

Don't know why, but something clicked. I was watching this tis group talking and when waiter comes with food, they give him the money without bothering to turn around, take food without thanking the person who brought it and even casually telling the waiter to do this and that.

When I asked why are the person was behaving as if the waiter was his house servant, the person simply replied - "We pay wat".

Then I notice the similar trend elsewhere. People at the top management looks down on the staff below and orders them to do whatever they like with excuse - "We pay wat". Executives and Boss do the same thing with excuse - "We pay wat" and normal employee who suffers and comes back home to his wife and orders her around with same excuse - "We pay wat".

Is it so hard to be humble? :hmm:

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Post time 13-1-2006 11:19 AM | Show all posts
Cannot think anything now.  Will be going to the university after this...

C ya next week

take care

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 Author| Post time 13-1-2006 11:32 AM | Show all posts
You going to go to Universite with a blank mind? O_o My condosence to your lecturer.

BTW ... how old are you? You seems to be in U forever. :stp:

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