askum..im new here.last week ader tgk..sedey sangat kisah anak laki dier kena liwat......sampai sakit kat belakang...sedey nya...aper nya bapak la... |
Originally posted by habibnas at 3-3-2007 03:59 PM
askum..im new here.last week ader tgk..sedey sangat kisah anak laki dier kena liwat......sampai sakit kat belakang...sedey nya...aper nya bapak la...
ha ah! teh sedih gila masa nengok tu. pastu lagi sedih masa anak dia insist jugak nak jumpa bapak dia walhal bapak dia dah buat mcm tu. mesti tension mak dia. eii.... aku rasa lelaki macam tu patut kena rodok tapi jgn mampus, biar dia sengsara lagi teruk. |
eh 123 dah nak habih ker ek? rindu ler kat sofea jane n yuen. |
123_mum This user has been deleted
Minggu ni adalah ep terakhir untuk season 3 123 =)
First and foremost, sharon nak ucapkan thank you to all the mummies and daddies out there. Yg telah byk2 menolong sharon and krew 123 =) thank you all for your support for this programme.
harap2 in future, boleh work with you all again =))
harap semua terhibur akan rancangan 123 hehehe |
Reply #284 123_mum's post
u r most wellcome  |
Reply #284 123_mum's post
nak ty sket
last season 123 was aired on weekend kalau x silap
tis season, wednesday @ 730pm
waktu tu mmg peak unt working moms
i really hope 4 the upcoming season dutch lady wud consider getting a better time slot so that we could benefit 2gether
Hi..actually I am new here..Semalam my daughter masa segm mami
poko. |
Sharon I ingatkan scene my baby mesti tak elok sebab dia asyik nangis jer anyway tq..waiting the cd |
Originally posted by mama_damia at 15-3-2007 08:12 AM
Hi..actually I am new here..Semalam my daughter masa segm mami
yang Maya Fahida tu ke?
kiutnya baby....gerammm |
Reply #289 slayang's post
yer la tu.. tapi dia takder muka i langsung..copy of my hubby jer  |
Originally posted by mama_damia at 15-3-2007 10:07 AM
yer la tu.. tapi dia takder muka i langsung..copy of my hubby jer
Maya...aku kenai hang...
ntah hang teringat dak lagi kat aku...
aku PM hang... |
123_mum This user has been deleted
Shoot for Gol & Gincu drama =)
Dear mummy and daddy semuer,
Hey apa khabar?? hehe sharon is currently doing Gol & Gincu drama series for season 2. And I'll be needing a pregnant mum. Anybody willing to play this role? hehehe |
123_mum This user has been deleted
Shoot for Gol & Gincu drama =)
Dear mummy and daddy semuer,
Hey apa khabar?? hehe sharon is currently doing Gol & Gincu drama series for season 2. And I'll be needing a pregnant mum. Anybody willing to play this role? hehehe |
123_mum This user has been deleted
hehehe hey nasi ape khabar??
so nice to see u again hehehe |
ha a la sharon lama tak nampak nick...
So saper yang pregnant tu best la....  |
123_mum This user has been deleted
sharon sibuk buat project G&G sekarang hehe now dalam season 2 hehehe
saper yg pregnant dan minat bolehlah PMkan sharon hehe kalo ada kawan2 yang minat boleh intro kat sharo la hehe |
123_mum This user has been deleted
hey guys...sharon nak tau, mana boleh dapatkan prenatal class?? selain daripada hospital?? thankss!! |
Originally posted by 123_mum at 21-6-2007 05:13 PM
Dear mummy and daddy semuer,
Hey apa khabar?? hehe sharon is currently doing Gol & Gincu drama series for season 2. And I'll be needing a pregnant mum. Anybody willing to play this role? hehehe
huwaaaa sharon....i baru jek habis berpantang..
lambat mehhh... |
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