Originally posted by LostSoul at 1-2-2008 09:42 AM ![](http://forum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
i'm not insinuating anything. take a look at your siggy, and take a look at what you wanted to gear this topic to, your examples. simple as that. if you're still oblivious to that fact, well, mea ...
My siggy???? mmmm....look at it as a person with a neutral point of view??????? Condemnation of pp or a mere scenario dat cud happen to me or even to you......????? Now I plead you to re think again...... |
Reply #317 manakautau's post
well i want to know yr point of view as a man, there are not many man in FD or in fact none have commented. also it may share light to me as I sometimes don't understand or know how a man think.
what is dayus in yr point of view?
SF |
Originally posted by LostSoul at 1-2-2008 09:42 AM ![](http://forum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
i'm not insinuating anything. take a look at your siggy, and take a look at what you wanted to gear this topic to, your examples. simple as that. if you're still oblivious to that fact, well, mea ...
Do you have anything to say to post 308 of mine?.....come on HC I am sure we can engage in some intelligent discussion......let us put our emotions aside shall we?......coz you did say that many may not understand the whole secnario within...maybe you want to share here....of others that you may have heard b4......
ok now I am thinking out loud ya about this dayus issue.
does another person's act make u accountable?
in this case in the context of a marriage.
does all the onus be burden on the husband? |
if the wife chooses to do something that is "sinful" or unlawful would the husband be held accountable?
well if a man knows of his wife "wrongdoings" or rather indulge in his wife's whims only make him weak and unable to take action. is this what dayus means? |
Reply #324 manakautau's post
I would say if a man cannot control his wife makes him weak but does he really shoulder and carry the burden of his wife's wrongdoings? do u really believe that? Is not a person old enough to choose his or her own actions I am just thinking as fact of life.
On the other hand, its very easy to play judge ya...u are wrong and u are right, when its better to exercise compassion. to use love and kindness. I always feel that its easy to point fingers at others but its always best to look at one's situation.
anyway its good to ponder on this stuff makes me think of my life and see where it needs more compassion. |
Originally posted by manakautau at 1-2-2008 07:00 AM ![](http://forum4.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
How did I miss this part? Why then wud be the reason/s ? Somi yg lihat isteri melakukan maksiat mengumpat, memaki, mengutuk org didepan matanya sambil berkata....."it's ok kucenta, makilah,kutuklah...kucenta abe kalau maki hamun org memang pandai...""abe syg kucenta, asal jgn lunyai abe serta ungkit2 kisah gf abe yg dolu2 jer sudahlah.." Mungkinkah ini antara sebabnya????? Mungkinkah??????
Atau isteri yg " telah berjaya bentuk somi mengikut telunjuknya,dah terlalu banyak menolong somi dalam banyak hal rumhtangga, jadik aper yg dia lakukan yg somi tak suka sebelum ini pun tak leh somi nak cakap aper pun...takut2 isteri mintak cerai.......sebab selama ini pun hidupnya pun bukannya senang nah ngan sominya itu.... ".....For all the kemungkinan yg Manak dah sebut ini.........mungkinkah ini yg berlaku atau ada sebarang kemungkinan yg lain yg mungkin HC lebih tahu????
Kepada isteri2 yg Manak contoh kan diatas itu " Wahai isteri2??? Tidakkah kamu sayangi suami kamu sehingga tergamak menjatuhkan mertabat mereka sebagai seorang suami kepada kamu??????? Tidakkah kamu kasihani somi2 kamu menanggung dosa akan aper yg kamu lakukan kerna tidak menegur serta memarahi kamu??????? FIKIRKANLAH"
Sekali lagi seperti Manak katakan, contoh yg Manak berikan sekadar kemungkinan sahaja.........Tidak ada kena mengena dgn yg hidup atau yg mati.....Kalau ada pun sekadar kebetulan.......
............MUSTAHILKAH scenario seumpama ini berlaku dikalangan pasangan suami isteri hari ini??????? Kalau ada yg tersirat yg berlaku yg mungkin kita tidak dapat lihat ,then maybe somebody nak kemukakan, jadi yg lain dapat manfaat darinya......
Reply #328 manakautau's post
ok then seems that have made a conclusion about me commenting here. adios then. honestly u are a very confusing person even when u post at BFT. Its like u want people to comment on the post/thread u open but at the same time we have to agree with u and not have our own minds or point of view. I have tried many times to keep an open mind and try to understand yr previoius post/thread but I have now come to a dead end of this discourse.
SF |
Originally posted by SleepyFish at 1-2-2008 10:34 AM ![](http://forum4.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
I would say if a man cannot control his wife makes him weak but does he really shoulder and carry the burden of his wife's wrongdoings? do u really believe that? Is not a person old enough to choose his or her own actions I am just thinking as fact of life.
On the other hand, its very easy to play judge ya...u are wrong and u are right, when its better to exercise compassion. to use love and kindness. I always feel that its easy to point fingers at others but its always best to look at one's situation.
anyway its good to ponder on this stuff makes me think of my life and see where it needs more compassion.
Islam itu sendiri adalah kehidupan and if you are telling me to take life dan agama itu sebagai separate entity, then my answer to you is, I can't. Isteri yg melakukan kemungkaran, suami tahu, tapi suami buat ngok?? suami tak bersalah?????? I rest my case.......
There are more scenarios and facts yg telah di list kan oleh LILY (tahnx again Lily)presented in this thread, than, judgements, accusations and allegations, I guessed....
If dari thread ni you can reached to that realisation, then ALHAMDULILLAH.....manfaat juga yg kamu dapat.
Reply #319 manakautau's post
.. Until u stop being emotional ridden, then the thread would go nowhere. Got nothing more to say 2 u, just that we never know how the person is until he/she is consumed by wrath. Now that i know.. |
The more you go on dwelling abt wat you think of this thread instead of commenting on my points proper, then of course......look at 327 again.....just look at it.......and share if you have anything........
[ Last edited by manakautau at 1-2-2008 11:41 AM ] |
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